fairy flame

Chapter 1180 The Sky Spider Cult

The body of the red spider monster, a flesh-and-blood creature, suddenly turned into eight hazy blood energy in a way that cannot be explained by common sense. After circling and intertwining in Luo Yu's hands for a while, it finally condensed into a blood-colored stone the size of a thumb!

Faced with such an unimaginable change, Luo Yu intertwined his spiritual thoughts and mystical senses and landed on the bloodstone, but found nothing unusual, as if the bloodstone in his hand was indistinguishable from ordinary stones that can be seen everywhere except for its color.

During this process, the sealing talisman that Luo Yu personally attached to the six-clawed blood spider did not move at all, and fell to the ground by itself the moment the bloodstone was formed, as if it was ineffective under the spell.

This is not vertigo, nor is it an illusion. A living being has really turned into stone. If the people present are not immortal cultivators but ignorant mortals, this scene will definitely be spread as a fairy tale no less than turning stone into gold.

This is the fact, any spell has unimaginable miraculous abilities, the uselessness of the Fossil Curse is indeed famous, but that is because very few people know which of the billions of sea beasts can be affected by the Fossil Curse , Now this Blood Ripple Spider is needless to say one of them.

Luo Yu was also shocked when he saw it. Don't look at the "fossil curse" that only has this effect, but this is by no means any transformation technique that Luo Yu has seen before. The blood stone has completely changed its basic physical properties, which is beyond the limit. category of technique.

But after being shocked, although it had been proved that this bloodstone was the Blood Ripple Spider, he still couldn't understand the purpose of the inexplicably appearing bloodstone in his hand.

"Sure enough, it's the Blood Ripple Spider. This demonic insect has a strong reproductive ability, and it has always appeared in the form of insect disasters. The mortals on the island have been sucked out of blood, but their bodies are completely dead. It is also in line with the rumors. The situation." Ping Zeming witnessed the scene where the blood spider turned into a blood stone, and the last trace of doubt in his heart disappeared.

Suddenly, the person's face changed suddenly, and he said in extreme panic: "No, we have to leave immediately. Once the person who raises this monster finds out that we know his secret, he will definitely kill us!"

As soon as the word "Miekou" came out, Qiuyan and the others except Luo Yu all changed their expressions. If they just happened to pass by and didn't find anything, maybe the murderer would also be concerned about whether there was a monk who had formed an alchemy in the ant boat. , and will not have to fight.

But Luo Yu caught the Blood Ripple Spider, forcing the other party to do it. Even if the four of them add up, they are not a match for a monk at the alchemy stage, let alone the opponent has the 'Blood Ripple Spider Swarm' in his hand.

"Senior brother Tan, the situation here is complicated. The nephew's revenge will be discussed after we go back to the sect. Since this person is here to cultivate the evil insects that are taboo in the world of cultivating immortals, he is the same as the cultivators in the entire Moya Sea. As an enemy, as long as you go back and report to the teacher, there will naturally be seniors and experts to deal with it, and Fellow Daoist Luo, everything about the Blood Ripple Spider, there is a jade slip that describes it in detail here, fellow Daoist, you can take a look, right now I want to With everyone leaving quickly, I can’t explain in detail to fellow Taoists in person.” After suppressing the chill in her heart, Qiu Yan also realized the seriousness of the situation, so she knew that Tan Shi had resentment, but she had to think about the overall situation and decided.

These words were not in a deliberative tone. Since Tan Shi was one of his admirers, there would be no objection at this moment, and Tan Shi knew the pros and cons of it.

"Is the departure that Fairy Qiu talked about still using the previous ant boat driving method? If so, this method may not work." Luo Yu stretched out his hand to take the jade slip that the woman handed over, and instead of looking at it immediately, he continued. The woman said suddenly.

"Why is this? Is it possible that the other party is still lying in ambush on the way forward?" Ping Zeming's face became even uglier when he heard this, and an indescribable premonition surged up.

"Whether there is an ambush or not, Luo is not sure, but if you think that this Blood Ripple Spider was encountered by chance, then you will really underestimate the enemy. When Luo walked out of the ant boat last night, he was in the distance. I saw this demonic insect on the sea dozens of miles away, but at the time I thought it was an ordinary sea beast and ignored it. If I had known that this was the Blood Ripple Spider, Luo might have notified everyone in advance, and you can think about it. No matter how many insect swarms there are, they won’t be able to spread across dozens of miles of sea.” With a wry smile on his face, Luo Yu slowly put away the jade slips, and at the same time said something that made the three of them sink in the bottom of their hearts.

"Fellow Daoist, what you mean is that we have been followed all the time!" Qiuyan felt his hands and feet turn cold, and his face turned pale suddenly uncontrollably.

It seems that when encountering such difficulties, this woman who has always been proud and conceited can't help showing her weakness.

But without waiting for Luo Yu and the others to comfort them, the woman's face quickly regained her composure, looking at them as if she had made up her mind and continued: "I can't control so much now, the enemy is dark, we are clear, the original plan The life-saving means can only be taken out now, Fellow Daoist Luo is still unclear about this, so the two senior brothers will explain it a little bit."

After finishing speaking, the woman turned indifferently, and quickly entered the other part of the ant boat refiner with a few flashes.

Luo Yu was at a loss when he heard this, but Qiu Yan didn't explain the so-called "plan" to him at all, and walked so full, what the hell was going on.

"Brother Luo, don't take offense. When you were still outside just now, the three of us thought that if we encountered a strong enemy and had no choice but to sink the ant boat into the deep sea, then the opponent would be a monk in the alchemy stage. There is nothing we can do about it, but if we do this, it will cause irreparable wear and tear to the ant boat itself. Generally, it is easy to completely destroy an ant boat after diving into the deep sea for more than five times. He will easily use this method, Qiu Xianzi's Master Master Wen Renren told him not to let the ant boat get damaged in any way before setting off, otherwise not only will it be useless, but it will be a failure when going back this time." Ping Zeming said He was in a dilemma when he said it, but he was really happy and relieved in his heart.

Master Wen is not his master, even if he gets angry, he will not be implicated.

"So that's the case. Since this ant boat is made from a whole deep-sea sea beast skeleton, it's not surprising that it has the ability to sink into the deep sea. Once the ant boat sinks into the deep sea, its speed will also be greatly reduced. "Luo Yu still remembers the horrible experiences he had when he returned from the chaotic abyss, the horror under the deep sea, if it weren't for the protection of the witch, Luo Yu might not have been able to reach the surface of the sea.

Even so, Luo Yu still couldn't forget the thrill of being in it, and many of the treasures on his body were destroyed under the chaotic abyss.

"Of course the speed is not fast. It is conservatively estimated that the ant boat can travel about [-] miles under the sea. Even if it is not enough to bring us close to the safe sea area, it is still enough to leave the vicinity. As long as we shake off for a while, we will be on the vast sea. It won't be that simple to find us." Ping Zeming shook his head and said, with some anticipation in his words, but not so optimistic.

Luo Yu opened his mouth to speak, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

He wanted to ask why the other party couldn't do something to the ant boat, even if it left a small tracking restriction, the distance of thirty miles was nothing to a monk at the alchemy stage.

Although Luo Yu stayed on the boat during this time, due to his practice in the secret room, he did not let go of his spiritual sense all the time. Even if a monk in the alchemy stage came near the ant boat, Luo Yu would not know.

But right now, the three of them are not fully sure, and it is inconvenient for him to hide his strength, so he will say less to make things worse.

Luo Yu also hopes to reach Yuling Island safely, and it is best not to cause any trouble as much as possible.

On the way back to his secret room, the whole ant boat shook violently and then became stable again. There was a huge water murmur outside the boat. Luo Yu felt his feet shaking slightly. Obviously, the ant boat had started under the spell of Fairy Qiu. Slowly sink to the bottom.

On the four walls of the ant boat, some restrictions that had never been used before were stirred up to resist the water pressure, and the humming sound inside the boat has never been heard.

Judging from such a sinking speed, it would take several hours before reaching a certain depth. Taking advantage of this time, it was enough for Luo Yu to figure out the matter of the Blood Ripple Spider.

The matter of moving the ant boat was handed over to Qiu Yan and the others. After returning to his secret room, Luo Yu quickly scanned the jade slips about the Blood Ripple Spider. This spider really has a lot of background.

About 200 years ago, a Nascent Soul cultivator famous for expelling insects appeared out of thin air in the sea area of ​​​​Ji Lei. Casually cultivating, so the day Yuanying completed his cultivation, he attracted many invitations from sects, and even offered the benefits of a patriarch of a sect, but unfortunately they were all rejected.

Seeing that this person is determined to be a lone monk, many sects in the outside world also consider that this person may be in order not to offend anyone, and it is inconvenient to force him. In addition, this person also has the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage, and has the ability to be a casual cultivator. In the beginning, no one wanted to provoke him because of his identity.

It's just that I didn't expect that soon after, a sect called "Sky Spider Sect" suddenly appeared in the Moya Sea Territory, and from the first third-rate small sect, in just a few years, it unified several large sects in the northwest of the Moya Sea Territory, and became one of the most powerful sects in the northwest of the Moya Sea Territory. One of the top sects.

Such a rapid rate of rise naturally made the remaining sects in the northwest panic. After some inquiries, they found out that the backing of the Heavenly Spider Sect was the disappearing "Reverend Thunderbolt". Focusing on the real senior sects in the northwest sea area, they immediately attracted several monks of the same realm as the Nascent Soul Stage to besiege and suppress them.

But no one expected the result!

This 'Lei Pian Daoist' released tens of thousands of blood-rippled spiders at once, fighting against three existences of the same level without losing the wind. What's even more strange is that besides being proficient in repelling insects, the Lei Pian Daoist also has top-notch Confucianism skills However, in a fierce battle, the opponent who killed two died and escaped, completely sensationalized the Moya Sea.

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