fairy flame

Chapter 103 Huge Mountain Belly

"Hehe! Why did Fellow Daoist Wang make such a statement? Could it be that you are really enmity with this person because of the matter of Baihumen? business, but this Fellow Qing was obviously arranged by the Cuixia Sect to protect the Qinglong Gang, but this person's cultivation is only at the eighth level of the Qi training stage, do you think the Cuixia Sect really only sent him here?" Zhou There was no expression on Jin's face. After glancing at the eagle-eyed youth, he said lightly, as if he believed that Luo Yu would definitely come.

"What! He still has companions!" The eagle-eyed young man exclaimed, and then hurriedly hid his gaffe and returned to normal, "Thank you for reminding me, senior Zhou. If that's the case, then this person is really worth waiting for!" Said After finishing, he retreated respectfully.

Not long after the two of them finished speaking, a dazzling golden light suddenly flew from the sky, and it arrived in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

As a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, Zhou Jin had a strong spiritual sense, and he knew who was coming with a little sensing, so he hurried forward, just in time to meet the falling light.

I saw a young man in gray and white simple Taoist robe emerge from the escape light, it was Luo Yu who came on the way.

"Haha! I knew that Fellow Daoist Qing would definitely not miss the appointment. Zhou has been waiting for a long time." Zhou Jin said with a smile. As soon as she finished speaking, the expression on her face suddenly became extremely strange, and then her face was full of smiles. He said in horror: "Fellow Daoist Qing has reached the ninth level of the Qi training period! Unexpectedly, it has only been half a year since I saw you, and fellow Daoist has made such a breakthrough in cultivation. It is really gratifying to congratulate, and I am afraid that he will become the same as me soon." The same foundation-building monks."

"Senior Zhou has been waiting for so long! Qing is ashamed, I just made a small breakthrough recently! How dare you not know what is good or bad to reach the foundation building stage, fellow Taoists, I am really sorry for making you wait here for so long. "After Luo Yu finished speaking, he politely saluted everyone who approached behind him.

While Luo Yu was saluting, he was also secretly observing the fluctuations in the spiritual power of those people. Like Luo Yu, they were all summoned to protect the normal progress of the auction. During the Qi training period, there are only two people who have cultivated over the ninth floor, because Luo Yu's feelings for these two people are very vague, so they can't see the specific cultivation levels of these two people.

Facing Luo Yu's salute, no one dared to be negligent, they all stepped forward and said some polite words, even those with a higher level of cultivation than Luo Yu were extremely polite to him, coming out is not only about cultivation level, identity is also extremely important an evaluation standard.

Luo Yu's status as a disciple of the Cuixia Sect had to be treated with caution. After all, there were so many disciples of the Cuixia Sect that they were scattered throughout the entire Yuanjiang Kingdom. Find a few, and if you offend one of them, you won't be afraid that others will find a senior brother with a high cultivation base to teach you. Besides, Luo Yu is now a high-level immortal cultivator of Qi training, and he has broken through from the ninth level of Qi training to the tenth level of Qi training. It's just a matter of time. In terms of magic tools and supernatural powers, disciples of the sect are definitely much better than them. In a real fight, they may not be opponents!

Afterwards, Luo Yu and these people greeted each other under Zhou Jin's introduction, and chatted politely. These people basically wanted to make friends with disciples of the sect like Luo Yu, so most of them said something to praise Luo Yu's cultivation, Or blindly echoing what Luo Yu said, but when he was greeting that eagle-eyed young man, he heard that the other party was a junior monk of Feng Yunshan Wang's family. I still remember that when I went down the mountain, the burly young man who wanted to sue him also said that he was a descendant of Feng Yunshan Wang's family. It was because of Xu Lao's persuasion that Luo Yu let that man go, and the person in front of him was also a descendant. People from the Wang family, it's a bit of a coincidence, Luo Yu rubbed his chin and thought.

This person's cultivation is also at the ninth level of the Qi training period, but it seems to be a little higher than Luo Yu's, and should have reached the peak of the ninth level of the Qi training period.

Later, because Luo Yu wanted to study the "Hundred Souls" and how to use the impermanent ghost corpse as soon as possible, so that he could add a trump card for himself before the auction, Luo Yu said that he had just arrived, was a little tired, and wanted to Find a practice place to meditate to supplement the consumed spiritual power, and then get rid of the group of people, but everyone can hear the false meaning in the words, how can a high-level cultivator of Qi practice flying the imperial weapon get tired for a while!The distance from Guanshan City to Chumu Mountain is not too far.

Zhou Jin had sharp eyes, seeing that Luo Yu didn't want to say any more, she immediately asked Luo Yu to lead her to the place where the auction was held, where there was a place specially arranged for their guards to rest.

Many immortal cultivators who came and went along the way saw that Zhou Jin and Luo Yu were like brothers, and they were extremely affectionate. He is a low-level immortal cultivator, which is why no matter how enthusiastic Zhou Jin is towards him, Luo Yu always calls him Senior Zhou politely and refuses to change his words.

In fact, Zhou Jin's appearance is not strange. First, he miscalculated Luo Yu's strength, thinking that he still has accomplices from the Cuixia faction here. If there is any danger during the auction, he can help by the way. Second, With Luo Yu's fast cultivation speed, coupled with the sect's backing support, it is very possible to reach the foundation stage. Zhou Jin also saw Luo Yu's potential, so he treated him as a person of the same class.

Of course, Luo Yu didn't know about these things, and Luo Yu actually arrived several hours ago, but he was curious about the variety of weird vendors and shops in Chumu Mountain, so he wandered around and spent a little more time flying to Qingmu Cliff Of course, Luo Yu didn't get nothing. At least he figured out the main exits of Chumu Mountain.

But speaking of these shops, they are quite different from the square markets and dojos that Luo Yu saw, because these shops and teahouses were either built in caves or on cliffs, and even more strange When Luo Yu passed by a elixir shop, he found that those shops were all built on huge old black-grained trees, and there were dozens of ancient black-grained trees each with an elixir shop. The weird thing really opened Luo Yu's horizons.

Luo Yu and Wenjin walked unhappily, but not long after, Zhou Jin brought Luo Yu into a cave entrance that was several feet tall. Although Luo Yu was puzzled, he wisely didn't ask any more questions. After the two walked in the cave and turned a fork, Zhou Jin told Luo Yu that they had arrived.

"This... This is the auction site!" Luo Yu said in surprise, and what appeared before him was a huge mountainside with a square meter of hundreds of feet, as if it had been artificially hollowed out. There was a huge stand inside, the gray Dozens of stone tables and chairs are scattered throughout the cave, and moonstones that emit soft light are placed on the rock walls surrounding the entire mountainside, illuminating the entire mountainside thoroughly.

What's even more strange is that Luo Yu is in the middle of this huge mountain, but he has a sense of solidity. If it is said that an immortal cultivator used magic to dig it out, he should not have such a feeling. Besides, which immortal cultivator It's okay to dig out such a big mountainside, I'm afraid only those ancestors in the alchemy stage will have this ability!

(First update) "Fairy Flame" has been categorized and strongly promoted. It is all because of my sincere thanks to you.

And the website should use this strong push to evaluate the performance of "Xianyan" and decide whether to sign a contract, so Youdao hopes and eagerly looks forward to your continued strong support.

In order to thank those who decided to start tomorrow, that is, in the new week, I will repay you with three chapters from time to time!

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