Ping An Biography

Chapter 461 The Battle of Nine Rivers

The line of defense from Gantang Lake to the Yangtze River is so narrow that it is only one mile wide by visual inspection.There is no room for maneuver here, not even room for retreat, because the front and back are full of people, and there is no other way but to fill it with flesh and blood.In the vast years of the past and present, almost every inch of land in China has been swayed with the blood of warriors.

Zhang Chengzong led the third army to rush close to the defense line of the official army. Seeing many heads emerging from the ruins, he realized that his subordinates were about to encounter a disaster.The artillery destroyed the official army's fortifications, but a round of shelling with black powder solid bullets could not destroy the army, and a large number of troops behind the official army quickly rushed up to stop the artillery after the shelling.

The distance is only a few dozen steps, and people cannot weigh life and death too much. The bodies and shouts of their companions are emboldening everyone. charge.

Soon the crackling of gunpowder in the firecrackers and the trembling of bowstrings erupted all over the battlefield.The strong bows and crossbows used by Xuan Dabing are not comparable to the bows and arrows of the inland guards. The corpse continued to advance.

Amidst the countless screams and roars, the generals were agitating wildly with hoarse voices.

"My little brother died in battle, and my fellow countrymen fell on the battlefield... How can I go back to my hometown with the shame of defeat? How can I face my fellow countrymen? Either win or die in battle..." Some people even He was reading aloud to the manuscript, "Our corpses will return to their hometowns, covering the Suzaku Banner that enshrines life and glory..." "Brothers, brothers and sisters, we will never leave, we will live and die as one!"

"Boom..." "Bang bang bang..." The artillery, firecrackers and arrows seemed to be making loud noises around them, and the gunpowder smoke was filled with blood mist.A military commander held a saber in front, with a few arrows stuck in his chest, and blood came out from the holes in the armor. He continued to walk a few steps forward, and finally fell to the ground.

Zhang Ning was a few hundred steps behind him, witnessing the heavy casualties of the third army and the continuation of the offensive, his eyes were sour.It seems that the heroic poems from the ancient times of China are ringing in my ears, how can it be said that there is no clothes?In the same robe as the son.Wang Yuxing taught me to repair my spear.Enmity with son...

The people who charged up in the first round were directly maimed by the officers and defenders from a distance, and the sparse rebellious soldiers could not continue when they entered the front of the trench. A broken red Suzaku flag was inserted on the soil in front of the formation, with the words "" The first sentry of the Third Army, a part of the established system has lost all casualties.

But immediately there was another salvo from behind. In the white smoke, dense lead bullets flew across the defense line of the army at a distance of less than [-] steps. Fell into the ditch with the sandbag debris.

Immediately afterwards, more people swarmed up with various weapons, shouting "Long live" and roaring "Kill", and quickly rushed to the front of the formation from the approaching distance.People began to build ditches with "bridges" made of wood and bamboo.

This kind of temporary bridge is mainly made of thick wooden boards, and horizontal rows of hard bamboo are nailed on it to increase the force point and friction force. Even if it is placed on an upward slope, it can be kicked.However, the fence walls in many places have been damaged by artillery, and a large number of wooden boards are no different from the bridges built on the trenches.Some boards were placed directly on the opposite wall, with a thick nail in the front, which fell down and was nailed directly into the soil; there were two fasteners at the end, and then the soldiers drove the pickets deep into the ground from the fasteners to stabilize them. Location.It is difficult for the defenders to destroy this kind of temporary bridge in a short time, and it cannot be lifted after being firmly nailed; the two fixed points at the tail and the head form the most stable triangular fulcrum, and there is no axis to move.

Countless ladder bridges were built in a short period of time. During this period, both sides used firearms and bows to shoot at short distances. The trenches in the middle were filled with corpses, blood was everywhere, and the smell was as strong as gunpowder smoke.

Soldiers of the Third Army rushed into the defense line of the officers and soldiers one after another, and the two sides fell into a hand-to-hand melee.Swords are waving in the dark smoke, and there are hard sounds of metal collisions everywhere. People's screams and roars have long been changed, and countless faces have been distorted.

The bitter battle was only because Xuan Dajun was the elite of the Ming Dynasty, and the first round of artillery severely damaged its fortification system. Until now, the melee has actually fallen into a situation where it has been separated from the organization and the soldiers cannot communicate with each other, but it still has not collapsed.

The Suzaku army was also not waiting for nothing. People rushed across the wooden boards in batches and lost their queue, so they could only fight in small groups.Even though there are many old soldiers in the Yongding Camp who have been fighting for several years, most of them still don't know how to use bows and arrows, and their fighting skills are not as good as those of the northern Xuanda soldiers.

Hand-to-hand combat is very terrifying. No matter whether the opponent is a veteran over half a century old or a teenager, the swords and guns will mercilessly stab people until they kill each other. It's like a murderous devil, whether you like it or not.Both sides are elite, with a high rate of armor, one knife and two guns can't kill people, and the dead are covered in blood. I don't know how many weapons have been greeted by the hole, and there are not a few people who leak out of the field, and severed hands and feet can be seen everywhere. .

Zhang Chengzong's third army had about 3000 people, and the rest rushed into the defense line of the officers and soldiers. Behind the ditch wall, fighting everywhere in the width of a mile.

At this moment, I heard a burst of neat horns, echoing among the mountains and rivers.On the narrow land, an overcrowded group of horsemen has gathered in the east, which is Feng Youxian's cavalry regiment.

This kind of terrain is not conducive to cavalry combat at all, but Feng Youxian feels very honored to be in this battle that determines life and death.

He raised his head slowly from the posture of hanging his head, with a calm expression on his face, and straightened the iron helmet on his head with both hands leisurely.The gleaming new armor and heroic face on the body are full of masculinity under the sun.

"Silk..." With a long sound of metal rubbing, Feng Youxian pulled out the long-handled saber from his waist, and the slender and long blade had a chilling gleam.He raised his knife high and hissed loudly: "Brothers, it's time for us to go to battle! The brave go forward bravely, and the cowards cry for their father and mother!"

"Long live..." Thousands of cavalry shouted with great momentum.

The horseshoes roared immediately, and the dense team of horses gradually jogged forward.There is no galloping charge, and the dense queue makes it impossible to rush quickly, so it can only diffuse in this way, but it is also a torrent of steel, with an unstoppable momentum.

The heavy iron hooves pressed up, trampling all the vegetation along the way into slag.The cavalry crossed the line of defense one after another from the temporary bridge, and then went on a rampage and slashed wildly.The condescending armored knight attacked the enemy soldiers with a lance from a long distance, and the impact of weight and the slashing swing were even more crisp.

Feng Youxian went into battle in person. This so-called military general, who was full of scriptures and was born in the military department of the Ministry of War, had no twists and turns at all. His movements were clean and he would chop anyone he saw.Together with more than 20 elite cavalry soldiers around him, they rushed into the chaotic battlefield, and there was no one to fight, and the sharp war blade was almost bloody.

It was difficult for the cavalry to fight still, and a large group of people quickly defeated the chaotic soldiers and galloped forward directly through the battlefield.Soon, Xuan Da Jingqi came to block them, and the two armies fought immediately, and there was no turning point, and then they interspersed with each other and fell into a melee.

Not long after, I saw a wave of infantry reappeared on the ditch wall defense line, and there were Chinese characters on the secondary red army flag, the first army of Yongding Battalion.It was easy for large groups of infantry to catch up, because the land corridor was too small.

Xuan Da Jingqi immediately suffered a devastating blow. The cavalry in the group were smashed into sieves by the infantry with flintlock guns. The distance between the two sides was often only a few steps away. Lead bullets almost flew towards the face, and no armor could stop them. Such a close shot.The scattered cavalry couldn't attack, they were surrounded by the cavalry regiments of the Suzaku Army, and the surroundings were full of people, both the enemy and the enemy. The horses couldn't run at all. They fought like infantry and were not as dense as infantry.

The two sides fought until the sun was up, and there was a cannon shot from behind Zhang Ning, as if the rear wing was fighting with other troops of the government.

However, the front offensive was coming to an end, and the officers and soldiers of the Northwest Battalion were in disarray. When the rebels retreated eastward, they seemed to be blocked by Zhou Mengxiong's army, and the gunfire from the east was very dense.

Some knights were forced to rush into Gantang Lake. They fell into the water from their horses, and immediately disappeared in the deep water. They were wearing iron sheets weighing at least several tens of kilograms, and even the gods could not float up.Some were in shallow water, struggling in waist-deep water. I am afraid that the taste in the freezing water was very unpleasant. The shallow water was all splashed into dirty mud. How much blood.

On the bloody battlefield, it was not easy to surrender, and the rebels rushed up and killed them.

The defeated Xuanda elite soldiers were in such a horrible place, and many people were frightened and cried, but it was useless.An exhausted man didn't know where to go, and lost his army. Suddenly, a group of bloody people rushed up with red eyes, knives and guns in their hands, and stabbed him as soon as they came up. This feeling can only be fear and despair.Some officers and soldiers simply dropped their weapons, hugged their heads and huddled on the ground, screaming and wanting to be killed quickly.

As soon as the fierce battle of infantry and cavalry in the early stage was over, the battle turned into a massacre after the defeat of the official army.This place is truly a dead place, with hordes of rebels at the front and back, and water on both sides.There were so many people who fell into the water, if it wasn't for the tragic scene of the massacre, no one would be willing to jump into such cold water...

Zhang Ning avoided his gaze, but he was relieved.The outcome has been decided, and he doesn't want to rashly stop the massacre and prevent people from venting their emotions after the war; I'm afraid it can't be stopped, and the battlefield is still in chaos.I am afraid that most of the time in war is running or slaughtering, rather than fighting each other.

The number of elite officers and soldiers in the Northwest Battalion exceeds at least 1. It seems that this time they are going to be completely wiped out.

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