The sky, houses, trees, everything that can be seen from the window seems to be soaked in ink, and gradually covered with a thick and hazy black layer, that ink is the night that comes quietly.Zhang Ning's hands suddenly became flexible. His movements of flipping through the file were quick and accurate. The nib of his hand was smooth and flowing. The stability of his hands made him look not panicked, and his eyes sparkled.

He looked up at the window from time to time, and then kept his head busy, saying intermittently: "I have read an idle book called "A Chinese Ghost Story" before. It tells the story of a scholar, a female ghost and a group of ghosts. There are countless stories in it. Ghosts and ghosts dare not appear during the day, but they will emerge when the sun goes down, so the scholar ran desperately, he wanted to leave the land of right and wrong full of ghosts and monsters before the darkness fell..."

Xin Wei understood the ghosts and ghosts he was talking about, but he didn't understand why he still gossips like this at such a time, let alone what it meant when he raised his head and stared at him for a short time while he was busy.Is he grateful for finding out the traces of "ghosts and monsters" for him?Will there be anything else?

She wanted to know what Zhang Ning was thinking at this time, and curiously stepped forward to look at the things placed in front of him.There is a layout map of Jiujiang City, a roster, and a piece of paper with scrawled handwriting circled by him.There are various names written in the circles, such as Yu Qian, Wang Jian, Zhang Fu, etc., and the names of various armies such as the Third Army, Wang Zhiyuan's Ministry, Xu Chong's Ministry, etc. These circles use complex The lines are connected, and smaller characters are written on the lines.

Xin Wei suddenly felt that what Zhang Ning was thinking at this time must be very complicated. She couldn't understand what he was thinking about, but she could understand that the situation at this time was critical and chaotic.

She felt that she should also be worried. After all, everyone in Jiujiang City was in the same boat at this time. No one would be happy if the battle was lost, including her Xin Wei; but for some reason she was not afraid at all. On the contrary, she felt that Zhang Ning made her heart beat.

All of a sudden, she seemed to have walked through the rough and winding dirt road full of plum blossoms, and saw dilapidated and impoverished villages, half-dead trees with crooked necks, rough walls that were only dirt, and roofs that had rotted and turned black in the rain. thatch.She pushed open the chaimen she was familiar with at home, her parents were still alive, they were as young as she was when she was a child, and her mother was cooking in the kitchen, isn't this what it looked like more than ten years ago?But there is one more person in the family. He is young and vigorous, and he is sitting in the room and burying his head in writing and calculating.Isn't that Zhang Ning?

Xin Wei couldn't help but moved half a step forward, looking carefully at the face in front of him, the surrounding carved windows, painted tables and chairs were gone, but it was in a thatched hut.

She didn't know what the relationship between this man in the family was with her. Was it her brother or her husband?But in my heart, I can feel that he is a very close person, so close to a person who shares the fate of everyone, rich or poor.He has a tall and upright appearance, full of talent and knowledge inside, everyone believes that he is a person who can accomplish things, he is an outstanding person who has the ability to change the current situation of poverty and hunger, and he is working hard... Everything is as it is It was so difficult more than ten years ago, but Xin Wei saw hope. She no longer envied the tall courtyard outside the village, and no longer longed for the colorful world outside. She just wanted to guard this person, and there was no depression in her heart.All her life paths will be rewritten in the future, she will not go to Fengyuechang, nor will she escape to the divine religion...

So of course she wouldn't worry about it, but her heart suddenly became softer, and she became weaker.

"I killed the deserters of the Jiujiang Army outside the city that day..." After a long time, Zhang Ning started talking to her again without thinking.Xin Wei recovered from her hazy imagination, she didn't have to answer some words, but she should listen carefully, after all, this person has a noble status.

"It originated from the Shiyi Killing Order of the ancient Roman Empire. Rome was a once glorious country in the far west. Their army fought against the Spartacus, but they were repeatedly defeated because of cowardice. So the high-level issued this decree, in order to use the elimination system It boosts morale. But I seem to be wrong in imitating Shi Yige's killing order. The problem of Jiujiang Army is not cowardice but loyalty. Will doing so backfire at critical moments?"

Xin Wei didn't answer, she knew that Zhang Ning didn't want her to answer anything.In her opinion, sometimes Zhang Ning talked to her not to discuss or discuss matters, but to help him think, just like writing a lot of circles and words on paper.

She felt that the hearts of each other were still far away, she didn't understand what Zhang Ning was thinking, the complicated circle was like a maze; he also didn't know what he was thinking silently.

The light suddenly brightened, and Zhang Ning put the newly written paper over the candle flame. The paper burned, and the light in the room was bright for a short time.He said: "It's getting late, you should immediately find someone to send an order to tell Yu Qian, Wei Bin, Zhang Chengzong, Wu Liangxiang, and He Cong to discuss matters in the lobby immediately."

Xin Wei remembered that Wang Jian and others had been in touch between the names of Yu Qian and Zhang Fu on the piece of paper just now, so he reminded without thinking: "Does Yu Qian also want to call to discuss matters together?"

"Of course." Zhang Ning said, he paused and said, "What you saw, you must never say a word to others. I let you see it because I trust you completely, understand?"

Xin Wei lowered his head and cupped his fists, "This subordinate understands."

In the governor's Xingyuan hall, several people notified came in one after another to take their seats.When everyone arrived, Zhang Ning stood up from his chair, and everyone hurriedly got up to perform the ceremony.Zhang Ning waved his hand: "The matter is a little urgent, so let's make a long story short. I received a tip report that the Jiujiang Army Beiying Wang Zhiyuan Department contacted the spies of the puppet dynasty and might betray him."

Everyone sighed in surprise, and some looked at each other in blank dismay.Yu Qian found that Zhang Ning was casting his gaze over, and he faced it calmly, without showing any emotion.Everyone said one after another: "We didn't find any signs."

Zhang Ning said: "At present, the South Route Army has just bypassed Lushan Mountain, and it is impossible to approach the city within a day or two; the camp of the Central Route Army is all on the east side of Baishui Lake. It has just rained for a few days and the road is difficult to walk. It is impossible to gather here for the time being. Therefore, I think Wang Zhiyuan’s betrayal is most likely to attack our granaries and ammunition depots in order to get rid of the bottom line.”

After everyone sighed for a while, they didn't speak. They frowned and thought about something, while listening to Zhang Ning's words.

"After the rain, most of the Jiujiang Army has been transferred back to the city and stationed in the city. It is divided into four battalions, with nearly 2 people; If the pot boils, the situation will be unimaginable. At present, our deployment has three purposes: first, the most important thing is to stabilize the situation and prevent the four battalions of the Jiujiang Army from rebelling against the water; second, to eradicate Wang Zhiyuan's troops; Zhiyuan Department, whether the other three battalions participated in the rebellion. Next, I will assign the deployment."

"Zhang Chengzong." Zhang Ning turned his head and looked over.Zhang Chengzong cupped his fists and said, "The end is here."

"You lead the third army to prepare for the battle. After the meeting, the Chinese army will issue a military order. Because the rain stops, the third army must guard against the official army's raid on the fortress in the east of the city, and order the soldiers in the battalion to stop resting and prepare their armor and firearms; after receiving the order to dispatch Finally, you did not go out of the city, but divided into two groups. The first group marched to the east end of Fuqian Street, blocking the intersection, and ordered to use force no matter who intruded; the second group marched from the south of the Fuqian Street intersection March forward, and fire when encountering obstacles."

Zhang Chengzong repeated the content, stood up straight and said: "The last general will get the order."

"The First Army of Wuliang Township, for the same reason, reorganized the army. After receiving the military order to dispatch, they blocked the camp in the northwest in three ways. At the intersection of Chastity Archway, the south end of Chuanban Street, and the east entrance of Jinmao Street, three roads were blocked. Do not allow the Northwest Battalion of the Jiujiang Army to flee to the middle of the city."

"The end will be ordered!"

"He Cong's Second Army..."

... Yu Qian was asked to go back to his office and study to get the dossier of the granary and ammunition depot, because all the city defense deployments were prepared by him in the early stage. He had detailed information there, not only the location of the warehouse that Zhang Ning knew, but also how to prevent it. A series of things such as deploying soldiers and guarding.

When he came out of the lobby, he ran into Wang Jian who was not qualified to participate in the military aircraft discussion. The two walked back to the study together. On the way, Yu Qian roughly explained what was going on.Then he warned: "From now on, you and your people will stay in the Governor Xingyuan, don't take half a step out of the gate."

Wang Jian was surprised and said: "The teacher's implication... King Xiang suspects that we have something to do with Zhang Fu?"

Yu Qian lowered his voice and said: "Why did the Jiujiang Army mutiny and risk their lives to burn the army rations? If the situation is true, this must be a premeditated arrangement, and it can only be done by the British Duke Zhang Fu or the important officials of the court. Jiujiang Army He is a person who surrendered from the Han Palace, how could he die for the court?"

Wang Jian pondered for a while, and the two of them pushed open the door of the study, and after stepping through the threshold, Wang Jian murmured, "There is only one possibility, that Wang Zhiyuan was originally a member of the imperial court, and he had sneaked into the army of the Han Dynasty early on to wait for an opportunity." move."

"You're right. If Zhang Fu had laid the groundwork in Jiujiang when the King of Han was still alive, his son would have been buried too deep. If such mysterious and far-reaching things can happen, then I, as an official of the court, Isn't it possible that defecting to King Xiang was premeditated?" Yu Qian said.

Wang Jian said: "But Yang Gong is also in Wuchang. When Yang Gong was in the court, he was the chief minister and six ministers. It is unrealistic for a first-rank minister to do such a thing."

"Mr. Yang shouldn't have premeditated it, it was just an accident." Yu Qian said, "There is another speculation. If I were an undercover agent of the imperial court, I would have arranged for Wang Zhiyuan to be in command of the Jiujiang Army. I was the governor of Jiangxi a while ago. General Wei Bin can't control the Jiujiang Army, I have the power to have a chance to play tricks in the Jiujiang Army."

Wang Jian looked at Yu Qian suspiciously: "Students really misunderstood their teacher. So you said that you have never changed your mind for the country and the people. This is the case...Students should not question your lofty ambitions!"

"Fart!" Yu Qian cursed in a low voice, "You haven't made any progress in all these years. What I'm talking about is speculation! Don't you think about it, is Pingan stupid? If he thinks this is the case, or at least thinks this It is speculated that the possibility is relatively high, I can still go to the lobby to discuss military affairs, and I can still whisper to you here?"

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