fairy flame

Chapter 1189 Lake Battle

There are three treasures floating in front of the gray-eyed old man, a rusty bronze dagger, a verdant reed, and three silver scimitars!

At the same time, the old man opened his mouth, wrapped in red clouds, and a raging red fireball flew out from inside, and the outline of a golden mirror appeared faintly inside, in the mirror light, there seemed to be some invisible spirit beasts swimming with their teeth and claws open. , sending out bursts of astonishing chants.

As soon as this mirror appeared, the fire-attribute aura of the surrounding heaven and earth turned into patches of rich fire clouds like a pilgrimage, and poured into the red fireball like thousands of streams returning to the sea, causing the temperature within a radius of ten miles to soar.

Coincidentally, the appearance of this mirror and Chihuo caused Luo Yu's ice spirit and cold spirit to surge up as if stimulated before they fought against each other, as if the two were born to be incompatible!

The gray-eyed old man is worthy of being a monk of alchemy. After taking out several treasures with extraordinary spiritual pressure in a row, he was not finished yet. With a shake of his shoulders, a faint black strange figure that could only be vaguely seen as a human figure appeared silently. Quietly stood beside him.

Luo Yu saw that the other party's natal magic weapon and natal aura were used at the same time, and there was a strange existence that was unclear whether it was a "clone" or a "corpse refinement". We should see the outcome next.

At the same time, Luo Yu also noticed three strange-looking treasures floating in front of the old man. Except for the three silver scimitars, which could be seen as unknown ancient artifacts at a glance, the aura fluctuations of the other two objects far exceeded the level of magical artifacts. It's a bit like Luo Yu has heard of it before, but it's the first time he's seen the 'True Treasure'.

Generally, "True Treasures" have some supernatural powers from ancient times, and the lethality may not be very great, but the strangeness is far beyond the imagination of today's monks.

Luo Yu knows very little about the origin of the 'True Treasure'. One thing is for sure, 'True Treasure' is extremely scarce in the entire sea of ​​thunder accumulation. There is almost no possibility of treasure, but Luo Yu has always regarded this uncertain situation as a possibility, and will not underestimate his opponent.

He also used his Qi training strength without any reservations, and the entire left arm was covered with a layer of fine white ice at some point, causing the world's cold air to flow in from all rivers and seas, a wave similar to that of the gray-eyed old man. A mass of crimson flames swept out against each other, and under the invisible confrontation of the hot and cold air above the Xihu Lake where the two were located, a mist rose all over the sky and spread. In a moment, the entire island and reef group was plunged into a white mist.

In Luo Yu's other hand, he tightly grasped a ball of green and white lightning that was jumping indefinitely. The lightning flashing inside the ball was not eye-catching, but what people dare not underestimate is that these thunder arcs that are only as thick as a thumb Suddenly, it was able to send out thunderous sounds that resounded through the sky, as if a real thunder would fall at any time.

Those red-robed monks who were entangled with the swarm of insects, just heard such a fierce thunderclap suddenly, their whole body was trembling with spiritual light, and their faces turned pale with fright.

The same shocked gaze was also behind Luo Yu. In the snow-white cold mist, Qiuyan looked at Luo Yu's hazy back at this moment and her lips were dry. She felt that she hadn't woken up from the scene just now. When I cursed, I didn't feel that I could still live until now.

The soul-refining spell is almost as famous as the spirit power transformation technique, one of the methods of alchemy monks, and even the cultivation method is widely circulated, but very few people succeed in cultivation or dare to practice.

Even his master, Master Wen, faced this choice at the beginning, and finally gave up for the long-term plan. This is because of the two inevitable sequelae of any person who practiced spells. The second is that it is said that it will be extremely difficult for those who practice incantations to break through the bottleneck, and they will even be punished by heaven!

But no matter what, because of the precautions taken in time, the woman was unconscious for a while, and finally she did not die under the protection of the beetle turtle spirit insect and the cold mist, but then the woman found that only she and Luo Yu were left nearby. When a person is already surrounded by heavy siege, luck in his heart directly turns into despair.

What she never expected was that Luo Yu not only dared to fight with the alchemy monk, but also did not fall behind after the initial confrontation. Judging from the tense situation that was about to suffocate, the two of them had not tried their best before. As soon as the hidden method came out, this woman really held her breath. The contradiction between her pair of beautiful eyes was that she didn't dare to look at it, and was afraid of missing any moment!

A dragon chant sounded first from the sky. After all, the gray-eyed old man didn't regard Luo Yu as his real opponent, so he shot first with his confidence boosted.

That strange dragon chant was not groundless, before the sound fell, the huge fireball above the old man's head suddenly trembled, and instantly turned into a fire dragon with teeth and claws, flying into the sky, the sharp claws and fire scales on his abdomen gleamed, and his whole body seemed to be made of molten lava , the red-faced fangs sprayed downwards, and a huge wave of tens of feet long flames covered the face. At the same time, the scorching copper bell dragon eyes of the fire dragon glared at Luo Yu viciously, and then rushed in with a wag of its tail. The sea of ​​flames disappeared.

The fire dragon released by the old man is the illusion of his natal magic weapon that he has nurtured for many years. It is so powerful that it is by no means comparable to any ancient or top-quality magic weapon. Moreover, this treasure is connected with the old man's mind. The whole process of casting the spell is just a thought. The advantage in this realm, the two spells in the hand at the same time are played together, and the treasures in front of the body show extraordinary changes with a burst of aura.

Among them, the emerald green reed directly turned into a bunch of green awns and fell into the sea water below the Xihu Lake, and then disappeared in a very calm manner. Luo Yu's spiritual sense could not catch its trace at all, but only noticed the vegetation in the Xihu Lake His aura skyrocketed in vain, and he looked around, but couldn't find any spirit wood and spirit grass.

The other treasure is the three silver scimitars. After being activated, they just waved in front of the old man in a weird way, and then disappeared like a teleportation. A whistling sound resounded in the middle of the distance from the old man, and dozens of bright and crescent-like light blades appeared in the void, and the cold light danced wildly towards Luo Yu for a moment.

What surprised Luo Yu the most was the bronze short sword. The old man was the last one to be sacrificed after more than ten jerky spells in a row. The light of this sword was not very bright, but it had A huge ape cry came from the inside of the sword body, and at the same time, the dagger split out a [-]-foot-long bronze sword energy in situ, and it seemed to be slowly forming something around the strange roaring sound!

These sword qi were far away, but they also gave Luo Yu a kind of oppression when he was facing the ancient fierce monsters!

"Another magic weapon for forming alchemy!" Luo Yu's heart shuddered secretly, looking at the menacing sword lights and the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from it, he felt that he had underestimated this alchemy cultivator.

Any alchemy cultivator can only sacrifice and cultivate one kind of natal magic weapon, but not only one kind. If you kill other alchemy cultivators or the same, you can get the opponent's natal magic weapon, but because the treasure has been integrated with its owner, outsiders Even if you get it, you can only exert three or four layers of power. For the alchemy cultivator, it is not as cost-effective as melting it into a pile of precious materials, so it is rare to see the alchemy cultivator using two or more natal magic weapons , that would detract from strength.

But there are some special cases too!

Like the sword cultivator who is known for attacking alchemy monks or some late alchemy monks, the natal magic weapon that has been conceived for hundreds of years, even if it can only exert less than half of the power, is stronger than the natal magic weapon of ordinary alchemy monks!

The ancient sword used by the gray-eyed old man is most likely left by a certain alchemy sword cultivator. The power of this sword must be extraordinary.

These rumors that have only been seen in classics are popping up in my mind, the one hundred and eight bronze sword qi gathered together are connected end to end, under the bronze light, a huge unknown demon The skeleton of the beast seemed to be assembled by these sword qis. At this moment, a high-pitched cry came from the ancient bronze sword, and the dagger turned into a fleeting flight of a copper-colored beast soul. Into the sword Qi skeleton.

A strange scene appeared, a layer of copper aura emerged from the entire skeleton, covering each sword aura inch by inch, causing the shape of the sword light without any spirituality to change drastically, turning into pieces of clear and lifelike bronze-like Flesh, feet, head, and arms are displayed delicately in sequence!

In the end, a furry gray ape head emerged from the neck of this headless copper body out of thin air. Although the face was composed of countless scales transformed by tiny sword qi, the beast's facial features were as clear as if it was alive!

The ten-foot giant ape casted by hundreds of sword qi stared at Luo Yu with gloomy and cold eyes, and let out a roar that shook the sky. Its roar and the majesty of the terrifying and evil spirit emanating from its body were actually stronger than the gray-eyed old man himself. What a score!

"Qi Ling!" Qiu Yan couldn't hide the look of horror in his eyes, and suddenly lost his voice and said coquettishly, his hands that were originally clenched due to nervousness, became bright red and bloodshot due to excessive force, but he didn't feel it.

Luo Yu heard this for the first time, and also saw for the first time that only a very small number of alchemy sword cultivators could coincidentally seal such a powerful weapon spirit in the natal magic weapon, and couldn't help but change his face slightly.

Most likely because Luo Yu used several powerful supernatural powers in a row just now, but his cultivation base has not yet reached the alchemy stage. The gray-eyed old man believes that if he does not get rid of it at this time, Luo Yu will be troubled in the future, so the seemingly simple one Take the shot, but come up with real housekeeping skills.

As long as Luo Yu has a little self-knowledge, he definitely doesn't think that he can resist the opponent's thunder attack with his qi training, let alone defeat the gray-eyed old man by luck.

Almost at the same time, the murderous eyes of the gray-eyed old man noticed Luo Yu's shock for the first time. The old man seemed to be waiting for this moment. On the surface of Xihu Lake, in the direction of Luo Yu's feet, there were more than ten huge roads several feet thick. A green light flashed inside the water column, and green reeds as thick as buckets shot up into the sky, dancing wildly in the wind.

But the green reeds did not attack Luo Yu at all, but intertwined with each other in the blink of an eye, and after closing inwards, a green flower bud like a hill was formed above the sea, completely besieging Luo Yu inside.

Everything was completed in the blink of an eye, and no one expected that such a terrible change would occur to that leaf of reed when it met water.

The gray-eyed old man seemed to have seen the scene where Luo Yu was about to die in terror, and a smirk appeared on his face again. No matter whether Luo Yu had other means, the old man's experience was so rich that I don't know how many people carelessly left no room for it Under the series of onslaughts, he soon became angry on the spot!

As soon as the huge flower bud took shape, the fire dragon and magma in the sky aimed at the gap deliberately left by the top of the bud and rushed down. The cold white ice phoenix flapped its wings and flew out!

Although this snow-white phoenix bird is just a phantom of a spirit beast, it is as large as more than ten feet. When one of them appears, the two giant claws made of cold air just lightly slap the green flower bud, and a wave of extreme cold The air instantly spread down along the emerald green flower buds, where the seemingly misty white air passed, the huge branches that had been waving wildly turned into icicles during the dancing, unable to move, and at the same time the cold air spread to the bottom of the reeds The sea surface of the Xihu Lake suddenly changed from high temperature to cold, and the lake surface was covered with a layer of finely crushed white ice in a short time!

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