fairy flame

Chapter 1184 Lake Battle

"Fellow Daoist Luo has been here for a few days, but he has nothing to do with the maidservants here. Is it because I don't like their beauty, or there is another beauty in my heart. If the former, then I didn't greet you well. A glass of punishment, haha, but if it's the latter, there's really nothing I can do except toast a glass of thin wine." The short and thin boss lightly twitched his beard, and while slapping the maid who was snuggling in his arms, he squinted at Luo Yu. He and Qiuyan turned around and asked in a flattering and joking tone.

Luo Yu, who heard this, couldn't help but smile without explaining anything, but Qiuyan stepped on her cheeks, and deliberately turned her gaze away from Luo Yu.

"Brother Xiao, you don't know why you are asking. Fellow Daoist Luo is already in the late stage at a young age, and becoming a master of alchemy is just around the corner. How can there be a lack of confidante around you?" An old man in white robes lying on his back on a futon, pretending to be drunk Drunk, but clearly very sober, he puts extra emphasis on the word "beside".

The other monks who were drinking happily at the scene suddenly shouted and booed, and deliberately said some praise words such as "sit in your arms" and "a gentleman on the beam", which made Luo Yu, who knew that these people intended to please him, couldn't hold back his face. Embarrassed.

Qiuyan on the side is always a somewhat reserved female monk, and she felt overwhelmed immediately. She wanted to deny it but found that her name was not mentioned in every sentence. This excuse is not self-inflicted. However, the more I listened, the more ashamed I became, and finally I had no choice but to blame Luo Yu and glanced at him, then got up and returned to my practice residence.

Luo Yu really felt the strange attitude of this woman's last look before she left, and she shuddered inwardly, Qiuyan must not really do anything to him, it would be a headache, it seems that after finishing her business in Yuling Island, To leave as soon as possible is.

Looking at the alluring beauty in the hall and the monks all showing obsession with the warm and fragrant nephrite, how can there be a firm heart of penance when immersed in it, Luo Yu sat for a while and lost the interest in admiring himself, and said After saying goodbye, I went outside the boat and looked up at the blue sea and blue sky to calm my mind.

And at the same time as the ship was cutting the waves, there was a huge ring-shaped island reef about [-] miles away from the ship, on which grew a densely shaded grove. In the large Xihu Lake, the azure sea water under the green shade rushes into it, bursting with blue waves.

You can vaguely see above the islands and reefs, there are lake pavilions among the shade, as if people often come here.

At the moment, there are already six or seven seagoing ships parked in Xihu Lake, among which there are no fewer than two ships that can compare with the size of Luo Yu's seagoing boat.

Since this place is called Xihu Lake, as the name suggests, it is specially used for passing sea ships to rest and rectify. Due to the natural barrier formed by the atoll, the sea outside the reef is still calm and the sea is clear. There is a beautiful formation of colorful corals growing in the lake.

At the same time as the merchant sea ship of monk surnamed Xiao was slowly sailing towards this place, a flaming red sword light suddenly flew towards this place from outside the sky. On the surface of the sea, there was a loud noise of falling into the water, which was immediately submerged under the sound of the waves, and did not attract the attention of the ships moored near the island and reef.

And the flying sword light seemed to have entered the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

There is no doubt that there is a huge mountain under any reef or island, and the place under Xihu Lake is no exception. There is another more important reason why the ring-shaped reef can become a place where monks are willing to stay. The aura here is It is unmatched by any nearby island reefs.

At this moment, the red-robed youth who dived tens of feet deep into the sea, propped up his spiritual mask and landed on the waist of the mountain under the island reef. Under the gloom and gloom, the whole mountain was buried in the darkness. But the young man in the red robe had expected it. Under the operation of his spiritual eyes, there was an underwater cave in front of his vision!

There are quite a few seagoing ships that come here every year, but no one seems to know that there is a cave hidden below.

The entrance of the cave was open, and there was no stone door to block it, but it was completely sealed by a layer of black-red aura. The huge pressure of the sea outside was in front of this aura, and it couldn't even cause a ripple.

The young man in red obviously knew the origin of this cave, and he also knew that the person who lived in seclusion inside was a ruthless and extremely difficult to provoke the elder of the teacher, so he was very cautious in every move. Seeing this person, he first looked around for a while, and then He took out a sound transmission jade slip from his bosom, and typed out the spirit formula with a respectful expression on his face. The jade slip immediately turned into a green light and flew towards the entrance of the cave, but was stopped by the blood-red aura that sealed here, and the green light once again Restored to the appearance of a jade slip floating on the blood-red aura.

Seeing this, the red-robed young man didn't dare to do anything else, and sat cross-legged outside the cave, meditating and waiting with his face restored to coldness.

A day passed by in the blink of an eye, and seeing that the people in the cave still hadn't checked the jade slips, although the young man in red didn't dare to show any emotion on his face, he began to secretly worry, but he didn't dare because he knew the senior's violent temper. No offence.

Once the retreat of this murderous man is disturbed, even if his master comes forward in person, he will not be able to bear it.

Just when this person was burning with anxiety, there was a strange sound from the entrance of the cave, and then the young man was overjoyed to see a big blood-red hand cast by the spiritual power transformation technique fly out of the cave, and slapped it on the blood-red mask like a fish in water. There was no resistance at all, the two streams of blood light that merged into the mask shook slightly, and the giant spiritual hand scooped up the green jade slip. The whole process was as fast as lightning, and the entrance of the cave returned to calm in the blink of an eye.

But the young man finally had a solid idea in his heart. No matter what the outcome of this trip was, at least his mission had been completed.

The red-robed young man who dared not leave finally got the response of the monks in the cave like an amnesty after the jade slip flew in for a little while.

"Why is Brother Jing Huan's disciple coming to see this old man? Hehe, you come in first." As soon as the words fell, a dazzling red cloud flew out of the cave involuntarily, falling on the young man like lightning, without giving him any chance to resist , and the volume was instantly empty.


Half an hour later, in an unfathomably dark cavern, a young man in red was kneeling before an old man in his fifties.

The old man was dressed in a half-worn Taoist robe, and his face was ordinary, except for a pair of gray eyes that seemed to be blind. When he looked at him coldly, he always gave people a sense of horror as if he was being stared at by some kind of cold beast.

"Hmph! Senior brother is still so careless in doing things, and sooner or later something will go wrong, but seeing that senior brother knows his mistake, he is willing to let you bring those mature blood-ripple spiders that are regarded as treasures. I will help him once. That person You have a blood-rippling spiderling on your body, and you set up a weeping blood spider spirit array nearby to sense it, as soon as this person appears, you all come over and report to the old man, and the old man will take care of it." The gray-eyed old man spoke one senior brother at a time, But the tone was unceremonious as if he was teaching the other party a lesson.

Hearing this, the young man dared not express his position on the relationship between the master and the elders. He nodded repeatedly and said in a low voice with embarrassment on his face: "Master, that man used a lot of power when he escaped." The puppet diverted the eyes of the disciples. Later, though the disciples sensed the Blood Ripple Spider on his body, he knew that this person had fled here. Because he was worried that he would find something unusual after chasing him rashly, and made the opponent use the puppet to scare the snake away. The old trick is repeated, that's why I have been following from afar. This person can fly thousands of miles all the way, so he can be sure that he is not a puppet. It is even more impossible to release the puppet all the time during a journey of thousands of miles to consume spirit stones in vain, so the Blood Ripple Spider must still be on him. , but the spirit array induction can only detect the general range of the opponent, and cannot accurately find out who is on it, so the disciples..."

"You are worried that there are so many monks in Xihu, and you are afraid that if you really start a fight, you will expose the news of the reappearance of our sect." The old man asked with a sneer and couldn't deny it.

"Uncle Master knows things like a god. This is where the disciples are in trouble. That's why I asked Uncle Master to go out in person. Then Uncle Master intends to..." The old man's slightly grinning voice made the young man shudder, but Still couldn't help asking.

"Hey, the religion has been hiding in the frontier sea area for these years to develop, and the foundation has been established, but the last step is still missing. Even if there is some disturbance now, at most it will shrink its power and hide for a while. Who can do anything to the religion? As for Those juniors in Xihu Lake, it is hard to guarantee that someone will communicate with each other, of course, the more clean the killing, the better." The old man looked downcast, but his voice was as piercing and cold as the pair of gloomy eyes.


Not long after the old man and the young man in the red robe had a secret discussion, the young man headed straight for Xihu Lake with his sword light after returning to the sea, and soon flew into an ordinary sea boat anchored in Xihu Lake.

And on another Baiyuhai ship several sea ships away from this ship, Luo Yu and Qiu Yan and his party have been here for several hours, but the owner of the business firm is not in a hurry to leave, because most of the places here are trading sea ships. There are some monks on each boat, either returning with a full load or empty-handed, so there are more people coming and going, and Xihu Lake will hold a small trade fair among monks every two or three days.

Those who have nothing to gain, sometimes spend a lot of money to buy some materials and rare materials that only appear in the frontier sea area. Can turn up several times.

Naturally, Luo Yu didn't want to stay longer, but Qiuyan really needed to rest and recover after spending the past two months sleeping in the grass, and this woman didn't think that the Sky Spider Cult forces would dare to chase after her, so she planned to take this boat all the time Return to Yuling Island.

Although time was tight, it was not in a hurry. After careful consideration and discussion with Qiu Yan, Luo Yu agreed.

Coincidentally, they came in time, there happened to be a trade fair tonight. As a businessman, the boss surnamed Xiao would certainly not let go of this great opportunity.

As for the hidden worry about the Heavenly Spider Cult in his heart, with so many fellow monks gathered together, this person has long since ignored it.

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