fairy flame

Chapter 8 The Old Man and Arithmetic

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, there is only one day left before Luo Zeng's birthday.

At this moment, Luo Yu was concentrating on reading the book "The Ways of Go". After a while, Luo Yu put down the book, took out a piece of white paper from the drawer and spread it on the table, and then took out a pen , dipped in ink, and slowly drew on the paper.

His expression was very special, his face showed expressions of puzzlement, joy, and embarrassment from time to time, and finally, as if he had realized something, his eyes flashed with inspiration, he danced with his hands and feet, and shouted happily: "Yes, that's it! It's not in vain. I have been studying day and night for three years. This is the early Xiantian Jiugong Bagua Bureau, the innate embryo, the famous Jiushu Luoshu in Yi Xue, which originated very early. In ancient times, people called it "Luoshu". I wrote this book The person who wrote the book actually realized this masterpiece that has been passed down through the ages, and recorded it in this book. This is definitely a rare genius in the world." At this time, Luo Yu was excited: "With this Luoshu chess With the addition of the method of calculation, all games in the world can be broken. Haha, I can also crack Uncle Crazy's "Longzhong Pair". But I have only scratched the surface of the congenital Jiugong game."

The more you study the way of Go, the more you feel that your foundation is superficial and ignorant.The more I study, the more I feel that Go has rich connotations and infinite mysteries.

"It seems that I was too proud in the past. The talents of the strange people in ancient times were not inferior to the people of today." Luo Yu thought about it and felt that he still needs to work hard and cannot be complacent.

At this time, there was a clear knock on the door outside the house, "God, if you don't open the door again, I will tear down your broken door." Pulled out of his thoughts, he opened the door with a slight frown and saw that it was a steward in the mansion. He was a little strange, and said, "Steward Wang, what can you do with me?" Luo Yu's voice was a little stiff at this time, and he just Wutong was interrupted before he had time to appreciate the mysterious changes in the Jiugong Bureau, and no one would look too good if he changed it.

The steward Wang seemed a little unaccustomed to Luo Yu's expression. He was taken aback when he heard this, and then shouted sharply: "Tomorrow is the master's birthday, and everyone in the house is exhausted. You still have the mood to read here. Just now the higher-ups came down to inform that there is a shortage of accountants in the warehouse, and your kid has been studying for two days, so you are asked to fill the vacancy. This is a good job, and there will be rewards if you do it well."

"No." Luo Yu replied directly without thinking, what kind of job is this, if he loses something and blames himself, how can he afford to pay for it, Luo Yu never does things that burn himself, so Reject directly.

"Don't be ignorant, you boy. This is an order from above. It's up to you whether you go or not. If you dare to agree to blame the above, you will suffer a lot of flesh and blood. You don't want your mother to worry about you." The steward's voice became a little quieter after he said it, and it seemed that he had lost the domineering air just now, but in fact, he was thinking about what Manager Gao said to him when he came here. He must ask Luo Yu to agree to work in the warehouse, otherwise His job as a steward is over.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. If Luo Yu refused to agree, he would have nothing to do, so he didn't dare to force Luo Yu too much.

"Okay, I promise you, but I can't let my mother know about this matter, otherwise I would rather be punished than go." Luo Yu gritted his teeth and replied, he was really afraid that her mother would worry about him, and he had always acted in the same way. Be careful, presumably I just need to be more careful and make no mistakes.

"Hmph! You are quite sensible, this is the token to enter and exit the warehouse. Tonight, you go over and count the gifts from the guests. Remember the time, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Steward Wang skillfully took out a black iron plate from his body and handed it to Luo Yu, then quickly left, as if afraid of Luo Yu's repentance.

At this time, Luo Yu looked at the token in his hand slightly, and after finding nothing wrong, he turned and went back to his room, and then he lost the mood to read. Although he was young, he had experienced a lot of hardships, and his mental fortitude was far superior to that of his peers Man, he didn't think that the steward Wang would be so kind and give him benefits, but he couldn't think of anything wrong, so he could only take one step at a time.

After lunch in the afternoon, Luo Yu quietly left the backyard, and came to the warehouse loft on the west side of Luofu alone. It was a tall three-story house with some exquisite patterns and some auspicious animal patterns carved on the roof and beams. , gorgeous and noble, exuding a luxurious air, Luo Yu took a look at it and walked in quickly.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by a guard. The guard looked at Luo Yu coldly. Although Luo Yu's clothes were not very good, even a little worn out, his body was a little thin, and he didn't look like a mansion. He is a powerful person in the family, but there is a heroic spirit between his brows, which makes people feel unpredictable. "Who are you? This is an important place in the Luo Mansion. Miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter without permission." The guard put one hand on the handle of the knife at his waist and asked coldly.

"I'm serving in the warehouse under the order of Chief Manager Gao to register the congratulatory gifts received during the birthday. This is my token." After speaking, he took out the black token from his arms and handed it over.

The guard took the token in one hand and looked at it carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, he returned it to Luo Yu and said: "In the future, you must wear this token on your body when you go in and out, and protect it closely. If something goes wrong if it is stolen, your life It's hard to guarantee, go in." Knowing that Luo Yu is not a high-ranking person in the mansion, it seems that he doesn't want to talk to Luo Yu more, and puts on a look of inferiority.

Luo Yu turned a blind eye to these, took the token and walked in. The warehouse is quite large, and it is divided into many small rooms. Each small room is marked with a wooden door number, like a fruit house or a rice granary. , Jewelry Pavilion, Strange Object Room, etc., each floor has eight rooms, and at the door, there is a bony old man with gray hair and a baby-like red face writing something with a pen.

The strange appearance of the old man can scare some uninformed children, but although Luo Yu is young, he has experienced many hardships and has even touched the dead. Naturally, he is more courageous than ordinary people. He kept writing something on the table, although he was curious but didn't dare to interrupt others, so he had to wait quietly.

A moment passed in a blink of an eye. The old man slowly put down the pen in his hand, wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead, and took a long breath. When he looked up, he saw a thin boy with an ordinary face standing there. He looked at himself with a faint frown, startled for a moment, and raised his voice, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The old man's voice was slightly hoarse, but there was no malice. Satisfied, knowing that Luo Yu didn't take the liberty of coming over to disturb him just now.

Luo Yu immediately replied: "The boy came here to register some birthday gifts under the order of Director Gao. I don't know where he works, so I would like to ask you, old man."

"Oh, register? You know how to do arithmetic, which academy did you study in?" The old man couldn't help asking curiously when Luo Yu said that he was here to register and settle accounts, "I didn't go to any academy before, but Zeng, the arithmetic boy, has taught himself for a while, so he should be able to get by." When Luo Yu said this, his face turned slightly red, but he was immediately replaced by a wave of confidence. Arithmetic is in it, and I have studied some when I was a child, so it shouldn't be too bad in this aspect. "

The old man was slightly disappointed in Luo Yu's self-taught eyes at the beginning, but when he saw the confident expression on Luo Yu's face, he couldn't help reminding: "These accounts are so numerous, as long as you make a wrong calculation, you won't be able to bear the consequences. Yes, in this way, this piece of paper is the entry and exit of various goods in the Tianfu. It took me two hours to figure it out, old man. Now you can do the calculation again, and leave if you can't figure it out within three hours. "

After Luo Yu finished listening, he took the list slowly, feeling a little nervous in his heart. After all, he was still a child. He stared at the piece of paper with a strange expression on his face. The result that the old man just calculated, is he not afraid that he will deceive him with this result, or is it a wrong result, the old man wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination for him, Luo Yu couldn't help thinking secretly, looked up at the old man and held back a look, only to see He was sitting at the corner of the door, holding a ledger and looking at it intently, with a concentrated expression, and nothing could be seen from his face.

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