Ping An Biography

Chapter 460 The Battle of Nine Rivers

The weather was fine, and the blood-like morning sun peeked out from the old dilapidated wall. The light was not so dazzling, and because of this, it appeared more colorful.

Thousands of soldiers have gathered in the open area of ​​the North City. This was originally the intersection of the North-South Avenue. Last time, because of the light balloons, many houses were demolished and a square was formed. Now the square has been occupied by densely packed soldiers.On an earthen platform in the north, there is a wooden board with a letter: the spirit of the Yellow Emperor, the god of heaven.For the time being, we can only worship the gods with such a simple wooden sign.On a tall flagpole on the side, the Suzaku flag with a yellow background and a black pattern is fluttering in the wind.

Near the earthen platform, a group of civil servants and military generals were already standing there, waiting for Commander Zhang Ning to come.Some of them disagreed with the strategy of rushing out of the city to attack this time, and perhaps some of them also had complaints about Zhang Ning's actions, but no one strongly opposed it... because the Suzaku Army had also conducted many inspections before this. The seemingly crazy actions always result in Zhang Ning succeeding, so people have nothing to say about his decision-making.

A group of soldiers came up with offerings, including a cow, a sheep, a hog, a dog, and a chicken that had just been slaughtered, and the fur of the dead animals was still stained with blood.

At this moment, people looked sideways, and saw Zhang Ning, dressed in a neat gray military uniform, loose trousers, and blue soap boots, followed by a team of guards, with a long sword hanging from his waist, no hat and hair Beamed on top of head.

Everyone looked at him, but Zhang Ning looked solemn, took three sticks of incense from others, and started superstitious activities in public.A long voice shouted in a singing tone: "Bye..."

Zhang Ning took the lead and knelt down in front of the earth barrier, bowing three times and bowing nine times to a wooden sign and a row of sacrifices.Tens of thousands of sea-like crowds knelt down one after another, changing layers like the tide, and the momentum was very spectacular.A civil official read the manuscript again, and then burned it in front of the soil.

Most of the princes present have no real belief in any gods. Worshiping gods is based on transactions and rather believing in the instinctive mentality of the unknown and mysterious. But respecting ancestors is a real tradition. In people's hearts, the Yellow Emperor is the people of the world. ancestors.Moreover, a considerable part of the soldiers in Yongding Camp are former believers of the evil sect. This cult has incomplete teachings, and the main god is the "God of Heaven" Huangdi. The psychological influence of worship, because worship has become a habit for a long time.

Zhang Ning got up from the ground, and all the soldiers got up one after another, casting countless eyes waiting for his order.

At this moment, it is obviously necessary to incite the army and say a few words, Zhang Ning said loudly: "No matter who it is, one person cannot support a piece of the sky, so we call each other brothers and fellow robes, and we can only protect each other by relying on each other and trusting each other." Defend your brothers, defend our common honor. Today we are fighting bloody battles to defend our homeland, future, and dignity! We will win or lose, and we will fight here!"

He tried to calm people down, " eliminate the false imperial court stolen by King Yan is also for the sake of heaven, justice and fairness in the world, to make China's universe clear and bright, and to make my Yanhuang lineage live forever. Huangtian is above, bless me The army is invincible. The merits of this battle will surely benefit billions of people..."

All the soldiers benefited from Zhang Ning's habit of inciting |, and shouted loudly for a while, sweeping away the lifelessness that had lasted for several months.

At this moment, thick smoke suddenly rose from several places in the southern city, and the flames flickered in the smoke.People's attention was attracted, and Zhang Ning shouted loudly: "I have ordered the remaining food and grass to be burned. Today's battle is ruined, and there is no way out. From now on, you will have no city walls to rely on. There is no food to stand in stalemate, the only way out is to move forward! The only thing you can rely on is the comrades around you..."

People gradually felt that the place where the fire broke out was actually the location of several large granaries, and the momentary excitement gradually became solemn and solemn.Serving as a soldier eats food, and without food there is indeed no way out.

"Open the city gate!" Zhang Ning shouted himself.

The rocks and logs blocked behind the city gate were moved away, and with a dull and heavy sound, the dilapidated and dilapidated gate slowly opened.In an instant, the bright light of the rising sun slanted in through the open city gate, reflected in the eyes of thousands of soldiers, as if entrusting the glory of life.

Zhang Ning drew his sword, and finally issued an order in public: "The whole army leaves the city, set off!"

The armies shouted loudly, lined up and strode out into the outside world with the determination to die. The bitter battle for several months seemed to come to an end.

The Yongding Camp plus the Jiujiang Army, with 3 or [-] troops, gradually spread to the northwest.The density of people and horses was very high. After leaving the city, they faced the Yangtze River. The area here was not open; the army turned westward and leaned against the city wall, skimmed the city of Jiujiang City, and came to the corridor between Gantang Lake and the Yangtze River.The first army was on guard at the back; the rest of the soldiers and horses all poured into the small area of ​​the land corridor, with only a few gaps between the camps, and both the road and the slopes of the wasteland were completely occupied by the crowd.

The front is the defensive position of the Northwest Battalion of the official army. After Zhang Fu built the siege fortifications, a ditch wall fence was erected on all the land around the city, including the defense line in front of it. The north and south ends reach Gantang Lake and the Yangtze River.

The officers and soldiers had already been startled by the battle of so many people, and heavy troops were deployed behind the fortifications. Artillery, muskets, and cherry guns placed on the wall were densely packed, waiting for the formation.

Because there are too many people and the place is too small, a large area is confined together.A kind of civilian general followed Zhang Ning and walked slowly towards the official army fortifications from the front, and stopped when they were less than one mile away, already within the range of the official army's heavy artillery.

Zhang Ning ordered the flag of the Chinese army to be erected beside him, turned around and shouted to the people: "This king will always stand here, and the marching troops must not retreat from here!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and shouted, "Zhang Chengzong."

Zhang Chengzong, commander of the Third Army of Yongding Camp, stepped forward and clasped his fists, saying, "The last general is here!"

"When our army's artillery fires, you immediately lead the third army to attack. If you can't break through the fortifications, come and see me!" Zhang Ning said coldly.He then patted Zhang Chengzong's shoulder and said seriously, "We have many soldiers, but we can't use them. The artillery and ammunition are almost exhausted. If you can't take advantage of the first shelling to break through the fortifications; the subsequent attacks can only be done with flesh and blood." There is only one chance to have an advantage in the first battle, and it all depends on you."

Zhang Chengzong stood up straight, his eyes were red and he said: "The last general's subordinates, regardless of the generals, who retreats and kills, as long as the last one is not dead, they will never retreat."

"I will never forget this crucial battle." Zhang Ning said calmly.

He then ordered the First Army to follow and continue the attack.At this moment, the heavy artillery from the officer's army roared one after another, and several shells fell from the sky into the crowd inside and outside, causing a little chaos.

The official army is still as stable as Mount Tai, and the official army in the Northwest Camp should be Xuanda's elite soldiers.The clothes and armor of the officers and soldiers of the Ming army are not uniform, and there are obvious regional deviations; they have been in a stalemate with Zhang Fujun for so long, even if Zhang Ning and others don't look at the flags, they can probably tell what kind of army it is from the appearance.

Although the camp in the northwest is in a disadvantageous situation at this time and has been separated from the main force, it seems that they are still very stable... because the siege fortifications obviously learned from the ditch wall fortifications of the Suzaku Army, and it was reinforced with wood, and horses were installed. obstacles such as piles.This kind of fortification is like the outskirts of the earth fortress outside Jiujiang City before. The officers and soldiers have tried many times to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as the defenders are strong enough and dense enough, the attack will suffer a lot.Therefore, the official army may not think that the Suzaku army can easily break through the strict defense line now.

The large group of people here slowly approached the defense line amidst the sound of cannons, and they stopped after more than two hundred steps, and the only fine long-barreled heavy artillery of the Suzaku Army began to be erected.There are more than 30 doors in total, lined up in front; there are many mortars arranged in the back.The damage suffered during the erection process was very small. The number of heavy artillery used by the government and the army was limited, and their accuracy was not great.

The preparations were complete, only to hear the deafening bang of "Boom, Boom, Boom..." and the shelling of a larger battle began. The mortars of the Suzaku Army fired stone bullets and flower bombs at the officers and soldiers more than two hundred steps away. Delivery inside and outside the fortification.

The firepower was unprecedented, and this time the Suzaku army spent all their money, using the remaining gunpowder for a one-time bombardment.Suddenly, the smoke filled the air, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere.

A moment later, more than 30 of the strongest heavy artillery aimed at the military fortifications not far away at a low angle. The commander's shining war blade pierced the sky, and an even more terrifying explosion shook the mountains in an instant. .

The solid iron ball flies forward flat at a high exit speed, which is a flat shooting angle that only long-barreled guns can have.It was too late to say it, and it was bombarded on the civil wall of the government army in a blink of an eye.The brutal lethality directly tore through the earthen wall structure, instantly disintegrated and collapsed on all sides, the iron ball pierced through the fortifications, and jumped wildly on the ground.For a moment, earth and rocks were flying randomly, sandbags were billowing, and the dust was mixed together in the gunpowder smoke.

The ferocious heavy artillery muzzle was still smoking, and there seemed to be a moment of silence between heaven and earth. People hadn't recovered from the loud noise, and people's painful cries were faintly heard in the distance.

Zhang Chengzong raised his weapon and shouted: "Forward!" A Suzaku flag was leveled, and the dense army marched forward in a row.The gunpowder smoke gradually thinned out in the wind, and the earth wall on the opposite side had collapsed in many places after the shelling, and it looked like ruins, and people were in a mess.There was only the sound of heavy footsteps on the ground, but no gunfire.

It wasn't until Zhang Chengzong's third army advanced more than 100 steps densely, and the distance between the two armies was less than a hundred steps, that the opposite side fired guns in disorder.

The third army immediately fired a volley from the first row, and then swarmed up with the roar of the generals. "Kill!" The voice was the loudest in the world, and it seemed to be roaring from all sides. A wave of soldiers with long guns and firearms swarmed, and the wide-brimmed iron helmets glowed with a low luster in the sun, like a torrent of black armor.

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