fairy flame

Chapter 1155

() At this time, the golden Buddha's face became serious, and he raised his eight golden arms towards the sky in a majestic and angry look. Two of the golden palms were slightly closed and separated, and suddenly he was outside the two-foot-sized figure of the golden Buddha. A ten-foot-sized pale gold sphere appeared, and it was so dimly lit that it made people feel weirder than last time. It was the Yuanhai supernatural power blessed by the Buddhist secret technique!

Amidst the loud rumbling noise, the White God General fearlessly controlled the sword energy all over the sky to slash down. Yuanhai's golden light was swayed and fluctuated by the impact of the sword energy for a moment, but the large piece of light blade that first entered Yuanhai also came into contact with it Under the first wave of attacks, they collapsed silently, and the speed of the rest of the light blades also decreased greatly, as if they couldn't get close at all. (starter:)

After casting the dharma image, neither the pious Luo Yu nor the stern face felt relaxed at all. As the light blades continued to rush forward one after another, they were not afraid of consumption at all, and bit by bit they were inserted into the Yuan deep sea.

As a result, Yuan Hai trembled wildly after only a moment, and at this moment, a loud bell-like Buddha's name rang out from the mouth of the golden Buddha shadow, and the Sanskrit sound was deafening like rolling thunder, and it directly turned into Waves of pale golden light swept away ferociously. No matter how many light blades there were, they all fell into the golden light waves and struggled hard. More light blades were wiped out in one blow, but However, the sound of the Sanskrit sounds wave after wave, and the light blade caught in it cannot avoid this ubiquitous attack!

Seeing that the situation was not good, a pale white shadow suddenly shot out from the stream of light blades that had shrunk by half, and the white light on his body trembled violently after being swept away by the Buddha's voice, but it didn't dissipate like the others, and he didn't turn his head back Before the next wave of Buddha's voice came, he flew out of the range covered by Yuanhai, and flew towards the white light gate in the void.

But at this time, the phantom of the ancient Buddha in the sky did not intend to give up easily. The remaining six arms of the Golden Buddha, which had not moved, were struck in different directions, and the six razor-like golden clouds disappeared instantly!

The next moment, the white god fleeing in embarrassment in the distance shook the surrounding void, and a wave like the impact of a flood turned into overwhelming pressure on the god general, and then the void emitted a dazzling golden light. The car's smallest golden light blade blocked all the way of the white general, but the latter seemed not to have expected this change at all, and did not react at all.

The Empress Baiyu not far away changed her face slightly, as if she remembered something, but she only raised her clean arm halfway, and she put it back for some reason.

With this hesitation, the golden light blade cut out layers of phantoms, and cut them sharply and directly.

There was a rumbling burst of crackling sound, and the White God General had nowhere to dodge, but he resolutely endured the attack of two golden light blades, and his body split into three white light groups, trying to take the opportunity to rush out.

It's just that no matter how the white god will change, the remaining four light blades that fell through are like tarsal maggots. After changing the direction, they hit three white lights again!



If these white lights were still the bodies of the former generals, they might only end up with serious injuries, but for the fragile and ignorant demon spirits left, they have no resistance at all. It disappeared in the golden light.

"It's a powerful move of Vajra! Hmph, if the demon spirit hadn't been contaminated with the Buddha's power before, you think that this supernatural power can really defeat me. If you don't believe me, you might as well compete with the other demon spirits left in this palace." The blood-haired woman was a little annoyed in her heart, since she thought about the Dharma and the power of the Buddha before, how could she have miscalculated the difficult skills of the bald donkeys who possess the power of the Buddha, but said in a cold voice with a dull face.

When the sound of the huge white door in midair fell, the patterns of the little half-demon spirits all flickered.

The corner of Luo Yu's mouth twitched in the tall Buddha shadow when he heard this, and the two-foot-long golden Buddha looked deeply at the blood-haired woman, and finally returned to Luo Yu's body with some fear.

Mysterious sense and spiritual thoughts returned to the body from the outside world like a flood, and Luo Yu suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. After putting away Yuanhai Guanglian and the golden light on his body, there was no smug expression on his face, but respectful He clasped his fists and said: "Senior knows the strength of me well, at most I can only deal with one demon spirit, and if there is another one, I will definitely lose. Just now, it is because the Dharma has not long been achieved, and it is the first time for this junior to use Buddhist supernatural powers to defend against the enemy. , it’s inevitable that you’re a little rusty and didn’t control it well, and seniors still have to try again, so I have no choice but to admit defeat.”

Although opening and shutting up are all words of humility, after the fight just now, how could Luo Yu not have the slightest fluctuation in his heart, but he knew that he was far from the opponent of the blood-haired woman, so he dared not show the slightest.

"It's good that you understand, I don't want to have a next time, but you haven't wasted all my efforts in the past seven months, and you have practiced the congenital thunder and fire in advance, but what I didn't expect is that, Your Excellency While practicing the way of thunder and fire, he can also focus on body training, and it took only half a year to go from a Yuanling who had just entered the third level to now not only controlling the Buddha's power, but also practiced the rare technique of Dharma. I don't know which sect of Buddhism you are practicing, but you can form a dharma image without an eminent monk to protect the dharma, and it's strange, even I have never seen your dharma image before?" The blood-haired woman is considered He didn't care about the previous confrontation, but when the voice changed, he asked with a lot of meaning.

The implication of this girl's words was obviously that she was curious about Luo Yu's cultivation skills, but since Luo Yu had used the supernatural powers, he naturally expected that the other party would ask this question.

"My body training method was given by a friend, and it is very similar to the cultivation method of the Buddhist "Zhang Er Golden Body". As for why the method I cultivated is a bit weird, this is something that juniors can't figure out." Being in the black domain, and there has never been a third-order Yuanling that absorbs domain power, it is natural for Luo Yu to answer whatever he wants, which is reasonable.

The blood-haired woman on the opposite side heard what she said, so naturally she wouldn't get the truth if she continued to question her, instead it would damage her identity.

Due to the need for Luo Yu's help to leave the Black Territory, at this time, it is even more important not to make a small loss.

"No matter what, your generation method is [-]% more sure than ours of leaving the black domain. Bengong said that the yin and demonic energy in the chaotic abyss are not really troublesome, but you need to avoid it. The magnetic crack formed by the law of the black field tearing apart the space is not so easy. I didn’t explain the truth because I was afraid of scaring you before. In fact, the possibility of passing through that area according to the original plan is only five or five. Counting, but it’s different now, if you use the law to cooperate with your own induction of the law of the black field, you can help me avoid most of the magnetic cracks.” The blood-haired woman said lightly, but her tone seemed to be the same as Luo’s. It seems that Yu has already discussed it!

"The meaning of the senior is to let the junior take the lead and act as a scapegoat? Even if the real body is safe and sound, once the dharma image is damaged, it will also implicate the body's vitality, and this is just one of the junior's scruples. There is another sentence that should not be said. Even if this method is really feasible, it must be the weakest moment when the junior leaves the black domain. As long as the senior puts a little thought into it, the junior will have no power to fight back." This kind of whimsical big talk is thanks to this woman, Luo Yu didn't even need to think about it, and refused with an ugly look.

Originally, I was always worried that the other party would turn his back on him when he got out of trouble, but he was not very sure about escaping from a Nascent Soul Stage Existence, and if the other party really wanted to do that, Luo Yu had no choice but to let himself rush As cannon fodder, I really don't know if this woman is too wishful thinking, or bullying Luo Yu is simple-minded.

But to my surprise, the blood-haired woman only showed a sneer at Luo Yu's answer without any discussion, and immediately made that lukewarm voice again.

"What! You forgot what you promised me a few months ago so quickly. It's not for free that I let your two treasures absorb the innate thunder power here, and you also promised to pay me back a favor in the future." ?” (Startup:)

Chapter [-] Changes in plans

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