fairy flame

Chapter 1169

() At a depth of more than ten feet underground, there is hidden a huge cave that runs through the mountainside and secretly grounds to the ground. Entering the passage, there are human monks guarding everywhere. <>

In one of the unfinished caves, more than a dozen body refiners are vigorously brandishing a piece of shiny components, bombarding the rock wall with radiance and digging, and behind this group of people there is another group of body refiners. The bodyguards are all holding the crystals in their hands and meditating cross-legged, hurrying to recover. Obviously they know how difficult it is to open a passage underground in the black region, so they have to take turns to fight, and resolutely do the kung fu of dripping water and wearing stones.

After Luo Yu sneaked all the way here, he first glanced at the crowd and found the 'acquaintance', but seeing that he was frowning and talking with the person beside him, he didn't show up but listened to him with his spiritual thoughts.

This acquaintance is obviously the owner of the shop who sold him the Yinzhu in the silk inlaid building. Now the vitality fluctuations exuding from the purple-haired old man are not what they used to be, and he has already entered the second level. , his appearance has changed from haggard to a little more bloody.

But his expression was also a little less happy, and a lot more sad.

Standing side by side with this old man is a big man with a green face. This man is the kind of extraordinary person who can't help but look at the two of them more at a glance. Kong Wujian, who is different from ordinary people, has a green face on his back. One black and two giant swords add to the fierce momentum.

This man's temperament is deep and refined, although his aura is only at the peak of the first order, but it gives people a feeling of refining steel. Luo Yu took a few more glances before he suddenly remembered the tebie of the black domain body refiner.

Due to the extremely fast progress in the black domain, many body refiners who are unable to break through the bottleneck will choose to retrain their Sangong. Although this move has no obvious benefits for breaking through the realm, it can make the body energy of the body refiner undergo repeated birth and death. If it becomes extremely pure, it is very likely that this person has followed this path.

"How long can Brother Mo's formation last? The speed of excavating the passage here is much slower than you and I imagined. When the old man left, he alarmed the Jing people. I believe they will send a large number of people to search for us in a short time. If they find us This place has not yet opened up an underground secret passage that can accommodate hundreds of people, and this old man will kill these human friends who are willing to leave with me." The still old and worried voice came from the mouth of the purple-haired old man. He asked politely at the green-faced man beside him.

It seems that it is really not easy for this person to be worthy of the purple-haired old man's peers with a cultivation base of one level lower.

The green-faced man also showed a look of worrying about this matter, but an imperceptible sadness flashed across his face, and he paused for a while before replying in a low tone: "It can only last for a month or so."

After finishing speaking, the man's eyes seemed to be a little unbearable to be withdrawn from those exhausted monks. After complex changes on his face, he suddenly stared at the purple-haired old man and asked: "Mr. Zhao is really determined to separate himself from the Jing people." Does it matter! The matter may not have reached such a serious point. Based on the management of you and me in Fengshen Town these years, you can use some savings to bribe some elders of the Jing clan and tell them to be lenient."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the purple-haired old man earnestly: "You still don't understand! You can live in peace, how did the old man come to this point!"

Apparently the old man hesitated for a while, his eyes fell on those fellow human races who were sweating profusely in front of the rock wall, and he was silent for a while before expressing his feelings.

"Those who are not of my race will always inevitably become the ones who others want to get along with quickly. Think about how many human monks have experienced the Lost Black Territory. Among them, there is no one who is talented enough to break through to the second level. Brother Mo has no doubts However, why the second-tier generation in the Jing clan can appear one after another, and no matter how hard our human race tries, it seems to be cursed by the gods, and no second-tier element master has ever appeared!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thorn piercing the heart of the green-faced man. I believe this is the simplest truth, and everyone understands it.

Not waiting for the blue-faced man to argue with an ugly expression, the purple-haired old man seemed to feel that his words had been broken, and he was full of indignation and sighed to himself: "The old man knew the answer a long time ago, so I had to make plans early, Jing There may be one or two people among the elders of the clan who can lure each other with benefits, but when it comes to the momentary interests and the status of the clan, these people definitely choose not to leave hidden dangers. Master, it is estimated that they all died for no reason like this, even though the old man broke through this realm in his twilight years and obviously has no greater potential, he still cannot escape the murderous hands of the Jing clan."

Hearing this, Luo Yu finally understood the whole story. Although the old man succeeded in advancing to the next stage because of Qianfeng Shenjing's good luck, he unexpectedly fell into a greater predicament.

No wonder the old man would be desperate, if it were him, he wouldn't stand still.

"That being said, is it too risky to gamble with the power and relatives you and I have cultivated over the years just because of this completely unfounded guess?" Only then did the blue-faced man reveal a little bit of dissatisfaction. Well, the crisis that the old man said is completely limited to himself, but it is not prudent to let hundreds of monks accompany him to take the blame.

But this person also understands that the old man is not really vicious, no matter what he chooses, there must be risks. Once what the purple-haired old man said is true, it is hard to say whether the Jing people will let the human race related to him go after killing the old man things.

At that time, as long as the monsters of the Jing tribe were suspicious of the old man's cultivation technique or shop, they could find any excuse to drive them out.

The purple-haired old man and the blue-faced man have known each other for many years. How could he not hear the deep meaning in his close friend's words that he did not want to say clearly? In fact, he is not in the mood at the moment. After prescribing the elixir, maybe I and the blue-faced man can still spend this life happily in Fengshen Town. Although we are dependent on others, at least we don't have to worry about it.

From this point of view, even though the human monks who followed this time were all willing, they still had to admit that they were dragged down by themselves, but they didn't know that no matter in the outer sea or the black region, the current Luo Yu couldn't understand the feeling of fellow-clan.

But the old man is a seasoned person who has experienced the vicissitudes of life. He knows that once he has made up his mind, he cannot turn back. opened the mouth.

"Perhaps in the past, the old man was indeed limited to doubts, but if the old man put the family's safety at risk because of this, Zhao has not been confused so far. There is something that Zhao has not had time to tell you, the human race who is wanted by all the elites. The young people, even the elders in the town were all mobilized for it, not because this person stole the elite treasure 'Burning Cloud Flag', if this person really had any unforgivable fault, that is, he should not have exposed himself The identity of a class element master!"

"What! There is such a thing, why didn't Mr. Zhao say it earlier? All along, everyone thought that this person had never appeared in Fengshen Town, and the people I sent out to inquire could not find any news about this person. Mr. Zhao Could it be that we know each other?" The monk surnamed Mo became uncharacteristically panicked, quickly put one hand on the storage bag but quickly put it down, because of the cover of the sleeve robe, even though Mr. Zhao was by his side, he didn't care about this person at all. little action.

The purple-haired old man only thought that the other party was surprised by why he concealed things, but he said apologetically: "If you don't know him, you don't have to hide the other human races who have seen this person in the town just to clear up the relationship." , although the old man and this person only had one business friendship, but this time he was able to break through to the second level in one fell swoop, all thanks to the Qianfeng ginseng provided by him. Do your best, even if it will cost some money, but you are still not as good as God, I didn't expect those elites to be more anxious to find this person than the old man?"

The cultivator surnamed Mo couldn't help but his expression changed drastically. He heard the old man's words pointing out that the Jing clan could not tolerate the appearance of a second-level body trainer in the human race. Do not advance the original plan.

It turned out that it wasn't the old man's ambition to become the leader of the human race in the black region after he advanced to the next stage. It turned out that he had no choice but to not want other fellow human races to be implicated by this. It turned out that the person who had selfishness was actually himself!

This is really a ridiculous thing, but even if there is regret in my heart, it will be obliterated by the fear of the Jing people for many years, not to mention it is too late to wake up now.

"What's the matter, Brother Mo, what else is there to hide? This is no longer the ruling territory of the Jing clan. There is no need to cover up between you and me." At this moment, the purple-haired old man realized that he had known his best friend for many years. No, the other party's expression like that must be due to other major events happening.

But the blue-faced man was still hesitating and struggling in his heart, and he lost his composure when asked so abruptly, and murmured softly "I" and "I" a few times, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth anyway. speak out.

Seeing this expression, the old man's suspicion suddenly turned into an unspeakable chill. Just when he was about to ask further questions, a loud noise that shook the mountainside where they were located suddenly sounded outside the mountain.

At the same time, accompanied by the rumbling sound, there were the terrified shouts of the human race and the already familiar roars and howls that only belonged to the half-fairy race!

"Listen up, all the human races here! This seat is 'Zong Chen', the third elder of the Jiao Clan. This time, under the order of the elders' meeting, the Sixianglou recidivist 'Zhao Li' is arrested. Those who surrender will be spared the death penalty!"

"Zhao Li! If you don't want to see your juniors die in vain, come out! Come out!"

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Under several deafening roars, without giving the human race in the valley the slightest chance to argue, the sound of fighting and killing came rolling in.

The sudden change not only stunned the radiant purple-haired old man, but also the group of human monks in the stone hall who were struggling to dig the mountainside, all of them looked dumbfounded.

Stared at by these unbelievable gazes, the old man woke up instantly. At this moment, he was completely confused about the situation. His body trembled violently like a candle in the wind. When his face that had already been covered with ashes was about to move, his expression suddenly changed. Li turned to one place.

"Who is hiding there!" The purple-haired old man shouted unceremoniously, and with a flash of purple lightning on his body, he punched hard at the corner of the stone hall!

A group of purple electric balls flew out with a 'hush', and crashed into an unoccupied corner like thunder and lightning, and a dense group of purple arc grids was immediately covered.

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