fairy flame

Chapter 113 Sky-high price competition

As soon as Ximen Yan heard Xue Jing's quotation, he immediately said loudly with joy on his face: "The young master of the Xue family offered two thousand spirit stones! Is there anything higher than two thousand spirit stones?"

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu immediately understood that there must be some unknown secret between Xue Jing and Ximen Yan, and this may be obvious to many cultivators present.

However, although this Xue Jing is arrogant, the identity of the number one cultivating family in Yuanjiang Kingdom really frightened many people. In addition, Xue Jing is the future heir of the Xue family, so no one wants to offend him. Quiet again!

"Two thousand five hundred spirit stones!" From the No. 30 cave, the plain voice came out again, the voice was ethereal and mysterious, and one could not tell the exact age.

This person is naturally Luo Yu. Since he has taken a fancy to this thing, he wants to compete to the end. With the double protection of formation prohibition and painting skin technique, even if the opponent has foundation-building stage guards by his side, they can't see through his true nature. In addition, after the incident, he only needs to hide in the small courtyard behind the mountain to practice behind closed doors, and wait for three to five days before reappearing with his original appearance. Who will find him then!

Luo Yu estimated that he had about [-] spirit stones on his body, including the two items he consigned, a total of [-] spirit stones, and a total of [-] spirit stones after deducting the handling fee. Now there are five thousand six hundred spirit stones!

And just now Luo Yu spent 980 spirit stones to buy the 'Bi Linghan Halberd' after a 620% discount. After that, he only had 620 spirit stones in his hand, but with these [-] spirit stones, after nine After calculating the discount, Luo Yu could even offer four thousand spirit stones to buy this Xiayi!

Four thousand spirit stones!If the price is still not enough, then Luo Yu has nothing to say.

"Who! Who is it? Dare to spoil this young master's good deeds, Mr. Ming, isn't your spiritual consciousness able to penetrate the formation on the surface of the cave to prohibit it? Please help me see what the person in the No. 30 cave looks like , when the auction is over, we must let this person know the fate of offending this young master!" Xue Jing said with a ferocious expression, he didn't expect that after he gave his name, there would still be people who would dare to compete with him. Against him, how could I have been so angry!

"Yes! Young Master!" After Ming Lao responded in a low voice, he closed his eyes, and suddenly a powerful spiritual thought came out of his body, and spread rapidly, and then the spiritual thought seemed to have a purpose, covering directly The surface of the cave where Luo Yu was located, after touching the formation restraint on the surface of the cave, he penetrated the restraint with just a slight shock.

At the moment when the formation prohibited fluctuations, Luo Yu seemed to have sensed something. He had been prepared for a long time and silently used the resting formula and the painting skin technique in his heart. Although he was shocked in his heart, his face showed no expression, pretending A look of not knowing.

And when Luo Yu felt that divine sense scanning his body several times, the uncomfortable feeling subsided quietly, and Luo Yu's hanging hearts were also let go. At this moment, Luo Yu seemed to have experienced a It's the same as a big battle, except that for a moment, as if after a big battle with someone, a lot of cold sweat oozes out of the vest.

That was the peeping of the spiritual thoughts of the cultivators in the foundation period, and this spiritual sense was weakened by the restriction of the formation outside, but the moment the contact fell on the body, it also made Luo Yu feel a feeling of being seen through, but One can imagine how strong the spiritual thoughts of the immortal cultivators in the foundation building period are!

"Huh!" Old Ming, who withdrew his divine sense, suddenly said with a strange expression.

"What? Brother, is there some powerful force that our Xue family can't afford to offend?" Seeing this scene, the prison elder standing next to Mr. Ming suddenly asked in a deep voice. This person didn't want Xue Jing to general The Lingshi flower is on the Xiayi, but I am just a guard, and I have no right to control him. Seeing the prisoner's surprised look at this moment, I thought it was some powerful force that called the price just now. Although the Xue family is known as the number one cultivating family in Yuanjiang Kingdom , but still dare not provoke those big sects.

"That's not true. There is only one person inside, and his face is very strange. I don't know this person among the children of the big family. What makes me most surprised is that his cultivation base is only the ninth floor of the Qi training period! How can this cultivation base be different?" He put our Xue family in his eyes?" Old Ming explained with a smile, and then said: "This person is either hiding his cultivation, and his real cultivation is higher than mine, so he dare not take us two brothers seriously, or ...I'm really dizzy, I'm looking for death!" At the end of the sentence, his voice suddenly turned cold.

In fact, in his heart, he thinks that the latter is more likely. Many immortal cultivators live in seclusion in the mountains for many years, and after a little cultivation, they look down on the world of cultivating immortals. They have met such people before. few!

"Old Ming! Your spiritual consciousness has been isolated by the barriers of the formation, and it may not be the real cultivation of this person. However, since this person does not put our brothers there, after the auction is over, you have to I'll meet him!" Hearing what Old Man Ming said, the Prison Elder next to him immediately felt relieved. Although the Green Feather Xiayi is precious, it's not worth it for them to spend so many spirit stones on the foundation-building monks. As for It is even more impossible to reach such a high-level realm in the alchemy stage. There are only those immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage of Yuanjiang Kingdom. They will naturally remember the appearance of these people, and how can the masters of the alchemy stage come to participate in such an auction Yes, doing such a self-defeating thing, let alone a high-level magic weapon.

"Two thousand and five hundred spirit stones! Is there anyone who has bid higher than this fellow daoist? You must know that this is a high-level magic weapon. I am afraid that it is difficult to break through its defense even if it is also a high-level offensive magic weapon. If you miss it, it will be difficult to meet again!" Ximen Yan's voice seemed a little hasty, and he deliberately spoke for a long time, and his eyes glanced at the direction of Xue Jing's stone cave from time to time, obviously hinting at Xue Jing!

And since Luo Yu dared to bid with Xue Jing, everyone in the field thought that Luo Yu inside was a powerful force that could compete with the Xue family. Now that the two of them are competing, other people dare not offend them. Quiet for a while!

'Three thousand spirit stones!If you are willing to give up the competition, I, Xue Jing, will definitely thank you afterwards. If your bid is higher than Xue's, then Xue will withdraw voluntarily. Afterwards, you may not have to meet the experts in it for a while! Seeing Ximen Yan's frequent hints, Xue Jing gritted his teeth and announced his bottom line, and he did not forget to scare the other party with the famous name of the Xue family.

"Three thousand spirit stones!" This is too scary!

"The sky-high price! The sky-high price!"

As soon as Xue Jing made an offer, there were exclamations of exclamation from below. As expected of a child of a big family, the offer is really extraordinary!

"Three thousand and one hundred!" Luo Yu said directly without thinking, Xue Jing's threat may be useful to others, but since he has offended this person, even if he stops now, Xue Jing and the other three will never give up after the auction is over. Impossible to let go of yourself.

But Xue Jing was so stupid that he reported his family name. If he only said three thousand spirit stones and nothing else, maybe Luo Yu would quote a high price of three thousand five hundred to suppress the other party at once, but now Luo Yu only needs to bid Just a little higher than three thousand spirit stones!

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