fairy flame

Chapter 1175 Ant Ship

() The three of them were so moved that they couldn't even say a verbal refusal, but they also saw that Luo Yu sent him off sincerely and didn't intend to put forward other conditions. <-"

This naturally made Qiu Yan and others look at Luo Yu's character differently, and only those who were dedicated to cultivation were not interested in such a flashy monster.

When asked by Luo Yu what the three of them were going to do with this monster, the three of them hesitated for a while, and then the young man surnamed Ping explained with a slightly embarrassed face that the two of them were going to collect this sea beast and give it to Fairy Qiu. Thinking of the lack of strength, in the end he missed and almost lost his wife and lost his army. <The beauty of Ren, let Qiuyan Fairy directly collect the seahorse monster to become her spirit beast, and Luo Yu can protect her, just take it as a thank you to the three for guiding the lost.

How did the three of them think that Luo Yu is such a straightforward person? If this seahorse monster is sold at the auction house on Yuling Island, it must be a sky-high price, but Luo Yu really donated it to himself without hesitation. Fairy Qiuyan Surprised and speechless.

Anyway, I have already got it, and it is a matter of time to sign the spirit beast contract, and the seahorse monster is still stronger than Qiuyan. When signing the contract, high-level monks must suppress the monster's mind with spiritual thoughts, otherwise once the contract cannot be concluded, Qiu The geese will also bite back and get injured.

Hearing this, the woman's jade face was full of joy, and her fair complexion was filled with a three-point bright red, and Tan Shiping, who was standing beside her, could not help admiring her slender posture.

But after Qiu Yan thanked Luo Yu for a while, she insisted on taking out a storage bag full of spirit stones, claiming that such kindness should never be taken in vain.

Luo Yu couldn't postpone it, and thought that he was too enthusiastic, which was not beautiful, so after taking the Lingshi bag, he put it in his arms lightly.

Seeing that Luo Yu didn't even look at the number of spirit stones, the three of them just thought that Luo Yu was the kind of person who didn't care about rewards, and they couldn't help but chatted as if they were late, and became more speculative.

Under the suppression of Luo Yu's spiritual thoughts in the late stage of foundation establishment, it is not difficult for a monster beast that has lost the power of resistance to recognize its master. Together on the road.

Luo Yu finally left this ancient sea

After flying for a full half a day, the four people landed in the light and appeared above a shallow sea covered with blue and white reefs. This place is less than a hundred miles away from Luo Yu's isolated island. During the previous three months, Luo Yu had been here several times. Second-rate.

But what is different from the past is that a giant black ant-like ship is currently moored on the side of the bay lined with hidden reefs!

The hull has no anchor, but it can float on the dark and turbulent sea and does not follow the current. Luo Yu accidentally swept it with his spiritual thoughts, only to find that there is a hidden spiritual circle stirring the sea under the hull. There is no trace, but there is a huge sea vortex below several feet deep to fix the sea ship.

"This is an ant boat made from the shell of a sea ant beast? No wonder it can sail in such a place, it is really different from ordinary boats." Luo Yu said thoughtfully when he saw the strange appearance of the sea boat. .

This ant ship is more than twenty feet long and four to five feet wide. The hull is divided into three parts. There is no deck or sail, and the whole body is covered by a black light curtain. It is very complicated to refine such a huge magic weapon.

"The ant boat of Fairy Qiu is a treasure made by Senior Wen himself. This time, the fairy was ordered to invite some friends of Senior Wen. This ant boat represents Senior Wen's identity. Although the refining method of the ant boat is not a secret. , but sea ant beasts belong to the extremely rough-skinned and thick-skinned sea beast race, and are generally hidden under the deep sea and are the most difficult to hunt, even the seniors in the alchemy stage do not all have ant boats." Ping Zeming explained , said in the language secretly flattering.

"Junior Brother Ping's words are wrong. Ant boats are rare only because sea ant beasts are unique sea beasts in the waters of Moya City. Otherwise, with the strength and vision of fellow Daoist Luo, you should have seen them in the blue sea. In addition to being able to sail long distances, it is only stronger than ordinary ships. In comparison, the ultimate flying magic weapon "water-avoiding lotus boat" bestowed by Senior Wen on Qiu Xianzi is no worse than ant boats in terms of value, and far better than ant boats in terms of practicality. The boat is gone." Tan Shi was not to be outdone, and explained tit-for-tat.

"Oh, it seems that Fairy Qiuyan is very favored by Senior Wen." Luo Yu has long been accustomed to the open and secret battle between the two of them along the way, so he changed the topic rather wordlessly, always maintaining an outsider's tone, and did not get angry at all. the meaning of.

Fairy Qiuyan saw that the three of them couldn't do without her, she felt helpless, and a gloomy flashed in the depths of her eyes, then she returned to normal, and led the three of them to fly to the ant boat without saying a word.

The woman reached out and took out a jet-black jade pendant from her bosom, and struck it skillfully with two spells. Immediately, the jade pendant emitted a black light similar to the outer shield of the ship, condensing into a ball of light that was about ten feet large, All four are shrouded in it.

Luo Yu had already heard about the sailing and defense of the ant boat on the way, all relying on spirit stones, the core inside must be the formation, but it seems that the formations in the overseas immortal world are indeed the same as what he learned in Mengzhou It's a big difference, it's really unbelievable that it can be engraved on the skeleton of a sea beast.

At least as far as Luo Yu knows about the formations, there is no need for a psychic medium such as the talisman paper formation plate, and the two are completely opposite in essence.

Of course, from the moment he teleported here, the way of cultivating immortals in the past has become extremely narrow, but it can be clearly compared that the style of cultivating immortals overseas is much higher than that in Xiliang.

After a moment of contemplation, the ball of light passed through the shield of the ant boat without a sound. At this time, Qiu Xianzi moved her fingers a few more times, and a stone door suddenly appeared at a corner of the jet-black hull in front of her and opened to both sides.

The four of them flew in quickly, a burst of black light swept across, and the stone door was closed in response. The lights were brightly lit, without any gloomy appearance, and Luo Yu and the other three landed in a hall-like floor. The layout was extremely simple. In addition to paying homage to an ancient water god, there are only a few incense sticks and futons left.

However, Luo Yu opened it up a little and found that after the walls on the left and right sides of the hall, there were also orderly restraints arranged side by side, which seemed to be practice rooms or compartments.

Just when Luo Yu was still wondering if there were other secrets in the ant boat, the Qiu Fairy shook the jade pendant in her hand, and immediately four black light beams shot at the wall respectively. Open.

"The three stone rooms on the left are for me and my two senior brothers. If you don't mind, Daoist Luo, you can live next door during this time. You have been trapped for so long, I believe you haven't had a good rest. Now that you are on the ant boat, you can feel at ease. Now, with the master's reputation, as long as it is a monk in this sea area, he would not dare to provoke him at will." Fairy Qiu didn't greet Luo Yu politely, and arranged directly.

Yuling Island is far away, so the four of them will stay in this ant boat for three to four months, and at least half a year before they can return to the waters of Yuling Town where a large number of monks gather.

Such a long journey is enough to prove that meeting Qiuyan Fairy and others was a matter of Luo Yu's great luck. Regardless of his cultivation status, Luo Yu is very grateful to these three people.

"It seems that Fairy Qiu has appraised the seahorse, so Luo won't bother you, but if I need the help of the three, how should I notify the three fellow daoists?" Luo Yu knew that this woman was right. That seahorse monster couldn't put it down, and now his mind was all on the beloved spirit beast, so he smiled faintly and said &#x.

Qiu Xianzi, who was caught by the &#x central matter, gave Luo Yu a reproachful look, and pretended to be angry and did not answer, which seemed hypocritical.

"This is simple. Brother Luo, have you seen the incense candle in front of the god statue? If you want to find someone, you can put the incense candle in front of the stone gate of the other party. This kind of incense can spread, and the monks in the stone room will naturally know it. But Brother Tan and Heping are impatient people, and they usually meet each other, maybe as soon as they go out." The gentle and elegant young man Tan Shi explained to Luo Yu very politely.

Ping Zeming on the side stopped his eyes and rolled his eyes immediately, and said with a chuckle: "I think brother wants to take this opportunity to ask Fellow Daoist Luo about his experience in breaking through the later stages. Such a good deed cannot be done without me. No matter when Brother Luo wants to find Ping is willing to accompany people to talk with each other."

Seeing that the two of them put their minds on themselves and started to refuse to give in to each other again, Luo Yu dealt with it with a wry smile, then turned around and walked into his stone room without looking back.

And Fairy Qiuyan was afraid that Ping and Tan would be entangled with her, and immediately flew into the stone room with a sway of skirt, and the stone door was closed tightly in an instant.

As for whether the two entered their respective stone chambers afterwards, this was something Luo Yu did not know.

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