fairy flame

Chapter 1191 Lake Battle

So far, the old man's several methods have been taken over by Luo Yu one by one, but this is the limit that can be achieved in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the consumption of fierce battles makes Luo Yu's mana unsustainable. After the method of killing the old man failed, Luo Yu felt that the purpose of this fight to verify his own strength had come, and it was time to end his acting.

Turning his head coldly to look at the rushing black shadow, although Luo Yu couldn't figure out the origin of this strange shadow, he was sure that the thick yin energy on his body would never be false. Luo Yu simply raised his remaining mana and planned to fight this monster, but the hand that had just pressed it on the storage bag had a flash of inspiration, and he took out another top-quality magic weapon 'Golden Spinning Shield' and a black and white ray of light The Devil's Web.

The spinning golden shield was divided into four by the aura blown out by Luo Yu, and turned into four golden shields that rotated clockwise to protect Luo Yu's whole body. When encountering a top-grade magic weapon that is purely defensive, he was forced to stagnate outside the golden shield mask as if he was evenly matched. Although the saber energy had the upper hand, it was obviously difficult to make progress within a short period of time.

At the same time, black and white forest light flashed on Luo Yu's hand, and flew out after a flick, and instantly covered the direction in which the black shadow came.

I saw the net soaring rapidly in mid-air until it was seven or eight feet in size, but the human-shaped black shadow flying towards him could not dodge, and was bound firmly by the black and white light like a net. Under the control of Luo Yu's spell, he quickly contracted and tightened, and the sound of the black shadow roaring and struggling immediately came from inside.

The opponent was so vulnerable that Luo Yu was taken aback for a moment. He saw a mass of black yin energy rushing left and right in the closed black and white giant net. When the resistance became weaker and weaker, he suddenly felt that something was wrong!

This kind of experience of "playing hard to get" is not very good for Luo Yu who is used to it. Years of caution made him tense. Just as this unwarranted sense of unease appeared, the blue and white thunder ball in his hand trembled instantly. , split a lightning arc on its own and struck at the position behind Luo Yu.

There was a strange noise in the originally empty place, and the bluish-white thunder seemed to hit something, and a cloud of black air suddenly appeared amidst the scorched 'hissing' sound.

But upon closer inspection, what was hit by the lightning arc was a sharp green-haired claw that was stretching towards Luo Yu. It was entwined with a thick black yin energy, and it was very vicious at first glance, and it could hide all the way. It is obvious that the black shadow in the magic net is just an illusion, and the strength of this mysterious black shadow is beyond imagination!

However, when encountering Luo Yu's innate thunder, one can only blame this phantom for being unlucky.

Just as quickly as the green claw appeared, the green and white thunder light lingered around the claw lightly, and in the sound of thunder, all the yin and black light dispersed in response to the sound, and the green claw, which was strong enough to grow silk and fine iron, was destroyed by the thunder light all the way before it could resist. Kill it, and turn it into ashes with one blow.

In the shadow, a heart-piercing sound of true wailing, which is obviously different from the fake scream in the Demon Net, came from the shadow.

Even Luo Yu was taken aback by the sharp restraint of the Innate Thunderbolt. At the same time, he saw for the first time that the Innate Thunderbolt also has the effect of spontaneously protecting the Lord, but when the strange shadow was still entangled with the first ray of thunder, Luo Yu Unceremoniously urging the thunderball in his hand, the "crackling" thunder arcs turned into electric snakes and tightly wrapped around the unavoidable ghost!

This time, the black energy on the monster was completely wiped out, revealing its original appearance as a demon corpse with red hair and green face. The upper body looks like a human corpse, but the lower body is like a green praying mantis!

"Essence Corpse!" In Luo Yu's mind, a rumor appeared in the classics that he had read, introducing some rumors about training the Essence Clan people into demon corpses. He did not expect to leave the Black Territory, and saw it so soon.

But in a short while, these appearances that were only seen at a glance were all indistinguishable under the lightning strike. The strange shadow seemed to meet the nemesis.

If this continues, Luo Yu doesn't need to use the innate thunder fire, just the power of thunder and lightning can make this monster fly into ashes and annihilate it.

But Luo Yu suddenly had an ominous premonition lingering in his heart. How could the gray-eyed old man be willing to bury the dead body in vain? After Luo Yu's lightning sacrifice, there was no sound from the old man at all!

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the screams of the fine corpse stopped abruptly, and there were clusters of eerie green fires all over his body, and as the green fire spread all over his body, the body of the fine corpse shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, his whole body turned into nothingness. A raging human-shaped green fire!

"Cluck"!The congenital lightning hit the green fire, as if it had hit a stone wall, not only was it bounced away, but it caused more green fires to burst out continuously, and the aura of the corpse sometimes rose sharply, and sometimes rushed. Shrunk and became extremely irritable!

Luo Yu was a little startled at this kind of monster that he only knew about in the classics. The change of the corpse didn't seem to be in the description in the classics, but Luo Yu instinctively thought of the 'explosion' based on the signs in front of him!

But what Luo Yu never imagined was that the self-detonation of the spirit corpse came so strangely and so quickly!

Moreover, the target of the spirit corpse rushing away with its natal corpse fire was not Luo Yu, but the 'Autumn Goose' hiding in the cold mist!

Qiu Yan, who had witnessed the ferocious methods of this spirit corpse, realized something was wrong. The green fire spirit corpse had already appeared outside the cold mist. When the girl's soul was flying, a few magical weapons with ordinary power in her hands had a flash of light in a hurry. As soon as she started, she was swept away by a strong aura of corpse evil. Under the huge pressure of the aura of the demon corpse, the mana in the woman's body became more and more flustered, more anxious and chaotic, and she didn't even use any effective power for a while. defense!

"Coagulation"!Just when Qiuyan closed her beautiful eyes and could only wait to die, Luo Yu seemed to be in a hurry, and a voice that came a little slower reached the girl's ears.

Qiu Yan immediately heard the sound of "叫咕" tightening, and the thin cold air outside her body instantly solidified into a thick ice wall. In an instant, the woman was slightly pierced into her body by the surging cold air, and she felt that no matter whether she was conscious or Mana, all of them fell into ice sleep in an instant, and the whole person was sealed in a huge white ice cube, suspended in mid-air.

The thick corpse fire and evil spirit exploded almost at the same time, turning into a dark and tumbling cloud of corpses that spread out, and the white ice transformed by the ice spirit and cold soul was immediately sucked in. No sign of chipping at all.

This kind of method has made Xu Laogui and other alchemy cultivators very troubled, and it is no problem to resist the self-explosion of mere corpses.

But just as Luo Yu's rushing figure stopped, and was about to avoid the range of the self-detonation of the corpse, a strange look suddenly appeared in the eyes of the gray-eyed old man in the distance, and he saw a silver knife flying towards the crowd with one finger Be nice!

The silver knife light that was attacking the golden shield a moment ago trembled, and then disappeared in a strange buzzing sound!

Luo Yu was stunned and before he could react, a silver light flashed on his chest, and the missing knives returned to the original three silver scimitars, which appeared strangely beside Luo Yu, but the silver flying knives that appeared at this time were not Slashed directly on Luo Yu's body, but the three knives gathered together from head to tail, forming a silver crystal spirit ring around Luo Yu's shoulder blades strangely, and then a stream of silver light swam down Luo Yu's body, causing Luo Yu's magic power to be banned The spiritual light on Ban's body trembled wildly, and the four golden shields protecting him outside his body also fell down dimly.

And Luo Yu, who was restrained by the silver ring, was engulfed by the billowing corpse fire and the evil cloud of black energy in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the gray-eyed old man finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Luo Yu was dealt with at the price of a fine corpse, it was still worth it, otherwise Luo Yu's ability revealed in the later stage of foundation establishment would be a serious worry in the future, and the fine The corpse only needs to spend some time refining one.

The old man glanced at the gloomy corpse cloud for the last time. There was no movement inside. He couldn't help laughing at himself. I'm afraid Luo Yu would turn into pus in just an instant, so naturally there was no sound of struggling and screaming, let alone a foundation cultivator. Even if the alchemy cultivator like the old man was imprisoned by the 'silver ring' and then fell into the cloud of self-exploding corpses, he would never be spared.

"Huh! No, these two spirit insects..." The gray-eyed old man turned his gaze away to the mantis turtle who was spit out circles of golden sound waves and was enjoying himself controlling the blood-rippled spiders. Surprised!

As soon as Luo Yu, the master of the spirit insects, dies, the spirit beasts and spirit insects that have signed any contracts with him should be killed immediately, but right now, these two blue-gold monsters don't look like they have been bitten by the blood contract!

According to this... the old man only felt a strange and inexplicable chill coming up from his ankles, and couldn't help shivering tremblingly. When he threw it in the direction of the gradually dissipating corpse cloud, his face was distorted with horror, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in his life.

A pale golden figure came out of the mist-like ambiguity, walking slowly, as if still strolling in a courtyard in the cloud of corpses, and every step he took, the golden light shattered the place he passed, causing the cloud of corpse aura to dissipate, and the golden shadow Gradually clear, the facial features can already be seen clearly.

Until the last step was taken, the black air in the sky dissipated, and a pair of bewitching eyes with a hint of pale gold met the stiff eyes of the gray-eyed old man!

"Hey, I don't have to suppress my strength anymore." Of course it was Luo Yu who said this. His sea language is still a little jerky, but he has said a lot in this sea language, but it seems that only This sentence is most in line with my temperament and feeling.

Even, some of the feeling of being aggrieved before was swept away!

"You! You are... a Tier [-] Body Refiner!" The dignified elder of the Heavenly Spider Sect had a chill on his nose and palms, his voice was so hoarse that he could hear his throat rolling unceasingly, and the expression on his face It was like freezing in an instant, implying some kind of indescribable fear!

The faint smile on Luo Yu's face did not disappear, but he seemed disdainful to answer verbally. With a chuckle, he stretched out his two light golden arms, and pulled the silver ring locked on his chest casually, Bao Guangxia trembled violently. Next, without being able to hold on for a moment, the crackling sound of 'clack' was uploaded from the silver ring!

The old man's scalp couldn't help twitching, obviously Luo Yu answered in the simplest and most straightforward way.

"Withdraw!" This word was almost screamed by the old man after he brought up his courage and suppressed his fear. Luo Yu was already so difficult with his qi training ability, and now he also hides a deeper and unfathomable body training cultivation base. No matter how cruel the old man said before, he will never sacrifice his life just to save face!

It has to be said that the scheming of the alchemy cultivator is extraordinary. Before his words fell, the fire dragon, entangled with the ice wind, opened its mouth and spat out a small golden mirror back into the old man's body. It was restored to a bronze dagger and returned to the gray-eyed old man.

In a hurry, the old man only put away these two treasures, and ignored the reed treasure that was frozen by Luo Yu, and flew towards the outside of Xihu Lake with a cloud of blood rolling under his feet.

"Your Excellency is the first one who ran away from the alchemy monk I fought against. I waited for a long time for this day, but he came a bit late." Luo Yu didn't even look at Feidun's blood cloud, but turned his head One glance at Qiu Yan who was sleeping in the ice, a feeling of a world away came to my heart.

If I had the cultivation level I have today, I wouldn't be forced to freeze myself, let alone let Ling'er change from a world-famous fairy to a notorious ice demon in the world of cultivating immortals, and finally wander around the world with her teleportation.

Seeing that the gray-eyed old man was already tens of feet away, he was taken aback when he heard the strange words from Luo Yu's mouth. For some reason, the old man felt an indescribable strangeness from Luo Yu's extremely calm tone.

This kind of feeling has always only appeared when facing some people whose cultivation base is much higher than that of the old man. Even if Luo Yu is a third-rank Yuan master and a Qi training cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, he shouldn't let himself feel terrified , unless Luo Yu is a body refiner in the late third stage!

But this is really absurd, not to mention the Moya Sea Territory, but looking at the five sea cities occupied by the human race in the entire mine sea area, there are only ten fingers of body refiners who have the third-order late stage, and almost every one of them is famous. Outside, Luo Yu's face couldn't find any resemblance with those people.

It would be even more ridiculous to pretend to hide deliberately, and it would be impossible. If you can become a late stage third-order body refiner, you are definitely not an incognito person!

In any case, it was a failure this time. The gray-eyed old man can live to this day as the elder of the Sky Spider Sect. Being cautious has always been the only way to survive.

Just as thoughts were spinning in the old man's mind, Luo Yu sensed in his sea of ​​consciousness that the old man had flown out of the breath lake and was about to escape, a strange color flashed on his face, an inch long, covered with crystals carved with many strange beasts. A small red flag suddenly appeared in his hand.

Luo Yu grasped the flagpole with a slight palm of his hand, and waved lightly in the direction where the old man was escaping!

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