fairy flame

Chapter 1173

() Looking only with the naked eye, you can only see the thick legs of the roaring seahorse monster being pierced by the sharp flying fork, breaking through two big holes with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl, and a large amount of monster blood flowing reddish half of the sea surface, The monster aura on his body is in a dying state of fluctuating strength and weakness. With the inherent fierce nature of monsters and beasts, they are struggling with anger at this moment, and they will never let the blood flow away and remain indifferent.

But after listening to the two young men's words, Luo Yu carefully scanned it again with his spiritual sense, and sure enough there was something else in it, the body of this monster was actually wrapped with circles of transparent chains, as thin as a cow's hair and difficult to detect , but as dense as a spider's web, not only bound the beast tightly, but also the demonic aura emitted by the beast's dying struggles was reflected back after being absorbed by the chain threads several times, making it impossible to cast spells at all." "Chapter [-] of the novel.

Seeing that the treasures were just taken out by two monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and that they had such amazing power, Luo Yu suddenly woke up to the world of cultivating immortals in the sea area in his heart.

This is another land of cultivating immortals that he has never experienced before, and in the face of such treasures or spells that can cast strange water escapes, he must adapt as soon as possible, otherwise he will cling to the words of those fighting spirits on land, who are too self-righteous , Once you go to sea and fight with people, you will definitely suffer a big loss. At that time, no one noticed that the brown scales on the double-headed seahorse turned into a strange blood brown under the cover of the blood, and in the breath of this monster that seemed to be water, it began to Strangely, more and more manic fire attribute monster energy fluctuations appeared.

Luo Yu's expression moved, and when he was about to take the opportunity to help, Turan looked at the three people who were coming towards him, and retracted his arms again after pondering, showing an expression of continuing to watch the show.

When the three people in the distance approached, a layer of blood-brown demon fire spread from the beast, and the fiery red head of the seahorse also woke up from a deep sleep at this moment, with vicious hatred in its eyes. The chains wrapped around his body were burnt by the demon fire, and even the cyan flying fork ancient artifact body was flickering with rays of light, wailing uncontrollably in the demon fire.

After being restrained by chains and wires, the beast finally regained a little mobility, and immediately stopped to escape, turned its head and stared at the three with murderous intent, raised its neck to the sky, and let out a long, mournful cry.

Then the beast was caught off guard by the three of them, and the double-headed seahorse didn't force out the two blue flying forks that pierced its legs as soon as possible, but quickly fused the fire waves and water mist on its body to form a circle. The red and blue Yunxia wrapped herself in it.

When this cloud rolled over, there was a strange sound of wind and thunder. The power of water and fire intertwined in it, and it slowly turned gorgeously. Under the flickering and spreading of the whole group of clouds, a terrifying demonic aura was still surging. Under the influence of the red and blue monster light, the sea water below revealed a sunken pit like a vortex.

"It's not good, the effect of the 'Fire Suppressing Grass' began to dissipate early, let's take action together, we must not let it perform the evasion technique combining the power of water and fire, otherwise it will definitely escape our spiritual lock." One of them A young man with a flat face immediately realized something was wrong and shouted loudly.

<, the tall slender female cultivator with her forearm bare took the lead in throwing two light-luse round beads, and as the spell flowed, the pearl's light flashed, and it turned into two green lights and appeared above the two-color clouds.

There was a thunderclap on the surface of the plain bead, and there was a burst of quite strong yuan force fluctuations.

Luo Yu couldn't help being stunned when he saw this situation, he could clearly feel that there was no energy fluctuation in the woman, but when will the immortal cultivator be able to drive the treasure of the body refiner?


Just when Luo Yu was puzzled, the woman in the short skirt of luse saw Yuanzhu drop her hand, and Meiyou cast a spell to stimulate her further. On the contrary, Yu Rong, who was quite exquisite, suddenly reminded the two people beside her nervously: "Two The senior brother urged the ancient weapon quickly, but the younger sister's palm sky thunder could only be interrupted for a moment. If the beast was seriously injured and fled with the green chain fork, the two senior brothers would not only be unable to catch it, but would lose a valuable treasure on the contrary. "

This woman was obviously out of good intentions, seeing that the two-headed seahorse restrained by Meiyou's Fire-Suppressing Grass was no longer something the three of them could stop, so she made a decisive decision at all costs and made a comprehensive consideration.

Before the woman's voice fell, the Yuanzhu, which she called Zhang Tianlei, suddenly burst open. Immediately, two luse arcs hidden in the pearl were as thick as a baby's arm, making a deafening and deafening sound, and then With a crackling sound, the thick lightning arc bounced on the two-colored clouds with incomparable precision. The power of thunder and lightning is worthy of being the nemesis of any monsters and ghosts. Hu even disappeared into Yunxia in the blink of an eye.

As a result, the injured seahorse monster encountered the most feared thunder and lightning attack on weekdays, and immediately screamed. On the body of Difang who was hit, several palm-sized scorched black marks appeared, caused by the power of water and fire. The formed clouds have already been torn open a gap.

Seeing that the beast was really injured by a few seemingly inconspicuous balls, and the red and blue clouds that rolled up like a hurricane were blocked by the thunder and lightning, the other two youths hurriedly seized the opportunity and put All the spiritual thoughts were used to recover the ancient green chain fork.

The choice of the two is also wise. This method interrupts the spellcasting of the seahorse monster, and at the worst, they can take back their respective ancient artifacts.

But the three of them still underestimated that monsters can often burst out beyond normal strength for a short period of time between life and death. With grief and anger, the two heads of the seahorse monster raised again, and two beams of light, one red and one blue, shot out at the same time and merged. together.

The two-color cloud and mist that Meiyou was crushed by lightning, as soon as it was supplemented by the demon power, immediately closed the gap at an even faster speed.

The spiritual thoughts of these two people couldn't penetrate the defenses that the seahorse monsters put all their strength into. Naturally, both of them felt the pain of the sea of ​​consciousness, and then lost their feelings for their respective treasures.

"This Pianli beast is seriously injured, why is it stronger than usual? No matter what, this beast cannot take away the ancient artifact bestowed by the master, otherwise the consequences will not be as simple as being punished." Thinking of it with extreme shock and anger, he no longer cared about the backlash from his mind-to-heart connection, and a decisive look flashed on his somewhat pale face.

The two sprayed a mouthful of blood on the two yellow flying swords in front of them respectively, and amidst the soaring sword light and resounding sword cry, they turned into four yellow horses and sprayed straight towards each other.

Although he didn't dare to delay the full power of the flying sword, but with the assistance of the secret art of blood essence, he believed that as long as he could hit the seahorse monster, the opponent would never be able to suffer such heavy damage twice.

The sword light is divided into four directions and wraps around the increasingly viscous clouds. The chi-long sword light that emerges from it is obviously extremely sharp. The seahorse monster seems to feel the crisis of life and death hanging by a thread. There was a sharp cry, and immediately the two-color clouds began to spin like a hurricane, and countless meteor-like waves of monster energy and fire splashed in all directions.

A huge water column several feet thick rises from the sea surface of the great whirlpool below at the same time, vaguely about to welcome the two-color clouds.

"Not good! The Pianli Beast is going to run away early, stop it!" Seeing that Jian Guang had no time to stop it, the woman in the little dress nervously covered her small mouth and said with a changed face.

Why didn't the other two think about it, they had already used their mana in the middle stage of foundation establishment to the limit, but Jian Guang was still a step behind.

Just when the three of them were regretting that they would lose two treasures, Turan was on the side close to the seahorse monster, an inconspicuous blue-white lightning arc, less than the thickness of a thumb, Fangfo shot out from the void, It hit the seahorse monster that was only a moment away from casting its spell.

What happened stunned all three of them. In terms of thickness and momentum, it was far inferior to the blue and white lightning arcs of the previous two thunderbolts. The blink of an eye, together with the evil spirit nearby, dissipated as if blown by a breeze.

The blue and white thunder arc did this step, as if it was just a random blow, the three people who saw it for a while were still in shock, the blue and white thunder light re-condensed into a complete thunderbolt above the seahorse monster that had no defense at all like a spirit Arc, slash downward!

Like a thunder whip whipped on the flesh of a monster, a layer of thorn-like lightning bounced and bounced on the surface of the seahorse monster without warning. The water and fire monster power in the two heads collapsed instantly, and then with a mournful cry, the powerless 'pu dong' fell down, and the body fell heavily on the sea. <Although it didn't take a blink of an eye, the three people not far away were already stunned.

"You don't need to look for the three fellow Taoists. I don't have any malicious intentions. It's just that I happened to meet you all. In order not to cause misunderstandings, I hid myself." Since Luo Yu made the move, he naturally didn't intend to hide it. Lang Sheng controlled a high-level flying sword Show up.

He still doesn't know where this sea is and which sea city is under its control, but the relations between immortal cultivators and body refiners are intricate, and there are peaceful coexistence and hostility in the four seas, so there are always more Think about it.

But the amiable smile on Luo Yu's face at this moment was definitely from the heart, because this was the first group of people he met in the world of cultivating immortals in the sea area!

"Your Excellency is from Shime, which senior at the alchemy stage?" The three of them still shuddered at the power caused by the simple lightning arc strike before, and didn't even care whether the double-headed hippocampus was alive or dead. Luo Yu had such a modest attitude and tone, for a while he could only think that it would be best to ask Luo Yu's identity and cultivation level before knowing how to answer.

In fact, the three people's divine sense had already detected it first, but the other party was as unpredictable as the unfathomable sea water. If Luo Yu hadn't stayed in the sky with a flying sword, the three of them would undoubtedly regard Luo Yu as A monk in the alchemy period.

Even if it wasn't, with the strength Luo Yu showed just now, one can imagine the uneasiness in the hearts of the three of them at this moment when they met a strange immortal cultivator in such a remote sea area Turan.

"The stage of alchemy?" Luo Yu smiled slightly, not surprised by the doubts of the three, but Ruguo and the three asked only about the realm of cultivating immortals, so he can tell the truth.

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