fairy flame

Chapter 1174 Wanshou League, Yuling Town

() Although a trace of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the late stage of foundation establishment were released, Luo Yu still showed enough embarrassment on his expression.

After seeing the facial expressions of the three of them, Luo Yu immediately cupped his fists, and made up his mind with thoughts flying wildly: "This fellow Taoist is highly respected. If Luo is a monk in the alchemy stage, he won't be killed by a monster." The beast chased and killed him in a panic, and even ran for his life to this barren and ancient sea, almost destroying his cultivation."

"Hey! To be honest, I have been lost in the vicinity for more than three months because I don't have a map of this sea area on my body, and the spirit stones I carry with me are about to bottom out. What to do, as for my cultivation base, it is actually only slightly higher than the three, and it is far away from the alchemy stage." When Luo Yu told this lie, there was that kind of subtle but not difficult to see through bitterness on his face, really He brought into full play the face-skin kung fu he had already practiced.

"Fellow daoist is lost here! Didn't you prepare the nearby sea chart before going out to sea?" After the three spiritual thoughts were withdrawn from Luo Yu's body without a sound, a pleasant and surprised female voice came.

"When you are being chased by monsters, where do you still care about the road? There are some sea charts, but they are all for local sea areas. After losing your direction, I tried to fly in one direction for a long time, but the result Instead, it got deeper and deeper, and finally arrived here." Luo Yu replied without any flickering color on his face.

"It's a coincidence that your Excellency met us in the vast sea, and you are still in the late stage, so it's no wonder that you subdued the Pianli beast as soon as you made a move, but the power of the thunder and lightning just now was too terrifying. I also practice the lightning attribute Xing spell, but I don't seem to have heard of any monk using the powerful blue and white lightning spell, could it be that fellow daoists used some kind of treasure just now?" Hearing Luo Yu's reasonable explanation, the female cultivator responded politely with a smile, and the pair Miao Mu sized Luo Yu up and down, not as vigilant as the other two who stood silently aside, but rather curious about Luo Yu's supernatural powers.

The face of this goddess seemed to have no other meaning, but at this time, in Luo Yu's ears, it was a bit funny to hear another completely different sentence.

"Ping, the two senior brothers Tan must not take it lightly! Recently, many monks of unknown origin have appeared in the waters near our Yuling Town. I heard from Master that these people are related to the 'Lonely Mountain', one of the three major pirate forces. I know their purpose, but our Yuling Town is a relatively remote sea area in the Moya Sea. It is not easy for these vicious pirates to appear here. Right now, this person is obviously stronger than any late-stage cultivator I have ever seen. It needs to be more powerful, but there is no such person among the local monks in the sea area of ​​​​Yuling Town, let the junior sister test it out first, it is okay if he is inconvenient to answer, but if he deliberately deceives us, we must be careful."

The sound transmission that Luo Yu inadvertently overheard came from this smart female monk. When the two young people heard the sound transmission, how could Fairy Qiu, who was originally indifferent, ask such a rash question.

Hearing the explanation in their ears at this time, the two couldn't help but feel relieved.

Luo Yu didn't expect women to be delicate minded. If he had asked about Luo Yu's identity at the beginning, he would have been able to explain it all. People believed it, but after hearing the content of the woman's voice transmission, a very perfect idea appeared in my mind.

"There are so many lightning spells in this world, I'm afraid they can't be counted. It's not surprising that this girl can't recognize her. Besides, I'm not a monk in the sea area of ​​Yuling Town. I came here just for a monster, and I I have nothing to hide about my identity, I am a disciple of the 'Sandu Sect', and like these two fellow Taoists, I am also a two-star hunter!" After speaking, Luo Yu couldn't help admiring his ability to adapt to the situation, a He quickly patted the storage bag with his hand, and took out the token engraved with the cross pattern of Zen staff and flying sword.

"Wan Hunting Order!" When the three of them saw the token in Luo Yu's hand, the two young men who also held the token showed expressions of relief. Even the female cultivator who had doubted Luo Yu's identity just now, although She didn't have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the token at a glance, but she didn't have any doubts about the judgment of the two companions, so she really relaxed a lot.

"If the three of you still don't believe me, I'll have to wear this hunter's robe. It's just that I haven't worn it for a long time, so I'm afraid I'll make everyone laugh." On Luo Yu's other hand, a fiery red robe and a pair of robes appeared. With a red crown tied with tassels on both ends, he looked a little helpless, but his voice was like a joke.

It was just now that Luo Yu remembered why he felt that the red crowns worn by the two looked familiar at the beginning, and it turned out that there were similarities on his body.

It's just that the dispute involving the top forces in the Thunder Sea Region is a long story.

Although the entire mine-accumulating sea area is vast and boundless, the real overlords are the Jing people. The human race seems to occupy less than a quarter of the sea area, and the human race in the mine-accumulating sea area has not lived in this area since ancient times. The aborigines in the sea area, their ancestors migrated from Erhai Lake or Shenling Lake!

In short, a long time ago, a battle broke out in the four sea areas in the west, in which the human race and the Jing race fought a battle. Because of the small victory of the Jing race in the end, they occupied a total of five sea cities in the Thunder Sea Area. Each sea city can rule over a vast sea area of ​​no less than ten thousand li.

At first, these five adjacent sea cities were only used as outposts to monitor every move of the Jing people, so most of the human races in the mine-accumulating sea area were left over from that time, and have been multiplied from generation to generation.

However, since the four seas are separated by boundless star seas, it is extremely difficult to cross the sea to another sea. Therefore, after a long time, the human race in the Thunder Sea has gradually lost contact with the other two seas. du li has developed its own lineage.

Over time in the peaceful era, the human races here have gradually forgotten their duty of surveillance, and under the premise that all major sea areas are safe and sound, the Erhai Cultivation World and the Shenlinghai Cultivation World, which fought side by side in the past, have become dead dogs. They turned against each other and turned against each other, so they didn't put their minds on it even more.

But no one expected that the Jing clan would take this opportunity to recharge their batteries and finally regained their vitality and attacked the five sea cities. The battle was so tragic that the monks in the five sea cities were almost massacred. Although in the end the other two major sea areas temporarily cleared up their suspicions and once again fought against the Jing tribe, they were only evenly matched, and these five sea cities were barely regained at a huge price.

After that battle, the human race and the Jing race in the Thunder Sea Territory have completely become irresolvable mortal enemies. The top monks of the human race integrated the strengths of all sects and established the Wanshou League to deal with foreign enemies at any time. It is jointly controlled by the five most powerful sects that control the five sea cities.

Immortal cultivators who join the Wanshou League are called hunters. They are divided into many levels based on their cultivation and merit. It is said that the total number of hunters in all the divisions established by the Wanshou League in the five sea cities is as follows: They all exceeded [-]. It is conceivable that even if the Jing clan comes to attack again, there are [-] elite monks who are ready to fight, and the Jing clan will have to weigh a little more.

Precisely because hunters are almost all from sect forces, and the selection is extremely strict, casual cultivators or people with unknown origins cannot pass the many tests of the Wanshou League. Doubt is gone.

And Luo Yu didn't expect that during the last three months of his stay in Fengshen Town in the Black Territory, some of the preparations he made would be really useful, but the Ten Thousand Hunting Order in his hand was genuine. It was found on the corpse of a human cultivator who entered the Black Territory. As for the Sandu Sect, it also exists, but it is not in the Moya Sea Territory.

If Luo Yu didn't have a lot of questions in his mind and needed to ask these three people carefully, and the identities of Heiyu and Yuanshi could not be leaked casually, why would he spend so much time talking politely with these three people.

However, seeing that the three of them no longer had any doubts on their faces, it seemed that they believed Luo Yu's words. The faces of the two young people suddenly showed enthusiasm. One family, why didn’t Fellow Daoists reveal their identities earlier, and besides, the Sandu Sect is a well-known sect in the Zhanlan Sea, and we brothers have heard of it before. Brother Dao, do you know, just now we almost mistakenly thought that you were the Gushan Pirates. "

"Lonely Mountain? This is one of the three major pirate forces. Have they appeared in this sea area?" Luo Yu asked with surprise on his face, and laughed in his heart at his acting skills.

"Fellow Daoist has been trapped here for more than three months. It is normal not to know the news, but there is no need to worry. I believe that no matter how rampant these pirate monks are, they will never dare to provoke our hunters. By the way, if Fellow Daoist is trapped here, it is just Because if you can’t find the direction, the two senior brothers and I have nearby sea charts in our hands, and we can give a copy to fellow Taoists. However, our charts are all in the direction of Yuling Town, and the two senior brothers and I happened to be on the way Come back, fellow daoist, if you don’t mind, we can go together.” Seeing that Luo Yu was ignorant of the outside world, the tall slender woman was moved to bring in such a powerful hunter like Luo Yu, so she couldn’t help inviting her.

This is all due to the identity of Luo Yu Hunter and his appearance in this remote sea area. The three of them will definitely be more cautious on other islands where there are many people.

"I've used up all the spirit stones and elixir on my body. If I don't go to Yuling Town to replenish them, even if I leave here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to return to the sect alone. They say meeting by chance is worse than meeting by chance, so I will disturb you." Luo Yu said with a face. The smile on the table didn't diminish, and after some more courtesies with the three of them, he joined the team of the three of them with a flying sword.

After saying hello to each other, Luo Yu naturally didn't need to conceal her real name in this unfamiliar overseas country. At the same time, she also knew that the woman among the three was named Qiu Yan, and she had a good name as Qiu Fairy in this area of ​​the sea.

When Luo Yu heard the word 'fairy', he couldn't help but think of the lost Ling'er, and stared at the woman's face curiously. This Fairy Qiu should not be very old. Slightly raised lips, a small and eye-catching nose protruding from a slightly round face, but under such an immature appearance, there is an unusually proud and plump figure, coupled with the fact that this woman is exposed to the snow Lotus root-like powder arms, for a while, it was quite exotic to Luo Yu.

Fairy Qiu seemed to have noticed Luo Yu's intentional or unintentional Mu gaze, and a touch of blush suddenly appeared on her delicate face, and she avoided the other's gaze almost at the same time as Luo Yu, who realized that she was impolite.

The other two youths belonged to a middle-level sect, Huayi Sect. Although this sect was not strong, it was definitely one of the best in this barren sea area. Yuling Town was controlled by Huayi Sect.

And this time the three of them left Yuling Island, not because of the seahorse monster, but because Qiuyan's master, Wen Zhenren, had successfully formed an alchemy, and the Huayi Gate invited monks from the nearby sea area to hold a celebration. In the name of Master, I went to invite a friend. On the way back, I happened to meet a seahorse monster. I was overjoyed for a while, but I wanted to catch it as a transportation mount.

Putting these two young men to follow, on the surface it is the order of the master, but Luo Yu can't tell the truth when he sees the words and deeds of the two to please the female cultivator in every possible way.

Before leaving, Luo Yu took a generous hand and personally gave the seahorse monster that was stunned by the electric shock to the three of them, and naturally returned the green chain fork that was stuck on the monster.

Knowing that the seahorse monster was not dead, the female cultivator's eyes lit up, but when she looked at Luo Yu, she lowered her head as if she wanted to say something but didn't dare to speak.

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