fairy flame

Chapter 1168

() At this time, he realized that the purpose of coming down to the Wujing Starry Sky had already been achieved. The blue butterfly on the incomplete corner of his chest was completely perfected. A masterpiece of beauty. ..

The blue light flows endlessly, and the soul seems to be able to hear the roar of the giant butterfly covering the sky and the arrogance of all beings a moment ago. The butterfly print seems to contain some kind of spirituality and the union of Luo Yu's flesh and blood. It seems that all of them contain the truth, without a single bit of craftsmanship.

Looking at the imprint, Luo Yu could also feel that the butterflies that looked like strokes were also watching it, but no matter how Luo Yu communicated, the imprint was as dead as a dead thing." ".

But since this imprint is so mysterious, I believe that there will be a day when the doubts will be solved. Now Luo Yu just wants to laugh out loud. The benefits he has gained by relying on this imprint are too great.

Body refiners in the late stage of the third rank can see that Luo Yu's strength at this time is not what it used to be just by relying on the widely circulated rootless spell. , even monks in the Nascent Soul stage are unwilling to provoke because of the special nature of this realm.

However, Luo Yu made up his mind early in the morning to hide the secret of his great progress in cultivation. He and Empress Bai are still using each other in the final analysis, and there is no telling what unexpected situation will happen at any time and they will tear their skins apart. Keeping one hand is the way to save life.

What's more, Luo Yu only has late-stage Yuanli, and his experience in fighting at this level is a blank sheet of paper. High-level supernatural powers only understand the item of "rootless feathers", and there are really too many things that need to be mastered urgently, so even if Staying in the Wujing starry sky can still cultivate fast, but Luo Yu wants to go to Fengshen Town to collect relevant ancient books about the secretary.

After clearing his mind for a while, Luo Yu easily controlled the fluctuation of his own energy to the initial stage of the third level. In this regard, body refiners have a talent advantage over immortal cultivators. For body refiners who can control every hair of the body, There is no need to practice the Qi Containing Secret Technique at all, and one can suppress one's own realm anytime and anywhere, with almost no flaws.

Even if it is a body refiner who meets a body refiner, if he wants to know the real cultivation level of the opponent, he can only know it after fighting.

Of course, on the surface, Luo Yu will still be flattered by the performance of the Empress Baiyu bestowing Guangqiong Yuanye, even though the short-term post-experience effect that Guangqiong Yuanye can bring to him has little effect.

Now Luo Yu is excited by the surge in his cultivation base, and on the other hand, in the short time left, he needs more time to consolidate his cultivation base. The source of Qiongyuanye and the secret of the vitality gourd, it seems that these things can only be postponed, or even left as part of the mystery of the black domain.

When he turned to leave, Luo Yu suddenly couldn't help but knelt down in the air, and kowtowed heavily to the black crystal starry sky.

After returning to the small mine, Luo Yu immediately entered into closed-door training, and used the killer magic powers such as 'Qiankun Ball', 'Eight-legged Dharma Phase', etc., to be driven by the force of the later stage. These magical powers are so powerful that Luo Yu has long been Expectations are still a big surprise.

With the multiplication of the number of black silk in the body of the universe ball, under Luo Yu's full strength, he can urge six small golden crow balls to appear on his side at the same time, and they can be teleported to each other at will. There are many changes, but it's a pity that Luo Yu I got a little familiar with it, and I really don't have more time.

The power of the 'eight-legged figure' is even more obvious. The original 'zhang-two golden body' becomes a 'zhang-six golden body'. The giant figure of the law sits cross-legged in the Yuanhai Zhongyue, and is blessed with golden light. Majestic, just like a fairy Buddha descending into the world, just by the extraordinary momentum, it can be seen that its power is great.

There are also other supernatural powers. After Luo Yu tried them one by one, he put away his cheerful attitude and rushed to Fengshen Town impatiently.

Along the way, Luo Yu drove 'Rootless Feather' to change several kinds of wings. During the retreat, he re-examined this supernatural power carefully. According to the strength of the origin force, it can be transformed into many different beast spirit wings, even the rumored phoenix wings and kunyu can also be transformed, but it is not only good-looking, but its power is not as good as ordinary butterfly wings.

It seems that I am a little complacent and disregarding common sense.

After Luo Yu tried several changes with great interest, he also discovered an unexpected joy. If the rootless feathers are used to change the butterfly wings, the butterfly changes possessed by the law of the black field can make the butterfly wings speed up again with the help of the black silk in the body. Adding a little bit, but changing to other birds' wings has no effect, which makes Luo Yu believe that everything he understands in the black domain is inseparable from the law of the black domain, and there is still a lot to be discovered about the magic of domain power.

But this time I went to Fengshen Town, I mainly had to find some Buddhist body training classics. After all, he had the metallic Buddha power in his body. Play to your strengths.

After passing through the mountains and ravines, the mottled shadows of Fengshen Town on the plain became more and more obvious. In the dense forest flying in front, Luo Yu encountered two groups of hunting teams, one of which was led by a human race The monk took the lead, which was pretty normal, but the other group of seven or eight people were all Jing clan monks. These people moved forward stealthily, as if they were going out to hunt animals.

When flying over this group of people, the leader of the Jing tribe below Bao Bao, who has a second-level cultivation base, failed to find Luo Yu. Originally, no matter what the purpose of this group of people was, Luo Yu didn't want to meddle in other people's business. But after he inadvertently opened up his divine sense to explore nearby, he locked on to a valley several miles away.

"Hey! It's him." Luo Yu put away his spiritual thoughts, and said with a bit of surprise in his mouth.

I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here!

Look at the direction of the Jing people below, they should be heading for the place where the spiritual sense is sensed, so it is obvious that they have no good intentions, but this acquaintance can save Luo Yu's life after deliberation. Difficult, but it can't be regarded as not seeing anything.

However, since you want to help that old man, it is just a bad idea to deal with the following group of Jing clansmen. The Jing clan can send another group of clansmen to deal with them at any time. The semi-ghost clan in the town was uprooted, and the human race was immediately turned into the master, but it was only a short-term plan. Without the Jing clan to act as the main force to resist the previous Black Territory Beast Chaos, the human race would be doomed instead.

What's more, the hiding place of my old friend is quite hidden, and there is an illusion-like element array that Luo Yu has never seen before guarding the valley, so it will not be easily discovered, but this team of Jing clan seems to have predicted the location long ago Similarly, it is worth pondering to move forward in a restrained manner.

Of course, this kind of situation is nothing more than a few possibilities, Luo Yu's mind turned for a while, and after following the Jing tribe below for a while, he found the answer from the leader of the brown-robed dragon-faced man.

With a sneer in his heart, Luo Yu urged the speed of 'No Root Feather' to increase sharply, and rushed over the pair of elites towards the old man.

In a short while, Luo Yu came to a towering cliff, fixed his eyes on the seemingly blocked road, and stepped forward without hesitation.

The moment the stone wall came into contact with his body, there was an ups and downs in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, after Luo Yu went in completely, it returned to calm.

Luo Yu saw through the illusion in front of him and passed through without disturbing anyone. As soon as he unfolded his consciousness, the valley was not far in front of him, and he was in a long gorge in front of the valley. Seeing this special environment, Luo Yu immediately understood why the phantom array arranged by the human monks here could attract his attention.

This is also what Luo Yu is best at. In this way, in addition to increasing the power, it can also add a touch of natural aura to the dull formation. This change is enough for even high-level monks to not notice it.

However, integrating the formation into the celestial phenomena and terrain has long been widely spread in the sea area, and it is no longer a secret. Luo Yu's ability to sweep and understand everything with his spiritual sense shows that the person who set up the formation may not be very clever.

After figuring out the situation here, Luo Yu quietly went to the valley without disturbing the guards on both sides of the canyon.

At the end of the long gorge, a lush wooded hill suddenly appeared, dozens of stone and wooden houses were scattered scattered on the hilly highland, and monks could faintly be seen coming and going in and out of it.

In addition to the immortal cultivators, Luo Yu also noticed that many mortals who had no spiritual energy built huts under the hill, and those who didn't realize that the crisis was approaching were busy with each other.

From this point of view, here, mortals and monks can live together without gaps, not as if they are going to do something big, but they want to stay away from right and wrong, and get out of the control of the Fengshen Jing clan.

It's just that Luo Yu's thoughts don't stop there. From what he sees now, even without the oppression and bullying of the Jing clan, he still can't escape the cage of the Black Territory, and he can't find the real pure land after all. He cherished the hard-won opportunity to leave.

Stopping to feel for these people for a while, Luo Yu's figure disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Under a mound not far from this valley, who would have thought that there is an extremely secret passage hidden under it. Not only is there no trace of the entrance on the ground, even half a person can't be found nearby.

After Luo Yu's figure appeared here, he thought to himself that if it wasn't for his divine sense to keep locking on that person, it might be difficult to follow him here, not to mention that his divine sense penetrated a few feet underground at most. The deeper the soil in the black area, the harder it is. From this, it can be seen that the human race here took great pains to dig the tunnel, and it was definitely not just for a while.

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