It was still raining and the ground was muddy.However, Zhang Fu's Chinese army tent is very comfortable. This tent is built on a bamboo platform a few feet above the ground. The water flowing from the tent directly flows from the cracks in the wood to the ground, and then flows away through the gutter without any trace. Does not affect drying inside.

There were only four people in the tent, the military general Xue Lu, the officer of the Metropolitan Procuratorate Yang Sihai, and a middle-aged man in a tight blue cloth jacket; Zhang Fu was sitting on the stool above, writing something slowly with a brush.

There are some shadows of fire dotted in the dark scenery outside. This place is not like a battlefield, but just a camp for sleeping. The army is dormant in the rainy night.Zhang Fu finally put the pen on the inkstone, put his hand on his chin and stroked his beard, looked outside and listened to the sound of rain for a while, and then he spoke.

"Before using troops against Jiangxi, the old man sent some people into Jiujiang City one after another. The Ministry of War knows about this." Zhang Fu glanced at Yang Sihai. Yang Sihai was not an official of the Ministry of War, but his backer Yang Rong was from the Ministry of War. Shang Shu, "But the most important group of troops right now is not these small workers, who can't do much without weapons; it's a man from the King of Han's troops, his name is Wang Zhiyuan."

Zhang Fu paused and continued to tell the secret, "This person was placed in the Hanwang army a long time ago, ours. But he was not used by the Hanwang before, so it was of no use. Until the court king After the division captured Caishiji (an important ferry near Nanjing), the old man thought that it would be a matter of time before the king of Han was pacified, and Wang Zhiyuan would be useless by then; Entering Huguang from the south of the Yangtze River, Jiujiang City guarding Poyang Lake is a hurdle. The old man ordered Wang Zhiyuan to join the Jiujiang garrison in advance. Unscathed in Jiujiang."

Yang Sihai was a little surprised and said: "So, when the King of Han was still there, the Duke of England already had a son in Jiujiang?"

Zhang Fu nodded slightly calmly.

The few people present all stared at the gray-haired Zhang Fu with awe.He said: "This kind of method is not frank and frank, but there are many signs that there are rebel spies in the imperial court. It is not rude to come and go, and the soldiers are not tired of deceit, so we don't have to be polite to the rebels."

The middle-aged man in black asked respectfully: "Will that Wang Zhiyuan mobilize the people in his hands?"

Zhang Fudao: "This man was born in the general family before, and he 'followed' the Queen of Han to run his own forces. All he can fight under his command are privately raised Ding Yabing. At least he can make good use of his own people." Zhang Fu continued, "Even the ministries in the city don't know about Wang Zhiyuan's existence. Only the senior military officials and the old man know about this person. It's a confidential matter, so we won't contact him until it's time. So you must be prepared this time, and you won't lose it in vain. This team... are you sure that the secret passage in Beicheng has not been discovered?"

The man in black said: "I've used it once since I dug it."

Zhang Fu nodded lightly: "You go into the city with the people who came back last night, so don't send people out to make contact in the future. The city is already under martial law, and the secret posts of the rebels are tightly guarded. If you walk too much at night, you will inevitably run into ghosts."

The man in black said sternly: "I have already sewed poison on my collar and wrapped it in wax. If you bite through half of the stick of incense, you will die for the country. In case of accident, even if you die, you will not confess Wang Zhiyuan , I will repay the grace of the British Lord for saving my life."

Zhang Fu said: "You are not only repaying your kindness, but also repaying your country and saving the lives of countless soldiers! Now that the rebellion of the King of Han has been decided, Jianwen's hypocrites are trapped in a corner to resist, and it will be a matter of time for the Ding Ding to be in chaos. The food and grass will surely be lost countless times in the future hard battles. You have a heavy responsibility, and thousands of lives are on your shoulders, so you must understand."

Yang Sihai said next to him: "If our army can burn the granaries of the rebels, Jiujiang has no grain roads, so we don't have to stand down."

Xue Lu also hurriedly said: "The British government's strategy of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, with foresight and foresight, will surely succeed immediately."

At this time Zhang Fu picked up the handwriting that he had just written, and it was almost dry after hanging it out for a while. There were two lines of small characters written on it: Everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng.He took a bamboo tube, rolled the paper into it by himself, and sealed it with wax.Zhang Fu finished these things unhurriedly, and handed them to the man in black: "I won't write the military order, Wang Zhiyuan knows my handwriting. If you tell him his background again, he will definitely believe your identity." ; Otherwise, his identity would have been exposed and he would have been taken directly, so why send someone to lie to him?"

The man in black responded, "Yes. What else do you want?"

Zhang Fu paced back and forth in front of the table, and said earnestly: "Remember, Wang Zhiyuan is the most critical point, and only you know before you do it! Where is his garrison, you can ask the internal response in the city , ask a few more people, and confuse Wang Zhiyuan in it."


"Go ahead. The one who came back is waiting for you outside the tent." Zhang Fu waved his hand and turned around.He only hoped that he could get his hands on it, and he didn't need to burn all the food and grass, as long as a part of it was burned, it would be enough to shake the hearts of the rebels.


Zhang Ning put on a robe and sat up, turned to look at the window, it was pitch black outside.Xin Wei was completely wet again, and the water flowed from her trousers on the floor, and a puddle of water soon accumulated, she whispered: "Two people crawled in from outside the city last night, and the people in the house in the middle of the night People went out one after another, and went to seven or eight places in a row. Our people have already fixed all the places. But I don’t know how many people are inside, we only have more than 30 people, and we need the order of the prince to let General Li lead the guards Team to get people."

"That's enough." Zhang Ning dressed indiscriminately, and Xin Wei stood still with his body wet.He got up and brought the stove over, and put it next to Xin Wei for her to warm up.Xin Weidao: "Now we only need to wait for the prince to give an order, and then we can catch all the spies!"

Zhang Ning pondered for a moment, then asked, "Do you still remember where the spies contacted?"

Xin Wei thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement.Zhang Ning rummaged on the table for a while, and found a drawing of Jiujiang City drawn by hand, and asked Xin Wei to point it out.

During this process, Zhang Ning also asked about the size and squareness of each place, what houses were used for, and asked very carefully.Fortunately, Xin Wei is very thoughtful about this kind of thing, and can describe most of them clearly.There are places like houses and shops of ordinary people.

"These houses can't hide many people. A group of people live in the house to eat, drink and sleep. The maximum number is less than 100 people." Zhang Ning propped his chin while thinking, "What can a hundred people do in such a big city? Are you going to attack the city gate, or assassinate|kill key people? Or just inquire about information... what information can you inquire about?"

Xin Weidao: "If the guards are transferred away, the lord really has to be careful if someone slips through the net, safety is the most important thing."

Zhang Ning shook his head: "There are thousands of people from the Yongding Camp Third Army stationed next to the governor's yamen." He hesitated to give an order, and after sitting for a long time, he said, "If I were Zhang Fu, I would definitely give priority to burning food and grass at this time. A death in Jiujiang In a city, once the food and grass are burned, the bottom line will be drawn, no matter how strong the fortification is, people have to eat."

He finally raised his head and said decisively: "Order the Ministry of Internal Affairs to spy on you, don't act rashly and continue to watch, if there is any change, report it to me directly."

For the next two days, although Zhang Ning had to take care of the detailed work every day, there was no new progress.He couldn't help worrying about another possibility: if the governor's yamen also had secret operations, would he have noticed something?After all, in the past few days, most of the staff of the Ministry of Defense have gone to the city to hide and monitor, and those who are interested may notice the subtle changes.If the spies get the news, they will definitely try to disperse and hide it, or at least destroy some valuable things.Wouldn't it be a good opportunity for Zhang Ning to sit still and wait?

The rain stopped in the evening, and Zhang Ning participated in a discussion in the lobby. The army planned to send the garrison back into the city to increase troops to the fortifications outside the city tomorrow morning.Another thing, privately, he is also considering closing the net to the secret operations in the city.

He went back to the study and sent someone to pass Li Zhen in to meet him.While waiting, Xin Wei suddenly came back first. She hurried in, bowed her head and whispered in Zhang Ning's ear, "I found that some of the spies entered the first battalion of the Jiujiang Army."

Zhang Ning's complexion changed suddenly, and a thought flashed through his mind: If the Jiujiang army suddenly mutinied in the city, they would be strong enough to burn the granaries or ammunition depots by surprise, and all Zhang Fu's movements would become reasonable and profitable.

How could the Jiujiang Army have anything to do with Zhang Fu?This group of people really has low loyalty, and it is possible if spies wait for the opportunity to contact them to lobby for rebellion; but the government and the army only send people in temporarily to lobby, and it is not known whether it will be successful.For Zhang Fu, the more reliable approach is to have his people in the Jiujiang army... When this army surrendered, the King of Han had just finished, and the officers and soldiers inside were the soldiers and horses of the King of Han before the investigation; if Zhang Fu had a plan, he Preparations must begin while the King of Han is still in power.If this is the case, the planning is too advanced and the layout is too deep, it seems to be impossible.

When the matter came to an end, Zhang Ning didn't have time to find out the ins and outs, and he couldn't guess.He only realized that the crisis was at hand.

"Which battalion is it?" Zhang Ning asked, and immediately remembered that Xin Wei didn't know much about military garrisons, so he changed his words, "Where is it?"

Xin Weidao: "Behind the government office, at the intersection of Dabei Street, the surrounding houses are requisitioned by the military barracks, and there are sentries on the street."

"Wang Zhiyuan's department." Zhang Ning blurted out after thinking about it for a while.He only met this general a few times before and after, and he doesn't remember talking to him. Most of his knowledge comes from the files.

what to do?Zhang Ning limped to his feet, wondering if he would send troops immediately to surround Wang Zhiyuan to death?But what if more than one of him has a different intention, or if the sudden questioning of the teacher provokes the mutiny of the Han King's army, how will it end?

The rain has stopped, and tomorrow the government and army can attack on a large scale.The fortifications outside the city are not impregnable. If there are loopholes inside, or if the officers and soldiers are willing to repeatedly invest in troops, the lethality of the earth-walled musket array is actually very limited.

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