fairy flame

Chapter 1192 Lake Battle

() The sound of '嗤啦' suddenly resounded from the sky, and the white clouds that the old man was about to pass through suddenly burned into clusters of demon red fire clouds, and a deep and strange roar came from inside, instantly surrounding the old man stand up.

The rosy clouds transformed by the clouds rolled on the spot one after another, and turned into raging flaming, flowing cloud claws, and the strange roars also rose loudly, fangfo some invisible beasts were waving their giant claws, yet Fighting against each other, a heavy and majestic aura came towards the old man.

pound!A crisp sound was heard from one of the cloud claws, and a bronze sword light cut through the fire waves sharply, leaving an inch-deep sword mark on the cloud claw, and flew back like a heavy blow!

The clouds that seem to be as soft as cotton wool are actually as strong as a servant!

"Yuanbing!" The grey-eyed old man gasped, and couldn't help but blurted out. Apart from this kind of secret treasure of the body refiner, the old man really couldn't think of any other treasure that could gather gas to form such a terrifying power.

As soon as the old man paused, he was surrounded by the other four cloud claws rolling in flames. The cloud claws waved like phantoms, and the old man was surrounded by a shimmering glow in all directions.

After witnessing the power of Cloud Claw, the gray-eyed old man suppressed his astonishment, and used his natal magic weapon without any reservations. The mirror that kept spouting red fire hung high on the top, and the flames outside the lake fell into a frenzy for a while. intertwined.

The Burning Cloud Banner is a treasure inherited from the elite clan that Luo Yu brought out from the Black Territory. After trying it, it can exert a good stealth and sneak attack effect in Luo Yu's hands.

Seeing that the old man was dragged back, Luo Yu was not idle at this time. He didn't dare to let go of any of the monks of the Sky Spider Cult here when he still didn't know everything about the Sky Spider Cult. The spider swarm rushed away.

The 'Burning Cloud Flag' stolen from Heiyu Fengshen Town alone is powerful, but Luo Yu can't use the full power of this treasure with the strength of a human monk, and he can't trap the alchemy monk for too long.

Therefore, facing this group of Foundation Establishment cultivators who had already been terrified, Luo Yu simply released the thirty-foot Yuanhai for a while, and those caught in it, whether it was the Blood Ripple Spider or the Immortal Cultivator, were instantly crushed by the mountain-like Under the impact of the majestic and fluctuating Yuan Force, the sound of the body's aura shattering rang out one after another. Under the overwhelming pressure, even the body was crushed into pieces in an instant, and blood rain splashed everywhere in the huge pale gold Yuanhai.

With the effort of a cup of tea, after clearing away these ordinary monks of the Sky Spider Cult, Luo Yu turned into a golden rainbow sword and bombarded the invisible fire wall blocking Xihu Lake, directly breaking through the restrictive mask set up by the opponent's Jing Finally, he looked towards the place where the crackling sound was rumbling not far away.

At this time, Luo Yu had already aroused the power of the Burning Cloud Banner to the extreme, and the four cloud claws merged into a unicorn with fuzzy facial features, but it was vaguely visible as a head with whiskers and a face full of fire scales. The giant was six feet tall, and his whole body was made of fine iron. The pure inextinguishable primordial fire gathered in his fists, and he was fighting fiercely with the gray-eyed old man who was huddled in a ten-foot fire dragon.

The gray-eyed old man is really unlucky, this flame giant is full of fire attribute power, and he is not afraid of the old man's fire attribute supernatural powers, and the power is the most indestructible, even if the old man urges the bronze sword out countless times Shi Jianguang only had a slight upper hand, and had to be on guard from time to time when the giant wielded iron fists and played a game that would hurt both sides.

The gray-eyed old man really regretted not being able to take the reed treasure at this time, otherwise, with the restraining power of this thing, he would have been able to get out of the current predicament long ago.

With the inevitable situation and the fact that Luo Yu had already rushed to face the enemy, the old man's eyes showed ruthlessness, and when he was about to make up his mind to take action, he did not know that Luo Yu had already expected that even a monk of alchemy would have to guard against it at the end of his life As he was dying to counterattack, he saw the burning cloud flag in his hand tremble violently. The flame giant who was still tens of meters away suddenly roared high and furiously. .

The sword energy instantly crippled the flame giant's body, but the distance between the two was shortened to less than ten feet!

The gray-eyed old man never expected that the flame giant would approach him even though he was seriously injured. When he immediately thought that this scene was very similar to the "self-explosion" of the corpse before, the scarred Pyroman suddenly swelled up, and then turned into A huge bursting fire wave rolled and rolled with violent qi like overwhelming mountains and seas, drowning the fire dragon in an instant.

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Yu was already more than ten feet away from the raging fire sea, and included part of the fire sea and the gray-eyed old man who was hit by the fire wave from this direction into his own pale gold sea of ​​primordial essence!

The aftermath of the explosion that entered Yuanhai suddenly became quiet, and under the rippling power of the tide, the fire wave was gradually peeled off and disintegrated, revealing a gray-eyed old man with a tall face and messy temple hair, holding a small mirror of his natal magic weapon in his forehand Spewing out mouthfuls of fire clouds to bless the precarious dim fire dragon, his face turned pale while hiding in the dragon's body. Although there were no obvious injuries on his body, his mana might have been consumed too much.

It seemed that the gray-eyed old man was dying, but he was a master-level alchemy cultivator after all. Luo Yu didn't want to give him any chance to counterattack and escape, so he directly covered him with the restraining force of Yuan Hai.

The advantages and disadvantages of Qi trainers and body trainers are that Qi trainers only need to rely on speed to attack from a distance, and body trainers can only be beaten passively. Once the Qi trainer falls into the primordial sea of ​​the body trainer, what happens? will be quite the opposite.

The fire dragon immediately cracked and cracked under the heavy golden light on its body surface, and the golden light surging for a moment was no less than the heavy blow of several magic weapons. The next moment, the small golden light wailed, and the aura on the surface disappeared , Completely devoid of spiritual power, turned into an ordinary mirror and fell into the arms of the old man.

Almost at the same time, the gray-eyed old man was covered by Yuan Hai's golden light, and immediately fell to the ground with a roar of pain, as if a huge boulder was pressing on his body, his body could hardly move, his bones rattled and twitched continuously.

In the final analysis, Yuan Hai is just a kind of control of the energy in the space outside the body by the body refiner. With Luo Yu's current cultivation, purely using Yuan Hai to make a monk in the early stage of alchemy have a chaotic consciousness, forcing the mana to withdraw from the body and struggling to resist. It's the limit. After all, Yuan Hai has no boundaries. One alchemy monk and ten alchemy monks are all affected to the same degree.

Luo Yu didn't rush forward to reap the gray-eyed old man's life, but the golden light surged on his arm, and he punched the ground with a lot of energy, and the old man went away with a single blow.

To Luo Yu's surprise, the golden fist that flew out of his hand hit the old man smoothly, and a ball of golden light exploded on the old man's back. Luo Yu even heard the sound of flesh and blood tearing apart, but just when he thought the gray-eyed old man When there is no luck, the unexpected happens!

A fuzzy piece of bloody bone with flesh shattered and scattered under Luo Yu's punch, but the gray-eyed old man, who knew something was missing from his body, cleverly used Luo Yu's punch to fly several feet away!

As if calculating carefully, the old man just fell out of Yuanhai's coverage area. At this time, the gray-eyed old man was intact, but when he flew out of Yuanhai, he let out a muffled groan and sprayed blood from his mouth. Just now it was clear that he didn't even have the strength to move.

"Flesh and flesh! I didn't expect you to have such a life-saving thing on your body, but if you have a second piece on your body, then I will really look at it with admiration." If Luo Yu hadn't read many classics, he might still be confused at this moment. Said with a look of surprise on his face.

Speaking of which, the "flesh and flesh consonance" is not a rare secret treasure. It has been circulated in the five sea cities in the Thunder Sea Area, and it is refined from the hardest rhinoceros bone of a kind of consonance beast.

The rhinoceros sea beast is the most defensive among many sea beasts, so its indestructible rhinoceros bone is naturally a rare treasure. Ever since someone created the secret method of refining the rhinoceros bone into the human body, it has occupied The Qi trainer with the upper hand crushed the body trainer so much that he couldn't lift his head. It is said that when the human race recaptured the five sea cities, the rhinoceros was indispensable for dealing with the Jing tribe.

And although this kind of flesh and blood cannot be completely integrated with the body of the human race, as long as it is sacrificed for a long time, it is said that there are people who can exert six or seven levels of power with the flesh and blood of the consonant. It can be used as a life-saving tool in times of crisis.

However, Lingxi's flesh and blood can be refined at most, and it is useless if there is more, so Luo Yu's face turned cold immediately after speaking.

"Wait! Now that the old man has escaped from Yuanhai, if the fellow daoist really wants to fight to the death, it will only hurt both sides. Besides, you and I don't have a deep hatred. If the fellow daoist is willing to let me go this time, the old man is willing to give the fellow daoist a The huge benefit is regarded as atonement, and this benefit is in the bag, and fellow Taoists will know it at a glance!" The gray-eyed old man took a breath, and seeing Luo Yu's expression of refusing to give up an inch, he immediately said in a two-pronged way of procuring, coercing, and talking. At the same time, he actually took off a small golden pouch from his waist.

Luo Yu couldn't help sneering, he could see this kind of indiscriminate means much more, before the gray-eyed old man handed it over, Luo Yu directly shot him with a blank expression!

The distance of tens of feet is only a mere step away from Yuanhai, but just when Luo Yu's unfolded Yuanhai was about to cover the old man again, the old man didn't move, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the old man opened the bag with one palm, and pointed it at Luo Yu who was coming.

The weird, extremely uncomfortable feeling, as if encountering a natural enemy, shocked Luo Yu's heart, and his eyes that he didn't care about turned to the mouth of the fist-sized bag. The sheep flew out.

The sheep beast is less than two feet tall, and it also has horns on its forehead. It looks very strange. Its ears are long and drooping, but there is a third eye in its nostril. Its cheeks are scaly, and its whole body is light blue. Eye-catching blood black.

As soon as the sheep beast appeared, Luo Yu's spiritual sense immediately followed to investigate, but what he found made him even more unbelievable.

He couldn't tell the origin of the beast's breath!

It is neither a monster nor a sea beast, and the aura seems to merge both, but this beast actually exudes a faint soul wave similar to that of a cultivator!

Luo Yu was in doubt, when the green goat beast opened its long and narrow eyes, it glanced at Luo Yu with a silver-white cold light that had no life-like emotion, and then hummed in the direction of its gaze, "baa" With a cry, the abdomen swelled and shrank like an inhalation, and a blue light beam with the thickness of a bowl was ejected from the big mouth, and rushed into the golden mist Yuanhai in an instant.

This beam of light fangfo is a different kind of power other than spiritual power or Yuan power, and its speed does not decrease at all in Yuan Hai. Luo Yu was slightly startled. A wave of extremely powerful Yuan power immediately gathered in front of the blue light in Yuan Hai, Xuan With a thought, a wall of golden vitality light about ten feet thick blocked the cyan beam of light out of thin air, and the green and gold light flashed suddenly at the intersection of the two.

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