fairy flame

1190th Battle of the Lake

The cold air drifted down with the wind, and even the reef trees around the Xihu Lake were covered with a layer of snow-white cold light, and made a teeth-stinging freezing sound.

The expressions of some red-robed monks who stayed in the air and were not affected suddenly changed drastically, and they had to use all their strength to prop up their spiritual shields to resist the cold wind blowing out of thin air. the chill.

Before the fight, the flaming magma that covered half of the sky has greatly weakened, and the roar of the fire dragon inside is also greatly reduced by the sharp cold phoenix, and it roars and sprays several mouthfuls of magma vigilantly to fight against the cold.

In the fire cloud, the gray-eyed old man was also startled by the violent outburst of cold air at this moment, and his face immediately became extremely gloomy. With the obvious advantage of his pure mana, the other party's cold air actually overwhelmed his years of painstaking cultivation. There is only one possibility for the natal aura, the natal aura controlled by Luo Yu is not as simple as ordinary cold air, it is very likely to be some kind of extremely cold aura in the rumors!

The more frightened he was, the stronger the old man's killing intent towards Luo Yu was. He coldly pointed at the bronze giant ape in the air, and the giant copper ape suddenly opened its dark red monster eyes, staring at Bai Fengming who was following him. Behind Xiao, Luo Yu, who flew out of the ice flower in a flash, let out a roar, then raised his red copper fists and stood upright. How to use strength to reach the top of Luo Yu's head in a single leap, two fists like copper mountains mercilessly punched down!

"Qijue Zhan!" Under the shadow of the black fist, Luo Yu could not see the slightest panic on his face. He gave an order coldly, and the seven green lights around his body shot up one after another, rising in the air against the wind, and directly turning into Seven black and green giant knives, each more than ten feet long, stood in front of the giant copper ape together.

The Seven Star Yinhuo Blade once drank the blood essence of a monk who formed an alchemy. After following Luo Yu for many years, it is no longer comparable to ordinary evil weapons, and it is almost a rare treasure that surpasses top-grade magic weapons or ancient weapons. In terms of the depth of evil spirit, it is not inferior In front of him is the giant copper ape.

As soon as the two came into contact, the seven giant knives dexterously slashed around the vital parts such as the head and heart of the giant copper ape, all in a desperate posture of only attacking but not defending. There is no flaw.

This seasoned blow really worked. The giant copper ape hurriedly faced attacks from various angles from its front and rear, roaring fiercely, and its fists were like the wind. It only relied on a pair of copper fists to guard against death, but it was quite embarrassed. .

It's a pity that the gigantic Seven Star Yinhuo Blade is not good at sharpness, it can't cause fatal damage to the giant copper ape, and the Yinhuo Blade is best at Yinhuo and evil spirit, even if it hits this beast, it has no effect.

After all, the Copper Ape Giant Beast is controlled by the soul, and it is more flexible than the rigid attack of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade. After paying the small price of some knife wounds, it quickly figured out the way to attack with the knife light. With phantom-like swings with both hands, the seven giant knives that are often blocked by incomparable precision are blocked.

Regardless of the red copper fist or the seven black and green light blades, they are all tens of feet in size. Any blow will make the nearby celestial phenomena change color. The changing light and glow, coupled with the relative cold and heat of the natal aura, caused the aura of heaven and earth to be extremely chaotic, making the monks in this area feel suffocated and depressed, and fled away from the fighting area in fright.

After dozens of head-to-head confrontations, the giant ape almost completely overwhelmed the Qixing Yinhuoblade, and finally saw a chance to counterattack.

The saber that could not be joined together slowed down slightly, the anthropomorphic eyes of the giant copper ape beast showed a fierce look, and the flying hands suddenly stopped after a roar, and there were many indistinguishable shadows of the saber on both sides of the waist Zhong happened to grab the bodies of the two giant knives that were shot, and the copper and iron palms forcibly took over dozens of times of slashing by the flying knives without any damage.

Even though the other five giant knives were slashing at its body, the giant copper ape turned a deaf ear to it. The giant knives imprisoned by a pair of copper palms shone randomly, and then broke and collapsed inch by inch. Falling down in the wind.

But this bronze beast seemed to be desperate, its palms turned over like a canopy, and it wanted to completely crush the two Yinhuo blades before it was reconciled.

Luo Yu didn't expect this beast to be fierce and stubborn, but naturally he would not let this beast succeed easily, with a cold face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he swung his palm at the injured emerald green flying knife, and at the same time, his eyebrows Immediately a gap opened, black light flashed, and seven thumb-thick black rockets shot out with lightning, two of which happened to pass over the flying Yinhuo Blade and hit the copper and iron giant palm that was following closely behind.

The giant copper ape is full of the spirit of refined iron, and all the magic weapons of life are cultivated in the pill fire. Therefore, most of the high-temperature flames in the world of cultivating immortals are used on this beast, and the eggs will undoubtedly hit the stones.

Just when this beast didn't pay attention to the two black strange fires that were as thin as needles and fibers, but the next moment the copper beast tasted the price of carelessness. It was the fire that turned into a raging black flame like a pan of oil, spreading from the palm to the entire arm in an instant, and the giant copper ape let out a miserable scream and wail for the first time even after being hacked.

But no matter how he swung his arm, the black flame tarsal maggots burned more and more vigorously, and the arm covered in flames shrank rapidly.

What Luo Yu released was not an ordinary flame, and even its high temperature was not as high as that of the three real fires, but it was another kind of extremely powerful, terrifying magic fire that could use bones as a guide and evil spirit as evidence--Shagu Demon Flame!

If there is any shortcoming in the body of the copper ape giant beast made of fine iron, it is its fierce and fierce evil spirit, which is completely restrained by the Shagu Demon Flame.

However, without the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade holding back this beast, this was the first time Luo Yu faced such a huge monster, no matter how confident he was, he would not dare to directly use the Shagu Demonic Flame.

At this time, the remaining five black rockets landed on the other five giant knives, and the same scene was repeated on the knives. The evil bone flames used the evil spirit on the seven-star Yinhuo blade as the medium, and the black flames immediately fell like fire oil. Burning fiercely on the big knife, the giant knife surrounding the giant copper ape beast turned into a five-handed, ten-foot-long pitch-black blade, forcing the giant beast to be terrified before it could extinguish the evil bone flames on its arms. He dodged in a hurry, how dare he accept the move head-on.

But how could the mountain-like body be able to hide if it wanted to, plus it had to resist the rising black flames on one arm, under the roar of the painful 'wailing' continuously being rubbed by the fire blade, this beast finally understood the blackness Yan was difficult to deal with, and a cold and mad look flashed in his eyes. Just when Luo Yu thought that the giant beast was going to cut off its arm to save itself, the old man's cold snort suddenly came from a distance. At the same time, he was fighting with Bai Feng The Chilong, who had been fighting fiercely, suddenly poked its head out from the Huohai Bell, and opened its mouth to spew out a ball of lava fire that was as large as Zhang Zhang!

Seeing this, the giant copper ape suppressed its mournful cry, and collided with the fireball in a leap, and a burst of fierce flames directly engulfed the giant beast.

Soon, the beast walked out of the flame as if reborn from the ashes. Not to mention a layer of crystal-light fire armor covering its whole body of bronze skin, the evil bones and demonic flames on its arms seemed to be instantly exorcised.

This is not surprising to Luo Yu. Since the Shagu Demonic Flame is a demonic fire, it is naturally restrained by the spiritual fire bred by many orthodox monks. At the beginning, Luo Yu chose to practice because this fire is more sharp against demonic monks.

At this moment, although the giant copper ape was aided by another aid, it took a temporary breath, but with the lesson just now, its fierce flames were greatly reduced. Under the protection of the fire armor outside its body, it fell into the heavy sword light transformed by the wild dance of black flames. The two were deadlocked for a while!

With the help of the fire armor, his other methods basically have little effect on the giant copper ape.

Luo Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart, this means that the higher the level of cultivation, the more restraint of magic weapons or supernatural powers will be more common. Shrouded by the Bone Demon Flame, he shrank his hands and feet, unable to exert half of his own strength.

Luo Yu, who blocked the old man's repeated attacks, looked at the dozens of silver scimitars hovering outside Baifeng, and inadvertently pressed one hand on the storage bag, as if he was about to take out some other treasure!

With such a simple move, the gray-eyed old man on the other side also looked over. The old man planned not to give Luo Yu a chance to breathe, but now he subconsciously thought that Luo Yu would seize the opportunity to use other methods!

But with just such a small change in mentality, the old man's spiritual thoughts focused on Luo Yu in the distance, imperceptibly weakening his perception of the surroundings, and two extremely thin bloody lights flashed a few feet away in front of him. !

The blood light flashed like a phantom, and appeared in front of the old man at an incredible speed!

When the gray-eyed old man found out, several feet had already turned into a few feet away, and the blood light magnified in the pupils of his eyes as fast as a ghost. At this time, it was too late for the old man to react. At that moment, a rotten palm with green hair popped out from one side at a critical moment.

This palm is shriveled and haggard, the green is faintly visible, and the ten fingers are pointed, but it is more than enough to resist the bloody twin needles. The flying needle also missed the turn and pierced the dark green 'corpse hand', and has not penetrated a little. !

But the black ghost at the other end of the palm didn't seem to feel any pain at all. After a strange laugh, Quack turned his wrist, and brought back the two flying needles that hadn't been pulled out into the dark shadow.

The gray-eyed old man was still terrified, this Luo Yu was too cunning and terrifying, the sneak attack just now had no sign at all.

What made the old man's teeth itch even more was that Luo Yu maintained such a calm mind in the fight. He was clearly at a disadvantage but still calculated every step accurately, and did it methodically without any chaos!

This is the mentality that a foundation-building cultivator should have when facing a master of alchemy!The old man scolded Luo Yu in his heart as the only 'freak' he had ever seen in his life!

Even right now, Luo Yu still didn't show the slightest expression fluctuation when he missed the double needle of blood light, which made the old man really lose his depth.

I don't know if there is such a method in the dark. Thinking of this, the old man was so frightened that he didn't dare to push it any further. He sank into the fire cloud under his feet with a sullen face, while the strange shadow beside him With a strange laugh, he rushed towards Luo Yu!

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