fairy flame

Chapter 10 Secret Hands

Luo Yu looked at the scene outside, and some bold servants had already started joking with the maidservants, making the maidservants giggle from time to time, Luo Yu shook his head slightly, then went back to his warehouse, waiting for those maidservants The guard moved the gift in, after all, he had to be careful in doing things.

It didn't take long for some gifts that had been inspected to be moved up. After Luo Yu greeted the guards, they carefully checked them one by one. The guards ignored Luo Yu's greetings. Luo Yu didn't mind when he was used to it. Do your own thing seriously.

These gifts were inspected by the butlers, and there was no problem, so Luo Yu quickly let them go. Seeing the piles of gifts being moved in, Luo Yu was also heartbroken. There were too many gifts. I don't know how much these things are worth. It's strange that they have to collect money. It turns out that they are collecting money in disguise.

Time passed slowly, more and more gifts piled up in the warehouse, and the servants who gave gifts outside gradually disappeared. Luo Yu checked for a long time, feeling exhausted all over his body. After all, he was still a child and had no After doing these tasks, I was naturally not used to it at first.

Suddenly, when he saw a strange gift dangling in front of him, he felt something was wrong, so he stood up cleverly, and shouted to the guard carrying the basket: "Wait a minute, what's in this basket?" Luo Yu's voice was a little loud, and the guards who were carrying the gifts and other warehouse managers all looked here, curious about what Luo Yu found.

"Didn't you check it just now? There are only some ordinary birthday bags inside." The guard replied coldly, and when he turned around, he realized that there was a deep scar on his face, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Really? It's just an ordinary birthday bag? Then why make it so big? Is there something hidden inside? Open it and have a look." Luo Yu glanced lightly, and then said in a deep voice.

"Humph! These are the buns made by the most famous Yuelai Pavilion in Anding City. Everyone in the city knows their rules. When they make birthday buns for others, they are twice the size of ordinary buns. You don't even have this Do you know?" After finishing speaking, the guard immediately sized Luo Yu up and down with a strange gaze, thinking that he had discovered something, but he didn't expect that he didn't even know about it. As soon as the butlers watched Luo Yu burst into laughter, there were even some strange mocking sounds. "Where did the bumpkin come from, he didn't even know this." "It turns out that this is a scholar who knows the world's affairs without going out, haha!" After finishing speaking, there was a burst of laughter.

At this moment, Luo Yu's face was as hot as a red apple, almost red to the neck, but he still said slowly and firmly: "Hmph! Is there any problem with the buns made by Yuelai Pavilion? Is there something wrong with you? Responsible?" After finishing speaking, he stared fiercely at the guard. "Then check it! But I can tell you that the number of these birthday bags is limited, and they will be given to VIPs tomorrow. If they are broken, even if they sell you, they will not be able to pay for it." Hearing this, Luo Yuan Yu had already touched Shoubao's hand, and stopped immediately, feeling aggrieved in his heart. He really couldn't afford to pay for these Shoubao.Gritting his teeth, he slowly retracted his hand and said to the guard in a deep voice, "Go in."

The guard smiled coldly, looked at Luo Yu with contempt, and put the things in.Luo Yu stared at the guard, didn't say anything, but secretly said in his heart: "Today's humiliation, I will definitely ask you to pay back a hundred times, a thousand times in the future." Luo Yu didn't know at this time that the man was about to die. After the bag was put into the house, a strange and gloomy color flashed in the depths of his pupils.The onlookers were not affected by Luo Yu's joke, and quickly returned to their work. It was already afternoon when the goods were counted.

In the evening, Luo Mansion will hold a big banquet to entertain distinguished guests from various places.And these have nothing to do with Luo Yu, the people of Luo Mansion would never let him participate in the birthday banquet, and the outsiders don't even know that Luo Zeng has a third son.

At this time, Luo Yu dragged his tired body back to his hut, thinking about something quietly, feeling a little depressed, not because of the humiliation today, but because the person he wanted to wait for hadn't come yet, nor could he. Do you know if it will come?The people Luo Yu wants to wait for are naturally that Li Xianren and his third sister Luo Qingqing. He studied chess painstakingly, and more than half of the reason is to gain Li Xianren's appreciation so that he can be accepted as an apprentice. This is what Luo Yu has been doing for many years. wish.

But now that he has achieved some success in chess, what should he do if that Immortal Li doesn't come? Wouldn't he have to be looked down upon for the rest of his life, and he will never make it to the top? Longing, unconsciously fell asleep.

At some point, Luo Yu was awakened by the sound of huge firecrackers and fireworks. After waking up, she felt much better. She got up, dressed slowly, walked to the gate of the yard, and looked up at the night sky quietly.

The night sky at this time is extremely gorgeous, colorful and sparkling fireworks are everywhere, and the sky above the entire Luo Mansion seems to be illuminated.It is said that in order to celebrate this birthday, the people of Luofu bought thousands of taels of fireworks, which were produced by Tiangongfang in the capital day and night.

Luo Yu looked up at the starry sky, reminiscing about the hardships he had traveled all the way, not knowing what to do in the future, as if waiting, but the lonely figure was a little confused.

At this moment, Luo Yu looked at her mother's small house, the doors and windows were closed, cold and lifeless, and she thought to herself: "Mother is still the same, she is indifferent to everything in Luo's mansion, even if it is a birthday banquet." For big things, she can also stay in the room alone and do her own thing, with a calm expression."

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps rushing towards the backyard, and within a few blinks, he arrived at the door of the backyard. Luo Yu only saw a group of men in black rushing towards him, and before he had time to ask anything, he was caught Two of the big men in black clasped their shoulders.

Afterwards, one of the men in black grabbed Luo Yu's head, raised his head, stared at Luo Yu and said, "That's right, it's this little bastard, take him to see the master." After going through a lot of hardships, but at this time they were still panicked. These people wondered what they wanted to do. They were anxious and shouted at their mother's house: "Mother, mother, please!" "Before he finished speaking, the group of men in black led him to the living room of Luo Mansion.

At this time Luo Yu's mother heard his shout, how can you still sit still, rushed out of the door in a hurry, and said to the group of people in black: "Where are you guards? The master has ordered you not to move." Our mother and son!" The man in black, who was walking quickly, turned his head and said sharply after hearing Luo Yu's mother's question: "Take him away, it is the master's order! Madam wants to save him, I should go to the master and say In an instant, the group of men in black disappeared into the night with Luo Yu.

At this moment, Luo's mother's face was extremely anxious. What was anxious was that Luo Zeng did not keep his promise to her back then, broke his promise, and wanted to harm his son. He hurried into the house, took out a pair of extremely refined earrings from under the bed, and went to The man in black ran out in the direction where he disappeared.

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