fairy flame

Chapter 1170

() The sudden yelling and quick response of the purple-haired old man made the other people present unable to react, but they all looked at the place where the purple lightning burst out in surprise again. ..

"I didn't expect that Luo's aura fluctuated for a moment, and then he was discovered by fellow daoist Zhao. Since fellow daoist is not unfamiliar with me, I don't need to introduce it." , a figure in an ordinary yellow robe suddenly appeared in it, and said unhurriedly.

It is unbelievable that after the thunder nets emitted by the old man trembled at the same time, the purple light scurried around like headless flies, and when the sound just fell, they all gathered silently towards the right hand held by the man in yellow robe, and once again It turned into a ball of purple thunder the size of a fist"".

With this proficient technique of controlling thunder and lightning, everyone including Mr. Zhao, who was the highest in cultivation, was shocked to the extreme.

Such terrifying strength and the words just now made the purple-haired old man know everyone, and he looked up at once.

"It's you! Why did you appear here? Could it be that your Excellency attracted the Jing people outside?" The purple-haired old man was still worried about Luo Yu's matter just now, and of course he is the one who most wants to recognize Luo Yu's identity at this moment. Thinking about the intrusion of the elites from outside, even though he knew that he was not Luo Yu's opponent, he still asked sharply.

"What? He is Luo Yu." The green-faced man flashed a look of astonishment upon hearing the words. Seeing that Luo Yu seemed to be more powerful than the rumors, he first cautiously released an elemental cloak to float beside him, I was extremely suspicious in my heart, and I couldn't figure out the purpose of Luo Yu's appearance at this time, so I didn't dare to show my air.

The conspiracy between myself and the Jing tribe was all aimed at the purple-haired old man. Even he didn't know that there was still a wanted criminal of the Jing tribe hidden in the deep valley. .

Luo Yu had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions on everyone's faces. After shattering the thunderball in his hand with five fingers, he sighed slightly and said, "I thought it was just a coincidence. The matter is partly caused by me, it seems that I really need to take care of it, but when it comes to how the Jing people found this place, I believe this fellow Daoist Mo knows better than anyone else."

After suppressing the smile on his face, Luo Yu's meaningful eyes fell on the big green-faced man.

"I'm ridiculous! How could I know about the Jing people? Your Excellency and the Jing people appeared together, and now you are slandering me. What are your intentions!" The blue-faced man, who was already guilty, was in a mess when Luo Yu saw it. Justified himself.

The purple-haired old man was also shocked by Luo Yu's words. He calmed down a little and thought that the deep valley outside had been set up with numerous formations. It would take at least several hours for the Jing clan to attack head-on, but the sound of fighting was clearly in the valley. Now, how did the other party know that the method of breaking the formation seems to be impossible except for insiders?

But just a few words from Luo Yu made him doubt his friend who he had known for many years, the old man was not so confused.

Luo Yu knew that no one would believe him unless he presented evidence. When he showed up, he was actually well prepared: "Do you really think that you are the only one who understands the sound transmission technique of array disks?" The reason why Luo has been hiding nearby is to find out the person who secretly passed the news to the Jing people."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu coldly took two steps forward and approached the big green-faced man, staring at the man's face with a flickering coldness, and said with a deep smile: "It's really not difficult to find evidence. , as long as Fellow Daoist Mo takes out the protective mirror hidden in his clothes, everything will be revealed."

Hearing Luo Yu's words, the last trace of luck for the blue-faced man collapsed, and his face was immediately dyed into ashes, pale and bloodless.

From the time Luo Yu named the breast-protector by name, monk Mo already knew that everything was over.

Even the purple-haired old man who has always trusted the blue-faced man couldn't believe what he heard. The two were life-and-death friends for many years, and because of the tragic experience of living together in the black region, the old man never treated Mo This lone friend, the monk surnamed Mo, had any suspicions, and under the circumstances of being so unguarded, the monk surnamed Mo really had too many opportunities to attack him, and he didn't need to resort to the hands of the Jing clan at all.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, whether this matter is true or not, this old man wants an explanation, and I want you to give an explanation to the hundreds of people here!" In fact, he already understood the hand in his heart, and he couldn't help but hissed with grief.

When the other people in the stone hall heard that the blue-faced leader had betrayed them, they couldn't believe it just like the old man. It seemed that this person had always had a good impression on everyone.

"The matter has come to this point, Mo has nothing to say. It is true that I have cheated on the Jing clan, and I am willing to let you deal with it." The green-faced man finally realized that he had made a big mistake, and replied with a sad smile, and at the same time nodded lightly. On top of the cloak element, he put away the only defensive treasure, and then ignored the regretful expression of the purple-haired old man who became trembling all over, suddenly knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed heavily to Luo Yu in front of him: "Senior, since I am not in the same way as the Jing clan, I implore seniors to look at the ruthlessness of being a human race, and to help the human race through this calamity, everything is a big mistake made by the next thought, but the clansmen here are all innocent."

The strength that Luo Yu showed just now is obviously higher than that of the purple-haired old man, and he is even very likely to be a metaphysician in the middle and late stages of the second rank. Maybe he can really turn things around.

Luo Yu looked at this person indifferently, and suddenly his smile faded away, turning into a golden shadow and rushing towards him without saying a word.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Jin Guangzhong's cold voice came out, and the man in Tsing Yi was shocked to find that a shining golden fist hit his face, and Yuan Guang, who was instinctively resisting, was directly suppressed by Luo Yu's aura. Inside, but the man in Tsing Yi gritted his teeth, but showed determination and did not retreat an inch.

In the next moment, the golden light lightly brushed over the body of the man in Tsing Yi like a phantom. When he found out that he was still alive, Luo Yu remained motionless, as if he hadn't moved at all!

The expressions of the people around him didn't seem to change, but the people in Tsing Yi were only afraid of Luo Yu's strength, and they never expected that this was influenced by Yuan Hai's mysterious sense.

"You used the aggressive method against me. Originally, with Luo's temper, you have absolutely no reason at the moment, but you should be thankful that Luo had eavesdropped on your conversation to find out the truth. If the group of Jing people were later In a moment, Fellow Daoist Mo may have told the truth, this time, let’s just think that you are thinking of the human race in a wrong way." Luo Yu said calmly, then turned to look at the purple-haired old man : "How to deal with this person, Mr. Zhao decides on his own, Luo Mou first cleans up the group of Jing people outside."

Before the words finished, everyone felt a dazzling golden light emanating from the feet of the young man in yellow robe, his figure shot out of the cave in a flash, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Ling Kong Wudu! He's not a Tier [-] Element Master, he is!" Dui Luo Yu flew out without using any magic weapon, and the purple-haired old man and the cultivator surnamed Mo who had just stood up lost their voices at the same time.

After half a stick of incense time, on a peak on the left side of the deep valley, Luo Yu turned his hands behind his back and looked up at the gray sky indifferently. There were twelve other Jing clansmen surrounding him. Although all Jing clansmen were belligerent, they were all chilled by Luo Yu's unflappable composure at this moment.

"It's all here, okay! Save me from wasting any more hands and feet, Luo will give you a good time." The voice was still lingering in his ears, and suddenly twelve golden claws flew out of Luo Yu's back like a spider, and they swelled into a sky in the wind. With the appearance of huge dragon claws, proudly carrying a majestic aura like a mountain, it hit the twelve Jing clan members as if falling randomly.

"Not good! How could he have the supernatural power 'Chi Claw' of his own family, and he can cast so many instantly!" The only person who could react was the leader of the Jing clan this time. As the second-rank elder of the Jingjiao tribe, this person He is very familiar with the scene in front of him, but he has never heard of such a powerful Chi Claw.

His mind was seized by it, when this person was the first to react, the surrounding air suddenly condensed, and the space became filled with extreme stagnation, as if an invisible giant force wanted to crush him to pieces!

Chi claws don't have such weird changes!

Except for the leader of the elite clan who could barely hold on, the other first-order elite clan members were all broken through their shields by invisible forces, and approached the deadly giant claws irresistibly. It looks average.

The leader of the Jing clan looked extremely terrified. At this time, not to mention taking out the treasure, it was extremely difficult to move his feet. This person's strength has reached the second level, and the Jing clan who was still arrogant before can only watch helplessly. In desperation, this person didn't care about the consequences, and suddenly crossed his hands and pulled, tearing off his arms like self-harm and throwing it!

After the two semi-demonized arms of the Jing tribe were wrapped in two groups of blood mist, a tyrannical bloody demon aura suddenly came out, and there were two strange sounds of "噗噗", and the blood mist rolled at the same time to form two blood-colored demon swords , slashed head-on at the falling golden giant claw.

"The mantis arm is like a cart." Luo Yu looked at this man's desperate blow with a cold expression.

Even if this person's blood sacrifice arm can be exchanged for a few points of power increase, how can he be the opponent of this new supernatural power after fusing the Buddhist Vajra's strength and the Jing clan' Chi Claw.

The monster's blood sword hit the giant golden claw at once, but it was more like chopping on a piece of gold and made a crisp popping sound. Then the two screamed intertwined, and the two auras changed alternately, and soon the golden light firmly gained the upper hand.

It was only at this time that it was clear that there was not even the slightest sword mark on the giant claws, but the two blood swords were still trembling crazily. collapse.

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