fairy flame

Chapter 9 Emerging Edges

Luo Yu pondered for a moment, then ran to the old man's table to calculate carefully. At first, Luo Yu really encountered some troubles. There were too many kinds of goods, all kinds of strange things, and some goods were repeated many times. The goods were purchased many times, and after a long time of calculation, it was discovered that all the goods of this kind were released in the afternoon, so it was useless to calculate, so the calculation was very troublesome.

But in an instant Luo Yu calmed down, thinking of the "classification method" in the Jiugong Bureau, classifying the goods first and then calculating the total purchases minus the total shipments, so the calculation is very fast, and the expression on Luo Yu's face gradually relaxed down.

At this time, the old man who had been concentrating on reading the account book nodded in relief after seeing the expression on Luo Yu's face. It seems that the child didn't say what the result of his calculation was!At least this serious attitude is not feigned.

It will be done in less than half an hour for Luo Yu, and he respectfully handed the things he had calculated to the surprised old man. Luo Yu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief at this time, his calculation was not bad at all with the old man's result.

It's just that Luo Yu found that one more person should be added to the number of people entering and leaving, and he should also be counted. I don't know if this is where the old man wants to test him.

At this time, the old man was extremely horrified. He originally said that the calculation within three hours was a compliment to this boy. After all, he had never studied and was too young, and he was naturally very proficient in managing accounts for so many years. Unexpectedly It only took half an hour for this kid to calculate, this speed is simply appalling!Is he hiding something?

"Old man, is there a mistake in the kid's calculation?" Luo Yu knew that he had frightened the old man, so he couldn't help arousing a childish temper.

"No, you actually thought of the number of people coming in and out. It can be seen that you are a thoughtful person. Since you passed my assessment, you go to the second floor to manage the birthday food sent by others. This is the warehouse key. Remember to take it with you." The old man was surprised by Luo Yu's words, and then he realized his gaffe, and hurriedly replied.

"The kid is going now, old man, take care." After finishing speaking, Luo Yu saluted the old man, took the key and went upstairs. At this time, the old man kept staring at Luo Yu's back until he disappeared. He moved away from his sight, looked at the white paper in his hand, and was still shocked: "There is someone who can mentally calculate 45 sets of data in one go. This person is really very smart, and he will definitely not be in the pool in the future!" This old man was frightened. Generally, people who can mentally calculate [-] to [-] sets of numbers are considered smart, and those who can mentally calculate [-] to [-] sets of numbers are considered geniuses. Those who can calculate more than [-] sets of numbers are extremely rare. At least he lived For most of my life, I have never seen such a person.

Besides, Luo Yu was still so young, Luo Yu didn't know how much shock he had given that old man. At this time, he had already arrived at the longevity food warehouse, and he was just looking back and forth curiously in the storage of longevity food. There were some rare items inside. , a large bowl of bright red longevity peaches, colorful and exotic fruits, all kinds of exquisite food, a dazzling array of beautiful things, Luo Yu was dazzled by looking at them, and his mouth was greedy for a while, but these things can only be seen but not touched, it is indeed very appetizing. An average child would probably be so lost in his mind that he didn't know where he was. Luo Yu checked the list one by one, and after finding nothing wrong, he sat down and rested.

It didn't take long before there was a knock on the door. Luo Yu thought it was someone giving a birthday gift, but he quickly opened the door and found that it was the old man on the first floor, holding a thick blue quilt in his hand, smiling. Standing outside the door, seeing Luo Yu coming out, he said, "You're going to stay here tonight, it's cold at night, so I'll give you a quilt, otherwise you'll catch a cold, and you'll be in trouble." A little concerned, it seems that he has seen Luo Yu's talent and knows that Luo Yu's future is limitless, so he wants to make a relationship.

Luo Yu had long seen the warmth and coldness of the people in the mansion, so he didn't take these concerns to heart, but still respectfully led the old man into the house and sat down.

"The old man is too polite. In the future, if you have anything to do, you can just find the boy, and you don't need to send anything." Luo Yu laughed.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so polite. The old man actually wants you to help me sort out the accounts when you are free. You don't have the heart to make the old man work so hard. I know that these things don't cost much to you. For a long time, the old man will not let you do it for nothing, he will give you a little reward, how about it?" the old man with white and red face said warmly.

"Of course there is no problem. As long as the old man needs it, I will definitely help." Luo Yu said crisply, these accounts are really not difficult for him, and there is still a reward for not doing it for nothing.

"Okay, then it's settled. It seems that the old man can relax a bit in the future. I have one more thing to remind you. When you receive gifts tomorrow, you must be careful not to accept those precious jewelry, gold and silver notes." Wait, you must carefully check the gifts. As the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, even if it is a birthday party, you must show an upright and honest image, and you must not lose the slightest bit of talk, so you must pay special attention when receiving gifts. However, there is no need to go too far I'm worried, those gifts must go through multiple inspections by the housekeepers before they are delivered, and there will generally be no problems when they arrive in your hands." The old man said here with a serious expression.

"I know, you must be careful when you receive the gift." Luo Yu nodded and said, "The old man won't bother you anymore. I'll go down and get busy first. You should go to bed early. You'll probably be very busy tomorrow." The old man got up after finishing speaking Walking outside, Luo Yu hurriedly accompanied the old man and sent him out. After returning to the house, he sat quietly on the small bed in the warehouse thinking, secretly reminding himself to pay attention tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Yu got up early, cleaned the warehouse clean, then moved a table to the door, put a pen and paper, sat there and recalled yesterday's Jiugong Xiantian Bureau, It is also known as "Luo Shu", the way of chess. Every time I deduce it, I will deepen my understanding of this game. I feel that my understanding of the Jiugong game is still very shallow. I feel that there seems to be something in the innate Jiugong gossip, but I can't see anything.

However, if Luo Yu can't figure it out, he won't get entangled in this issue. Instead, he uses the Jiugong Tu to deduce the "Longzhong Pair" chess game given to him by the lunatic uncle. The current Longzhong Pair chess game is no longer so complicated for Luo Yu , can roughly sort out the clues, only a few of the changes can only be confirmed after repeated scrutiny. Gradually, Luo Yu is immersed in the game record and gradually forgets the time.

I don't know how long it took, there were shouts and creaking sounds from outside. Luo Yu looked out of the window out of curiosity, and was instantly shocked by the scene outside. It was not yet time for the warehouse to open. , the outside is already full of people and piles of goods. There are all kinds of things, and some even sent some rare animals. Those animals jumped around restlessly, making the mess There was a lot of flying around in the square, but it had to be said that it was also a lively scene. Looking from the top down, Luo Yu could clearly see that the more precious the gifts, the closer they stood, and the ones that were almost behind in turn. Well, almost everyone abides by this hidden rule. After all, the level of gift giving can also be secretly compared with the level of status.

At this time, Luo Yu saw the door below slowly open, and the old gentleman from yesterday walked out slowly, accompanied by several guards, with an extremely serious expression on his face. Walked to the center of the door with a serious face, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Today is my lord's fiftieth birthday. Everyone is willing to come to celebrate my lord's birthday. First, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Luofu. Got it, after counting the gifts later, the old man will give each person a red envelope to express his gratitude, and now I will hand over the list of gifts and the gifts to the guards beside me, and they will check them one by one." After finishing speaking, he Some beautifully dressed maidservants came out from behind neatly carrying trays of fruit cakes. The servants who gave gifts seemed to have never seen so many beautiful women. Their eyes were wide open, and they could even hear some There was a sound of swallowing saliva, the old man sitting on the high platform seemed to enjoy the feeling of being in a high position, his eyes flicked around, and he was eating a piece of pastry that the maid had just brought up in his hand.

Dear readers, handsome men and beauties, Youdao is here to congratulate you on Happy Valentine’s Day!

I hope you will collect more after reading it. This book will soon enter the plot of cultivating immortals. Youdao will try its best to write more exciting chapters for you!Thank you for your support!

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