Xiulong stage

Chapter 53 Xinyi Arrives

Chapter 53 Xinyi Arrives

(The group number of this book: 76400655, welcome to join the exchange guide! Please indicate "reader" to join! Another announcement: After three chapters, this book will usher in a small climax, a nearly [-]-character "Yanlong Mountain Expedition" "Xiao Ding wrote the story with great care, and he thinks it is quite exciting, and I hope readers will support it!)

Fortunately, the Buddha really blessed this time. When the express bus stopped, Hanzi saw Liu Xinyi in the car and waved to her. Liu Xinyi also saw him and waved to him happily.

Looking at Liu Xinyi in yellow casual clothes, Hanzi felt like drinking honey, and took the small travel bag from her hand, and asked, "Xinyi, I'm tired after two hours of driving. Are you not tired?"

Liu Xinyi smiled happily and said, "I'm not tired, I slept in the car." Suddenly finding Hanzi staring at her, she laughed and said, "What are you doing, don't you know me? ?”

"Xinyi, why do I feel that you are getting fat? I was also thinking that you studied hard at school, the food was not good, and after a period of military training, you must have lost a lot of weight. Why did you get fat instead?" asked strangely.

Liu Xinyi was startled, and turned around in a hurry, looked at her body up and down, and said, "No, I'm not fat, I went to weigh myself when I came out today, and I lost two pounds from when I first started school." It’s only 93 catties, how could it be possible to gain weight.”

Hanzi looked at her carefully again, and found that she didn't seem to be fat. He glanced at her breasts, and then he knew what was going on, so he whispered something in her ear. Liu Xinyi blushed, and stretched out her little hand gently Thumped him, reprimanded: "You are going to die, you can say such a thing!"

Hanzi smiled and let her beat her, looking at her blushing face because of shyness, he felt an indescribable sense of happiness in his heart.

In fact, Liu Xinyi was very sweet in her heart, but she couldn't hold back on her face, she couldn't get used to Hanzi's frivolous words to her for the first time.

Hanzi ignored her, carried the small travel bag on his shoulder, led her with his right hand, and walked out of the station.Liu Xinyi let him lead her, but didn't struggle, and obediently followed him out.

When he got outside the station, Hanzi said, "Xinyi, do you have your phone, use it for me."

Liu Xinyi said: "It's in the bag, you take it yourself." At this time, the red glow on her face has not faded, she looks very charming.Seeing it, Hanzi was very satisfied, thinking: "Xinyi is so beautiful, so understanding, and likes me so much, what else can I be dissatisfied with?"

While taking the bag from his shoulder, he asked, "Which floor is it on?"

"On the outer floor."

"Ah, I found it." Hanzi took out her Samsung mobile phone from the outer layer of her travel bag, and called Xie Jiaying.

As soon as the phone was connected, Xie Jiaying's lazy voice came from the other side: "Who is it, it's a hot day, are you giving me sleep?"

"It seems that this girl is still sleeping, she's too lazy." Hanzi said loudly, "Hey, girl, she's still sleeping. The sun has already set on the west mountain, and it's almost dark."

"You brat, you want to die, you scream so loud." Xie Jiaying must have been taken aback by Hanzi's loud noise, Xie Jiaying jumped up from the bed and scolded.

"Hahahaha, did you scare me? I think you can still sleep." Hanzi said triumphantly.

"Hmph, brat, I'll clean you up later. Why, whose phone is this? Is your deskmate here? What's your name, Liu Xinyi, Liu Xinyi, is she here?" Xie Jiaying saw that it was a phone call Since it came, I guessed that it was Liu Xinyi who arrived. It seems that this girl is not stupid.

"Yeah, we just got off the express bus, and we're going back to school by bus, get up and wash up, I'm still waiting for you to treat me to a big meal." Hanzi urged her.

"I know, what are you urging, urging your life, wait and see if I don't deal with you." Xie Jiaying said angrily on the other end of the phone.

Seeing that he hung up the phone, Liu Xinyi said: "Han, who are you calling? Is that the Xie Jiaying you mentioned who came to City L by car with you? It seems that you know her very well!"

Hearing that there seemed to be a bit of sourness in her words, Hanzi took her little hand again and said, "What's the matter, are you jealous? I can talk to her, she is just the kind of carefree girl." , it’s nothing, don’t worry too much, don’t you know what I think about you?”

Liu Xinyi said softly: "Han, I'm a little jealous, but it's okay. It's not surprising that girls like a boy as good as you. I just hope that you will always put me first in your heart." , I will be satisfied." In fact, at this time, her heart was very sore, but she said such words unconsciously, even she didn't know why.Anyway, as soon as I saw his eyes, I couldn't help trembling in my heart.

"Xinyi, don't worry too much. I really have nothing to do with Xie Jiaying. From the beginning of school until now, I just met her today. She came to me on her own initiative." Hanzi saw her She looked a little impatient, afraid that she would really misunderstand that she had something to do with Xie Jiaying.

Seeing his anxious look, Liu Xinyi was very cute, so she couldn't help laughing "puchi", and said angrily, "I didn't say that I don't believe you, but I just expressed my feelings. I think you are anxious."

Seeing her coquettish smile, she was indescribably charming and cute, Hanzi was stunned for a while, unexpectedly, not only did she grow plump in a month, but she also became more mature like a girl Yes, every frown and smile really exudes infinite charm.

Seeing him staring blankly at her, Liu Xinyi couldn't help but blushed slightly, and said angrily, "What are you looking at, idiot, let's go!" Then she pulled him towards the bus plate.Hanzi also foolishly followed behind her.

After getting on the bus, I arrived at District High School Station in less than 10 minutes. When I got off the bus, Liu Xinyi looked at the tall school gate in the district and couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity. If I hadn't filled in the two rows of English answers wrongly, I would have done it today. I am also a student of this tall school. It would be great to be with you!"

Hanzi smiled and said, "Maybe it would be better. If we both go to the same school and see each other every day, maybe we will just focus on talking about love and delay our studies."

Liu Xinyi said angrily: "I'm just feeling emotional, isn't that okay?"

"Okay, my Xinyi can say anything. Let's go in." Hanzi hurriedly smiled.

Before entering the school, Hanzi called Xie Jiaying again, and then walked in with Liu Xinyi.

When they arrived at school, the two of them didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, they even walked away from each other, for fear that others would see their relationship.

When I arrived at the girls' dormitory building, I saw Xie Jiaying was already waiting at the bottom.Xie Jiaying saw Hanzi leading a quiet and very beautiful girl over, she couldn't help being taken aback, thinking: "What a beautiful girl, this kid is really lucky to find such a girlfriend." Anyway, in her heart, Liu Xinyi has already decided that Liu Xinyi is Hanzi's girlfriend, although Hanzi doesn't admit it.

"Hanzi, why don't you introduce me." Xie Jiaying spoke first.

Hanzi hurriedly introduced the two of them.Xie Jiaying showed the demeanor of the host, and stretched out her hand: "Hi, I'm Xie Jiaying, nice to meet you!"

"I'm Liu Xinyi, nice to meet you too." Liu Xinyi also extended her hand, and the two held hands together.

Hanzi said: "Thank you girl, you take Liu Xinyi up first, it's 05:30 now, we will meet at the school gate at 06:30, let's go have dinner together, what do you think?"

"You've said it all, why are you asking me? It's settled like this. Let's go, Liu Xinyi, let's go up, ignore him." Xie Jiaying took Liu Xinyi's hand and went upstairs.

Hanzi returned to the dormitory, took a comfortable cold shower, found the white T-shirt and off-white slacks that Liu Xinyi bought for him, and he thought he was the most handsome, and put them on.

I looked at the time, it was only six o'clock, and I sorted out some housework. Seeing that it was almost time, I closed the door of the dormitory and went out.

When we got outside the school gate, we didn't see the two girls coming out yet.I looked at the electronic watch in my hand, and it was 06 minutes away from 30:5.I had to wait patiently.Unexpectedly, at 06:30, the two of them hadn't come out yet, Hanzi thought to himself: "These two girls, why haven't they come out yet? Really, they can't still be dressing up in the dormitory."

He really guessed it right. At this time, Liu Xinyi and Xie Jiaying have become good friends who talk about everything. Girls are naturally different from boys when they go out. After a long time, plus chatting while working, this time he will have to wait.

To be continued.Please collect, collect, collect, collect!

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