fairy flame

Chapter 1176 Bloodbath Change

() Since Luo Yu came to Ant Boat, in the first few days, he would walk out of the stone room from time to time to exchange ideas with Qiu Yan and the other three, and there was no slight suspicion in his words and demeanor.

But not long after, Luo Yu became secluded all of a sudden, never leaving the stone room, half a month of quiet time was fleeting, during which even the Fairy Qiu appeared several times after healed the seahorse monster However, whenever they asked about Luo Yu's situation, both Ping Zeming and Tan Shi said that they had seen Luo Yu before.

The two originally thought that Luo Yu was from another sea area, and would have many questions about this completely unfamiliar sea area. There should be many opportunities for the three of them to chat, and even exchange some unique treasures or secret techniques of the two sea areas. , This is of great benefit to both parties, but the fact is that after Luo Yu only inquired about some things about Yuling Island, he went to retreat and practiced, and there was no movement in the stone room." "The chapter of the novel.

Maybe they ran into an ascetic monk, but they didn't think they were too suspicious.

But if the three of Ruguo really thought this way, they would be wrong to blame Luo Yu. It wasn't that he didn't want to inquire about the Moya sea frontier. It was just that there were too many questions, and they were all the most basic things.

Therefore, except for matters related to his next plan that cannot be asked, all other doubts will naturally be resolved when he arrives at a gathering place for immortal cultivators like Yuling Town.

The reason why Luo Yu couldn't retreat was that two things that he had been looking forward to for a long time coincidentally happened at the same time, which kept him busy all at once.

The two beetle larvae and the ice dragon cicada in the spirit beast bag started to advance at the same time. This should have made him very happy, but the incident happened to Turan. The elixir for advanced spirit beasts and the arrangement of the demonic environment that is conducive to advanced made Luo Yu burnt out, spending more than half of his energy in a day on it.

Even so, the ant boat is not a good place for advanced spiritual energy. Luo Yu can only communicate with the two spirit insects mentally and let them restrain themselves as much as possible. It will not be too late to start advanced after Yuling Island.

The breakthrough of the beetle larva Luo Yu is not worried much, because so many years have passed, and he eats the two spirit worms of the sea beast Yuanhai almost non-stop day and night. cicada!

Because these three little guys let Empress Baiyu nurture a shijian, they didn't know that the Nascent Soul banshee performed the shime secret technique, which made one of the ice dragon cicadas grow to the level of a third-level monster by leaps and bounds, while the other The two ice dragon cicadas are still in the second stage.

What Luo Yu was most worried about at the beginning was that the banshee would use all means to encourage her in order to achieve her goal. As expected, after leaving the black domain, the Ice Dragon Cicada, which had advanced in advance, had been sluggish, and its breath was sometimes weak and sometimes strong. Apart from scolding this woman for being despicable, I can only swallow my bitterness.

Now that the other two second-level ice dragon cicadas have also reached the advanced stage, Luo Yu is really worried whether these two little guys will have similar sequelae or die suddenly in the middle, so he dare not relax for a moment. The elixir is all refined by Ziji himself, and the year is also top-grade after refining it with mysterious flames. Fortunately, there have been no sudden changes in the two little guys during their pupation and transformation.

And the bottle of 'Purple Scale Pill' obtained from the Banshee is said to be of great benefit to Ice Dragon Cicada, and now there are less than half of it left, but how dare Luo Yu believe it anymore, and threw the medicine into the storage a long time ago A remote corner in the bag.

"Green Valley, Luohe!" Although it has been a while since he left the Black Territory, the corners of Luo Yu's mouth still twitch violently every time he thinks of this banshee who lived and died together. The dangerous experience of Hei Yu and the extraordinary ability displayed by this demon girl are still the nightmare that Luo Yu does not want to recall the most.

Luo Yu even used a single storage bag and sealed it with several kinds of prohibition seals to save all the elixir and jade slips related to this female reward. After seeing the strength of this female deity with her own eyes, Luo Yu did not want to encounter it again. The banshee may leave any clues of her being found.

Fortunately, Luo Yu remembered that at the last moment, the banshee was also severely injured by the space crack, and once the monster race in the Nascent Soul stage was injured, it would take a very long time to recover, enough for Luo Yu to escape to the sea of ​​the human race to avoid this woman. up.

As for why Luo Yu is so afraid of this person who lives and dies together, it is just a simple intuition, a kind of cold killing intent emanating from the banshee.

Of course, judging by the vastness of the sea, the chances of the two meeting again are so low that they can be ignored.

The vast sea is always boring, but the emperor pays off, and the ice dragon cicada that Luo Yu worries most has finally entered a stable sleep period under the careful care of more than half a month, and Luo Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief , this stage of general spirit insects is much slower than that of monsters and spirit beasts. It is estimated that Luo Yu will not have to worry about this for several years.

Speaking of the advancement of spirit beasts, the Destiny Rat has entered a period of dormancy in the black domain, but there has been no movement so far. It is really another thing that Luo Yu is worried about. It is just that the spirit beasts and insects at this stage How it will develop is beyond the interference of external forces.

Fortunately, after the matter of spirit insects and beasts came to an end, Luo Yu was able to spare time to think about Ziji's affairs. His cultivation base in the black domain had already returned to the peak of the late foundation establishment period. There has been no sign of loosening in the black domain, but in terms of mentality and experience, it has long been able to meet the needs of breaking through the alchemy stage, not to mention that in the black domain, his body training has skyrocketed by several levels, and the physical body is the bottleneck for bearing the impact. When the aura of heaven and earth is poured into the body, the pressure is also unbearable.

Moreover, as soon as he left the black domain this time, a mysterious sense of heaven and man would appear from time to time, which made his blood boil for a while, and the shijian that Luo Yu Qingchuziji broke through was not far away.

The only thing that makes him hesitate is that breaking through the alchemy period is no small matter, even if he is sure, he still needs to find a secluded place to retreat, use the fastest way to break through and stabilize his cultivation, it will take two or three years at the fastest, but This greatly delayed his imminent task of finding Ling'er.

Similarly, Ruguo puts finding Ling'er first. Even if he knows the general direction, he must be prepared to face the unreachable distance and encounter various dangers along the way. Once Ling'er is not in the sea of ​​thunder, let alone It has crossed the four sea areas, and it will cost a huge price and a completely inestimable cost just to teleport from one sea area to another.

Luo Yu Ziji might be able to suppress his cultivation for another period of time, but the Blood Fiend in the Hundred Soul Banner couldn't wait any longer. The Bijing Blood Fiend had already reached the critical point, but Luo Yu kept letting him suppress his cultivation.

In such a strange environment as the Black Territory, the outside world might not be able to respond to the blood demon, but since it came out, the blood demon seems to be more and more affected by this world, and it frequently conveys various Jingshen thoughts to Luo Yu, There was also restlessness in the Hundred Soul Banner.

Xue Fiend Ruguo advanced to the Core Formation Ghost King, and what he had to face was the legendary ghost robbery. The so-called one-in-a-million success rate was enough to imagine the horror of this robbery. Even if Luo Yu started to prepare immediately, it was too late.

Troubled by these tossing and turning but unable to make sense of his mind, Luo Yu really couldn't calm down to meditate these past few days. This day, he just got familiar with the many supernatural powers he learned in the black domain in the stone room, and he was disturbed. After walking out of the stone room, maybe go out alone to relax and calm down.

When they came to the ant ship hall, the other three seemed to be hiding in their respective secret rooms, so that they could just sit quietly by themselves.

Luo Yu looked around from the hall, and took out a black talisman paper from his bosom, which was a gift from the Fairy Qiu Yan, and the power contained in the talisman paper can enter and exit the ant boat for a certain number of times, Once the power on it is exhausted, the talisman paper needs to be blessed with a secret method again to restore it.

Holding the black talisman paper lightly with one hand and shaking it, with a little infusion of spiritual power, the paper in his hand immediately ignited a layer of nameless black flames, and at the same time a black flame like a small snake flew out, hitting the top of the hall in a flash .

The thin black flames turned into circles of black waves and spread out, covering a half-foot-sized piece of difang. Under the squirming light, it was finally pulled away by the restraining force of the entire ant ship and covered by black flames. hidden stone door.

Luo Yu raised his eyes and looked, two starry blue night lights just fell in, the faint starlight softly sprinkled on his face, yidianmeiyou dazzling or cold ganjiao, looking at the starry sky overseas from the opening of this stone gate, fangfo is a picture mixed in the dark The shining scroll of star pictures on the top of the ship continuously presents more brilliance and mystery as the ant ship travels.

Feeling lost, Luo Yu was distracted when he saw the unchanging starry sky, but he also calmed down.


In fact, the night sky has always changed, becoming just a ziji mentality. Ever since he set foot in the world of cultivating immortals, he thought that everything had become different from the secular world. The fairy world is incompatible, and deep in his heart he has a stronger feeling about leaving his hometown and wandering around, even though these are all for survival.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there is a thing that has never changed no matter where he is since he was a child, and even no matter what the future holds, it will never change.

Unconsciously smiled, the only person who can mingbaiziji now may be the sky above his head.

Luo Yu sighed with ups and downs in his heart, somehow his depressed mood improved a lot, but somehow he felt that Ziji was more indescribably lonely.

Seeing that there was no one around, a golden light flashed under Luo Yu's feet, and it turned into an afterimage and flew out of the ant boat. The stars are in a trance.

The stone gate opened on the top of the boat didn't last long before it closed again, and the black flame in his palm also returned to the shape of a talisman at the same time, flying back into Luo Yu's sleeve.

Although the ant boat traveled for more than half a month, the speed was not fast, but it also traveled hundreds of miles, but it was still surrounded by a bay of calm sea water, with no end or island in sight.

This opened Luo Yu's horizons. The overseas world of cultivating immortals is too big. Just such an ordinary barren sea area is probably worth the huge land of Mengzhou. Lingdao is only an insignificant transit town established by Moya City in this sea area. There are not many small frontier islands like Yuling Island in Moya sea area.

Ruguo fell into a more remote sea area at the beginning, Luo Yu was afraid that he would never get out of it for the rest of his life, so he had to say that Fairy Qiuyan and Fairy Qiuyan had saved his life.

With a hint of longing and contemplation of the current situation, the ant boat traveled for dozens of miles silently. Luo Yu was still lying on the top of the boat, looking at the starry sky, still immersed in some memories of the past, without any hope of returning. mean.

As the night gradually faded away, a fiery golden thread slowly surfaced on the surface of the sea, and the sunlight pierced his eyelids. A burst of warm sun immediately drove away the chill of the long night, and Luo Yu stood up as if he had just woken up from a dream. <, they hit the island.

Although I couldn't figure out anything all night, a sentence flashed in Turan's mind at the moment when facing the scorching sun, no matter how long the night is, there will always be dawn, and no matter how long the road is, it can be completed step by step , No matter how short the road is, you can’t reach it without stepping on your feet. The same is true for practice. Gaining and losing will only happen again and again in life.

"The important thing is how to choose the ziji!" Luo Yu said with emotion in his mouth, since he knew that he would turn back, why not make a wonderful venture overseas!

Looking at the island for the last time, Luo Yu calmed down and returned to the boat. This time, as soon as he entered the hall, the young man named Tan Shi was sitting on a wooden chair in the hall, wiping a handle with a focused expression. Huangse flying sword.

Seeing Luo Yu coming back from the outside, Tan Shi immediately greeted Luo Yu politely. Luo Yu only said that Ziji went out for a walk because he had practiced for a long time. Tan Shi told Luo Yu that he only went out once in half a month. There is no doubt.

On the contrary, when Luo Yu was asked by Luo Yu, Tan Shi actually looked a little embarrassed, but after a flash of embarrassment on his face, he told Luo Yu that there was a place among the black-spotted islands that Luo Yu had seen before. The monk who protects the island on the island is exactly one of Tan Shi's incompetent apprentices.

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