fairy flame

Chapter 1185 Lake Battle

Black clouds pressed the sky, and the starry night was quiet.

After the monks on the white jade boat enjoyed the delicacies brought by the maids, Luo Yu and Qiuyan agreed to go to this small trade fair and join in the fun at the repeated invitation of the owner of the firm surnamed Xiao.

The two are just out of different curiosity. Anyway, the fair is held freely by some monks scattered in the wild sea area, and it is up to personal mood to buy or not to buy.

The temperature outside the ship was suddenly cold, and since dusk, the sea and the sky seemed to be darkened very quickly. The sound of the waves coming from outside the reefs became calmer, but the sound in the silence was more piercing.

Fortunately, we live in Xihu Atoll, and because there are so many seagoing ships, under the illumination of the huge spiritual lamp on the top of each ship that can sense the tsunami wind, the colorful coral reefs clustered under the surface of Xihu Lake emit a transparent and bright light. All kinds of strange lights add a lot of color to this barren and shady overseas land.

Ordinary mortals on the sea ships were dazzled by the beauty and stared at it fascinatedly. Without the escort of immortal cultivators, they might never dare to step into the dangerous and unpredictable overseas in their entire lives, let alone have the opportunity to witness it. Wait for Guiqi.

When a large group of mortals surrounded the sea boat and watched the sea boat and the lake, they didn't know that this was the last calm before the storm.

The deafening Thunder God and a few blinding lightning bolts appeared, spreading a gradually depressing feeling in the dark sky of Xihu Lake, but although this kind of flat thunder is a bit weird, as long as you think that the people sitting on the boat are all Xianjia Gao People, almost no one will care about this change.

But not long after, a thin layer of blood suddenly appeared on the stars in the night sky, and in the blink of an eye, the sky became scarlet, and a cloud of blood that appeared at some unknown time was faintly breathing slowly from the cover of the dense dark clouds The lake is covered.

Those ordinary people with mortal wombs finally sensed that this vision was wrong, but most of them still thought that it was some master cultivator using magic to scare them, so they didn't dare to publicize it.

At this moment, the immortal cultivators with a certain spirituality gathered in the largest sea boat in Xihu Lake, and held the trade fair in one of the luxurious halls.

After all, Qiuyan is a female cultivator of mind, so she let Luo Yu accompany her for a short time, and then generously bought a lot of elixir and materials, which really attracted the attention of many monks.

It's okay if you don't look at it, most of the people present are male immortal cultivators, and there are almost a handful of female monks, let alone such a beautiful woman like Qiu Yan, who attracted so many beautiful and delicious eyes for a while, but fortunately, everyone present seemed to be We all know that she is Fairy Qiuyan, and the sect is tough behind her back, and there is a late-stage monk like Luo Yu by her side, so people dare not violate her.

Luo Yu held the idea of ​​long-term knowledge, and the companionship also opened a lot of horizons. In addition, through the opportunity to chat with different monks, he had a clearer understanding of the similarities and differences between cultivating immortals in the sea and land.

As for the materials and treasures traded here, it is hard to find what he sees.

Just when Luo Yu walked through the audience and felt that it was boring, his expression suddenly changed!

Almost at the same time, a loud noise came from nowhere on the [-]-foot-long sea ship. With the sound of cracking, the entire giant ship was cut open from the top by a blood-red horse, and a huge crack was formed in the blink of an eye. The sea ship, with the monstrous waves, tore the ship apart and flew away.

Although most of the monks in the boat hall have cultivation bases in the foundation-building period, there are still many who can't avoid it. Without any protective treasures and no time to react, they directly turned into blood mist in the red light from outside the sky, and even their physical bodies All of them were turned into fly ash in an instant!

The remaining dozens of immortal cultivators, whether they had sensed it in advance or escaped by luck, were all in a panic. Seeing a large number of materials and treasures on the broken ship falling into the seabed, they couldn't help being panicked and furious. Fortunately, there was no one. People are so stupid that when they know that there is an enemy attack, they go into the sea to retrieve the treasure regardless of their own lives.

Among them, an old man in black, who is the host of this trade fair, is the only late-stage foundation-building monk besides Luo Yu. But lost it all.

With a pale face, the old man waved to the side without saying a word, and immediately flew out with more than a dozen monks. When other immortal cultivators saw this old man rushing ahead, they also jumped into the air one after another.

Luo Yu, who had recovered his usual color, and Qiu Yan, who had a look of lingering fear, naturally followed behind more than a dozen monks. Qiu Yan couldn't hide her pale beauty and reluctantly glanced at her gratefully. If Luo Yu hadn't shot just now, with her The position where he was standing was definitely within the range swept by that deadly red light.

Therefore, after seeing other early-stage monks with the same cultivation level as herself die instantly, how could she not know that she almost passed away? The smarter thing about this woman is that although she has never seen Luo Yu's true ability, But he could see that Luo Yu could still save people at such a critical moment, which was definitely better than the old man in black who could only take care of himself.

As soon as the woman was in shock, Fang Yi lifted the weapon into the air, and followed Luo Yu closely at every step.

Dozens of monks in Xihu Lake, regardless of whether they have experienced the accident just now, must have felt the terrible movement in the sky above the lake. At this moment, they all quickly set up colorful escape techniques from sea boats and appeared one after another.

And the head of the black-clothed old man who held the trade fair confronted a group of eye-catching red-robed monks at high altitude as soon as he appeared. The black-robed old man was also well-informed. The color of surprise.

The group of red-robed monks were all confident, and even when they glanced at the leader of the black-robed old man, they didn't fluctuate at all, just like looking at other monks, with a look of disdain.

But many experienced monks could vaguely see that the group of red-robed monks were looking for someone among them.

Qiu Yan didn't know these red-robed people at all. Although there were some foundation-building cultivators in the waters of Yuling Island that she had never seen, this group of people obviously belonged to a certain force. Such a force really came from the waters of Yuling Island. She will never fail to recognize it.

Just when she was about to remind Luo Yu, a sound transmission of spiritual consciousness entered into her ears suddenly, and the woman's face changed suddenly when she heard it, and she looked at Luo Yu who was standing calmly beside her in disbelief. He didn't show a panicked face, and he didn't know why he was infected by it, and he didn't get frightened and lost his composure on the spot.

At this time, the red-robed monks, who were obviously less in number, after looking at all the monks present, not only did not want to explain anything, but under the command of one of them, they quickly scattered and flew away, with a vague look of panic. Surround the older men in black shirts with more people.

Such a presumptuous move finally made the old man in black and the others furious, they couldn't bear it anymore!

"I don't care what your origins are, old man! If you dare to offend the Zhuang Yun Merchant League, you can't leave without giving an explanation today!" After observing the old man in black, although he couldn't find a monk who was also in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he was on the opposite side. But he will never take it lightly. While being vigilant, he first declared his identity to frighten him and shouted at the opposite side.

The group of red-robed monks just sneered and did not respond when they heard the words. The old man in black was experienced and knew that the visitor was not kind, so he was impolite. Immediately, under the signal of his old eyes, the dozen or so monks behind him also dispersed, wanting to A larger encirclement envelops the opponent.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and many casual cultivators saw that the two sides didn't even have a disagreement, and they seemed to fight at any time, and their faces became extremely ugly. What's going on!

At the moment of tension, something unexpected happened.

On the side of the black-clothed old man, Fang Yi, a few scattered monks, flew out of the sky above the edge of the Xihu Lake, and was stopped suddenly as if hitting an invisible wall of air. , Countless tiny crimson flames shot out from the void, entangled these bewildered Foundation Establishment cultivators in the blink of an eye, and when the body shields they frantically propped up encountered the crimson strange fire, they caught fire instead, and the more Jump more and more prosperous!

Crimson flames terribly burned on the auras of these people's body protectors, and there were a few shrill screams in an instant, and the burning men in front of them were reduced to ashes.

These few are all foundation-building monks, but they died so strangely that the movement on Luo Yu's face was fleeting. Compared with Luo Yu's calmness, the behavior of other monks was quite different.

Everyone felt chills in their hands and feet, horrified and sent out their divine thoughts to probe into the void. Sure enough, in the sea of ​​consciousness, a giant mask appeared in a place where the naked eye could not see, and a large piece of the terrifying crimson flame was burning on it.

"Not good! This place has been banned!" The old man in black was well-informed, and immediately shouted a reminder to the other monks who were about to approach the edge of Xihu Lake!

Just when several people were so frightened when they heard the words, and even the old man in black asked himself that he had never seen such a severe restriction, and was panicking in his heart, a cloud of blood slowly fell from the clouds in the sky, accompanied by an astonishing wave. There was an extremely cultivated breath and an old but lofty laughter.

"When will the Zhuang Yun Business Alliance dare to shout in front of the old man? Just because of you three sons of Zhuang Yun, the old man really didn't pay attention to it. Those old guys from the Huayi Sect are about the same, but after you die Before, the old man could give two of you a chance to choose, if the two of you are willing to take refuge in this sect, and willingly let the old man plant restrictions in your souls, you can survive today, if not, you will end up with the others!" Blood As the clouds squirmed and swelled, an old man with gray eyes changed from light to solid, sitting on top of the clouds, pointed at the crowd with a smirk, and said to two of them in a serious manner.

"Old Ancestor Jiedan!" Seeing the majestic might of the sky, who knows who made it worse when everyone was already terrified. Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel cold.

It was no surprise that the two people that the monk who suddenly appeared had his eyes on were an old man in black, but the other pointed to Luo Yu!

Except for Qiu Yan and the boss surnamed Xiao, other people present did not know that Luo Yu, a strange face, had a later stage of cultivation. This old man who is clearly a monk of forming alchemy said so, obviously, his spiritual sense had checked it a long time ago. Everyone's cultivation.

Some monks who were still angry before, or the immortal cultivators who were close to Luo Yu and the old man in black, unconsciously moved away at this moment, thinking that if the monk who formed the alchemy attacked them, these people would be killed. Immediately take the opportunity to escape as far as possible.

The black-clothed old man's face was cloudy after hearing this, and he seemed indifferent to the fact that there was a fellow monk hidden among the monks present. In front of the ancestor of Jiedan, one more late-stage foundation-establishment monk would not be able to reverse the situation.

Qiu Yan looked at the group of foundation-building monks who kept a distance from Luo Yu, and then at the calm and calm expression on Luo Yu's face, gritted her silver teeth and chose to stand beside Luo Yu.

Although I don't know that Luo Yu can still rely on him so calmly, but the sound transmission he sent to himself just now clearly sensed that there was an old monster hidden in that direction before the monk who formed the alchemy showed up, which made this woman feel very uncomfortable with the current situation. Uneasy, but still impressed by Luo Yu's mystery.

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