Ping An Biography

Chapter 455 Enclosure

For Zhu Mian, defending the northern front would be enough.But as a military general, the credit for keeping the defense line undefeated is completely different from the credit for annihilating tens of thousands of rebels. The military achievements of the Ming army are counted by heads, and Zhou Mengxiong's tens of thousands of troops are countless heads.

Zhu Mian first transferred half of the fifth army battalion and nearly [-] people to the defense line of Sanshan Lake to consolidate its rear so that the former army would not become a lone army.After making preparations, he felt that there was no danger, and then he led the Shenji Battalion and the horsemen of the Fifth Army Battalion to march northward to fight, preparing to defeat the invading rebels in one fell swoop in the wilderness.But before the officers and soldiers could catch up, the rebels ran away suddenly; they continued to advance, and a ditch wall camp on the south bank of Yangzhuang Lake lay in front of them, unable to pursue them.

At this time, the front line of the officers and soldiers was stretched, and they had actually fallen into an unknowingly dangerous situation.The elite Shenji Battalion and Fifth Army Battalion cavalry have penetrated into the water net area for [-] miles. Behind Sanshan Lake is the rear wing consolidated by half of the troops of the Fifth Army Battalion. ; and the county seat is considered an important town by Zhu Mian, and there are five military battalions left behind;

Zhou Mengxiong took the opportunity to order [-] people from the Pingyuan Battalion of the rear army to march south from the Yangtze River, and most of the Zhongwu Battalion of the Chinese Army also detoured from the north to follow behind.This road looks winding, but it is actually only tens of miles away from the county seat.

After the Suzaku army found out that the Fifth Army Battalion was staying in the county, they resolutely gave up their plan to take advantage of the falsehood to capture the county, and then used heavy troops to intersperse from the middle.The camp of guard soldiers on the riverside in the north of the county seat was disturbed by a new army's attack, and they were unable to send troops to block it, and sat and watched a large number of new army troops marching south from the defense zone.

Within a day, the new army arrived at the east side of the defense line on the north shore of Sanshan Lake, behind the vanguard of the official army, and then began to dig ditches and repair walls, rushing to build a large number of camps.Part of the Fifth Army Battalion, responsible for the safety of the rear wing of Zhu Mian's front army, was given the task of defending the rear and stationing troops in the camp; The army has deployed more than 3 heavy troops behind.

At the same time, Zhou Mengxiong deployed ambushes far away on the outskirts of the lake in advance, and entered the designated locations in batches to start repairing the ditch wall fortifications.There are many lakes in this area, and they are roughly distributed on all sides. Except for the east exit, which is [-] to [-] miles wide, the rest of the land has narrow sections, and it is very easy to block the road.

Zhu Mian realized almost suddenly that he was surrounded for no reason.He planned to test and attack the rebels, and it took only two days before he fell into siege.

Zhu Mian is still puzzled by the military information urgently reported from the defense line of Sanshan Lake.He felt that he had already been very cautious. When he tried to attack the rebels, he also considered the safety of the rear, so he left nearly [-] troops from the Fifth Army Battalion behind; the east exit was more than ten miles wide, how could the siege be blocked?

Up to now, Zhu Mian has not felt desperate, and can still maintain his composure.He ordered the vanguard to withdraw to the east, and then went back to the Fifth Army Battalion, preparing to personally inspect how the rebels blocked them from behind.

A group of people passed through the camp on the north shore of Sanshan Lake and continued to walk eastward for a few hundred steps, and then they saw the range of activities of the rebels.They have already built two rows of ditches and wall camps there, and the two rows are staggered like the asymmetrical character "pin", forming a network layout.Calculated according to the width of the north-south line of defense, there are at least thirty such camps; visually, there are hundreds of nearly a thousand people stationed in each camp, and the rebels have deployed about [-] troops here within two days.

After Zhu Mian observed the battlefield, he already knew what to do.Although 3 rebels cut off their retreat, the line of defense is more than ten miles wide, and their strength is actually relatively thin. As long as they break through from one place, the officers and soldiers will not care about being surrounded; military.

When the cavalry of the former Shenji Battalion and the Fifth Army Battalion withdrew to Sanshan Lake, almost all the elite officers and soldiers gathered here that day, with nearly 3 infantry and cavalry, all of whom were soldiers from the Beijing camp.Zhu Mian decided to launch an attack against the defense line of the rebel army the next day.

But Zhu Mian found that this attack was obviously very difficult. The infantry swarmed up, and they were immediately fired by a dense volley of guns, and the rebels used three rounds of firearms similar to the Shenji camp, firing their guns in turns. The firepower was very dense; the other camps on the side It will also be bombarded with artillery.The offensive losses of the officers and soldiers were huge, and they were beaten to pieces before they rushed to the front of the camp, and lost their vigor when they approached.

On the first day, there were no results. At this time, the officers and soldiers gradually panicked.

The besieged officers and troops were short of food and grass.Zhu Mian didn't plan to go on a long-term expedition at all before, the granary was in the city, and the supply line was on the river; suddenly trapped between the lakes, the troops would have to run out of food within three days, and even the ammunition and arrows would not last long enough.3 to [-] people plus thousands of horses need to eat food, they will not get supplies in a short time, and they will die without beating themselves.

The generals of the battalions of the Beijing camp have not let go of their contempt for the new rebel army, and cursed the rebels in front of the Chinese army Zhu Mian.One of them proposed a tactic, gathering tens of thousands of people together, and flooding them in waves.

But this tactic may not achieve the expected effect.If nearly 3 people gathered and unfolded into a square horizontal plane, there would be more than 170 people, at least two or three hundred steps wide, even more so if horses were counted; when a crowd of two or three hundred steps wide rushed up, they would be massacred by guns from several camps at the same time. If the situation is not good, the whole army may fall into chaos and collapse.And if you attack in a column, it is a refueling tactic.

The next day, Zhu Mian ordered the Shenji Camp to attack the rebel camp with firearms, and at the same time sent scouts to search for other ways out for tens of miles in all directions.But the whole day was also fruitless, and the way out was blocked; unless you swim back from the lake, the lake was almost frozen to the point of freezing in late October, and there were many soldiers in the Beijing camp. Undoubtedly courting death.

It may be possible for the officers and soldiers in the county to temporarily collect small boats and rafts to transport food and grass, but it may take a long time to find so many ships to meet the supply transportation of 3 people.The army can't afford to wait that long, because the news of the lack of food has already caused turmoil in the army.

Zhu Mian was not originally a general of the Beijing camp, but the chief general appointed by Zhang Fu. He was able to command the battalions with authority in ordinary times, but at this time there were signs that he could not be mobilized.The cavalry general of the Fifth Army Battalion asked the cavalry to break through the siege first and rush out from the gap between the camps.

The cavalry should be able to break through the siege if they charge a certain amount of casualties, but the remaining infantry will be further weakened in this way.Zhu Mian tried to stop him, but almost caused a mutiny and was killed. In the end, he couldn't stop the cavalry who saw no food and grass to feed their horses and wanted to leave.

Only two days after being surrounded, Zhu Mian finally felt the fear of suffocation.On the battlefield, the consequences of a single miss are very serious. Life and death are only a matter of thought, and the lives of tens of thousands of people are at stake.

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