fairy flame

Chapter 1183 Exotic Customs

This time, the puppet beasts shrouded in white light are the same as last time, flying away in four different directions, but they are divided into four groups separated by a period of time. Every two puppet beasts form a group, and the ant boats that are chasing after them are really fooled. , had to pause for another moment before making a decision.

But this time the monks on the ant boat seemed to have noticed something unusual, and only sent a foundation-building monk to fly in one of the directions.

From this point of view, the other party still hasn't seen through Luo Yuli's trick of replacing Taotao, and it also revealed that there are not a large number of monks from the Sky Spider Cult in the ant boat.

"Two fellow daoists! Before releasing the next wave of puppets, are you ready?" Luo Yu saw that there were no alchemy monks on board the other party's ship, and he didn't even notice the alchemy spiritual thoughts when the two ships were closest to each other. I was surprised by the detection, but fortunately, the reaction on the other side was as I expected, so I just continued to follow the plan.

But at this moment, Luo Yu faintly felt that he was suspicious. It was very likely that there were no alchemy monks in the ant boat at the rear, otherwise, when he saw them start to escape, he should have shot.

"It's all ready. Judging from the current situation, the two of us are not in great danger. Brother Luo and Fairy Qiu must take care of themselves. The other party's ant boat is still following. It seems that they are determined to stop the boat." While Tan Shi said these comforting words, he did not forget to remind Qiuyan and Luo Yu to be more careful.

"Although I haven't met Brother Luo before, Ping can tell during this time that Fellow Daoist is a broad-minded person, and I don't know why I believe that Brother Luo's strength is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary monks. To be able to get together again, Ping must regard fellow daoist as a life-and-death friend!" Ping Zeming reluctantly smiled gratefully, and said goodbye from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing the two people express their sincerity, Luo Yu's ancient well-like mood fluctuated a little, and was touched by the perseverance in this situation.

In the Black Territory, he learned from Zhuo Wujian that the overseas world of cultivating immortals is not as cruel as the Xiliang where he lives, but this is the first time he has witnessed it with his own eyes, and he hopes it will not be the last time.

When Luo Yu released the third wave of puppets, Ping Zeming and Tan Shi pretended to be the puppet breath of Qi training realm, and the two drove side by side and quickly disappeared in one direction. , the ant boat behind was used as a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and had no intention of chasing it at all.

However, coming down several times seemed to make the other party a little impatient. Judging from Qiu Yan's obviously nervous expression changes, the distance between the two ant ships was still getting closer.

With a balance in mind, Luo Yu let the ant boat that dived this time stay under the sea for several days. The contact of the five foundation-building monks sent out before.

When the ant boat surfaced next time, Qiuyan and Luo Yu hid in the puppets released from it, and flew away as soon as it came out of the sea. Although the ant boat could no longer sink to the bottom of the water to attract the enemy away , but still can follow Qiu Yan's last order when he left, and drive towards the distance that is diametrically opposite to the direction the two of them were flying.

As for whether the ant ship was caught up in the end, or sank to the bottom of the sea until its power was exhausted, the outcome is unknown.

Luo Yu and Qiu Yan started their long journey to Jinghu Island without encountering any pursuers.


Two months later, a large ship driven by mortals appeared on a vast ocean and slowly sailed into the distance.

The whole body of this boat is snow white, as if it was built on a whole piece of white jade, and it is plated with gold and silver inlaid everywhere, and the decoration is extremely delicate and luxurious.

The whole ship is divided into upper and lower floors. At first glance, the upper part seems to have moved a Qionglou palace directly to it. Although there are no decorations like those gardens and rockeries, there must be no experience of land and sea in it. the difference.

There is also a giant cyan lamp on the top of the ship, from time to time a faint light cyan aura shines down, making the mortals working on the ship refreshed and busy as if they were tireless.

And the deck of this ship alone is a hundred feet long. Driving on the waves and waves, it still does not shake as if walking on flat ground. At a glance on the ship, dozens of strong and strong men can be seen walking through it, busy with their own hands. Suddenly, a well-dressed middle-aged man in the crowd led several servants respectfully towards the white jade palace on the boat.

At this time, all the mortals on the deck who were doing whatever they were doing stopped and looked at these beautiful maids, Bai Yuqionglou to be precise, all of them showed eager admiration.

In a moment, the middle-aged man and a group of maids walked into this beautifully decorated palace under the eyes of many scorching eyes.

When you come to the hall, you can enjoy the supreme enjoyment inside. In the resplendent hall, there are four immortal cultivators chatting and laughing happily, and there are happy and joyful voices from time to time.

Although the middle-aged man has long been accustomed to this, every time he comes in, there is still invisible pressure inside, making him more nervous and unable to breathe, and he can't help but admire him more.

With a slight wave of his hand, the maidservants behind him who didn't even dare to raise their heads walked into the arena gracefully and gracefully, and placed some plump precious fruits and fragrant spirit tea on the table. on the table, and let these "superior people" who are out of reach in their eyes wantonly be pulled into their arms and feast on their hands.

All of a sudden, there were bursts of mandarin voices and soft-spoken whispers in the originally cheerful laughter, and although these soft-scented maids were all blushing, they didn't look forced at all. On the contrary, they played coquettishly from time to time, The corners of her eyebrows and eyes are full of seductiveness, which makes Yu Ni's atmosphere even more so that the hall is arranged into a pink array of flowers.

But among them, two of them just sat on the sidelines and watched calmly. They tasted the spiritual tea in their respective cups, and they didn't have the slightest intention to join in destroying flowers.

Of course, these two people were Luo Yu and Qiu Yan who had traveled more than 1000 miles in the sea and finally encountered a ship and boarded it.

To be honest, if Luo Yu hadn't been on the boat for several days, Luo Yu's first sight of the size of the boat and the unabashed, bold and indulgent intimacy of the men and women in the hall at the moment, I am afraid it would be difficult for him to be as calm as he is now.

Under Luo Yu's curiosity caused by the first shock, he kept asking secretly, and only then did he learn from Qiu Yan that this is the case in the Moya Sea Territory. Almost all of them were under the control of high-ranking monks or even the ancestors of Jiedan, causing ordinary monks to often mess with mortal women.

But when cultivators face mortals, they always feel that they are of noble birth, and they treat mortal women as romantic women, and when they get tired of playing with them, they discard them at will. In their eyes, mortal women have no status.

After hearing this, Luo Yu can understand this kind of mentality. After all, if he really has feelings for a person who has no spiritual roots, no matter whether he goes to retreat for several years or dies, it will only leave endless pain and torture for both parties. .

However, Luo Yu could vaguely hear the mournful look in Qiu Yan's words, which is strange. According to what this woman said, with her appearance and cultivation, she should be a stunning beauty that everyone is vying for, even taller. He is the apple of the eye in the hands of a monk of the first class, so how could he be unhappy.

When it comes to this woman's sex, it is inconvenient for Luo Yu to ask more questions even if she is curious. As for this sea boat, it comes from a small monk firm on Yuling Island. There are many things on Yuling Island, but Luo Yu is rare and strange.

The owner of the firm is a short, thin middle-aged monk who is full of smiles and bows to thank everyone. He treats others with a gentle and amiable appearance. Since he has seen Qiu Yan's face several times on Yuling Island, he is naturally more respectful. Fairy Yan's reputation tempted all the monks present, but they didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Luo Yu, not to mention that the 'Ren Zhenren' behind Qiu Yan was still a well-known alchemy monk.

The six foundation-building cultivators on this ship were all invited by the owner of the firm to search for a monster. Coincidentally, what the owner of the firm was looking for was the twin that was already in the Qiuyan spirit beast bag. head seahorse.

This kind of monster is definitely the favorite spirit beast mount of some female monks. Once caught, it will definitely sell for a good price. After all, the rarity of female monks in the world of immortality also determines that they are all rich in wealth. There are too many wealthy monks who can support them.

But this really made Luo Yu and Qiuyan feel that there are no wonders in the world, as if God arranged everything to be connected, but it is also possible that there is another double-headed seahorse nearby, not the one they met.

No matter what, the two of them would not report the house indiscriminately and tell the group that the two-headed seahorse had been subdued. In fact, the monks on the ship immediately gave up when they heard the news of the Heavenly Spider Sect monks appearing in the nearby waters. The temptation brought by the monster immediately decided to return.

However, Luo Yu and Qiuyan did not inform these people of the details that they might be chased and killed by the monks of the Sky Spider Cult. Firstly, they were worried that these people would not be willing to let them board the ship because they were afraid of getting burned, and secondly, they flew for several months. He didn't notice any signs of being followed by the cultivators of the Sky Spider Cult behind him. It seemed that he really got rid of those people, so naturally he didn't have to make himself a frightened bird.

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