fairy flame

Chapter 1172

() After the days on the island finally became boring, Luo Yu could only look for a way out from the piles of sea area Dao books in the storage bag, but he also discovered some unexpected ways, but most of them have certain conditions and restrictions.

One of the "day-by-day methods" can use the star map to compare the sea charts to calculate the nearby positions based on the positions of the two stars, the sun and the sun. Luo Yu is also a very patient person, but after reading this method, he really can't arouse the slightest interest.

Luo Yu also tried other methods of chasing seabirds and observing the types of reefs.

It's just that all the seabirds on the island leave when the sun rises, and return when the sun sets. At the farthest time, they only fly to another island and reef group more than ten miles away, linger for half a day, and then return again. It is also desolate and primitive, there is really no clue, and there is no need for seabirds to lead the way. Luo Yu flew a hundred miles away in one breath when he recovered from his physical injuries in half an hour, and he already knew the existence of this island and reef.

Considering the lack of mana and the excessive consumption, he had no choice but to return in a huff.

Even though it was not Luo Yu's limit that time, he still couldn't find any other islands with people a hundred miles away and combined with his divine sense. Borderlands.

Luo Yu didn't think it was strange that he would fall in such a place, because as far as he knew, the four sea areas were too vast, so big that it was impossible to really detect the boundaries of the sea areas, even if the top of the four sea areas Even if all the cultivators gather together, they can't do it.

Because it is just a random sea city in the four sea areas, and it can cover nearly ten thousand miles of sea area at least, and it is possible to have a large area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles or millions of miles. The town is gathered in a certain sea area as the center, so the sea area controlled by Haicheng, where monks appear and appear, mainly gathers in certain places. Even if these places are extended, it is really insignificant compared to the thousands of miles of sea area.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, there have been a large number of unknown sea areas in every sea area. The frontier sea areas or 'ancient seas' mentioned in the four sea areas all refer to such places.

The sea area is so vast, many immortal cultivators have spent their entire lives to understand the sea area they are in, which is considered pretty good.

The only thing that can be described concretely is that the four sea areas mentioned in the ancient Taoist book are divided into [-] cities, which are distributed in various places in the four sea areas. Each sea city controls an incomparably huge sea area. Maybe they are adjacent, or maybe they are far away. If you want to know how big monks are in the four seas, you can use the number of [-] sea cities to estimate it. However, I believe that the answer obtained in this way will not be true. go.

Therefore, the sea area Luo Yu is in must be an ancient sea area in the sea area, so it can explain why the surrounding area is deserted. If you want to go out from the ancient sea area, unless you know the route to the nearest inhabited sea area in advance, otherwise it is best The way is to wait.

Only when some immortal cultivators happened to pass by did they have the possibility of leaving. What made Luo Yu feel better was that a situation similar to his happened in overseas immortal cultivators, and there was still a chance of encountering other immortal cultivators.

After all, in the thousands of miles of sea area around Haicheng, it is a sea area under the intensive rule of three races of Jing, human and monsters. A large number of cultivation resources have long been exhausted. It has almost become a must-do in the cultivation career for the immortal cultivators in the sea area to go out to the ancient sea, Luo Yu I just don't know when and who will come to this sea area for training.

However, judging from his repeated inspections of the surrounding sea areas, the situation is not so optimistic. Centering on the deserted island where he is located, he has not found a single sea monster. It's a sea beast!

But Luo Yu immediately found out depressedly that the number of sea beasts in the nearby hundreds of miles of sea was extremely rare, not to mention that the only few islands had sparse and weak spiritual veins, and it was impossible to grow rare elixir.

Naturally, Luo Yu was not someone who would just wait to die. As he gradually became familiar with the plants and trees around the island, he slowly came up with some ideas.

Since some things are not available, he created them himself. He first arranged induction formations on various islands and reefs, and set up the main formation on the deserted island he was on. Flying, he can be the first to notice.

This is just one step. Luo Yu put many unused high and low-level magic weapons on his body into the belly of some sea fish and a few first-level sea beasts. If these sea beasts are hunted and killed by monks, the other party will definitely see the magic weapons and treasures in the sea beasts. He would think of some treasure houses or ancient monks' caves, so he couldn't help but trace the source of these sea beasts.

Although Luo Yu spared no expense to make sufficient preparations, this unbearable waiting lasted for more than two months, and finally one day!

This day, Luo Yu had just released a sandtooth fish, and it was a pity that a high-level fire-attribute net magic weapon might disappear into the sea, when suddenly several muffled thunders and roars came from far away from the sky, and he was shocked. The beasts and birds on the originally peaceful island fled in a panic.

At the same time, shocking waves with a height of several feet rose up on the sea far away. The naked eye could see a layer of white smoke waves sweeping towards them rapidly, and the waves hit a nearby reef with a thunderous sound.

Although Luo Yu has long been used to the calm sea with three-foot waves, it was the first time for such an abrupt change.


He hadn't figured out what happened yet, but Luo Yu almost couldn't hold back his ecstatic excitement for a moment, and his spirit, which had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly shocked him.

It should be noted that monster beasts are different from sea beasts. The latter are born with a strong sense of territory and will not easily leave their living environment. Even if foreign enemies break in, they will only fight desperately.

Monster beasts are different. They are inherently cunning and changeable, and most of them are deceitful and fearful of strength. Once they are defeated, they will run away immediately. However, Luo Yu has long been familiar with the situation in this area, and there are no monsters nearby!

What's more, judging from the rushing of this monster beast, judging from its wild screams, it is obvious that it has encountered a strong enemy and was hunted down to this point!

Just as Luo Yu was startled and released his consciousness to explore the distance, he heard it more clearly this time, a louder roar, like the neighing of a steed, came from the rolled up smoke and water waves.

At the same time, Luo Yu's powerful divine sense pierced through the water curtain in an instant, and he saw clearly the true face of this monster.

Hidden inside is a double-headed seahorse riding the wind and waves with its feet on a water column. Its ears are shaped like agate. Its body is as big as a giant elephant. Its two heads are fiery red and sky blue, and its body is covered with bright brown bone fragments. The most peculiar thing is that the eyeballs of this beast can alternately emit four kinds of light!

It was the first time for Luo Yu to see such a rare strange beast, and he couldn't find any origin of this beast in his impression, but the cultivation level of this beast was very average, it was just a second-level monster.

But what Luo Yu really cares about is not these. He didn't intend to stop the seahorse monster at all. Instead, he turned his eyes and divine thoughts to the direction behind the monster beast, and his figure was in the quietly unfolding light golden sea of ​​primordial color. Hidden aside to observe.

Soon, as expected, there was a blue-yellow cloud-like escaping light that caught up with the seahorse monster even faster after it appeared for a moment.

"It's an immortal cultivator! With such a voice, this place is really a sea of ​​thunder." In the sea of ​​consciousness, Luo Yu's divine sense sees through the oncoming light and sees three figures inside, and the difference in cultivation between the two sides makes him hear The conversation between the three of them, he, who had already mastered the languages ​​of the world in the Black Territory, immediately judged that the general sea region he was in now appeared, which was almost the same as his original analysis.

At present, the appearance and clothing of the three of them could not escape Luo Yu's prying eyes. They were a woman in a small gown with bare arms and two tall and thin young men.

Among them, the tall woman drove a blue lotus-shaped flying instrument, which floated on the sea and came through the waves, which was quite similar to the water escape technique performed by the double-headed seahorse.

It seems that this woman is only in charge of chasing, and the other two men surrounded by several yellow flying swords are the real ones who make the shots.

Among the three, the woman in the little dress and the green skirt has the lowest level of cultivation, only at the early stage of foundation establishment. The red crown on the thin young man's head is in the form of red tasseled ropes hanging from two plates, which he has vaguely seen somewhere.

Just a moment's distraction, the two-headed seahorse passed Luo Yu in mid-air without noticing it, and the three people who were chasing after them were only a few dozen feet away from the monster beast. Noticed that Luo Yu was hiding nearby.

At this time, the two men seemed to realize that the time had come. After exchanging glances, they patted their respective storage bags, and tacitly took out a blue flying fork with runes wrapped around it, and the tip was even more There are bursts of green brilliance beating, and one can tell that it is not ordinary.

The two of them activated their spiritual powers almost without discussing, and the green flying fork suddenly grew to more than two feet in length against the wind, making a vibrating sound of 'buzzing', and then the flying fork was pushed down by the two of them. As soon as the sea surface was thrown away, there was a strange sound of flooding when the two blue lights were still in the air, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared on the sea surface like a dragon entering the sea.

Except for the fleeing water waves chasing one after the other, there was no movement in the nearby sea area, as if the two blue flying forks had sunk into the bottom of the sea.

Just when Luo Yu was curious that the two of them were not throwing in the direction of the monster, he suddenly turned around and looked with a look!

The double-headed seahorse, which was only more than ten feet away from him, was about to fly over a calm sea surface in a panic, when it suddenly shot out two blue rainbows from the water, making piercing whistling sounds like crossbow arrows. stab upwards.

The seahorse monster was flying close to the surface of the water, and it had no time to dodge when something happened, so it bumped into the sharp edge of the blue light impartially, and two thunderous explosions came out immediately.

The water mist raised by this beast is effective against some low-level spells at best, but when encountering such an ancient weapon or a complete set of treasures, it can hardly have any defensive effect. The blue water vapor mask protects it, but it's not the strongest life-saving means, so as soon as it touches it, the shield trembles wildly, showing the appearance of cracks, and then the blue light pierces through the water mask destructively!

An extremely shrill hiss suddenly came from the surging water mist!

Almost at the same time, the surprise laughter of the three of them also sounded from the yellow and blue light behind them!

"Quick! The two senior brothers must not hurt it, it must be captured alive!"

"Haha, Fairy Qiu, don't worry, this beast has been hit by the 'green chain fork' of the two of us, and it can't run even if it wants to."

Luo Yu watched the three of them rushing over excitedly and eagerly, and already regarded the double-headed seahorse as a meal on the plate, and murmured a few words 'green chain fork', and couldn't help but look carefully at the injured monster.

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