fairy flame

Chapter 1193 Qingyang Little Beast

() Luo Yu, a small green sheep beast of unknown origin, did not dare to take it lightly. Seeing this scene, the blue and white thunder ball held in his hand trembled slightly, and burst with a 'bang' in the electric light high-speed tremor, turning into a handful The dense electric arcs interweave to form a lightning net full of spiritual light, aiming at the incoming blue light and going away.

The innate god Lei has always been the nemesis of demons and ghosts, with unpredictable power to ward off evil spirits. Although this blue sheep beast has a strange aura, it looks like a demon but not a demon, but as long as it is of a different kind, it can be restrained by it.

But immediately Luo Yu's face changed drastically!

The inconspicuous blue light suddenly let out a shriek like a spirit, and then it turned into six thumb-thick blue spirit snakes in the air, slamming into the rushing power grid, and the strangely similar scene happened again.

Six blue snakes passed through without seeing anything, and then hit the small golden light shield around Luo Yu at an extremely fast speed. Luo Yu with an unbelievable face.

Before Luo Yu had time to dodge, the six little snakes briskly squeaked a few times before disappearing into Luo Yu's body. Then, with a muffled snort, Luo Yu's eyes dimmed, and he was a little dazed and motionless.

The pale golden color Yuan Hai outside his body also quietly disappeared without a trace.

The gray-eyed old man in the distance stared at the befuddled look on Luo Yu's face, but he no longer concealed that strange look. He slapped his chest with a sinister smile, and with his hands clasped together, two arrows shot out of his arm The arrow-like red fire snake, compared with ordinary spirit fire, the fire snake's eyes seem to be a little more spiritual, and the whole body exudes crystal light. It is the old man who has stimulated the little remaining fire attribute natal aura in his body .

This old man didn't care about his increasingly pale face, and as soon as his sleeves moved, two small red crystal snakes shot straight at Luo Yu. Without Yuan Hai's obstruction, the fire snake came in front of Luo Yu almost in a breath. As if with a clear purpose, he aimed at Luo Yu's vital eyes and bit them with a vicious mouth.

Even though a body refiner can temper the body to a level comparable to a magic weapon, it is by no means flawless. If the vital organs such as the eyes and heart are severely injured, there is also a threat to life.

The grey-eyed old man couldn't help showing a cruel and smug look on his face. Fangfo had already seen that he was about to have an extra top-level third-tier monk refining corpse and his strength would double.

At this moment, Luo Yu, who was originally confused, suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes. As soon as he woke up, he saw the fire snake in front of him, which was too late to avoid. Luo Yu closed his eyes and broke out in a cold sweat at the same time!

One step later, the ship would really capsize in the ditch, and the moment Luo Yu's eyelids drooped, the Fire Snake just hit it, but it was bounced away with a metal-like friction sound, and there was only one eyelid on the thin eyelid. A faint trace was left behind, and it returned to normal in a blink of an eye. At the same time, two golden chi claws flew out from Luo Yu's chest like lightning, and grabbed the two red crystal fire snakes that were flying upside down. It turned into a scattered flame and disappeared into the air.

"Impossible!" The grey-eyed old man on the other side witnessed this scene, his natal mind was wounded, and his wounds immediately increased. The vulnerable fact, even if the opponent uses his eyelids to block it, it shouldn't look unscathed!

Could it be that Luo Yu is a Yuan teacher in the middle and late stages of the third rank!

When the old man thought about it, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he didn't even have any intention of fighting any more. Suddenly, a small blue sheep erupted with blue light nearby, one person and one beast disappeared in the blood cloud and quickly fled to the distance.

At this moment, Luo Yu was still a little scared after seeing the little green goat disappear, but he just glanced coldly at the direction in which the old man was fleeing, and with a flick of his shoulders, he turned into a golden rainbow and chased after him at a speed like a windmill.

This time Luo Yu didn't hide his clumsiness at all, and his late third-order body-refining escape technique was fully revealed.

But looking at the murderous look on Luo Yu's face, it seemed that he was more interested in the little green sheep beast than the old man who had formed a pill.

The bloody light had only escaped less than a hundred feet in front, and it had already been brought closer by the golden light transformed by Luo Yu. What is ridiculous is that after the vicious scheming just now, the bloody cloud still came from a long way to see this Dan Jie The voice of the patriarch begging for mercy, it seems that even the alchemy cultivator, who is usually high and high, will be exposed to the ugliness of human nature at the moment of life and death.

Luo Yu sneered a few times at first, but then didn't respond directly. When the distance between the two was quickly drawn in, the two chi claws that grew out of Luo Yu's chest like a demon suddenly rose again, and turned into two six-legged claws rushing out of Yuanhai. The ten-foot sharp claw directly crossed the remaining distance between the two, and hit the blood cloud hard.

The two golden claws were almost encircled, and clusters of golden light that were as bright as swords squeezed and hit the blood light that could not escape, forcing the latter to flash wildly, Fangfo the next moment, the blood in it Cloud was about to be crushed by two giant palms.

Even though the blood cloud continued to transform into other forms, and even several treasures or talismans were shot out in a flash, it still only lasted for a while.

With a bang, the blood cloud glow finally rolled several times, and under the sound of the old man's screaming and painful roar, it completely collapsed and scattered.

But just as the claws were about to close together for the last time, six cyan light beams flew out from inside again, also treating Yuan Hai and a group of defensive treasures as nothing, penetrating the 'thunder light' and 'cold mist' in Luo Yu's body in the blink of an eye Formed a double layer of defense, the ghost rushed into Luo Yu's body.

With a flash of green light in his eyes, Luo Yu's figure suddenly stopped in the air again, and at the same time, the chi claws that made the gray-eyed old man's liver and gallbladder cracked in the distance disappeared almost close to his pale face. The copper dagger galloped out.

And in the direction where the gray-eyed old man didn't dare to look back, Luo Yu woke up faster this time than last time, only when the old man escaped less than ten feet away, he turned into a golden rainbow and chased after him.

In the sky, two streaks of gold and copper flew towards the distance like shooting stars. Although Luo Yu's speed was far faster than that of the old man, every time he was about to catch him, he was delayed for a moment by the mysterious blue light.

The two chased and fled, and they were several miles away in a blink of an eye.

Somewhere above the calm sea, a ray of ancient bronze sword light staggered and shot out. On it, the gray-eyed old man, who was obviously out of mana, was holding a blood-colored jade talisman.

Suddenly a muffled thunder roared in his ears, upon hearing this sound, the old man immediately put away the jade talisman with a frightened and ugly expression, and at the same time, without looking at it, the little green sheep beside him spewed a blue light behind him, and then flew away in a panic and go.

A place more than ten zhang away from this old place, Jinhong flew towards this place in an instant, but this time, Luo Yu saw the blue light that made him helpless in the escape light, and let out a low, inaudible sigh.

As the voice fell, Luo Yu had almost understood the strangeness of the blue light, and there was no need to let this person go on purpose.

Yuan Hai trembled suddenly, and with an undetectable gap as the boundary, the golden ball Yuan Hai was divided into two. At the same time, Luo Yu gathered the golden light in both hands, and the two golden light balls full of vitality were held up by the palm of his hand. Almost at the next moment, dozens of black silk threads shot out from Luo Yu's body, and wrapped around the golden light ball on the spot, turning it into a strange golden and black color!

A strange light flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, he saw the blue light coming through Yuanhai, moved his hand slightly forward, and the blue light just hit it!

In the blink of an eye, the blue light shot out from the golden crow light ball in the other hand!

Unexpectedly, the blue light that can penetrate many tangible and invisible defenses around Luo Yu's body, but this time Fangfo was played by Luo Yu's applause.

When the blue light that had just passed by Luo Yu locked onto Luo Yu again and turned to fly back, it was still the golden crow light ball in Luo Yu's hand that greeted the light. .

After repeating this several times, the blue light was exhausted and dissipated into nothingness.

Not blocked by the strange blue light, the golden rainbow transformed by Luo Yu caught up with the old man within a short breath. When the old man noticed the pale golden brilliance emerging from all around, a golden chi claw fell on his head.

Before the chi claws arrived, the golden lights in the void around the old man suddenly burst into extremely mysterious golden Sanskrit characters, which were imprinted on the old man like spells.

At this time, the old man only felt that the movement of the divine mind was stagnant, and the surrounding air seemed to be imprisoned, making his every move and reaction several times slower than usual. A sense of horror to avoid!

The word "Buddha Xiu" may be the last voice of the old man left in the world. Under Chi Claw's powerful blow, the old man's body suddenly turned into a cloud of blood and flew away. At this moment, a mass of head Big and small red brilliance flew out from the drifting blood mist, and the chi claws landed on it like air, the red light didn't dare to stay and took the opportunity to rush forward and fled.

But before the light group could escape far, the golden light transformed by Luo Yu appeared nearby in a flash. Luo Yu had been prepared for a long time, a black flame flashed between his brows, and a fire net as large as Zhang Zhang was about to be predicted. Flying in front of the red brilliance, there was a sound of '嗤啦', and the red light group, which had encountered the fire net instinctively sensed the crisis, was about to change direction again, but suddenly slowed down, and was easily caught by the black fire net. Pull it back into Luo Yu's hands.

The black flames in the net entangled in strands, and the red light ball dared not move at all like a poisonous scorpion.

Then the black light flashed and shrank, and the fire net turned into an impenetrable black ball of light that completely enveloped the red light.

At this time, Luo Yu already had a purple wooden box in his hand. As soon as the lid of the box exuded a burst of fragrance was opened, Luo Yu immediately put the black ball into the box, and took out several sealing talismans and pasted them on it. , appearing extremely cautious.

Luo Yu, who carefully put the purple box into the storage bag, turned his head to look at the treasures left by the old man floating in Yuanhai.

In addition to three or four storage bags, the palm-sized golden mirror and the inch-long bronze dagger are two life treasures, the aura, which are valuable harvests, but Luo Yu only glanced at these things. However, it finally settled on an inconspicuous golden pouch.

If he remembered correctly, the little blue sheep that made him lose his mind repeatedly appeared from this bag, and when the body of the gray-eyed old man was smashed to pieces by the claws just now, the little blue sheep beside him It also returned to the bag with a strange roar.

The reason why it was delayed for a while before using the "Qian Kun Ball" transformed by the law of the black domain to take down the opponent in one fell swoop was because it was still uncertain whether the little Qingyang beast was the old man's natal spirit beast. Luo Yu, who is not bad in knowledge, has a sense of soul disorder with the real alchemy monk, and the little green sheep beast is really unimaginable.

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