fairy flame

Chapter 1177 Bloodbath Change

() The monks in the foundation building stage have only taken a small step on the road. They may be able to give some advice to the Qi training monks in terms of daily basic cultivation, but the teaching of apprentices is far from enough.This point is quite similar to the world of cultivating immortals in land 6. The foundation-building stage monks in the world of cultivating immortals overseas rarely accept disciples outside, especially in the inheritance of the great sect, this is strictly prohibited.

However, it seems that Tan Shi didn't regard this matter as a private expression. Most of the so-called rules are just a piece of paper in a place where the number of immortal cultivators is scarce, such as the ancient sea area. After that, he returned to his stone room without any further conversation.

Looking at the excited look on Tan Shi's face, it is estimated that he has a deep relationship with this apprentice, and he can't wait to meet him at this moment.

After the ant boat traveled for another incense stick of time, it stopped outside a seaport built by mortals here, and Tan Shiping called the pair of brothers and sisters to fly out together.

But what I didn't expect was that the stone room where Luo Yu practiced was shrouded in a thick layer of incense in less than half a stick of incense.

The fragrance came from the forbidden outside of the sealed chamber, and spread to the entire stone chamber in an instant.

Luo Yu, who was meditating, suddenly woke up from the samadhi. Apart from the strange fragrance that filled the room, the forbidden brilliance on the stone door in front of him was flickering and fluctuating, and three swirling clouds of gray-white smoke were swirling rapidly, exhaling the tangy fragrance, and the room was filled with smoke. They were all released by three clouds of smoke.

"Hey! What's going on, you need to use the most important method of communication?" Luo Yu was taken aback for a while, and usually notified other people in retreat, just light one incense stick, but when three incense sticks were lit, he had to confess that he had met before. to big trouble emergencies.

Before he came back, there was nothing abnormal in the nearby sea area. Luo Yu couldn't help but look suspicious, but without hesitation, he directly removed the defensive restriction of the stone room.

But as soon as he left the stone room, he saw Fairy Qiuyan and three people in front of the door, all of them were waiting outside the door with anxious faces. When Luo Yu appeared, three eyes swept over at the same time.

Among them, Fairy Qiuyan and Ping Zeming took a deep look at Luo Yu, with a trace of suspicion flashing in their eyes, but the other Tan Shi couldn't hide the anger in his eyes, and there was a wave of hostility in Luo Yu's body. As soon as it appeared, it locked him tightly.

Just when Luo Yu was greatly puzzled, the corner of Tan Shi's mouth twitched and wanted to say something, but another voice preempted him.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, something is wrong. Senior Brother Tan and I left the ant boat and landed on the nearest island. We found that all the mortal villages on it were wiped out by bloodbath, and the way of death was extremely horrific, like a monk of the magic way would do it." The thing is, it's just that this sea area doesn't even have an alchemy monk, which is really puzzling." Fairy Qiuyan suppressed the nervousness she felt about Luo Yu in her heart, and said with a pale face.

Slaughtering mortals seems to happen occasionally in the world of cultivating immortals overseas. What is strange is that Tan Shi looks at him so strangely. Could it be that the three of them suspect that he did it.

Looking at Tan Shi's expression of indignation, could it be that his lover also lost his life?

"The monks of the magic way slaughtered mortals? How do you determine that it was the magic cultivators, not monsters or sea beasts? If I remember correctly, I saw several small islands connected together last night. How are the residents on other islands? " Luo Yu frowned to avoid Tan Shi's aggressive gaze, and only then did he understand what happened, but after a flash of emotion on his face, he immediately returned to normal.

Luo Yu had heard of this kind of news during the war between Menghe and Mengzhou. Even a small battle could cause the destruction of several small sects. They all perished, and they have long been used to such tragedies.

At that time, Luo Yu could only see one thing clearly, that is, not all demon cultivators who slaughtered mortals, decent monks would also kill mortals for various reasons, so there was suspicion at this moment.

"We went to check the other nearby islands where there were original mortals. In the end, there was no one left alive. After death, they were sucked out of blood like a mummy. Thousands of people in several villages were devastated. The barren sea area controlled by our Yuling Town is extremely rare, and I don't know what kind of evil person is so cruel and heartless!" Ping Zeming saw Luo Yu's face changed slightly after hearing this, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth in resentment.

However, this person only said how cruel the other party's method was, but he didn't mention the matter of tracking down the murderer in his words. It seems that his heart has been captured by the other party's method. In their view, the magic monks who are only in the foundation establishment period are not so generous. .

"The three of us don't know exactly what the magic power is caused by, but I heard from the master that only the most bloodthirsty blood demons in the magic way will perform this kind of magic. I heard Senior Brother Tan just now, Fellow Daoist Luo went out last night, did you find anything unusual?" Fairy Qiuyan changed her expression several times, seeing that Luo Yu was still very calm and could not see any problems, she couldn't help asking with courage.

It's just that as soon as the girl finished speaking, a pair of beautiful eyes fixed on Luo Yu's hands, as if she was on guard against Luo Yu's sudden attack.

Hearing this, Luo Yu understood the reason why the three of them had always been secretive, and they actually regarded him as the demon cultivator, which was really ridiculous.

"If I didn't find out what I said, I'm afraid it's what the three of you don't want to hear the most, but the fact is that it is." The strength of the three people in front of him was insignificant in Luo Yu's eyes, and it was just that there were still unknown dangers hidden nearby. Getting angry is not in line with Luo Yu's temperament, but the situation in front of him really caught him off guard, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Sure enough, seeing that Luo Yu didn't beat around the bush, on the contrary, it made the three of them feel more relaxed, but if Luo Yu was really that demon cultivator, how could the three of them rest assured that Luo Yu would stay on the ant boat? Just in case.

How could Luo Yu not understand the thoughts of the few people, if the three of them hadn't seen his thunderbolt method when collecting the double-headed hippocampus, they might have turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone at this time.

"Tan Daoyou's lover is also on the island. It seems no wonder that Daoyou feels resentment towards Luo, but I have never done anything. I believe that the three of you are just suspicious at most and can't produce any evidence." Luo Yu After a light sigh, his tone became calm again.

Even though the three of them had some doubts, it was really difficult to find out what Luo Yu was hiding from Luo Yu's frank and calm answer.

"Not necessarily! There is still a way to prove that Fairy Qiuyan has forgotten that Master Wen was a well-known alchemy master before he formed alchemy, so the alchemy furnace used by Master Wen must be spiritual pills Undoubtedly, the two of you will not forget the Spirit Tempering Technique?" Just when the other two couldn't tell the result from Luo Yu, Tan Shi, who had never spoken before, suddenly sneered and said surprisingly .

"Lingpin Pill Stove, you mean!" Fairy Qiuyan was startled when she heard that, then thought of something, glanced at Luo Yu nervously, then bit her fragrant lips lightly and fell silent.

"Spirit quenching technique, it's rare that Tan Daoyou can come up with such a wonderful method. Although it is common to use this kind of magic in alchemy, if the murderer who killed the mortals in front of me is really me, I must be contaminated with a lot of evil spirit, and such a short time It can't be completely eliminated within a short period of time, and when the Spirit Tempering Technique is cast on Luo, the Spirit Pill Stove will indeed react abnormally." Luo Yu has been an alchemist for many years, and he knows everything about alchemy, so he naturally understands what Tan Shi wants to do. .

In fact, Luo Yu was not angry because of this, on the contrary, he looked at Tan Shi differently for coming up with such an idea. If Luo Yu had changed his mind and thought about it, he might not have been able to think of such a way to combine magic and alchemy with other uses .

This Tan Shi, at least in alchemy, has a good talent.The fastest way to read novels is Master, all on Kanshula.com, welcome to log in.kanshu.la to read the full text!

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