fairy flame

Chapter 1179 Blood Ripple Spider

Under Yuan Hai's shroud, Luo Yu raised his head and pointed, the golden ball of light trembled back and stopped in front of Luo Yu.

As soon as Fang approached, a faint breath caused the mysterious feeling to fluctuate, and his eyes looked carefully through the golden light, and there was a six-clawed red spider the size of a fist inside. Fluctuation, but it is so insignificant that it doesn't even count as a catastrophic sea beast.

It is not too strange for this strange sea beast to appear in any sea area. Most of the sea beasts in the sea area have not survived the first stage of the mysterious calamity. Most of them are called floating sea beasts. In fact, they are no different from ordinary creatures. Human beings are low-level creatures that can be called wild beasts or sea beasts, and they can be found everywhere in all major sea areas.

The same problem arises, there are thousands of floating sea beasts, and it is not easy to distinguish the origin of this beast.

The reason why Luo Yu is only interested in this six-clawed red spider is that it is not the first time he has seen this spider, and he has noticed it many times, and secondly, because of the previous shots, this six-clawed red spider knows how to dodge , this is not at all like an ordinary sea beast that has not been trained and controlled by humans.

However, Luo Yu recalled that he had read the few classics about sea beasts in the Black Territory, and there were really records of this beast, so he might have to ask Qiu Yan and the others if they knew about it.

With a thought to withdraw Yuanhai, countless golden light spots poured into Luo Yu's body like a tide, and the gully on the sea surface divided by the golden light below also returned to its original state with rolling waves.

With a flick of the sleeve robe, two talisman auras shot out, and after a flash of sticking to the scarlet spider sea beast to seal it, Luo Yu carefully scanned the nearby shallow water bay several times with his spiritual sense, and after finding nothing else, he took the The red spider sea beast flew back to the ant ship.

Luo Yu hadn't left for a long time, and the three of them still stayed in the hall and never left.

Seeing that Luo Yu had returned within less than a stick of incense, the three of them looked over in surprise.

As soon as Luo Yu entered the hall, he saw the three of Qiu Yan sitting in different corners, looking preoccupied but silent. It seemed that the three of them had some unhappiness after he left.

"Fellow Daoist Luo came back so soon, did you find something?" Qiu Yan asked with a glint of expression on her delicate face as she turned her bright eyes.

When this woman asked this question, even Ping Zeming and Tan Shi cast their gazes. Luo Yu is the person with the highest cultivation here. If he also suspects that it was done by a cultivator of alchemy, then this matter is too dangerous. It's too big, it's beyond their control.

Luo Yu guessed a little bit of what the three of them were thinking without asking, and he also didn't want to have another accident in the second half of the road.

"Although there is no big discovery, but I found a sneaky sea beast. I am ashamed that I can't recognize the origin of this beast. Please take a look at it together." Luo Yu said, one hand changed There was an extra wooden box, and when the lid was opened, the monster wrapped in talisman paper revealed a small half of its true face!

But there were only a few sections of blood-red forelimbs and half of the head with red beards, and the three of Qiuyan blurted out almost in unison!

"Blood Ripple Spider! Didn't this monster be wiped out a long time ago, let alone this scourge in our wild seas?" The fear in the expressions and expressions of the three people was undoubtedly revealed, and it seemed that it was stronger than the original guess. Monks are even more terrifying.

"The monster! Where did it come from?" Luo Yu's expression changed when he heard the words, and he felt more and more that he was right, but he secretly suspected that the strength of this monster was far from enough to make Qiu Yan and others change their colors like this. .

"Brother Luo really found this monster near here?" Tan Shi asked with a look of horror on his face, his voice was full of bad, and his eyes flickered in a panic.

Fairy Qiuyan took a breath at this moment, pursed her cherry lips to suppress the shock in her heart, her eyes turned several times on Luo Yu and the Blood Ripple Spider, convinced that Luo Yu really didn't know the origin of the Blood Ripple Spider, and then Withdrawing his eyes, he explained in a low voice: "If my younger sister remembers correctly, what Fellow Daoist Luo caught should be the Blood Ripple Spider. I haven't witnessed it with my own eyes, but I have heard too many elders talk about it, and I have a deep impression on the appearance of the Blood Ripple Spider, so I can't be mistaken."

Hearing this tone, it seemed that the inconspicuous six-clawed blood spider in his hand had a lot of background, which made Luo Yu even more curious about how this little monster could cause catastrophe across the sea.

Qiuyan paused and was about to continue when another voice interrupted.

"Fairy Qiu, although this strange insect is very similar to the rumors, Ping still can't believe that the Blood Ripple Spider has really appeared. Do you still remember the legend about the Blood Ripple Spider? You might as well try it first before making a decision." The one who spoke was Ping Zeming with the same gloomy and ugly face, who suddenly suggested this.

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed to wake up Tan Shi and Qiu Yan. Of course, Luo Yu was meaningless. Whether it was a worm or a blood-ripling spider, it was the first time he had heard it.

"Okay! Then I'll use the secret technique to test it out. The Blood Ripple Spider will definitely respond, but please wait for a while, my little sister will tell you everything without reservation." Qiu Yan understood After understanding the meaning of Ping Zeming's words, he agreed after a little thought.

Luo Yu smiled lightly, in terms of being anxious, he was far from worried like the three of them, so naturally he didn't mind anything.

Seeing Luo Yu nodding her head in agreement, Qiuyan took two steps back tenderly, raised her two jade arms lightly, and slowly issued some obscure notes from her mouth with serious eyes, which sounded completely different from ordinary magic formulas.

The woman's lotus root-like arms also made some strange gestures in front of her body, which was also very different from the ordinary spell casting. Luo Yu's eyes lit up the moment Qiuyan chanted the obscure spell.

"Fossil Curse!" Luo Yu called out in a low voice, it turned out that this woman was not casting a spell at all, but a spell handed down from ancient times!

Ping Zeming and Tan Shi who were beside them looked extremely calm when they saw Luo Yu pouring out the origin of Qiu Yan's spell. The inheritance of spells has long been broken due to various reasons, and now there are only some low-level magic spells that are useless. .

The Fossil Curse is one of the most widely spread ones. The monks in the five seas of the Thunder Sea Region should have heard of it. Although this curse is called the Fossil Curse, it has nothing to do with the power of petrification at all, except for hundreds of millions of sea beasts. In addition to certain types of sea beasts that can be affected to some extent, this spell has no effect on humans and monsters.

So it was normal for Luo Yu to know the Fossil Curse. Of course, they never expected that Luo Yu had never seen the real Fossil Curse, but only heard about it in a classic in the Black Domain.

Just as everyone was thinking about it, Qiuyan's spellcasting was coming to an end, and a layer of purple halo was wrapped around her two showy hands. Luo Yu's divine sense touched it, and she could only feel it was a kind of The pure power between heaven and earth is in motion, but there is no aura of the five elements, and it is also very different from the original power.

"This is the magic power?" Luo Yu thought of this purple halo, which was a mysterious existence above the spiritual energy and vitality, and really opened his eyes again.

There has never been a traceable record of mantra power in the world of cultivating immortals. It seems that it was prosperous in ancient times, and the inheritance has not been broken until now, but it rarely appears. It has nothing to do with it. I don't know how many senior monks in the world of cultivating immortals have wanted to explore the mystery of the spell for so many years, but no one has found out a clue.

In the overseas world of cultivating immortals, there are not many records about the appearance of spells in ancient times, but almost every time an earth-shattering change occurs, there will always be one or two spells in the world. Because the power of the spell is small, it is useless. It is far beyond the imagination of immortal cultivators, so it has been confirmed by others that many rumored immortal spells are actually a certain type of powerful spells. From this, one can imagine the magic of spells, and I believe that any immortal cultivator will have this feeling. Curious.

Luo Yu still has the 'Qianqian Curse' on his body, and he and Ling'er are both damaged and prosperous, but he has never seen the ice demon Yan Yuqing cast the curse before.

After the purple halo had accumulated to a certain extent, it trembled suddenly, and Qiu Yan let out a coquettish shout, interrupting Luo Yufei's thoughts of flying away, and saw the purple halo in the woman's hand turned into dozens of purple light threads of different thicknesses , quickly pierced into the unconscious six-clawed red spider like acupuncture.

An astonishing scene appeared vividly in front of the four of them!

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