fairy flame

Chapter 114 Ancient Artifact 'Sky Umbrella'

"Ming Lao, Prison Lao! We must find out the identity of this person, and I want him to know the fate of offending me, Xue Jing!" Although Xue Jing had nine thousand spirit stones on him, he was not yet impulsive enough to take them all out at once. After all, their real purpose is for the last magic weapon, it seems that this person still knows the importance.

"Young master, please rest assured! I have already remembered this person's appearance in my heart! As soon as the auction is over, I will definitely let him taste the suffering of our brother's 'refining soul'!" Ming Lao replied in a deep voice. .

Obviously, the people on Xue Jing's side gave up bidding!

Afterwards, Ximen Yan anxiously quoted Luo Yu's bid price again and again. When he saw that Xue Jing had no response, he really gave up and gave up.

"If there is no higher bid than the No. 30 fellow daoist in the cave, then this 'Green Feather Cloud Clothes'... will belong to the No. 30 fellow daoist in the cave!" Ximen Yan announced loudly said, but there seemed to be a trace of resentment in the voice.

But after a while, the woman hid the resentment on her face very well, and continued to introduce the last finale with a charming face.

"The following treasure is the last one to appear on the stage. I think everyone can imagine how precious it is. Even if it is placed in our 'Wanxian Pavilion' headquarters, it can definitely be regarded as the treasure of the store! This is A legendary ancient artifact 'Sky Umbrella'!" Ximen Yan swept away the disappointment just now, and said loudly and excitedly.

"What! An ancient artifact!"

"Ancient implements support the sky umbrella! How is this possible!"

"What is this ancient artifact?" Just before Ximen Yan finished speaking, it was as if a pot had exploded below. Everyone was discussing loudly and excitedly. A rookie who has never heard of cultivating immortals!And when Ximen Yan took out an ancient half-yellow and half-gray umbrella, everyone's eyes were fixed on this half-foot, seemingly inconspicuous little umbrella, and even a large part of them couldn't sit still. , stood up one after another, and looked at the counter.

"This umbrella has the meaning of 'supporting the sky'. I don't think I need to explain too much. Everyone in the position can guess that it is an ancient defensive weapon. After this 'supporting the sky umbrella' was discovered by our Wanxian Pavilion, after some The research of the predecessors found that once the umbrella is injected with spiritual power, it will release a three-color shield, which is yellow, blue and white. Immortal cultivators in the base period can only instill spiritual power, but for some unknown reason, this umbrella does not have the transformation method common to ancient magic tools. All Taoist friends who have heard of ancient magic tools must know that these powerful abilities I don’t know whether it’s because of the material or the secret method of refining is different from today’s ancient artifacts. The ancient artifacts cannot be put into storage bags and must be carried with you, but they can be changed in size arbitrarily, and some can even become The size of the umbrella is worn on the body, but this umbrella does not have this function! But this cannot conceal its rarity. Lingshi!" Ximen Yan slowly brushed the 'Sky Umbrella' with his hands, and smiled charmingly, and for a moment the beauties and treasures were together, and he was stunned by those off the field!

Luo Yu even stared straight at the ancient magic weapon on the stage, his eyes were full of covetousness, after all, this is an ancient magic weapon!For example, the high-level magical weapons in the world of cultivating immortals are much stronger. I am afraid that this kind of thing will be fought for by monks in the foundation period. This time, many big families and powerful forces that have not yet made a move are probably here for this thing.

The moment Luo Yu thought about it, due to the temptation of the ancient magic weapon, the immortal cultivators below couldn't help but began to bid wildly.And the rising prices have not shown any sign of stopping.

"Three thousand five hundred!"

"Three thousand seven hundred spirit stones!"

"Five thousand spirit stones!" Hearing the arrogant quotation, everyone couldn't help but gasp, breaking through five thousand so quickly, I'm afraid the 'sky umbrella' is the most expensive item today.

Luo Yu looked at the sound of the quotation, which was also a small cave above the stone wall. It seems that most people still brought a lot of spirit stones today, but just now others didn't want to compete with him for the 'Green Feather Xia Yi' that's all , the real purpose is this ancient artifact. Thinking about it this way, Luo Yu is really arrogant.

However, Luo Yu is also very curious about how much this ancient artifact can be sold for. He himself has no hope. Even if he has a spirit stone to fight with others, he must use it with his life, and this umbrella has not changed. As a result, it can't be put in the storage bag. If I walk around with a big umbrella all day, I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble. So Luo Yu gave up the idea of ​​taking pictures of this umbrella from the very beginning!

"Six thousand five hundred!" A deep voice was suppressed by the next quotation before it could finish.

"Six thousand and eight!"

"Seven thousand spirit stones!" Xue Jing's cold quotation came from the No. 44 cave. At this moment, Xue Jing's face was extremely ugly. He never expected that there would be so many immortal cultivating families today. Competing for this item, not to mention whether the [-] spirit stones given by the ancestors plus the [-] spirit stones on my body, a total of [-] spirit stones are enough to buy this item, the originally confident mood began to feel uneasy.

And after Xue Jing quoted the price, the people in the audience found that they were basically silent after Luo Yu glanced over it. With such a huge number of spirit stones on him, I am afraid that he will be robbed by others before he goes out.

"Eight thousand spirit stones!" At this time, in another cave, an old man in white robes was standing beside a red-faced man, whispering something. of.

"Master, although Xue, Zhen, and Fu are known as the three major cultivating families in Yuanjiang Kingdom, our Zhen and Fu families are still much lower than the Xue family. If we offend..."

"Don't worry too much about Mr. Xiang! In the past, our Zhen family was really not as powerful as their Xue family. At that time, we didn't dare to provoke them in order to preserve our strength, but now it's different. My sister Zengshan has three Because of the body of the yin, and the ability to communicate with the spirit of the Nine Profound Spirits, I have held a double cultivation ceremony with an alchemy patriarch of the Sanyangmen not long ago, and officially accepted my sister as a concubine. Our family has established a relationship with Sanyang Sect, and we have one of the three major sects of Yuanjiang Kingdom to support us, so it’s hard to say who is afraid of offending anyone!" As soon as the old man asked a question, the red-faced man explained with a sinister smile.

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