fairy flame

Chapter 1181: Smart Escape

The Heavenly Spider Sect's annexation and invasion of the northwest waters of the Black Yat Sea with lightning speed immediately caused a massive counterattack from the Black Yat Sect.

This faction has experienced countless turmoil for more than ten thousand years, but has not been banned by other forces. It has always been the real overlord sect in the Moya Sea Territory, and its depth is simply incalculable.

It should be known that the Moya Sect is one of the five major sects in the Thunder Sea Region that has maintained its foundation in the flames of war thousands of years ago. The Heavenly Spider Sect even dispatched two top monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and defeated the Heavenly Spider Sect with an absolute advantage.

Although the strength of Daoist Pi Lei is high, it is at most comparable to the mid-stage realm. Naturally, he is not an opponent, but at the critical moment of that battle, the few monks who had escaped from Daoist Pi Lei's hands at the beginning of the Nascent Soul suddenly turned against Mo Ya. The two Yuanying sent by them led to a pre-arranged ambush formation.

It is said that Master Pi Lei finally killed these two people after a hard struggle, and performed evil skills to refine the Nascent Soul of the two people, making his own cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, and quickly hit the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

However, Yujian also recorded a different version of the battle that day. The two masters of the Moya Sect did not die, but fled back to Moya City after being seriously injured. Afterwards, he admitted to the next level of things.

No matter who is right, in short, this time it completely angered the Moya sect. It is said that a hidden spirit of the Moya sect came forward and personally came to the Northwest Sea to kill the real person Pilei, and some said it was In the city of Moyahai, the most mysterious and also the highest-cultivated Lord of Moya Mansion in this sea area took action, and within a few days, he wiped out Daoist Pi Lei and the Heavenly Spider Cult he founded.

Although no one witnessed the battle with their own eyes, it didn't take long for the news to spread, and the Heavenly Spider Cult was wiped out like a catastrophe. The real life and death of Pi Lei was also unknown, and he never appeared again.

However, there are always some fish that slipped through the net of the Heavenly Spider Sect, and reappeared in a small scale after a period of silence, but there is no Nascent Soul Stage leader in its power like Daoist Pi Lei, at most they only control one or two with the Blood Ripple Spider The alchemy stage cultivators of the small sect can't make too much trouble, and they don't have the momentum of the past. In addition, once they appear, they will be wanted by Moyahai City immediately, and they are often wiped out before they become successful.

In recent years, there has been no rumor about the Sky Spider Cult.

But I didn't expect that there would be traces of the Sky Spider Cult in such a remote sea area again, and they entangled a few of them for unknown reasons. It was really bad luck.

With the once fierce power of the Sky Spider Sect, in today's situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, it is the safest way for Qiu Yan and others to choose to avoid the people in the dark, and Luo Yu has read these records of the Sky Spider Sect, and he feels The worry was a little less, according to the analysis on the Jade Slip, there are currently no top monks in the alchemy stage among the remnants of the Sky Spider Sect, and his hidden strength is enough to deal with the threat of ordinary alchemy monks.

But this is just a rational consideration, Luo Yu will never underestimate any opponent, he must at least be mentally prepared for any unexpected situation.

For this reason, Luo Yu patiently continued to browse through the remaining content of the jade slip, and paid more attention to the supernatural powers that the monks of the Heavenly Spider Cult mentioned in it were good at.

Amidst the continuous sound of the ant boat restraint, it sank to the depth of hundreds of feet before the hull wobbled, but after only two quick fluctuations, the ant boat adjusted its posture and moved forward steadily, presumably it was deep enough. Under the sea, I feel that the speed of the boat is much slower than that on the water.

Seeing that this boat really has the ability to escape water in the deep sea, Luo Yu changed his view that this boat was just a "face treasure" like a monk who formed an alchemy at first. The alchemy cultivator who protects the body with strange treasures, or the third-level body refiner like him, otherwise he would never take the risk of self-injury to attack them.

Even Luo Yu thought that the crisis was over without hesitation.

Half an hour later, he put away the jade slips in his hand and walked out of the secret room, but just in time to see Fairy Qiuyan coming out from the opposite direction of the hall at the same time, and Ping and Tan in the hall with nervous faces.

At this moment, Qiu Yan was supposed to control the ant boat with all her heart in her secret room, but at this time, she was more panicked than before. When she saw Luo Yu appearing, she said with an extremely ugly expression without saying hello: "The big thing is not good. Yes! Those who followed us also had an ant boat, and they also went down to the deep sea, and followed us closely. They didn't give them a chance to escape. It seems that they must kill us. It's still Luo Daoyou You're right, we've probably been targeted long ago, otherwise how could the other party have prepared an ant ship in advance."

Except for the ant boat that has a little detection ability under the deep sea, the spiritual consciousness that cultivators are proud of cannot be extended at all. Luo Yu learned from the description that Ping and Tan praised the ant boat to him before that the ant boat can sense the depths of the deep sea. Two miles around.

This proves that the tracking ant boat that Qiuyan said was found is very close to them.

Ping Zeming and Tan Shi's expressions changed when they heard that, apparently they didn't expect the spiders to teach people to be so cruel that they had to be killed. He said passionately: "It's better to go back to the sea, anyway, you can't escape, at worst, let go and fight, it's better than lying in an ambush under the deep sea and dying in vain!"

The same tone, but just a moment ago he had boldly and righteously claimed that he wanted to teach Tianzhu a lesson, but now everyone can hear that even he himself is not optimistic at the moment.

Fairy Qiuyan and Tan Shi looked at each other, but they both remained silent.

"This method won't work. We may have underestimated the true strength of the Heavenly Spider Sect at the beginning. Judging from the fact that the opponent also has an ant boat, it is likely to be controlled by the real monks in the alchemy stage, and the Sky Spider Sect is most afraid of being exposed. , That's why they were so eager to chase us down, and they gave the other party a chance when they got to the sea." Qiuyan said calmly after some deliberation.

At this time, it may be helpless for the opponent to chase Haixia. If they really want to attack Haixia, the opponent may not have the courage to die together.

Tan Shi thought about this, and then his expression changed, and he said with no fighting spirit on his face: "Actually, the deep sea extends in all directions. As long as the direction and height of Qiu Fairy's ant boat are irregular, they will definitely not be able to accurately ambush us, unless the other party is ready to die. Xin, otherwise, a monk in the formation period may not be much better than Fairy Qiu in driving ant boats. I think there will be no danger under the sea at least for the time being, but this is only a stopgap measure. After all, the ant boats cannot be dragged under the sea For a long time, always return to the surface of the sea..."

When it comes to this, the three of them still have to face the reality. Facing the murderers of the Sky Spider Sect, their fear is always greater than their courage.

But at this moment, Luo Yu, who was almost ignored by them, thought of a better way, and broke the frozen atmosphere as soon as he opened his mouth and said: "Luo has an idea, maybe we can delay it for a longer time." , the worst thing is that some of us can escape and report the news, so I don’t know if you want to hear it?”

Luo Yu's words immediately attracted the attention of Qiu Yan and the others. Although the three of them understood that Luo Yu's cultivation base was slightly higher than them, they did not believe that there would be other opportunities when encountering such a dead end.

Tan Shi first looked at Luo Yu with a little vigilance, and then recalled that he was resentful because of the pain of losing his son and could not provide evidence, and he was full of complicated feelings towards Luo Yu.

At this critical juncture, Ping Zeming immediately let go of his previous suspicions about Luo Yu, and hurriedly blurted out: "Brother Luo, what suggestion does Ping absolutely trust Brother Luo as a person, and besides, the current crisis is full of dangers, even if there was a little misunderstanding earlier, This is the time to be united."

Ping Zeming deliberately did not look at Tan Shi's expression, but the intention of his words was aimed at Tan Shi, but he was neither humble nor overbearing, and no one could find a point to argue.

"Before we wronged Fellow Daoist Luo, Qiuyan is here to apologize to Fellow Daoist. Now everyone can't stay out of the matter. If Fellow Daoist Luo's good opinion can tide over the difficulties, Qiuyan will be grateful in the future." Expressing his opinion, Tan Shi also adjusted his expression and apologized to Luo Yu. Under the pressure of the dangerous situation for a while, the last trace of concern in everyone's hearts was completely shattered.

In fact, Luo Yu didn't mind that at all, so he evaded a few words and got straight to the point: "The next method requires a bit of luck. First of all, Fairy Qiu can control the cycle of the ant boat on the sea and the sea, so that it can greatly reduce the ant boat. The lower consumption can drag the other party farther, and it can also observe whether there are other monks passing by on the sea every time they surface for a short time. Spread the news of the cultivators, it would be best to attract reinforcements or directly scare off the ant ships behind."

"As for the timing and location of the ant boat surfacing, according to Tan Daoyou just said, as long as there are no rules, it will be difficult for the opponent to find a chance to attack." Luo Yu's words were very simple, but he woke up three People, this method really has some hope when you hear it.

Even if they were still in the remote sea area, after all, they had been flying towards Yuling Island for more than half a month, and there was a possibility that they would run into other immortal cultivators along the way.

"What if the other party finds out our intention and intercepts us as soon as we come out of the sea, what should we do?" Qiuyan asked a little worriedly, once the other party is forced to jump over the wall, wouldn't the plan go to waste as soon as it is carried out.

"There is a risk, so every time I surface the sea, I will release some puppets to flee in different directions. If the other party chases us just to keep the secrets secret, then they will also send monks to hunt down these puppets accordingly. Let’s take a look at the general strength of the monks of the Sky Spider Cult in the ant boat, and secondly, it can also disperse them.” The low-level puppets that Luo Yu refined in the early years were not placed in the storage gourd, so when the storage gourd burst on its own after leaving the black area, the loss What he only had was some ordinary materials, and he still carried many low-level puppets on his body.

He may be sure to kill the monks on the ant boat behind him, but he is not sure that this place is still in the sphere of influence of the old nest of the Sky Spider Cult.

"Puppets! This method is really good. If you can release more, it will be more effective in misleading people. I don't know how many puppets Luo Daoyou has on him?" Ping Zeming's eyes lit up, and the darkness on his face was completely wiped away. , asked in a tone full of surprise.

"These puppets were prepared by Luo to hunt sea beasts, so you don't have to worry about the number, unless there are hundreds of monks on the other party's ant ship. Of course, this is absolutely impossible. If that is the case, the other party has followed the sea for a long time. There is enough time to lay down a large formation to trap a monk who has formed an alchemy, and he will not delay until now." Luo Yu did not specify the number of puppets and how they were cultivated, but the calmness and implication in the words Let the three have no doubts.

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