"The Chinese army is here." A sergeant in armor walked up to Wang Zhiyuan and said.

"How many people?" Wang Zhiyuan asked.


"Please." Wang Zhiyuan's expression immediately relaxed.After saying that, he stood up from the bench. This man was tall and thin, and he didn't have the temperament of a strong-backed warrior. If it weren't for his military uniform, he would be more like those literati.But his face doesn't seem to have much affinity. His facial features look normal separately, and he even has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but for some reason they don't look pleasing to the eye when put together. Maybe it's because the cheekbones are too high and the muscles are atrophied and loose. Not quite symmetrical.

After a while, an orderly soldier in red and blue clothes entered the main room, held up a piece of paper with both hands and said: "China's military orders, the commanders of each battalion will send the generals above to the governor's yamen to discuss matters."

"It's getting dark, what are you discussing?" Wang Zhiyuan said in a casual tone, "The other commanders have also passed orders?"

The orderly said: "I don't know, the humble officer is just running errands. But the humble officer knows that all the commanders have passed the order, and several people in the yamen sent out together."

After hearing this, Wang Zhiyuan waved his hand and said: "Leave the military order, I will change into clothes, and I will be there later."

The orderly retreated: "Yes."

When the person left, a general went up and closed the door.Another person in the main room frowned and asked, "Did Zhu Wenbiao notice something?" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in a dark green round-neck official uniform. People, but now they are dressed as staff.There are many civilian officials in the army, low-level officials and staff often wear such clothes.

Wang Zhiyuan said: "You have to ask Mr. Zhao. I won't leak any news here. Were you watched by anyone when you came?"

Mr. Zhao recalled the people he met on the road, and said in an uncertain tone: "Probably not."

"This he|mother is not a Hongmen Banquet!" A big man interjected, "Why don't we send people to other camps to find out if everyone is invited?"

Mr. Zhao immediately said: "No need, it's useless after inquiring. If the leader of the bandit is really aware of it, it's nothing to invite Wang to command and also invite other people to cover up his intentions."

Several people present were doing some trivial actions and fell silent for a while, Wang Zhiyuan patted the palm of the table lightly a few times, pondered for a long time, and said: "It's okay to go to the governor's office to find out what's going on, but it's a bit risky. Maybe we should do it in advance if we have decided to do things in the middle of the night... But if Zhu Wenbiao has already noticed, will he already set up a bed and wait for us?"

"No. Except for the high-level officials, I am the only one who knows about General Wang's affairs in Jiujiang City; I only arrived at General Wang's camp this evening. Even if someone finds out, it won't be enough for them in such a short period of time. The layout is ready. Unless you have leaked the news a long time ago?" Mr. Zhao said.

Wang Zhiyuan said: "Mr. Zhao is a person sent by the British government. What do you say, the general will do as you want."

The middle-aged man surnamed Zhao said sternly: "When I was ordered by the Duke of England, I was determined to kill myself for benevolence. There must be no mistakes in this matter! The matter is urgent, I don't think you should wait, do it now!"

Wang Zhiyuan stood still solemnly, and then gave the order: "Pass on my order, and bring your brothers with you. Tell the other soldiers that they have received the military order from the Chinese army, and they will immediately dispatch overnight. There must be no mistakes!"

All the generals clasped their fists together and said, "Decree!"

The deployment of troops should go smoothly. Most of the middle-level generals are Wang Zhiyuan's people. The upper and lower ranks each lead their own Dingya soldiers. These people are similar to private soldiers. They only recognize their masters and do not recognize any officials.But the other low-level soldiers didn't know the authenticity of the military order, so they could only rely on the generals' words. When a small soldier heard that he was going to be transferred, he dared to ask his superiors to see if the military order could be done with his own eyes?Some sporadic scouts had gone out to explore the way before the team was assembled.

Wang Zhiyuan was going to attack Fuqian Street first, which was the street in front of the Yamen of the prefect of Jiujiang Prefecture, where there were armory and ammunition depots and a granary.If it goes well, two big targets can be destroyed at the beginning.

Countless soldiers came out of the houses and lined up. A large number of people and horses had gathered on the street outside the barracks, and they were chaotic before they had time to rectify.Torches were lit everywhere, and the dogs in some corners also yelled "Wow, woof, woof".

Wang Zhiyuan was in a hurry, he didn't want to dawdle any longer, so he got on his horse and led a part of the troops to dispatch in a hurry, leaving his confidants to continue driving the rest.They walked along the middle of the street, turned south at the intersection, and inserted directly into the middle of Fuqian Street.

Unexpectedly, just after the team passed the intersection, they heard the sound of heavy and orderly "Kaka" footsteps coming from the depths of the long street.Wang Zhiyuan looked to the south of the long street. There were no people on the winding street, but the fires in the houses in the distance radiated into the air, and he couldn't help but sink in his heart when he heard the movement.

Not long after, several horses appeared in front of them, and then by the light of the torches, it was recognized that the horsemen were wearing wide-brimmed iron helmets and gray uniforms of the Suzaku Army.Someone shouted, "Which battalion are you from? What are you going to do?"

Wang Zhiyuan responded anxiously: "Northern Camp of the Jiujiang Army, not long ago received an order from the Central Army to call Quan Ying to the South Gate! What are you doing? Are you going the wrong way? Get out of the way!"

At this time, a large formation of infantry on the opposite side came into sight, and a general riding a horse in front of him looked a bit like Zhang Chengzong, the commander of the third army, from a distance.The burly general shouted: "The Chinese army does not have any orders to move troops! You are arbitrarily mobilizing troops to rebel! Immediately put down your weapons and arrest the leader, and the rest are innocent!"

Wang Zhiyuan raised a piece of paper, "A military order with the governor's seal on it, the orderly has just left, what are you going to do?" Someone shouted again: "The superiors don't trust the people from Hanwang's side and want to get rid of us, dog| Day!"

"Bang!" There was a bang, and then the Jiujiang Army's fire flashed and fired a burst of guns.The horse riders in the middle couldn't dodge in time, and two of them fell off their horses immediately.In the commotion, someone shouted: "Rebellion!" Then there was a sporadic noise from the Suzaku army, many people raised their muskets, the horses neighed, and a few horsemen turned around and ran away.

... The governor's yamen is next to the south side of Fuqian Street, not far away, and the sound of gunfire can be heard very clearly.There were sporadic noises at the beginning, but after a long time, there were crackling noises.The night in this ancient city suddenly became lively.

Hearing the gunshots, Zhang Ning walked to the entrance of the lobby and followed the sound to look around, but he could only see some nearby roofs but nothing.At this moment, it reminds people of the New Year's scene, the sound of firecrackers is non-stop day and night, and the explosion lingers in the air.

At the gate of the yamen, two rows of soldiers stood in full battle, their appearance made people even more nervous.The guards are also very nervous, because everyone can guess that there are no soldiers near the center.The nearest third army has just been transferred away, and the two general banners of Li Zhen's guards have also dispatched to arrest the spies. Except for the dozen or so gunners, there is a small group of soldiers outside the door of the wing, and the rest are Some messengers and scribes.

At this moment, a person outside the gate shouted: "My own man! Be careful not to point that thing at me."

A sergeant walked into the gate of the governor's office, and soon saw Zhang Ning standing outside the lobby, and went forward to report: "The Beiying Wang Zhiyuan's troops have rebelled, and they fought with the Third Army at the cross road north of Fuqian Street. The gang of rebels couldn't help fighting, and retreated northward after a while. Another group of troops from the Third Army advanced from the east street, and they should meet the enemy now."

"How about the other camps of the Jiujiang Army?" Zhang Ning asked.

The sergeant said: "I don't know about the lowly position. I will report to General Zhang later and ask General Zhang to send someone to ask?"

Zhang Ning raised his hand and waved it, and the sergeant cupped his fists and said, "Yes."

After a while, Xin Weibian and two other young people walked in quickly.Xin Wei walked up to Zhang Ning and said in a low voice, "I have captured more than thirty people, and the others who fled in all directions are not enough to catch them. General Li's men first took the spies to the prison in the magistrate's yamen and locked them up. Don't worry, come on." Shackled, leaving people guarding and unable to escape.”

Zhang Ning said: "After tonight's retrial, if you don't confess, don't kill him, save it and send it to Wuchang for further interrogation... You have made great contributions, if the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not find out the whereabouts of the spies, we would have been kept in the dark and not prepared enough ,The consequences could be disastrous."

Xin Wei smiled slightly: "It's all a matter of duty."

In the wing on the east side outside the lobby, there are three military generals. The door is guarded by sergeants. They have no intention of breaking out, but just sit quietly in the chairs.A big man listened to the gunshots with a conspicuous expression, his eyes were on the roof, his ears were tilted up, and he listened attentively.

"Wang Zhiyuan's people." The other said something, and it took him a long time to say that.Everyone doesn't know how he made the decision, but after thinking about it, it should be Wang Zhiyuan, because among the three commanders of the four major battalions of the Jiujiang Army, Wang Zhiyuan was the only one who didn't come.

No one answered the words, and the room fell silent again.The three of them were preoccupied, they didn't know what was going on, Wang Zhiyuan rebelled?Or did the Suzaku army premeditate|destroy each of them and deal with them one by one?

After a while, another person rode to the outside of the governor's camp.The person who came was a very young general. This person was the leader of the commander Zhang Chengzong's personal army and also his relative. He often followed Zhang Chengzong's ass.So Zhang Ning also knew him, but he never asked her name.

The young general came forward to report: "Your Majesty, the final general came to report on the orders of Commander Zhang. Wang Zhiyuan is finished, and most of these people surrendered if they were beaten. A small group of people ran to the northwest, and General Wu was gone. The troops were divided and blocked, and Zhang commanded the encirclement. Except for Wang Zhiyuan's troops in the Northern Battalion, the other three battalions did not move. It is reported that those people were unprepared, and only some people ran to the street in disorder to listen to the gunshots."

Zhang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.At midnight, someone finally came to report that Wang Zhiyuan's troops suffered heavy casualties, and he surrendered with the rest of his men.

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