Ping An Biography

Chapter 454 Generals Don’t Greedy Merchants Merchants Mo Greedy Money

There was a commotion around the Yangong Temple in the north, all of them were rebellious soldiers from the Suzaku Army who had been driven back from the Sanshan Lake fortification. ’ messed together.

A young man in the crowd kicked a rock protruding from the ground twice, and he looked angry, as if the rock had offended him.Then he found a big hole in the loose trouser leg, and he bent down to check it distressedly, and patted the dust on his body with his hands.His behavior was very strange.

The young man's name is Wang Dazhu. In the past, the village called him Dazhu, Brother Dazhu, or the eldest son of the Wang family. After joining the army, his registered name was Wang Dazhu, a surname from Wuchang Prefecture.At the beginning of the establishment of the new army, there was a shortage of low-level captains, and they were all directly appointed by the superiors from among the new recruits; You are the leader of the little flag... He became a "soldier" in a daze, including six soldiers under his command, and his clothes have been changed to copper buttons since then.But he didn't expect that this would bring about a huge change for him. The rich man in the village was invited to the county once, and when he came back, he willingly allocated a few acres of his own land to Dazhu's family, all of which were good paddy fields. , yes, free!He also said a lot of good things, and from then on, the villagers were very polite when they saw Dazhu's family.

Dazhu still remembers the scene of returning home on vacation.Wearing a well-ironed military uniform, he deliberately put on the white lining that he only wore during inspection ceremonies, and took a white note issued by the army to the treasury to exchange for a bag of cloth, leather, and salt, and carried it back. He returned home in good clothes.People from the whole family came to greet him, as if they were officials.Although he knew that the well-informed second uncle whispered about unexpected misfortunes and blessings, but these are not important, the important thing is that he feels that he has grown up all of a sudden... the most beautiful girl in the same village, the person he liked since he was a child, Xiao Cui , And suddenly secretly Xu Fangxin.

Young adults of the same age in the village are either digging in the ground with mud legs and rags, or sneaking around with dubious people from far and near.A young man like Dazhu who suddenly became "respectable" and tall, of course easily captured the heart of the village girl Xiaocui; because Xiaocui is beautiful, she has already been photographed by the well-off Yu family who runs a grain shop in the county , but she didn't agree, and quietly sent a purse sewn by herself to show her heart.

Dazhu is very satisfied with his current life, and he still has meat to eat in the army.Once Shangguan asked to shout the slogan, unity and glory, and he gradually understood what glory is.

But with such a happy mood, as soon as he entered the battlefield, he was poured with cold water, easily defeated by the officers and soldiers, and chased back like a dog; where is it.That's why the sulking scene just now... Maybe the second uncle is right. In the future, Emperor Jianwen in Wuchang City will be dragged down. If he is not careful, his family will become the leader of the "chaotic" party, and disaster will be imminent.

"Damn it, the officers and soldiers are so fierce! I heard that the people in the Beijing camp can kill ten Tartars by one person in the north..." Someone whispered beside him.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" [

"I don't know. I was behind the wall before, and when I shouted from above, I fired a gun. There was smoke in front of my mother. Who knows if I hit it!"

At this moment, the others suddenly stopped talking and stood up one after another. Wang Dazhu turned his head and saw a general wearing a green belt with a knife coming on horseback. Among the middle and senior generals, the green "" is the chief banner officer, which is considered a high-ranking official for the soldiers of the lower ranks.The general swung his horsewhip and cursed: "What are you doing sitting around? You have nothing to do? The camp will deliver food later. If you want to eat, go chop some firewood and come back!"

Everyone was born as a commoner, and they were naturally afraid of officials. Even if they didn't know what kind of army the general belonged to, they were officials anyway, so everyone behaved properly.

Wang Dazhu is better, he is the head of the small banner, and he is usually with generals at the level of the chief banner officer.He couldn't help but walked over, and said: "Reporting to the General Banner, the humble post is Wang Dazhu, the small banner leader of the Fourth Outpost of the Sixth Army of the Huben Camp."

The general sized him up and asked, "What's the name of your brigade's team?"

Wang Dazhu replied without hesitation: "Master Wu Bao Wu."

The general nodded, Wu Bao heard that he had "shown" in front of King Xiang, so he knew him.The general asked, "What's the matter with you? There's a group of people over there, don't you have an officer? Take them to chop firewood."

Wang Dazhu said: "I just want to ask, what are we doing here, can we call back?"

"Heh! You still have a bit of momentum." The general smiled, "Then dare to be brave. Later, an adult will come to reorganize your messy defeated soldiers and dispatch them tomorrow morning." After all, the military general was unwilling to waste words with Wang Dazhu, so he flattered him and left.

Da Zhu was left in a daze, even if he didn't know much, he could see that the messy group of people in front of him couldn't fight again in a short time, let alone tomorrow?The generals and soldiers are all "messy". Most of the people around you don't know their names, and they can't call them by name. How do you do it on the battlefield?

"Brother, our little banner chief died in the ditch on the other side of Sanshan Lake. Just now the officer asked us to follow you, so we will hang out with you." An old soldier who was at least 50 or [-] years old came over to make friends.Wang Dazhu is also an upright young man who is easy to get along with, so he immediately took a few people out to cut firewood, and then waited for the boss to send rice.

Sure enough, when the sun was westward, several carts pulled by oxen came from the camp to deliver food.A group of horsemen surrounded by a big man with a black beard and a horse face also came to the "rebel" camp. Da Zhu knew this man, and he was Zhou Mengxiong, the commander of the third battalion of the new army.Zhou Mengxiong often gives lectures in the army, and everyone knows him.

Several military generals accompanied by Zhou Mengxiong came separately, and began to designate generals at will.Let the "chaotic" soldiers temporarily follow the newly designated generals, and then each general will organize his own soldiers. There is no number, the first team and the second team... a total of No. 11 teams.

After a long time, Zhou Mengxiong also climbed up a dirt slope and lectured loudly: "Tomorrow the army will be dispatched, and there must be enough people. Although you have just reorganized the formation, you only need to follow the army and have to fight for a while, so don't panic; etc. After a few days, the old man will send someone to reorganize and restore the organizational system of each post..."

So Wang Dazhu changed from a soldier to a soldier, because each brigade only designated one general, and the others were soldiers.That night, everyone lit a fire in the open air and made do with the cold wind all night around the fire. There were no tents or weapons, and no one stood guard. [

In the early morning of the next day, everyone was awakened by the sound of the horn from the trembling. Then they cooked and ate, and were yelled by the temporary generals to form a queue.Then weapons were issued, each with a short gun with a wooden handle and an iron head, and there were no firearms.Some of the soldiers in the team also lost their helmets, and some didn't, so they could only form a team with this incomplete equipment.

Soon a middle-aged thick-waisted man came, summoned all the teams to issue military orders, and became the leader of the mob.Under the general's order, everyone lined up and started marching southeast, which is the direction where the defeated soldiers fled yesterday. It seems that they really want to fight back?

Holding a short gun that he thought was useless, Wang Dazhu followed the team through the fortifications on the south bank of Yangzhuang Lake, and soon found that more people and horses were coming from the north, forming a long crowd and continuing to march south.

The army was all infantry, walking very slowly. After walking like this for more than half an hour, Shangfeng ordered to stop marching and rest on the spot.Dazhu in the "defeated army" was very puzzled, the new army was not allowed to procrastinate like this even during training, and he didn't know what he was doing today.

At this time, the "defeated army" chief inspected the team and came to the first brigade where Wang Dazhu was. The team was asking the doubts in their hearts: "General, are we going to recover the Sanshan Lake territory?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Our army first withdrew from the defense line of Sanshan Lake, and then fell into the hands of the officers and soldiers. Why did we rush to take it back? This trip our army just pretended to want to take it back, but it seemed that we were afraid to go forward. The purpose is to lure the main force of the army to attack."

After hearing this, Li Zheng suddenly said: "It turns out that the commander-in-chief is using a trick to lure the enemy. What if the enemy soldiers don't take the bait?"

The middle-aged man said: "Then Zhu Mian believes that my new army is not their opponent in the battle... I am afraid that they are really not an opponent in this fight. Seeing that tens of thousands of troops can be wiped out with a single hand, can he not take the bait? Daddy Shuai (Zhou Mengxiong) has already predicted that to persuade generals not to be greedy for merit is like persuading merchant Jia Mo to be greedy for money. Now four horses can't pull Zhu Mian back. Just wait, he will definitely send troops."

The captain asked again: "When the officers and soldiers send troops to attack, we have to run back?"

The middle-aged man said: "This general was ordered to clear up the confusion of the various ministries, so that the morale of everyone will not be demoralized and the army's morale will be unstable after such a toss. Yesterday Zhu Mian led the Shenji Battalion and the horsemen of the Fifth Army Battalion to attack the defense line of Sanshan Lake. It was originally just a test Attack; later, because he wanted to know if there was an ambush, he sent people to search within a radius of [-] miles, so he was delayed and stayed in the camps of Sanshan Lake for one night. If we do not move today, the officers and soldiers are likely to come from Sanshan The lake defense line retreated. Once they stick to the front line of the riverside camp in the county, we cannot attack by force. Therefore, our army must lure the enemy to search for fighters, and pretend to want to retake the Sanshan Lake defense line. The army is displayed in the wilderness; Zhu Mian is afraid and must Come attack and delay their retreat again."

So a large group of soldiers and horses marched until noon, and they were ready to chop firewood for lunch.Unexpectedly, the messenger soon came and ordered the whole army to withdraw to the defense line of Yangzhuang Lake immediately.

Everyone immediately rearranged the queue, turned back and walked back along the main road. This time they walked very quickly, and within half an hour they could already see the surface of Yangzhuan Lake, and the scattered camps and fortifications on the south bank were faintly visible.

People crossed the camp separately, and Wang Dazhu's "defeated army" [-]th team was asked to continue marching to the northwest, to temporarily reorganize the organization, and there were no new military orders.

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