fairy flame

Chapter 102 Deposing Wood Mountain, Lingwu Mountain

After Luo Yu's battle with the black-robed monk, he felt itchy for the ghost corpse with many magical abilities, and after practicing the 'Spiritual Corpse Art', he would not have any resistance to his cultivation of "Fengyang Strength" Therefore, Luo Yu decided to study this method as soon as he had time, thinking that if he could have a ghost corpse to help him, his combat power would definitely be improved a lot.

As for the last sound transmission talisman, there are only a few simple words recorded on it.

"Elephant hissing! Zhengyue! Kill!"

There are only a few simple words in a sound transmission talisman, without any other hints. Luo Yu thinks that there is probably some secret hidden in it that he does not want people to know, maybe it is the task instructions of the group of black robes or the connection code. And so on, but these have nothing to do with me. I just need to be careful and avoid going out as much as possible. If I can't beat him, I can use the high-level magic weapon black iron shuttle and the wind spirit power in my body to escape. Luo Yu really can't escape. I believe that the cultivators below the foundation stage can catch up with me.

Besides, those black-robed people may not be having a good time now. The elite disciples sent by the alliance of the three factions are on a killing mission. As long as they see these mysterious black-robed immortal cultivators, they will be killed. Now they may not even have time to hide. Dare to come out and commit murder at will.

However, there is one more thing that needs to be considered clearly now. There is only one day until the auction of the Mushan Mountain that Zhou Jin notified will start. Luo Yu also reluctantly agreed at the beginning. Even if he says he doesn't blame you, Luo Yu will be worried as long as he is in Guanshan City in the future, and he has no choice but to bite the bullet and go, but Luo Yu has already made plans in his heart. If there is any danger, leave immediately!

After going through all the things in his head, Luo Yu meditated quietly to adjust his state

after one day

Chumu Mountain, located a hundred miles away from Guanshan City, has beautiful scenery. The top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mists all the year round, making it hazy and mysterious. Those secular mortals who live not far from this mountain have been told in ancient times that there are often gods and immortals in the mountain, and it is a blessed place for immortals. , has many myths and legends.

Moreover, this mountain is connected to the Lanhe River, one of the three major rivers in the Yuanjiang Kingdom. The water vapor in the river often evaporates into fog. At that time, the thick fog will cover the entire mountain, just like a world of water mist. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, Chumu Mountain is also known as 'Lingwu Mountain'.

Chumu Mountain is steep and sloping, mortals can't climb it at all, of course, even ordinary people can climb it, and the immortals on this mountain will also arrange some psychedelic prohibitions or basic magic arrays to prevent the other party from entering the place where the immortals practice. , This kind of method is found on many spiritual mountains, and people often talk about the separation between immortals and mortals. Those cultivators are not far from the lives of mortals, but the other party is playing tricks so that you can't discover it, and the mystery of cultivators Most of it comes from this reason.

The most important thing is that this mountain has several small and medium-sized spiritual veins, which makes this mountain attract many casual practitioners to practice here, and as time goes by, due to more and more people coming, the spiritual power of this mountain's spiritual veins But it is limited, if there are not enough things, it will naturally cause trouble.

It is said that at that time, in order to compete for the spiritual veins, a large number of casual cultivators fought here. Today, you have a high cultivation level and defeated me, but whoever does not have one or two friends, I will find someone to drive you away in a few days This kind of battle lasted for decades, and hundreds of immortal cultivators were killed or injured. The matter finally shocked the immortal cultivation world of Yuanjiang Kingdom!

However, no sect dared to stand up to manage this matter. After all, once it is managed, it means that the spiritual veins of Chumu Mountain belong to that sect. The joint attack of the group might lead to a crisis of extermination of the faction, so knowing that the fighting here is fierce, it has continued like this.

But if you don’t care about the sect, it doesn’t mean that the Loose Cultivator Alliance doesn’t care. After all, most of the dead and injured immortal cultivators are casual cultivators. The matter became more and more serious. In the end, the Loose Cultivator Alliance sent six elders from the Foundation Establishment Period to sit on the mountain, and then the matter was calmed down. Afterwards, it was reported from Chumu Mountain that you can only practice by collecting spirit stones. Only by delivering a certain amount of spirit stones can you open up your own cave for cultivation in this mountain.

Although this kind of outrageous rule is very unfair, it was set by those masters in the Foundation Establishment period, and you dare to say anything, so you have to bear the disadvantage of being dumb.

Even though spirit stones are collected, there are still a lot of people who come here to practice, because after so many years of fighting, this mountain has become famous, and many businessmen from the world of cultivating immortals set up shops here, and the business is booming compared to some large markets. It's not bad at all, and as long as you have a cave on this mountain, you can set up a stall and open a shop without collecting additional spirit stones, and you will be protected by the six foundation-building stage cultivators of Chumu Mountain during normal practice, even if you are an enemy seeking If they come to your door, they will not let others trouble you in the Chumu Mountain. This is what attracts immortal cultivators the most. Of course, the so-called enemies must refer to those below the foundation stage.

As time went by, the news that not only one could have spiritual cultivation but also be protected in Chumu Mountain gradually spread, and it attracted a large number of immortal cultivators from all over the world to join. After a long period of development, it gradually formed Now it is like this, and the six foundation-building stage cultivators of Chumu Mountain also became sworn brothers because of this, calling themselves "Six Immortals of Chumu", and their reputation is extremely loud in the immortal world of Yuanjiang Country!

At this moment, at a place called 'Qingmu Cliff' on the top of Chumu Mountain, there are thirty or forty immortal cultivators in different costumes standing on a platform in the middle of the cliff, for a middle-aged man in a fine Phnom Penh dress , The middle-aged man had an anxious look on his face, as if he was waiting for something.

"Senior Zhou! I don't think that fellow Qing of the Cuixia faction will come. This Guanshan City is not too far from Chumu Mountain. If you really want to come, you have already arrived. Besides, there is one more person in our group." Not much, without him. Although the Cuixia Sect bears the name of the largest sect in Yuanjiang Kingdom, if this person only has the eighth level of Qi training stage and has not even reached the high level of Qi training, then It won't be of much use either!" The eagle-eyed young man standing behind the middle-aged man spoke, his expression seemed to be impatient.

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