fairy flame

Chapter 1195 Yuan Sha, Yuan Shen

The old man took out a jade slip from his bosom thoughtfully, put it lightly on his forehead, a sharp light flashed in his half-closed eyes, and then took it down again.

Then the old man lightly twisted his long beard, and a voice without any emotion came out of his mouth.

"Fortunately, Youjun has secretly controlled Yuling Town these years. It is best to leave this matter to 'Left Beard' and 'Blue Scorpion'. For some existences that cannot be provoked, the two of them must be reminded not to act rashly, otherwise you will delay the important affairs of Lord You, and even I will inevitably be implicated." The old man with the black crown made up his mind, and put away the bones of Biyou in front of him, and put his lips together. The sound was transmitted slightly in a certain direction.

Not long after, a bright and charming female figure walked into the garden. When she saw the old man, she immediately called out 'Master' in a tender voice, and knelt on the ground to listen carefully to the old man's explanation.

Two days later, a blue boat shot out from the water below a certain area of ​​the sea. Two figures, a man and a woman, stood side by side on the airship, without any delay. up.

It was Luo Yu and Qiu Yan who flew out from the bottom of the sea. They thought it would take at least three days to completely complete the process of searching the soul of a monk who formed a core, but unexpectedly the memory of the gray-eyed old man was divided into irrelevant parts. Three paragraphs, the middle seems to be missing some of the key memories that put the three paragraphs together.

In fact, they did not find any secrets about the Sky Spider Cult!

According to some ancient books, these memories may be related to the old man's inner demons and have been sealed by himself. However, this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and it can only have some effect in a short period of time, and the process of casting the spell requires great risks. Almost no immortal cultivator will do this Masochistic.

The most likely scenario is the second one. There is another powerful monk whose supernatural power far exceeds that of the gray-eyed old man. With some inconceivable means, he forcibly stripped part of the old man's memory, but this also made Luo Yu shudder the most.

Because if you want to erase part of the memories in the soul of a monk who formed an alchemy without damaging the root of his soul, then this person's achievements in the way of the soul are really terrible, at least the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul level is required.

Whether such a terrifying figure is the top monk of the Sky Spider Cult is unclear, but Luo Yu doesn't want the gray-eyed old man to have something to do with a Nascent Soul monster, and then he will get into endless troubles.

But having said that, Luo Yu was also surprised by the harvest of this soul search. Although the gray-eyed old man has a bad memory, he does not lack the part about the little green sheep.

It turns out that the origin of this beast is really unusual, and it is not even an original creature in the Moya Sea, but a kind of 'alien beast' refined with the forbidden technique of the remote Seven Star Sea and Immortal Cultivation World!

In ancient times, the existence of this kind of half-spirit and half-demon was called "Yuan Sha". Because the refining method required an extremely cruel blood sacrifice process, it was too much to burn the soul, so it was listed as a forbidden technique. After searching the soul, I found out that the evil of this technique is far more terrifying than the rumors from the outside world.

The blood sacrifice is only the first step, and it is only used as a drug inducer. The purpose is to use the blood essence of a large number of human monsters to lure a trace of the "extraterritorial demon" to descend. This is the key to refining.

Luo Yu had only heard of the 'outer-territory demon', a terrifying monster that could rival real gods and gods, only in some ancient prehistoric legends circulated in the world of cultivating immortals. The ability of the spirit, of course, even if the rumors are true, they must be exaggerated, otherwise the human world would have been destroyed in the prehistoric period.

Even Luo Yu was not sure about the existence of extraterrestrial evil spirits. Perhaps what was summoned through the sacrifice was just some kind of evil spirit, but it was because the refined beast possessed unimaginable abilities that ordinary people could not imagine.

However, apart from the vagueness of the "outer-territory evil spirit", there are many other records about the "Yuan evil spirit". After the 'Yuan Sha' has grown up by devouring souls and spirits, it can often eat back its master, and eventually turn into a murderous monster that cannot be controlled by itself!

Such examples happened from time to time in ancient times, but with the decline of the ancient world of cultivating immortals, the inheritance of this aspect was cut off.

According to memory, it is extremely difficult to refine this Yuansha. Even if everything is in place, success depends on God's will. But once such yin and evil demons appear in the world of cultivating immortals, it is inevitable that there will be an explosion. In the bloody catastrophe, Yuansha was listed as a forbidden technique in ancient times because of many painful lessons!

The gray-eyed old man had to hide in Moya Sea because he secretly practiced this forbidden technique from his clan, but the gray-eyed old man's most injustice was the 'Yuan Sha' that took most of his life to refine In a blink of an eye, Luo Yu is cheap, if there is a theory of karma in the world, it will be more effective if it is applied to the old man.

Yuan Sha's ability to change the color of the world of cultivating immortals in this way is indeed terrifying, just because Luo Yu was restrained everywhere in front of this beast that day, you can get a glimpse of it.

In fact, Luo Yu initially thought that it was right for Yuan Sha to have the supernatural power to attack the soul. The mistake was that Luo Yu's understanding of the way of the soul was too superficial.

And this also subverts Luo Yu's previous understanding that as long as one's own divine sense and profound sense are strong, soul attacks are weird and seamless. Clear the mysteries of the way of the soul.

Because before the three souls and seven souls have not transformed into form, and the incarnation of Yuanying can travel around in one furnace, even the souls of monks in the late stage of alchemy still cannot exist independently from the body, just like the old man caught by Luo Yu Like the spirit, it is just a fuzzy mass of crimson essence, unable to look inside the essence of the soul.

However, in that forbidden technique, the three souls in the soul are divided into three types: "principal god", "knowledge god" and "primordial spirit". There is no difference, unlike the spiritual roots that are only available to those with good fortune, but different from ordinary people, immortals can strengthen the three souls through continuous practice.

To put it simply, the god is in charge of the body, controlling every trace of agility in the body, that is, the mysterious sense, but the mysterious sense of mortals is only within the body, and when the body refiner is strong enough to a certain level, the mysterious sense can also manifest On the outside, although the perceived distance is not far, Luo Yu's third-order late stage can only reach about thirty feet away.

Among the three souls, the one that is completely different from the "principal god" is the "knowledge of the gods". The knowledge of the gods is like the divine thoughts in the mind of a cultivator. It can recognize all things and can perceive a distant place outside. For the most immortal cultivators, knowing the god is often the whole soul.

As for the last one, it is also the most mysterious of the three souls, the "primordial spirit", which is born innately and controls people's subconsciousness and instinct. Cultivation continues to grow, but the Yuanshen is only in a chaotic state before the three souls merge into one and become a Yuanying. Only the longer the lifespan and the more people experience, the Yuanshen will change slightly.

In layman's terms, the primordial spirit is spiritual wisdom. When any creature enters the mature period, its spiritual wisdom and instincts will not change much during the long period of growth. Therefore, even if a cultivator has practiced some great skills, his supernatural powers will be boundless. , but spiritual wisdom will never make a big leap forward.

And Yuan Sha's talent is precisely aimed at the illusory "Primitive Spirit", defeating the weakest "Primitive Spirit" among the three souls, no matter how powerful your other main god and consciousness are, you still cannot survive in the world.

It was only then that Luo Yu suddenly realized, and finally understood the strange feeling after being hit by Yuan Sha, no matter how he defended, he was still restrained repeatedly.

Yuanshen is instinct, and what is instinct, isn't it just the innate emotions and desires!

Even a person with a high cultivation level cannot completely cut off the seven emotions and six desires. On the contrary, as the realm rises, the seven emotions and six desires will become more obvious. The mysterious green light that Yuan Sha casts is a very strong power of seven emotions and six desires, which is impossible to guard against.

Besides, monks can either train their energy to increase their spiritual sense, or train their bodies to strengthen their senses. There are very few left like Luo Yu who practice both, but these have nothing to do with Yuanshen. Suffering.

But this does not mean that Yuan Sha is invincible in the world and can conquer all creatures.

Although the three souls seem to have different divisions of labor, they are closely connected after all, and have the same soul power. Any attack on the attacking primordial spirit will cause subconsciousness, and the primordial spirit will mobilize the soul power in the divine sense and profound sense to assist, so Yuansha Its strength is not in dealing with 'human beings'.

Generally speaking, the human race belongs to the category of all creatures that are born with higher spiritual intelligence. When the primordial spirit encounters danger, it can quickly and absorb the most soul power for defense. When God is in trouble, the instinctive reaction is extremely slow, and the soul power mobilized is pitifully rare. Only when the eighth-level monster is transformed into a human form, the spiritual intelligence will advance by leaps and bounds and become no less than that of the human race.

Not to mention the sea beasts, they basically have no intelligence, almost no subconsciousness when encountering the danger of the primordial spirit, and they will not spontaneously use the soul power to protect them, so the most restrained thing Yuansha really restrains is the sea beasts. .

Although Luo Yu only discovered these from the gray-eyed old man's memory, and he had never seen them himself, judging from the large amount of sea beast materials in the old man's storage bag, this statement should be inseparable.

Hehe, if this is the case, then when hunting sea beasts in the future, I will have a terrifying helper by my side!

With Yuan Sha's unexpected surprise, the other treasures on this alchemy cultivator, even those two powerful natal magic weapons, could not make him too excited in Luo Yu's eyes.

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