Ping An Biography

Chapter 346 Hard fight

The green smoke on the messy ground could not be cleared for a long time, "Kill, kill..." Amidst the roar, a large group of people rushed towards them with bright blades swaying.Just at 78xs, the fastest update on our website, the soldiers of the Suzaku Army who suffered heavy casualties had reached their psychological endurance limit. Many people in the front row retreated involuntarily, and many soldiers in the back row were unwilling to step forward with loaded gunpowder and lead firearms. The line has begun to mess up.

Team Sun, who had just taken over as the commander of the left post of the Third Army, was waving his saber and shouting, "Change team, change team, prepare to shoot!" The scene became more and more chaotic, and the army was about to lose control due to the massive loss of mid-level and lower-level officers.

Some people are shouting: "The brave win, the weak die, the iron law of the battlefield! Unity and glory..." Rows of muskets fired three rounds in succession. More than half of the officers and soldiers in the front row were killed or injured. Frightening flesh and blood were everywhere, lined up like his mother's condemned prisoners. Who is not afraid of death after decades? Some men can't control their emotions and scream.

"Boom, boom..." The leather drum rang, and the general saw the enemy soldiers charging closer and closer, and shouted an order: "Raise your guns and prepare to shoot!" Some people entered the shooting position one after another. In the noisy crowd, some people did not hear the order Just fired.When the others heard the gunshots, they thought that the military order had been issued, and they also fired "crackling" guns...

The running enemy troops fell down sporadically, but the attack was not blocked. More people behind roared and rushed over. There was no formation to speak of, and a group of people rushed forward with knives and guns. [

The distance was as close as twenty steps, and there were people running away behind, several guards on horseback charged forward, slashing wildly with their knives, some of them died by their own knives.The commander could no longer restrain the army to block the enemy's charge, and the scene was very chaotic.Team Sun is realizing that the left sentinel horse has been defeated, although not completely broken.It's on our network, but he didn't receive the escape order from the Central Army of the Third Army. According to the rules, he should fight to the end.

It is useless for Sun "Commander" to issue any orders now, only despair lingers in his heart, and he does not know what to do.In the end, he felt that he was an officer, and it was his duty to obey military orders. Since Shangfeng didn't give an order to retreat, he should continue to fight. Anyway, both left and right would die.

So he shouted: "Draw your sword, prepare to meet the enemy!" Just a moment after the words fell, the two armies had already engaged in hand-to-hand combat.In an instant, the sound of killing spread, and people fought together, and the most primitive killing erupted, stabbing the living with sharp weapons.

The left whistle team soon lost its organization completely, the formation was broken, and people couldn't help themselves, and they fled backward one after another.There are still a few people who are not afraid of death fighting with short guns, but they are quickly submerged in the chaotic and crazy flow of people.

Iron and blood are intertwined, screams can be heard endlessly, someone is trampling on the ground, begging for mercy loudly, but it is useless, here is like hell on earth, there is no sympathy at all.The rest threw away their helmets and armor, and fled back desperately. The corpses were scattered all over the place, and there was no place free of blood.

Dozens of units away, the third army's mid-post team stood motionless. People watched the miserable situation ahead, and they didn't dare to make a sound, and everyone was silent.

At this moment, I saw two horses galloping over from behind, and one of them shouted: "The command of the third army, if the enemy rushes to the middle post, they can order differential shooting!"

The so-called differential shooting means to kill regardless of the enemy or ourselves.At this moment, there is no such thing as "if". There are already a large number of chaotic soldiers running from the front. Most of the soldiers running in front are the defeated soldiers of the Suzaku army, surrounded by officers and soldiers who are chasing, and there are densely packed officers and soldiers behind. The flow of people is like a flood. Come.

"Get ready!" a voice yelled, and at the same time the drums began to beat.A row of musketeers in our network raised their weapons, and the neat line of guns aimed at the front, waiting for the upcoming order.

When the sound of gunfire in his own camp rang out, Commander Sun, who was caught in the crowd, understood the reality. He stood on tiptoe and looked, only to see a large number of rebels fell in the rain of guns.The blood dripping in the air made it impossible for him to face it again. He took off his helmet and threw it away, grabbed the saber and put it on his neck, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and pulled hard... After a momentary pause, he was knocked down by the soldiers, His body was submerged in counting footsteps.

The sound of the explosion of gunpowder subsided for a while, and the second row of muskets had entered the firing formation.The worst part was the scattered soldiers on the left post, who were chased and hacked behind them, with black muzzles in front of them.Some people were unable to run wearing armor and equipment weighing dozens of kilograms, and bent down to avoid lead, but the crowd was too dense to pretend to be dead and could not escape, and they were soon trampled by several iron shoes.The people on the sides are better, they can break up and run to both sides, avoiding the sandwiched area.

The second round of volleys killed a large number of chaotic officers and soldiers who were chasing after them, but the number of officers and soldiers was large and the depth was great, and the people behind were still roaring and rushing.There are also established teams advancing further behind, and the offensive shows no sign of stalling.Soon there was hand-to-hand combat in front, and hand-to-hand combat began again.The soldiers of the Suzaku Army were equipped with short spears and melee weapons, and the center sentry system was still in place, blocking the attack of the officers and soldiers. The two armies fought each other in a line, and the corpses were piled up in some places.

The area where the battle was fought was not even half the size of the school grounds, but the number of casualties was very large. The blood flowed into rivers on a small piece of land, like a Shura slaughterhouse.

On the high ground of the Central Army of the Third Army, a general reported to Zhang Chengzong that the heavy artillery could be reloaded.The general who ran the army carefully reminded: "Do you want to load the powder?"

The voice of this sentence was very low, but it made everyone around look more serious.The heavy artillery filled with powder means preparing for the last defense on the artillery position; because the powder filled with small stones and iron pellets is only effective at a distance of dozens of steps, it can block the area within dozens of steps in front at one time, Carrying out large-scale destruction is very deterrent to the enemy soldiers who have rushed to the front to meet the enemy.

Doing this means that the artillery array is about to be attacked?Zhang Chengzong rested his left hand on the handle of the waist knife, staring at the battle not far ahead, the two armies were still fighting each other; looking up, the troops in formations were approaching... The attack of the Beijing camp was fierce like Crazy, it's either you die or I die, and this army is quite brave, with an unprecedented ability to withstand casualties.

Zhang Chengzong said in a deep voice: "Fill the gunpowder, block the barrel, and blow up the field gun."

"What... general?" The artillery general was stunned for a moment, thinking for a moment that his ears had misheard.

Zhang Chengzong glared: "Order, blow up the heavy artillery!" [

Only then did the general respond: "The last general has orders!"

After a while of silence, Zhang Chengzong said again: "In battle, those who can't afford to lose will die more miserable, and the consequences will be more serious! As soon as the heavy artillery is blown up, immediately order the soldiers on the right post to discard all their luggage and head northwest Retreat and get closer to the main force of the Yongding Camp. Order the mid-posts who are fighting and the defeated soldiers nearby to disperse and run for their lives, and those who survive will run in the direction of the main force."

Everyone looked depressed, and some people had tears in their eyes.

"Immediately send a fast horse and report to Zhu Butang that the defeat of the third army is a foregone conclusion, and report to Zhu Butang to beware of the threat from the left wing." Zhang Chengzong looked back and said, "I should have committed suicide to apologize to the fallen soldiers in the spirit of heaven, but the timing of death is not here. At that time, it r I will definitely kneel outside His Highness's door, begging for death for today's failure."


"More than half of the third army has lost, and all its supplies have been lost. It has been defeated by the left wing."

These words still echoed in Zhu Heng's mind. In half a day, more than 1000 people may have been lost, and they were all elites from the Yongding Camp. people.

Is it my strategic mistake?Zhu Heng tortured himself in his heart more than once.Nearly half of the soldiers of the Third Army were killed in the frontal battle, and some of them ran away in an organized way. Such a death rate showed that the defeat was definitely not the reason why the soldiers were not brave enough, so it was their fault?

In any case, right now we can neither relinquish military power nor sink into depression, and we need countermeasures.

The failure of the Third Army made Zhu Heng lose the confidence to directly eliminate the Shenji Battalion in the field, and the current situation is still easy to fall into an outflanking situation, resulting in an unfavorable situation of being attacked on both sides.He decided to give up the idea of ​​luring the officers and soldiers out of the city and then defeating the opponent in a field battle. After discussing with the general staff, he ordered the main force to retreat immediately, and return to Ruichang City to stabilize the ground first.

There may still be some surviving routs in the field, Zhu Heng only sent scattered scouts to look for them, trying to bring the routs back as much as possible to reduce the loss of soldiers.

The next day, the main force of the Yongding Battalion moved into Ruichang City, followed by the Probing Shenji Battalion.At this time, some staff members thought that the officers and soldiers were going to approach the city and besiege the city. It is extremely dangerous to be able to defend the isolated city."

However, Wei Bin objected to such a statement. Wei Bin believed that if he could not win the battle at all, he would not be able to fight this battle, and it would be useless to say anything. "If the officers and soldiers dare to approach the city, we will take advantage of the favorable location, form an array against the city, and fight to the death just like we did during the Battle of Gaodu."

Zhu Heng paced around for a while, thinking: Although the first battle is unfavorable, I haven't been scared to the point where I dare not even defend the city.His hesitation was just a psychological effect. After all, he couldn't imagine the consequences of losing the entire Yongding camp.

After a while, he said: "Defend the city on the spot, and wait and see how the officers and troops are mobilized."

Next, Zhu Heng had to write a memorial to King Xiang in Wuchang City about the situation on the battlefield. The letter of defeat...was really uncomfortable to write.

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