fairy flame

Chapter 116 Trading Doubts

The gray old man paused for a while and then said: "In ancient times, the world of cultivating immortals has been fighting continuously for a long time, and in the end it was almost in danger of being wiped out. However, the world of cultivating immortals today can only recover to its appearance after tens of thousands of years of cultivation. And because the world of cultivating immortals was too prosperous in ancient times, many magic tools and treasures of ancient times appeared in the world of cultivating immortals, and it was from this time that the sayings of "Linghao" and "Demon Cave" came into being , 'Linghao' is the place where the orthodox cultivators gathered to practice in ancient times. , Fleeing. Those places finally turned into barren mountains, and those magic weapons and treasures that the ancient immortal cultivators had no time to take away were left there, attracting future generations to frantically fight for them, so those places are also called "Linghao". The origin of the 'Devil's Cave' is roughly the same, except that the people who gather in those places are not righteous immortal cultivators, but ancient demon cultivators. As for the labyrinth and secret passages under Chumu Mountain, it is also rumored that this mountain is likely to be a place. In the land of 'Linghao', there used to be many ancient cultivators cultivating here, but I don't really believe this kind of statement!" The old man seemed to be interested when he mentioned 'Linghao' and 'Demon Cave' , talking with relish to the middle-aged man in yellow next to him.

"It turns out that Chu Mushan still has such a saying. You Daoist Zhong have solved many secrets in the ancient world of cultivating immortals for me. Huang has been taught today." With a slight bow, there was a trace of respect in his expression.

"Hehe, the old man just said some messages from the outside world, and didn't give Fellow Daoist Huang an accurate answer. Why should you be so polite?" The gray old man said with a smile after he straightened his beard slowly. The expression on his face is quite complacent, as if he knows those ancient things very well.

After that, the middle-aged man in yellow seemed to be very interested in those ancient mysteries, and he kept asking some secrets about the ancient times. What was surprising was that the gray old man seemed to have experienced it himself, and he answered clearly, And when I think about it carefully, there is nothing that can be missed in the old man's explanation, and it is very logical. It seems that the old man's rumors are not necessarily false, but some of his own research has been added to the answer. inside.

The two asked and answered, walking around in this dark passage, if the old man could not tell where to go through some specific symbols on the wall, no matter how much the middle-aged man in yellow clothes held himself The memory group is also bound to get lost.

The middle-aged man in yellow is naturally Luo Yu after using the skin painting technique to change his appearance. At this moment, Luo Yu is about to go through the transaction procedures after the auction. Thinking of the final selling price of the auction's finale ancient artifacts, I was still a little terrified in my heart. Compared with others, my little expense really paled in comparison!

When the competition was at its fiercest point, to everyone's surprise, at the end of the bidding, the three major families of Yuanjiang Kingdom were all mobilized, but at the beginning they all hid and waited for the last item to come out, but Xue, Zeng and the hidden The Fu family, who made a move at the end, failed to bid for the ancient artifact. In the end, they were all suppressed by the shocking price quoted by the man in black. The price of the ancient artifact was "eighteen thousand spirits" stone'!With such a huge number of spirit stones, even the annual income of the three major families would not be so much.

But from the beginning to the end of this auction, although everyone was curious about the real identity of the black-robed man, no one dared to ask, just because this person was a cultivator in the foundation-building period!He is also an immortal cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment!

None of the foundation-building stage monks from the three major families rushed forward to say something, and they didn't even dare to show any dissatisfaction on their faces. They could only hold their noses and swallow the loss. Rely on strength!

This scene was deeply imprinted in Luo Yu's mind and engraved in his heart!

strength!right!This is strength!As long as your own strength is strong, you can do anything unscrupulously, and any restraint will not work for you!Even anything you do is a new constraint!

At that time, after the auction was over, Luo Yu was still thinking about how he should get the things he had bought, and he couldn't go there blatantly. The man in the black robe, but he will definitely not let him go, maybe he will transfer all the anger on the man in the black robe to himself.

Just when Luo Yu was in a hurry, the stone wall behind Luo Yu inside the cave suddenly made a 'chi chi' sound, and Luo Yu turned his head in surprise, and saw a crack that was one person wide open on the originally intact stone wall , Immediately afterwards, a gray old man came out from the inside, and told Luo Yu with a pleasant smile that the things he wanted to buy would be traded in a specific place, and most of the people in other caves were like this. In order to prevent some people from taking advantage of their own power to kill people and grab treasures.

When Luo Yu first heard it, he looked at the other caves in disbelief, and saw that the formation restrictions that originally isolated the spiritual sense of the cultivators were removed one after another, and those who originally entered the caves also disappeared one by one. No, seeing this situation, Luo Yu believed that they had really entered the underground tunnel inside.

In the end, in order to reassure Luo Yu, the gray old man told him that the secret passages here cover the entire inner space of Chumu Mountain, there are too many to count, and the immortal cultivators in each cave are walking through specific secret passages. Avoid encountering other disputes in life. As for the trading location, I have carefully prepared many places. Most of them are one precious item and several low-level items together. No two precious items are traded at the same trading location. , Luo Yu was relieved.

Most of the precious items were bought by powerful people. Once the two forces meet, there will inevitably be some friction due to the disparity in strength. The auction is very thoughtful.

It seems that there are so many ghosts in this auction, and of course it must be like this, so that others will rest assured to bid for the auction, otherwise even if you buy it, others will immediately wait for you at the exit, kill you and grab the treasure, and you What can I do.

And the people who lead the way like the gray old man are also carefully selected. These people are not allowed to participate in the auction, so they don't know what the people who are led the way bought. Auctions are a means of reassuring.

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