Ping An Biography

Chapter 345 Orderly Slaughter

Green smoke lingered in the air, and the two groups of men and horses on the ground finally approached within a hundred steps, just like gunpowder meeting an open flame, the destruction is inevitable, and it is not a situation that the general can control anymore.But at this moment, the former army of the Shenji Battalion stopped, and within a hundred steps began to straighten out their guns.

People saw it right, the sergeants on the opposite side inserted the brackets into the soil one after another, knocked them into the ground with wooden hammers, and then put the large muskets on the brackets.Not long before this, the generals of the Suzaku Army noticed from a distance that the long firearms held by the officers and soldiers seemed rather bulky, and only then did they really see what they were using.The muskets on the opposite side were obviously much larger and heavier than ordinary arquebus guns, so that a group of big men could only be supported by brackets, and could not be fired directly... It seems that the imperial government not only imitated the arquebus guns of the Suzaku Army, but also Creatively create a copycat version that is enlarged by one size.

The sudden appearance of the Suzaku Army's Lieutenant Banner and other middle- and lower-level military officers seemed at a loss. Looking at the posture on the opposite side, muskets were set up so far away, and the thing was indeed bigger, which made them feel that they would be attacked first.Anyway, the matchlock guns of the Suzaku Army are not very useful at a distance of [-] to [-] paces. They can only be used to frighten the mob with their momentum. It will float, and it is not easy to miss any target with a volley; it may not be able to hit that far at all, and it will not be powerful enough to break the armor if it hits.

The generals did not receive the order to retreat from the Chinese army, and they could not retreat according to the rules of the battle. At this time, a general pulled out his saber and shouted: "Forward!" Everyone could only watch helplessly. With the muzzle of the gun, he continued to walk in unison with his chest up and his scalp.

"Boom... Boom..." From time to time, cannons flew over the head, and when they fell to the ground, waves of air were set off. The screams in the crowd reminded people that their lives were in danger at any time.One can imagine the feeling of facing the gun with the greatest pressure and being pointed at by such a black hole. [

Not long after, those black holes suddenly flashed, and a row of white smoke rushed up impatiently.Before the sound could be heard, the hot lead tore through the air, deformed at a rapid speed, and nailed into people's flesh and blood between lightning and flint; There was a sound after the explosion in the chamber.In front of firearms, no one can react so quickly to dodge now, and whether they die or not depends on luck.

Some of the people in the first neat queue fell to the ground one after another, and some were not dead, groaning in fear | screaming in a pool of blood.Those hit by lead are very miserable. You have seen wounded soldiers and captives who were injured by matchlock guns in the army before. Even if they were not fatally injured, few survived; it would be better to die on the battlefield Have a good time, otherwise the tiny lead fragments in the body|flesh are difficult to remove, the medical conditions are limited, and the chance of wound infection is very high. When the time comes, the skin and flesh will fester and die, and the body and mind will be a kind of hopeless torture.Now the generals of the Suzaku Army have also tasted this fear.

The former army did not collapse and retreat, and people continued to walk with a sense of fear, so that the power of the salvo of firearms seemed to be reduced; the actual damage caused by a salvo of arquebus guns from the actual army, although in the long-distance The proportion of casualties to the Suzaku army is not large, but it is much larger than their projectile heavy artillery.During the advance, the soldiers in the back row followed up one after another, filling the vacancy caused by casualties.

On the flank of the team, a horse struggled on the ground, its front hooves kicking the dirt into the air, neighing and still being unable to stand up.There was a person lying on the ground, surrounded by several people shouting: "Master Wang... Commander Wang..." The man who was called Lord Wang lifted his hand from his stomach and saw that his hand was covered with blood.He buried himself in the search, picked up a saber, and handed it to a young general in front of him: "Brothers, listen to the order, and now I will hand over the command of the soldiers and horses at the left post of the third army to the leader of the first brigade, Captain Sun." .”

"My lord... the general obeys!" Captain Sun was hastily knelt down on the ground, taking over the saber with both hands, the hilt was sticky and covered with blood.A middle-aged general next to him hastily shouted: "The first brigade, the Sun team, is now leading the left post. Anyone who disobeys the military order before the battle will be killed!"

The man lying on the ground raised his hand and made a gesture: "Get up, leave him|mother-in-law."

After a while, the Suzaku army had approached seventy or eighty paces; but the officer army on the opposite side had already completed a new round of preparations. Although their large matchlock guns were heavy and heavy, the three-stage shooting tactic allowed the soldiers in the first row to directly attack. I got the loaded weapon from the back, and then readjusted the bracket to complete the preparation.At this time, a whole row of muzzles that could fire at any time faced them...

Similarly, the muskets in the hands of the soldiers of the Suzaku Army were also loaded, and the matchlocks of most of them were also burning, and they could be fired soon.But if they are fired separately like this immediately, the power will be very limited. The performance of the arquebus is there, and it is not easy to hit the target alone... Salvo is the regular tactic of musketeers.With such a small difference in speed, the Suzaku army was still very passive in the second round of confrontation.

Team Sun, the left whistler, was facing such a situation, the muscles on his face were tense, and a single mistake in the battle could mean death.He wanted to seek the opinion of the commander of the left post, but the guns of the officers and soldiers might attack at any time at close range, who could he turn to for help?He had to make immediate decisions and issue military orders on his own.

He decided to let the officers and soldiers shoot another salvo, and exchange the casualties this time for the next opportunity; wait for the officers and soldiers to attack first, and then strike later.So there is no need to issue any orders, and the army is asked to do nothing right now, just passively wait for another round of rain.Such a decision will cause many people to die... But is there another way?

I don't know if such a decision is correct or not. Captain Sun was just a team leader in command of 150 people. Now he has to be responsible for the lives of more than 800 people. He feels powerless and his mind goes blank.If he realized that he was really wrong and hundreds of people died because of it, he felt that the only way to get rid of his guilt was to commit suicide.At this moment, Team Sun is discovering that he is not afraid of dying in battle at all.

"Bang bang bang..." Of course, when the violent gunpowder exploded, more people had already fallen down.

Countless living people instantly turned into corpses on the ground, and blood flowed across the ground, slowly soaking into the soil.Someone is crying out in pain, someone is calling for help.Team Sun was watching the scene with his eyes wide open. The first row of soldiers had at least over [-]% of the casualties.He clenched his fists, and finally quickly realized what he was supposed to do, and immediately ordered: "Bang the drum, prepare for the volley."

A soldier's hands were shaking nearby.With great endurance, the people endured the test of life and death, roughly filled up the queue, and lifted the matchlock guns one after another, forming a long row of guns.The queue is a bit uneven, and the people are not as glamorous as they were before the war. Fireworks, dust and blood make the team dirty|dirty and mottled.

A shining saber was finally raised in mid-air, and a Suzaku square flag with a yellow background and black pattern finally leaned forward.Signal to kill.As soon as the gong sounded, the general hissed loudly: "Let go!"

"Bang bang bang bang..." The firearms roared, and the flames flickered. It was time for the officers and soldiers to bleed.Looking at it from the front, the lead-shaped, countless people fell down without warning, struggling, screaming...

People's ears were buzzing, and their sight was blocked by a large amount of white smoke. "Change!" A loud roar came from a distance, and the soldiers in the first two rows of the Suzaku Army exchanged positions, but it seemed rather chaotic at this time. The situation was not as good as it was in the first battle. Some people who were far away didn't even hear the military order, and saw others changing queues, so they followed suit.

There was only a short time, and the soldiers who changed to the first row were busy checking the burning of the match. If it was not lit or extinguished beforehand, they had to be careful to blow the kindling of the fire pocket and re-ignite it; or let the small flag leader hold the kindling.If the fire kept by the small flag leader is extinguished before the battle due to dereliction of duty, he will be punished with a felony.The soldiers who moved to the third row were busy cleaning the barrel with cleaning rods and completing several steps of loading.There was a sound of rattling and rattling on the battlefield. It was the sound of people poking the barrel of the gun with a cleaning rod. Some of them were new recruits. At this time, it became difficult to complete a series of loading steps, obviously because they had been trained many times. It is difficult to fully display the proficient content in the battlefield... Some people's hands are shaking, and it is even more difficult to load.

The gunpowder smoke faded slightly, and it turned out that the officers and soldiers on the opposite side were also checking the matchlocks, and some were busy knocking on the brackets. It should be that the recoil of the heavy matchlock guns damaged the erected brackets.The two armies are more than 70 steps apart, and they can even see each other's face clearly. It is very humane to watch the other side busy preparing something to kill. It's like watching your enemy sharpen his knife on the whetstone. .The whole process only took a moment, and the generals of the Suzaku Army had already ordered the troops to prepare to shoot, and the soldiers raised their matchlock guns one after another; it was obvious that the action here was faster than that of the officers and soldiers. Although the matchlock guns used by the Suzaku Army were also heavy, they required The bracket is enough to lift it up, which saves a lot of trouble. [

There were a large number of corpses lying in front of the formations of the two armies, with blood flowing, but the killing was not over yet.This time, the Suzaku army was still the first to slaughter.A new round of explosions sounded, and the blood became more intense.

After the deafening volley, the soldiers of the Suzaku Army discovered that the army hadn't collapsed yet.Countless muzzles released terrifying black holes in the blood mist, "bang bang bang"... just after the gunshot, there was a roar of people shouting in the white mist, and countless people rushed to kill suddenly, brandishing knives and guns.

The officers and soldiers had already fired three rounds of salvo, and it was troublesome to reload the big muskets, and due to a large number of downsizing, the reloading method was completed.In the current situation, they seemed to be rushing to fight hand-to-hand.

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