fairy flame

Chapter 115 Spirit Moat and Demon Cave

"Damn it! It's the Zhen family's steamer! Even he dared to offend our Xue family. It seems that he is impatient!" As soon as Xue Jing heard the quotation, he immediately remembered the origin of this person, and they cultivated immortals. The children of big families often call some juniors together for competitions for the sake of family ranking, so these family children know the same age of other Xiuxian families very well.

"Increase the price! Nine thousand spirit stones! Even if we really compete for spirit stones, I, Xue Jing, will not lose to you." Xue Jing said with gloomy eyes.

And just before Xue Jing made an offer, a burly man in a black brocade robe and a black mask suddenly stood up and said indifferently: "Old man, ten thousand spirit stones!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone woke up in an instant. They all had expressions of disbelief, and they even bid [-] spirit stones at once!

Looking around, Luo Yu only felt that when the spiritual sense swept over the black-robed man at this moment, he suddenly felt a boundless aura rising up. This aura was extremely powerful, sweeping away in all directions without reservation, and Luo Yu The spiritual sense that had just been released was directly bounced away.

"Foundation cultivators!" Not only Luo Yu, but also the spirit stones released by other qi cultivators also encountered the same thing, and they all exclaimed.

As for Luo Yu's temptation at that moment just now, and the sense of fear transmitted from his spiritual sense, he was secretly terrified. I am afraid that this person is not an ordinary foundation-building stage cultivator, and this person feels better to Luo Yu than Zhou Jin. Such a foundation-building monk is much more dangerous!

"This person is an immortal cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment!" Almost when Luo Yu's spiritual sense had just swept over the black-robed man, Zhou Jin, the two elders of the underworld, and the white-robed old man beside Zengfeng all yelled out in unison , They are both immortal cultivators of the foundation establishment stage, and their spiritual sense is much stronger than that of the qi training stage, so they felt it immediately, but they still don't believe that there are immortal cultivators of the foundation establishment stage at this auction!

After all, the immortal cultivators in the later stage of foundation establishment are already the strongest existence under those alchemy patriarchs who have not been able to retreat for a long time, and those are the alchemy patriarchs in Yuanjiang country. These masters at the alchemy stage can basically walk sideways in Yuanjiang country, and no family power is willing to provoke them!

Similarly, the cultivators in the late stage of foundation establishment are much more pure and thick in spiritual power than those who have just established the foundation. It is also the reason why the other four foundation-building stage cultivators who were present at the moment were so horrified when they saw the spiritual power fluctuations radiating from the black-robed man.

Among them, only the old man in white robe has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the other three are only immortal cultivators in the early stage of foundation establishment. Although the "Evil Prison Art" practiced by the two brothers together is powerful and self-confident With the joint efforts of the two, they can almost compete with the immortal cultivators in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but when compared with the late stage of foundation establishment, they are naturally not at the same level, let alone Zhou Jin.

But at the moment when the black-robed man appeared, the scene instantly quieted down. Luo Yu stared at the black-robed man, but he didn't dare to continue scanning with his spiritual sense. This silent atmosphere didn't last long. It was broken by a gloomy voice!

"Eleven thousand spirit stones!" Xue Jing's unwilling offer was heard from Room 44. At this moment, Xue Jing no longer had the arrogance just now. These words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth. The eleven thousand spirit stones are already all the spirit stones in his body, and the extra thousand spirit stones were borrowed from Ming Lao.

With Xue Jing's bid again, the scene heated up again for a while, and the other Zhen family also made another bid unwillingly. The competition of sky-high prices became more and more unbelievable.


Two hours later, in a dark and damp tunnel, a middle-aged man in yellow clothes with a rough face followed a grey-faced old man with a smile on his face.

"Tsk tsk! Mr. Huang really admires your immortal cultivators who dethrone Mushan. Unknowingly, they opened up a secret passage like an underground labyrinth here, which connects all the caves on the mountain wall of the auction. , Such a vast and complicated project, I really don’t know how long it took to complete it?” The middle-aged man in yellow said as he glanced at the surrounding stone walls from time to time, looking very curious.

"Hehe! Fellow Daoist Huang came to Chumu Mountain for the first time. It is not surprising that he would be a little surprised when he saw this complicated and complicated secret passage. Even the senior monks who discovered these caves were also very amazed." There was also a hint of arrogance on the face.

"Now? These secret passages were not built by the immortal cultivators of Chumu Mountain! Could it be that they were formed naturally?" The middle-aged man in yellow immediately said in surprise when he heard the words.

"Such a complicated secret passage runs through the entire Chumu Mountain, and there are many tunnel stone chambers opened up in the middle of it. Huang Daoyou believes that the current Chumu Mountain cultivators can build it. Even if it is to be built, there will be only a few There are only a hundred immortal cultivators, but there are thousands of cultivation caves below, since we don’t need these, is it possible to put the extra caves here to look good?” The gray old man explained quite disdainfully, as if listening to What a funny thing to say.

"This...Huang is a little curious. Can you explain something to me, fellow Daoist Zhong?" the man in yellow said politely.

"It's nothing to tell you. Anyway, these are rumors outside, and there is no way to verify the truth. Have you ever heard of the two terms 'Linghao' and 'Demon Cave'?" the old man said with a slight smile.

"What! 'Linghao', 'Demon's Cave'! Fellow Daoists are joking! Could it be that fellow Daoists still want to say that Chumu Mountain is one of 'Linghao' and 'Devil's Cave'?" The man in yellow was in disbelief. Said, then shook his head in disbelief.

"Hey! The old man didn't say that Chu Mushan is one of these two, it's just rumored outside. Presumably fellow Taoists should know that those immortal cultivators in ancient times were better than today's cultivators in terms of skills and magic weapons Many, the ancient world of cultivating immortals at that time was a scene of prosperity, often some high-ranking cultivators gave lectures to confuse everyone, or some low-ranking cultivators gathered together to exchange experiences, such a prosperous development This led to a sharp increase in the number of cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals. In the end, it was inevitable that there would be too many monks and too little food. The reduction of spiritual energy in the world and the lack of elixir caused countless battles in the world of cultivating immortals in ancient times. Most of the records in the ancient books were about It is because of these reasons that the ancient world of cultivating immortals has gradually declined." The gray old man seemed to recall something, and said with a light sigh.

(Second more) Haha! "Xianyan" has signed a contract. Youdao thanks all the book friends for their strong support all the time. I sincerely thank you. Youdao will continue to burst into three chapters tomorrow. "Xianyan" will definitely not disappoint everyone. The following plot will be even more Wonderful!

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