Xiulong stage

Chapter 16 Exam

No.16 Chapter Exam

Hanzi said: "Then I'll call you Uncle Liu." Liu Mingchun smiled and said: "It's better this way, it's really strange, why does it feel awkward to hear you screaming." He said again: "Hanzi, you can rest assured Let's recuperate in the hospital, uncle will go back first if he has something to do."

Hanzi said: "Thank you, Uncle Liu, I'm fine, you can go to work first if you have something to do." Liu Xinyi also said: "Hanzi, I will go back first, and I will come to see you in the evening." Hanzi said: "Don't come to see me Well, I'm much better now, I can leave the hospital after two days of rest, and I have to go back to school for the exam. The day after tomorrow I have the final exam, so you don't have to come to see me these two days, just study hard and prepare for the exam. "

Liu Mingchun also said: "Yes, girl, go back and have a good sleep. After enough sleep, read the book well and don't let your grades drop." Liu Xinyi saw that Hanzi and her father had said this, so she had to agree.At that moment, Liu Xinyi's family of three said goodbye to Hanzi and Meng Yuzhi, and then went back.

At noon, teacher Yan, the teacher in charge of the class, brought four representatives of the class, one woman, three men, to smoke some apples and pears to visit Hanzi, and Wei Guangxing was naturally among them.

Of course, Teacher Yan praised Hanzi's behavior greatly, and finally asked: "Student Mo Han, do you think you will be able to come back to take the final exam the day after tomorrow? If not, the teacher will ask for a leave of absence for you. Your health is critical."

Hanzi said: "Teacher Yan, don't worry, I will definitely go back to take the final exam. There are not many major exams in junior high school. I don't want to leave any regrets."

Teacher Yan said: "Of course the teacher is very pleased that you have such an idea, but you must take care of your body. As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution. Don't damage your body, otherwise it will be difficult for you to do anything in the future." Yes. The day after tomorrow's exam, you can wait and see how your body recovers, but you can't hold on."

Han Zi replied: "You know Teacher Yan, you can rest assured, I know my own body, it's fine."

Teacher Yan said, "Okay, then I'll go back first, there's still class in the afternoon."

"Goodbye, Teacher Yan." Han Zi waved his hand and said to the head teacher.

After Teacher Yan left, the few classmates who came with him dared to be presumptuous. Wei Guangxing said with a smile: "Good job, Hanzi, tell us about your glorious deeds of saving the beauty last night. You don't know, today's When Teacher Yan told you about you in the morning, all the students in the class were excited. Damn, four people, how did you deal with it, was it one punch or one kick? That's great. As expected of our boss.”

Hanzi laughed and scolded: "You brat, you can't stop crackling once you start talking. I don't even know what you're talking about. Can you just say it sentence by sentence?"

Wei Guangxing laughed and said, "Isn't that eager to know, there is no other way, and you know I'm just like this."

Hanzi had no choice but to tell them what happened last night. Of course, he didn't learn those dirty words from those hooligans. As for the fight with those four people, even Hanzi didn't know I didn't remember much, so I just made it up and told them. However, Wei Guangxing and other four students were very excited when they heard it, as if they were fighting the four gangsters in person.

After Hanzi finished speaking, the four of them started asking questions.Han Zi was actually very nervous at the time, how could he remember so much, he told them what he remembered right now, and talked nonsense if he couldn't remember, anyway, few of them would know.

Several classmates chatted cheerfully for a long time, and when the nurse came to give Hanzi an anti-inflammatory injection, Wei Guangxing and the four left reluctantly.

At night, Hanzi felt that besides the pain in his wound, he was still a little weak. He was in his own ward, and when the night was quiet, Hanzi began to practice Qianlong Jue.

After more than half a year of practice, the true energy formed by practicing the Qianlong Jue has been able to circulate in his body for a small week, and as the true energy continues to condense, he feels that his meridians are getting wider and wider, and the rotation of the true energy is also It's getting faster and faster. It used to take at least two hours to run a small week, but now he can let the true energy run in his body for a small week in less than an hour and a half.

However, this practice made him feel different. Due to the injury in his body, the meridians all over his body were a little aching. Suddenly, a warm air flow slowly passed by, and the whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

Before the end of a small cycle, the dull pain in the meridians has completely disappeared. He seems to feel that the Qianlong Qi is slowly transporting nutrients to the injured part of the back. There is a slight feeling that it is the wound. Seems to be healing faster.Although this feeling is not very obvious, under the slow movement of Qianlong's true energy, a trace can still be caught.

After a small cycle, Hanzi slowly opened his eyes, only to feel his whole body was warm, the pain in the meridians, muscles and bones all over the body had completely disappeared, and the pain around the wound also eased a lot.Han Zi was overjoyed, and thought to himself: "It turns out that practicing this Qianlong Jue is still very effective. At least at present, it can be confirmed that this Qi of Qianlong can heal pain very well."

When the doctor made the rounds the next morning, he saw that Hanzi's wound seemed to heal faster than expected. He was just a little taken aback, but he didn't take it very seriously, because Hanzi was only under 15 years old and was still growing. Sometimes, it is normal for teenagers to heal their wounds faster, so after the examination, he just nodded slightly and said, "He is recovering well, and he can be discharged from the hospital after another four or five days."

When Hanzi heard this, he hurriedly said: "Doctor, you see I have a final exam tomorrow, can you let me go out of the hospital early to take the exam today? I am already in the third year of junior high school, and there are not many major exams in junior high school. I don't want to miss this exam."

The doctor couldn't help being deeply surprised when Hanzi said that he wanted to leave the hospital early, but the patient's request was very reasonable. He also knew that every major exam for the third-year junior high school students was very important to them. He felt very embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, the doctor said to him: "It's not impossible for you to leave the hospital early, but your back wound has just been stitched up, so it's not advisable to do a little big exercise, otherwise it will affect the healing of the wound. How about it, you Get up and take a few steps for me to see."

Seeing that there was hope, Hanzi was very happy, so he struggled lightly. Although he felt some pain in the wound, it was not serious.I stood up and walked a few steps back and forth in the ward, and said to the doctor, "Look, doctor, I can walk around freely now, I'm fine, I should be discharged from the hospital."

The doctor saw that his actions were quite natural, and he didn't seem to be forced out, so he asked: "Student, do you feel any discomfort when you walk around? Do you feel any pain?"

Hanzi said: "I don't feel any discomfort when I walk like this. I only feel a little pain from the wound on my back when I turn around, but it's not very painful."

The doctor nodded lightly and said: "There should be no problem going to the exam, but you can't leave the hospital yet. How about this, ask your family to find a car to pick you up for the exam tomorrow, and then send you back to the hospital after the exam so that the wound can be observed. You See how, if you agree, I will approve you to take the exam."

Seeing his insistence, Hanzi had no choice but to say: "That's the best thing to do, thank you doctor." The doctor ordered him to pay attention, and went out.The doctor still gave Hanzi anti-inflammatory injections that day. At noon, Liu Xinyi couldn't help but visit him again. Seeing that he recovered quickly, she was relieved. Hearing that he was going back to take the exam, she was very surprised and said: "How can this be done? You are so badly injured that you have eighteen stitches in your back?"

Hanzi smiled and said: "It's okay, I asked the doctor, and he agreed with me to take the exam, but he told me to find a car to pick me up, not to the hospital and I told my dad, and he contacted me The car is fine, take me to the exam every day, and see how I recover, I guess I should be discharged from the hospital after the exam."

Seeing that he said that the doctor agreed, Liu Xinyi felt relieved, thought for a while and said, "What kind of car did your father look for? If it wasn't a small car, how could he take you? Or I'll ask my father to ask someone to drive you Bar?"

Han Zi hurriedly said: "No, it won't affect me like this. How dare I let others see me. No, absolutely not."

Seeing that his answer was very affirmative, Liu Xinyi had no choice but to obey him.

To be continued.Ask for favorites and recommendations!Thanks!

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