Xiulong stage

Chapter 54 Is she a little sister?

Chapter 54 Is she a little sister?

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Hanzi walked back and forth outside the school gate with some annoyance, looking at the electronic watch in his hand from time to time, and made an appointment at 06:30, and at seven o'clock he hadn't seen the two daughters Xie Jiaying, so he felt a little depressed.I thought: "Isn't it possible that these two girls forgot that I was waiting for them outside? It's been half an hour, why don't you come out. Wait another 5 minutes, if you don't come out, I will call to remind you."

Fortunately, after 2 minutes, I saw the two of them walking out of the room slowly, talking and laughing all the way, as if they didn't care about Hanzi waiting here until he was getting old.

"Wow, you two have been too long, haven't you? You were late for 35 minutes. I had to wait for a while. If I had known, I wouldn't have come out so early." Hanzi complained when he saw the two of them.

"Is there? Didn't you agree to wait here at seven o'clock?" Xie Jiaying was taken aback.I don't know if they heard it wrong or on purpose, anyway, they just don't admit being late.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Liu Xinyi said, "Hanzi, it's only natural for boys to wait for girls. Don't you want us to come back and wait for you once before you are reconciled? Just say a word less."

Seeing that she had spoken, Hanzi stopped talking.But he also finally learned the power of girls, that is, no matter whether you guys are right or not, but in the end it must be you who is unreasonable, and girls are always right!

"Sigh, it's hard to raise only women and villains!" Han Zi couldn't help murmuring softly.

"Boy, what did you say? Say it again if you have the guts?" Unexpectedly, Xie Jiaying overheard him muttering in a low voice, and glared at him, as if wanting to eat him.

"No, no, I'm always right, you two young ladies." Han Zi hurriedly explained.

"Hmph, for the sake of sister Xinyi, I won't argue with you this time. I tell you, my ears are very good. Don't speak ill of me behind my back." Xie Jiaying snorted coldly, like that Extremely arrogant.

"This stinky girl wasn't so fierce before, why is it like eating gunpowder today? There's something wrong!" But Hanzi didn't dare to say these words again, he didn't want to mess with Xie Jiaying, a huge hornet's nest, at this time.He hurriedly smiled and said: "Don't dare, how dare I speak ill of you behind Miss Xie, hehe, hehe!"

"Looking at your wicked smile, you must be scolding me in your heart, talking bad about me, right?" Xie Jiaying saw that he smiled so unnaturally, she couldn't help guessing that he must be talking about herself in her heart, and she couldn't help getting mad again.

"No, absolutely not this time, don't wrong me again, okay?" Han Zi pretended to be innocent.

"Okay, okay, did the two of you have any enmity in your previous life? When you met, you kept bickering. You're both big and shameless." Seeing that the two of them didn't intend to stop, Liu Xinyi really couldn't see it. , had no choice but to persuade.

Liu Xinyi took Xie Jiaying's hand and said: "Jiaying, let's go, we don't need to talk to him, he has no manliness at all, why are you arguing with us girls!"

"That's right, ignore him, let's go!" Xie Jiaying gave Hanzi a very smug look as she walked.

"I swear, I will never bicker with girls again! The one who suffers is always me, what a sweat!" Hanzi thought.

"Jiaying, where do you take us to eat, just eat a fast food outside." Liu Xinyi saw that she was leading them forward, not knowing where she was going to take them.

"Sister Xinyi, you can be regarded as a visitor from afar. How can you eat at those roadside stalls? Besides, you don't know that no matter how delicious the food next to the school is, it's not much better. Let's go a little farther and go to the front Let's go eat food stalls." Xie Jiaying said, pointing to the front.

"No need? So much money? How embarrassing." Liu Xinyi said.

"Actually, have you ever calculated that it costs six or seven yuan to eat an ordinary fast food for one person. The three of us are three to sixty-one and 18 yuan. Plus Hanzi is so big, we must eat three bowls of rice. Then It’s only 20 yuan, and it’s enough for us to order two dishes at the food stall, and the two dishes are only 30 yuan, at least there is a place for us to sit and chat, don’t you think?” She said clearly , just like a budget-conscious housekeeper.

Liu Xinyi couldn't say no to her, so she had no choice but to follow her.Hanzi remained silent, not wanting to quarrel with her again.

The three of them walked for about six to seven minutes, and saw a shop in the middle of the street called "Fengjie Food Stall", with the words "air conditioner open" written on the glass door. Although it has entered October, the weather in the south is still very hot. Hanzi had just started to sweat on his back after walking for a while.

"Miss Boss, are there any seats, the three of us." Xie Jiaying shouted very sophisticatedly as soon as she entered.

"Yes, yes, the three of you, please come this way." A fat woman about 40 years old rushed over to greet them.

Entering the store, a chill came over, it seems that this food stall really has the air conditioner on.Hanzi glanced at the furnishings in the shop: This is a large frontage composed of three frontages. There are six sets of tables and chairs in the hall, and there are three private rooms inside. From time to time, there was the sound of guessing codes. It seemed that there were people eating inside. There were four tables out of the six tables outside. There were four or five people sitting at each table, including men and women. There were only two tables left unoccupied.One of the tables is by the glass door, and you can see the street outside, but it is relatively small, and it is just right for four people.

"Miss Boss, let's sit at the table next to the glass door over there." Xie Jiaying's thoughts were exactly the same as Han Zi's, and she immediately took a fancy to that table.

"Okay, okay, no problem." The fat woman hurriedly led them to that table.

"Waiter, hurry up and greet the guests." The fat woman shouted to a waiter in the shop.

A not-so-ugly young waiter came over with a pot of tea and poured them three cups of tea before asking what they wanted to eat.

Xie Jiaying asked Liu Xinyi what he wanted to eat, Liu Xinyi said it didn't matter, but pointed to Hanzi and said, "He likes to eat Sichuan-style twice-cooked pork, let's have a plate." Xie Jiaying glanced at her, said nothing to the waiter, "Come here A plate of Sichuan-style twice-cooked pork, another fried chicken with fungus, a good soup, and a plate of green vegetables. Order these first. If you don’t have enough, call.”

The waiter took notes one by one and went down to prepare.

Xie Jiaying secretly asked Liu Xinyi: "Sister Xinyi, how do you know what this brat likes to eat?"

Liu Xinyi chuckled lightly and said, "I've been at the same table with him for three years in junior high school, so it's not strange for you to say that I know what he likes to eat."

"Ah, so it's like this, who married you at the same table, who peeked at my diary..." Xie Jiaying hummed softly.

To be continued.Ask for collection, collection, collection, collection!

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