fairy flame

Chapter 104 Auction Mystery

The mountainside is not only large in size, but also has a circle of small caves dug out on the stone wall of the mountainside. I don’t know how many there are densely packed. Luo Yu knows the function of this small cave. It is not used by ordinary cultivators.

The reason for the construction of the cave is not difficult to guess, because if there is any rare item in the auction, if the two groups want to fight, even if there is the "Six Wooden Immortals" sitting in the town, these people dare not be in the mountain. Let's fight, but as long as we get out of this mountain, it might be impossible, so these small caves are used as a shield, and some prohibition formations are arranged inside to prevent spiritual detection, so that people don't know each other's origin. Such words are rare The thing with the highest price will only get it, and no one will know who bought it afterwards, avoiding some bloody incidents of murder and robbery. Such measures can also be seen in Fangshi. Luo Yu once seen.

But holding an auction in such a large auction house, does Zhou Jin really have some rare and valuable things to auction?The auction held here must be the price of the "Six Immortals of the Wood", and I am afraid that the fees for hiring Luo Yu and others to protect the law, how can ordinary cultivators in the foundation period afford it, unless Zhou Jin came prepared this time, I'm sure I can make a lot of money to do it.

"Hehe! You made me laugh, fellow Taoist Qing. This is also an old acquaintance with the 'Six Immortals of the Wood', and I am willing to give us Wanxian Pavilion face, so that the auction site can be placed in such a place. After all, the greater the style, the more people it will attract. More and more." Seeing the surprised expression on Luo Yu's face, Zhou Jin smiled unwillingly.

"Then Qing really wants to congratulate senior, for such a big scene, I'm afraid senior should prepare more storage bags, haha!" After being surprised, Luo Yu returned to normal and responded with a smile.

"Hehe, so Mr. Zhou gave the auspicious words to fellow daoists first. If Brother Qing is interested, he can also participate in the auction. The [-]% discount remains the same. At that time, fellow daoists only need to take this brocade handkerchief and put it together with the spirit stone to hand in the auction." For the person who collects the spirit stones, he will collect the spirit stones according to the price after a [-]% discount, and there are really several valuable items in this auction, even Zhou can't help being tempted, I believe Brother Qing You will definitely be satisfied!" Zhou Jin suddenly said with a mysterious expression, taking out a pure white brocade handkerchief from her bosom while speaking and handing it out.

"Oh! Then I really want to take a look, but I'm afraid that I don't have enough spirit stones. I wonder if the senior's auction can be consigned to outsiders at the auction?" Luo Yu asked suddenly, and then said nothing more. Jin took the brocade handkerchief from Jin's hand. Zhou Jin didn't clarify what those precious items were. This must be a secret, and Luo Yu wouldn't be so stupid as to ask curiously. Naturally, it would be clear at the auction.

"Brother Qing, do you have something to consign? Of course you will accept it! However, in this auction, a certain transfer fee will be charged for all consigned items. If the reserve price of the item sold is below [-] spirit stones, [-] spirit stones will be charged uniformly." For the consignment fee, if the reserve price is more than [-] spirit stones and less than [-] spirit stones, a consignment fee of [-] spirit stones will be charged. As for the reserve price of more than [-] spirit stones, there is only one item in this auction, and it is possible to sell only this item. One piece." Zhou Jin explained slowly, and in the end even leaked a little bit of the inside story, of course, even if Luo Yu said it, it would not be a big deal, but it would arouse more people's curiosity and promote the auction.

"I do have a few items that I want to auction, but they are not worth many spirit stones, just for fun." Luo Yu chatted and walked with Zhou Jin like this. After a while, after passing through the mountainside like a square, The two came to a small courtyard with beautiful scenery. There were all kinds of pavilions, terraces and pavilions. There were more than ten small rooms forming a semi-circle. There was a rippling pool in the middle. The mountain spring waterfall, the scenery here made Luo Yu's eyes shine.

"This place is the place where your guards meditate and practice. If there is a sign on the door, it means that someone has already lived in it. If there is no one, just go in and take out the sign in the house and hang it on it. It means that this hut belongs to you." Fellow Daoists have it all, and the on-duty monks of Chumu Mountain will take back these small rooms one by one after the auction is over." Zhou Jin explained by the way after bringing Luo Yu here.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior. The auction is coming soon. Presumably senior has a lot of things to deal with, so I won't bother you." After being polite, Luo Yu and Zhou Jin randomly found a small room with no one in it. I found the sign in the house, hung it on the side of the door, and then closed the door tightly. I used my spiritual sense to check the house several times. After finding nothing abnormal, I sat quietly on the futon and wondered what I was thinking.

After a while, Luo Yu suddenly took out the brocade handkerchief and looked at it, only to see a "Zhou" tattooed on it with the ancient characters of the world of cultivating immortals on the brocade handkerchief, and a huge mountain belly was stabbed on the other side. It was embroidered at the auction site, and the embroidery was pretty good, but the material of this brocade handkerchief was very ordinary, and there was nothing weird about it.

And this kind of [-]% off items, Zhou Jin must not only give them to their guards, it is estimated that many people with status and extraordinary backgrounds, Zhou Jin will give some in order to win over, the more people who get [-]% off an auction item Many, then when it comes to the auction, the so-called [-]% discount won't work when it comes to bidding, and in the end you will still have more spirit stones than anyone else!

But this time, Luo Yu happened to guess wrong. Zhou Jin really only gave them the guards like this kind of handkerchief, because Zhou Jin expected that Luo Yu and the other guards should not have much on them. Those who collect spirit stones will be able to compete with those big families and special personnel sent by the sect, so in his opinion, the [-]% discount is just a joke!

After putting away the brocade handkerchief, Luo Yu patted the storage bag and took out a jet-black vial. After staring at the vial for a while, he tilted the mouth of the bottle, and a stream of black viscous liquid flowed out from the bottle. When it came out, Luo Yu just touched the palm of his hand a little, then immediately closed the bottle cap tightly, and carefully put away the vial, as if he cherished it very much.

Luo Yu quietly looked at the black viscous liquid in his hand, but the expression on his face was always puzzled.

Speaking of which, Luo Yu unintentionally used the mysterious flame to refine it from the primordial stones. Of course, these were obtained after the middle-grade primordial stones were calcined with mysterious flames. Deep Essence Stones have gained a name, but these Essence Stones really have grades of purity, but Luo Yu doesn’t know that, and most of the Essence Stones mined by the Qinglong Gang in the past six months are low-grade Essence Stones. Stones, but there are also a lot of middle-level chemical essence stones that are much more expensive than low-level ones. Luo Yu was naturally overjoyed when he got them.

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