fairy flame

Chapter 1171 The Dream of the Sea Territory

() Jin Mengmeng's giant claws easily smashed the vitality shield on this elf's body, and grabbed the elf in his hand as soon as he probed, and tightened his five fingers inward!

The leader of the elite clan was unable to function due to the chaotic energy in his body, so he felt a wave of golden light enveloping him, and then his consciousness dissipated in the excruciating pain that almost shattered his body. ..

The strength of the other eleven members of the Jing tribe could not even do a little resistance, and their bodies were all torn apart by the claws.

Raising his hand to kill all the elites who attacked the valley this time, Luo Yu once again set up the escape light, and headed down to the gathering place of the human races who were observing the battle here

Half a day later, the pale golden rainbow transformed by Luo Yu shot up from the deep valley, and then disappeared into the distant sky in a flash."

At the same time, on the mountain peak that Luo Yu had just left in the deep valley, the purple-haired old man and several other human monks with strong aura witnessed the scene of Luo Yu soaring into the sky. recede.

"Old Zhao, this senior Luo's supernatural powers are really amazing, and his strength has broken through the shackles of the Black Territory throughout the ages. If Senior Luo can lead me to wait, let alone the days of fear and fear, he will kill Fengshen in one fell swoop. After all, although there are many second-tier elite elders in Fengshen Town, none of them has broken through to third-tier." Even though they were all shocked by Luo Yu's unfathomable magical powers, after all, After a while, there was a voice that was both excited and full of pity.

As soon as this remark came out, there were not a few people whose hearts changed.

Of course, everyone wanted Luo Yu to stay. The power of the human race in the four sea regions was no worse than that of the Jing clan, but they were at the mercy of others in the black region. Treat Luo Yu like a god.

But such an attempt was flatly rejected by Luo Yu from the very beginning. If he was pursuing the right to be king in the Black Territory, why would Luo Yu wait until today.

However, for the sake of human affection, Luo Yu still left a detailed map of the black region and several exquisite body training exercises that the Jing people did not pass on before leaving. It indicated that many people had never heard of it. The location of the mine veins, and said that the cultivation resources there are sufficient to meet the needs of the human race.

Although this made them a little disappointed, it was better than the previous days.

"Maybe there are still some secret powerful existences in the Jing clan. Otherwise, in my old age, how can this Senior Luo's temper endure the hunt and kill of the Jing clan? But this time, it may be a blessing in disguise, otherwise who would know us In the human race, there are still people like Senior Luo, and even Senior Luo's cultivation of the third-order Yuanling Realm can't break away from the black domain, so I don't think we will have to worry too much about the catastrophe of genocide in the future." Another respected The old woman seemed to have made a reasonable analysis.

"This is the only possibility. Don't you guys forget that overseas high-level beings also live in seclusion, and unless necessary, there is an agreement among those high-level monks that they will not easily attack low-level monks. If there really are more than Senior Luo and a third-order Yuanling in the Black Territory, maybe there are some secret agreements between these existences." The purple-haired old man withdrew his gaze, pondered for a moment, and suddenly there was a hint of expression on his face!

"And this proves that we are too much of a frog at the bottom of a well. Since there have been people who have broken the shackles in the black domain, it seems that there is still a long way to go to practice, but at least someone has come forward."

For the mysterious and unpredictable Heiyu, the years of Luo Yu's appearance are just a moment in the vicissitudes of its vicissitudes, leaving behind some splendor that will fade away sooner or later.

Since Luo Yu left the human race in the deep valley that time, he has never appeared in the Black Territory again, but for many years in the Black Territory, those human races who left Fengshen Town found another "paradise" and lived in a generation. In the rise of successive generations, he has never forgotten this short-lived 'Senior Luo'. He does not know when he began to regard Luo Yu as a generation of immortals in the black realm, and he even received the immortal title 'Yuzu'. He is the spiritual backbone of the human race to reproduce and pass on.

However, at this time, Luo Yu had already left the Black Territory, and he would not know that his little effort would become a masterpiece!

In a blue and blue world that is completely different from the black area, the sun is shining brightly, and the bright care is full of the meaning of warm sun.

There were bursts of rumbling sounds like turbulent waves hitting the shore. On a shallow yellow sandy beach, a man who seemed to be alive or dead was gradually pushed to the shore by the waves.

The man who looks like a floating corpse in the water has tattered clothes and looks extremely embarrassed. He has obviously been floating in the sea for a while. What is strange is that the man has no scars on his body. It seems that such delicious floating corpses have always been sought after by sea fish and sea beasts. Good stuff to grab.

After a few days, some pale golden brilliance gradually appeared on the man's body. It was not obvious at first, but this kind of golden light will be particularly dazzling at night, and it will become more and more day by day.

Finally, three days later, the man coughed up a mouthful of salty, wet and foul-smelling seawater with a breath-like movement in his chest and abdomen, and then opened his heavy eyelids extremely tired.

What appeared in his eyes was a piece of azure sea water that he had never seen before, fluctuating, rippling and swaying, sometimes causing the sound of waves rising and falling, and he seemed to be deeply trapped in a pile of sand, but at this time he did not move at all His limbs were so numb that he couldn't feel anything, and even the lightest sand and gravel on his body made him feel powerless to resist.

The only thing he could do was to turn his gaze. At the end of the short beach, the ground was full of steep giant rocks. He could vaguely see some lizard-like flaming things crawling on it, which was something he had never seen before.

When I wanted to take a closer look again, suddenly there was a tearing pain in my brain, and I passed out all of a sudden.

A few days later, the man was lucky. When he woke up, he saw the sunrise on the sea. At the place where the sea and the sky meet, there are golden lines faintly shining. The earth arches out of the sea, gradually dyeing the sky colorful. At this time, the sea water is the most beautiful, full of colorful light patterns, like pieces of undulating brocade.

Although the man passed out suddenly twice during the period, his recovery speed was even more astonishing. After waking up from a deep sleep one day, he felt that he had a little ability to move, and he struggled to get up.

The first thing the man did after waking up was not to tidy up the dirt and messy robes all over his body. He never even took a look at it. Instead, he stared blankly at the sea for a long time, and suddenly he laughed loudly by himself. He laughed hoarsely towards the sea, the laughter was full of bitterness and excitement, but in the end it all turned into indescribable ecstasy.

The man who suddenly appeared on the nameless desert island was none other than Luo Yu who had exhausted himself and landed here after leaving the Black Territory with Empress Baiyu!

For the original people in the sea area, this piece of sea that will not change much after going through vicissitudes of life can't arouse any emotions, but for Luo Yu, only God knows that he has paid too much to come here. .

For a cultivator with a clean mind, dreams have long been something that can come and go as he pleases, but during the time when Luo Yu first landed on the island, it always appeared inconceivably often.

Sometimes after passing out of a painful coma, I even dreamed outrageously that everything that happened in this world was just an illusion. When I woke up, I returned to the dilapidated small courtyard in Luofu, only lying on the table in the hut when I was tired, dreaming about everything.

Sometimes I would dream about all kinds of horrible things in the Black Territory, and it seemed that those bizarre scenes that I had just experienced were slowly becoming difficult to remember.

This kind of life, which is both illusory and real, continued until Luo Yu recovered a small part of his mana and consciousness, and then he was able to stabilize

Time flies, and the days after days make the beach seem a kind of secluded tranquility.

Under the blue sky, there are large cotton-like white clouds floating, and incoherent birdsong resounds in the forest on the island, which seems extremely quiet, but Luo Yu knows that this beautiful scene will come at night , would become terribly frightening, and there would be nothing but the boundless solitude and the thunderous crashing of the sea against the rocks.

"It's been a month, and no mortals or immortals have passed by here. Even though I have a few charts prepared in advance, the sea is vast. If you can't even determine which sea area you are in, you will be in big trouble. It's gone." Luo Yu seemed to be lying comfortably under a thatched hut he had built temporarily, but he thought about it in a bad mood.

Now, he has lost the joyful state of mind he had when he saw the sea for several days, and became worried about his future cultivation path.

This thatched hut was built on the edge of the beach where he fainted. From here, Luo Yu could see the farthest end of the coast, but there was always a bright and dazzling broad wave of light floating and sinking, and there was always nothing he wanted. Variety.

Faced with such a refreshing scene for a long time, it is natural to gradually feel boring.

Fortunately, when I left the Black Territory last time, I only exhausted my energy, and I still had a little mana to protect my body. Otherwise, the sequelae caused by exhaustion would never have recovered in less than a month.

Different from the cultivation that cannot be quick and quick after the loss of mana, body refiners don't have so many scruples. The more Yuan Jing there is, the faster it will recover. It seems that Luo Yu's trip to the Black Domain has gained the most from the Yuan Jing mine.

It's just that after Luo Yu's healing, he always wanted to leave this deserted and isolated island. He had heard many rumors about how the overseas immortal cultivation world prospered in the Black Territory, and he was able to bear the appearance of the long-awaited immortal cultivation holy land.

In addition to relying on the sea chart, Luo Yu also tried to follow the seabirds on the island to see if he could use the bird's migration talent to leave here and find a gathering place for immortal practitioners.

On the one hand, the aura on this island is too thin, which is not suitable for him to cultivate Qi, let alone the road to alchemy that Luo Yu is about to face, and the vitality on the island is also undetectable. The domains are heaven and earth, so completely speechless that Luo Yu even lost the thought of practicing "Bazutong" on the deserted island.

Another reason is that after Luo Yu aroused the compass, the induction disc, which had never had any response in the black domain, had a very weak fluctuation, although it could only be roughly judged that Linger was somewhere thousands of miles away. However, as long as he can prove that his wife is still alive, this is already a great gift to Luo Yu, and the matter of setting off to find Ling'er immediately filled his whole heart.

But until now, even though Luo Yu was unwilling, he still had to admit that he got lost on this deserted island and sea.

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