Xiulong stage

Chapter 15 Secretary

Chapter 15 Secretary

"Hanzi, you're awake!" Mother Meng Yuzhi came in hurriedly from outside the ward with two white grocery bags in her hand, which contained several buns and a bag of soy milk, and saw her son wake up , with a smile on his face.

Hanzi smiled and said: "Mom, I'm awake, I'm fine!" Meng Yuzhi handed the buns and soy milk to Liu Xinyi and said, "Girl, you should eat some buns first, and drink some soy milk. You've been up all night, really. thank you!"

Liu Xinyi was also polite, took the two food bags, and said, "Thank you, Auntie!" It seemed that Meng Yuzhi and Meng Yuzhi were also very familiar. I think the two of them guarded Hanzi together last night, and they should be talking to each other. We have talked a lot, and we are very familiar with each other.

Liu Xinyi said to Hanzi: "Hanzi, the doctor said that you lost too much blood just now, and you should not eat other things. I have already asked my mother to cook seven-star fish porridge for you. I am hungry. I will eat first. You bear it."

Hanzi smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not hungry at all now, but how dare you ask your mother to cook porridge for me, how embarrassing it is!"

"My mother heard that you saved me. She is very grateful. If you don't show it to her, she still feels uncomfortable. It's okay. My mother is very good." Liu Xinyi smiled while eating buns Said.

Meng Yuzhi smiled and said: "Your mother really has a heart, and no one will ignore this matter. Besides, Hanzi and you are classmates, so why be so polite."

Liu Xinyi said: "Auntie, don't say that, I was lucky to meet Hanzi, otherwise I don't know what I have become now." Hanzi came to the rescue, and at the time she was worried about Hanzi's injury, which indirectly diluted that fear, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a good state of mind now.But when I think about it at this time, I still can't hide the fear in my heart, and I am terrified.As for Hanzi at the same table, apart from being grateful, the subtle emotions towards him in her heart became clearer at this time, but she didn't realize it when she was in it.

Hanzi comforted: "Xinyi, don't think so much, it's all over, isn't it all right now? That's right, Xinyi, what happened last night, I remember you were studying late last night Just left, from the school to the township government, it takes only 2 minutes to ride a bicycle, when there were so many students leaving school together, how could the gang of bad guys have the opportunity to do something to you?"

Seeing his worried look, Liu Xinyi was very moved and said, "My bicycle had a flat tire on the front wheel yesterday afternoon. I didn't ride my bicycle to school at night. Didn't I prepare for the final exam? I will go with Chen Yueli during the self-study next night." I found my English teacher, Ms. Li, and asked her a few English questions. It was a bit late when I left school, and no one left on the road by then.

"When I was halfway, the four hooligans suddenly jumped out from the side of the road, grabbed me, covered my mouth, and pulled me to the sugarcane field on the right side of the road. I was terrified and kept struggling , I don’t know when I got caught, I yelled for help, and then they gagged me, dragged me into the sugarcane field, and then you came. You know the rest .” After speaking, he looked at Hanzi very affectionately.

Hanzi looked a little unnatural from her eyes, so he said: "Xinyi, I'll go back with you after studying at night, do you think it's okay?"

Liu Xinyi said happily: "Hanzi, are you serious? That's really great!" I don't know if she means that it's great to have someone to accompany her home and not be afraid of bad people, or that it's great to have Hanzi with her.In short, her mood at this time is so complicated.

Hanzi smiled and said, "I see you are happy, let's make it like this, so you don't have to worry about meeting bad people again."

Meng Yuzhi smiled and said: "Yes, you are classmates and at the same table, you should help each other, son, you should take care of Xinyi a lot in the future, she is a girl, you should take care of her, what's the matter?" Let her do more things, you are a man."

Hanzi smiled and said, "Okay, mom, you will help Xinyi and stand on the same side with her so soon? Hehe, you two are ruthless."

"Has Student Lu woke up?" A man's voice came from outside.Upon hearing this, Liu Xinyi immediately jumped up and said, "My father is here." As soon as the words fell, Liu Mingchun and a middle-aged woman walked into the ward one after the other.As soon as he came in, he said happily: "Ah, classmate Lu really woke up, it's great." After speaking, he stepped forward to hold Hanzi's hand and said, "Student Lu Mohan, thank you very much You saved our daughter, thank you, thank you."

After a pause, he continued: "Student Lu, I am here this time to express my gratitude to you for saving my daughter Liu Xinyi, and to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the government for your acts of bravery, bravery against gangsters, and honorable injuries." Condolences, and on behalf of the government, thank you! Your actions are worth learning and carrying forward for all of us."

The middle-aged woman stabbed him in the back and said, "I'm talking about Lao Liu, this is a ward, don't come here to express your political remarks, okay? You see, the young man just woke up, but he didn't eat anything. , the body is still very weak, you chattered non-stop when you came, do you give others a rest?" Liu Mingchun was taken aback, and said: "That is, that is, look at me, the old problem is to change No way!"

After Liu Mingchun came in, Hanzi really didn't say a word, it was all said by that Liu Mingchun.At this time, Fang Zi had the opportunity to say: "Hello, Secretary Liu, and Aunt Wang." Liu Xinyi's mother's surname is Wang, and her name is Wang Zhixiu.

Wang Zhixiu said with a smile: "Good boy, thanks to you, Auntie is here to thank you. Come on, this is the seven-star fish porridge that Auntie specially cooked for you. Eating it is good for wound recovery." He took it himself A small bowl was scooped out of a fresh-keeping lunch box to feed Hanzi.

Meng Yuzhi hurriedly snatched the bowl from her hand, and said: "Big girl, how dare you bother you to come in person, let me do it."

Wang Zhixiu laughed and said: "It's nothing, this child saved my daughter, so what's the point if I feed him a meal." But she didn't grab it from Meng Yuzhi any more, and let her feed it to Han Zi.

Several people chatted for a while, watching Hanzi eat two small bowls of seven-star fish porridge, Liu Mingchun said: "Student Lu, no, I'd better call you Hanzi, it's more kind, what happened last night is not familiar to everyone in the village." The news spread, the Propaganda Department in the village heard about your heroic deeds, and wanted to do an exclusive interview with you, to publicize this kind of advanced deeds of righteous deeds, and to give an ideological education to the general public. I said I would like to ask your opinion ,what do you think?"

Hanzi thought for a while and said, "Secretary Liu, it's not so good. I'm still a student, and it's better to focus on my studies now. It's probably going to be a lot of trouble to do such a thing, so let's forget it." , I still want to do a good job in my studies with peace of mind, the final exam will be the day after tomorrow, and I still want to go back to school to take the exam."

Liu Mingchun asked again: "Han Zi, this is a very good opportunity to promote yourself, have you really thought it through?"

Hanzi said: "I've thought it over clearly, Secretary Liu, you don't have to worry about it. It's Secretary Liu, were those hooligans caught last night? Such bad guys can't stay in the world to harm others, they should be arrested It’s right to go to labor reform.”

Liu Mingchun said: "Two were caught last night. Those two were injured a little while fighting with you. They ran a bit slower and were caught up by our police officers. Besides, those two are on the run. But our police station has already learned about the situation of the other two from the two people who were arrested, and I believe they will be brought to justice in a short time. These are the affairs of the police station, so you don’t have to worry about them, Hanzi.”

Only then did Hanzi feel relieved, and said: "I'm worried that those bad people will hurt others again." Liu Mingchun praised: "Hanzi, you have such a kind heart, you can think of others like this, if everyone in this society If a person can think like this, this society will be much more peaceful, and your thinking is worth learning from.”

Hanzi smiled embarrassedly and said, "Secretary Liu, you praise me too much. What's so good about me."

Liu Mingchun said with a smile: "I think you are too modest, but I think you should call me Uncle Liu. I don't think I'm called the secretary. Why do you sound awkward when you call me that?"

To be continued.Ask for favorites and recommendations!

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