fairy flame

Chapter 1198 Zhanxuan Palace

During the more than half a month when Luo Yu flew from Xihu Lake to Yuling Town, he was not idle except for controlling the sun boat. According to his own situation, he had already made a large list, and he was going to be in Yuling Town as soon as possible. Ling Town did some shopping.

And right now this street is one of the best in the entire Yuling Town, why would Luo Yu not want to take a stroll, if he can discover one or two useful town treasures, that would be even better.

It's not that Luo Yu is bragging. With his current wealth, if he casually reveals a little bit, no matter which shop or firm he walks into, he will immediately be regarded as a guest of honor.

Anyway, I will stay in Yuling Town for a while, Luo Yu is actually not in a hurry, planning to visit a few more before making a move, after all, this time Luo Yu has to prepare for the advancement of himself and Xuesha, which will help to break through Treasures in the realm of alchemy must be expensive, and there are even rumors that such treasures are under the monopoly of the Huayi Sect, and sometimes they may not be available no matter how rich they are.

Although Luo Yu killed two alchemy cultivators in Mengzhou, plus the old alchemist of the Tianzhu Sect, all the belongings of the three alchemy cultivators were considered extremely rich, but the spirit stones alone might not be enough. Gather all the things you need, maybe you have to use the old method, first buy some elixir that has been around for hundreds of years, refine it with mysterious flames, and then sell it at a sky-high price. This is a good idea not to lose money.

More importantly, with Luo Yu's current strength, he doesn't have to worry about being targeted by taking out too many elixir from previous years at once, as he did in the past. .

While pondering over and over in my heart, while realizing the difference between myself today and the past, various thoughts flicker and interweave in my mind involuntarily.

'Yuxingzhai', 'Phoenix Hall', 'Haiyan Tower', 'Qiyuan Pavilion', after a random tour, Luo Yu walked in and took a look at these shops at will, and the interior space of each shop It's as big as a square with all kinds of things.

Rows of counters criss-crossed in front of them, surrounded by many monks and pretty female shop assistants, and there were all kinds of treasures in the cabinets. A kind of business that only does one type of business.

Several shops in a row are like this, conducting various transactions like a large chamber of commerce. In terms of scale, it is really not comparable to the Fangshi in the Xiuxian world of Mengzhou, not to mention that this is just a small town in the border of Moya, which is really not as good as the rumors What kind of grand scene will Xiuxian Haicheng, where more than ten thousand monks gather in the middle, be like.

In this way, it saved Luo Yu a lot of effort, because no matter what kind of treasure he needed, he didn't need to look for it separately, just look for the most popular shops on this street.

It took a full hour, Luo Yu walked all the way to the end of the street with the mentality of just looking at it and not looking into it. After counting, he went into more than ten shops unconsciously. When he came out of the last one, he suddenly found the blue stone in front of him. The main street turned into an alley built into the canyon.

Luo Yu glanced back at the bustling street behind him. He only looked at these shops on the first floor. These places for ordinary monks to trade, of course, there is nothing that can make Luo Yu's heart move, but there are things that can make him feel fresh. A lot of.

But such a hasty glance, I really feel unsatisfied, but count the time, if you don't find a restaurant and inn to stay, you will have no place to go at night.

So Luo Yu silently wrote down the names of some of the shops that impressed him in his mind, and walked into the deep alleys of the canyon.

Compared with the bustling and bustling street before, the further you go deep into the canyon, the more noisy the atmosphere becomes. Under the cover of the towering cliffs, not only is the light dim, but you can only find it after a distance of more than ten feet in the open space. A quiet shop.

Halfway to the alley in the canyon, Luo Yu glanced around, only to find that there were no more than ten vague figures in the front and back of the narrow and quiet alley, which was too stark in contrast to the adjacent long street.

Luo Yu heard from Qiuyan that there are small shops in the depths of the mountains that do single business. The business is not big, but they all have some secret special skills. Otherwise, it is impossible to pay the amazing rent. Some of these small shops are good at certain things Some of them are proficient in the way of drawing talismans, and some specialize in studying formations. In short, they can occupy a place in the cracks of a large number of top commercial shops, and they should not be underestimated.

However, such shops often regard their unique skills as their lives, for fear that rumors will spoil the name of the family, and when strangers like Luo Yu enter the shop, they are not as enthusiastic as those big shops, and even cautious beware.

These shops are usually acquaintance business, if the strange monk is accompanied by acquaintances, the possibility of gaining trust will be greater.

Right now, Luo Yu will not search like a headless chicken. After walking out of the canyon quickly, he searched for the sound of clear springs and flowing water from a distance, and finally found those restaurants and teahouses built in beautiful places. Walking in and listening, the sound of the waves of the waterfall and torrent rushed into the ears, and the sound of the water flowed into the distance.

The moonlight was cold, and a burst of sparkling starlight flew up to the sky. Luo Yu slightly raised his head and looked ahead, only to see a stream of water from the gorgeous silver waterfall flowing down from the thick fog halfway up the mountain, making continuous rumbling sounds. The inns and pavilions on both sides of the mountain stream are arranged in random order along the small river formed by the flowing water according to the way of the flowing water, reflecting the strange scenery in the water light, which is really special.

I'm afraid that the monks who come here can't help but stay for a few more days when they see such a poetic and picturesque beauty. Luo Yu was secretly analyzing in his heart, when suddenly a burst of refreshing bamboo village came to his nostrils, and soon drifted away with the wind , Luo Yu couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard the smell.

"Purple Cold Spirit Bamboo! I didn't expect to smell the scent of that year here." The bamboo fragrance came from a pavilion opposite Luo Yu, and a few slender bamboo shadows could be vaguely heard The sound of swaying with the wind.

But Luo Yu stood there for a long time, and a trace of emotion surged in his heart!

The Purple Cold Bamboo Forest is not a precious spiritual bamboo, but it just so happens that there is such a bamboo forest in the Cuixia Sect. It just so happened that Luo Yu first discovered the heaven-defying effect of the mysterious flame in that bamboo forest. The misunderstanding and acquaintance with Ling'er, and then from the heart of a child to the blooming of a thread of love is also in that bamboo forest!

Isn't it God's will to meet old bamboo in a foreign land?

Luo Yu's expressions were complex and changing, and finally he smiled freely, and walked leisurely into this inn named 'Ming Qin Zhu Xuan'.

Inside the courtyard wall, an elegant three-story pavilion is surrounded by lush bamboo forests, which is very quiet. After crossing a wooden bridge, Luo Yu was greeted by a smiling waiter, and asked for a secluded practice room. room.

Except for the clean and tidy room, Luo Yu was unmoved by everything that the courteous waiter was selling like a river, making the shopkeeper think that he had met another poor monk who was so shabby that he could only pay the rent.

But right away, Luo Yu took out more than a dozen middle-grade spirit stones to the secretly dejected waiter Xiao Er, who couldn't move anymore. It was really wrong, Xiao Er seemed excited even with his eyes shining slightly.

Luo Yu paid off nearly half a month's rent from tonight until the day of the alchemy ceremony. Of course, besides the rent, there are still a few more spirit stones in this sum. Luo Yu also didn't care, just asked I asked the waiter a few questions, most of which were about the detailed inside information of those shops and firms.

This made the waiter in front of him dumbfounded. For newcomers, it may be difficult to answer Luo Yu's questions, but he is a local who grew up in Yuling Town, so he doesn't even need to use his brain to answer these questions. Just blurt out the answer.

The clerk immediately had a flattering look on his face. Apart from answering the well-known things truthfully, he also told Luo Yu some secrets that few people knew. Serving Luo Yu was like his biological parents. Who told Luo Yu to be so rich? A shot is a question, a reward of a middle-grade spirit stone.

Finally, when Luo Yu, the "VIP" in the eyes of the waiter in the shop, walked into the room, the latter carefully counted the spirit stones in his hand, and then pinched the person, so he was definitely not dreaming.

And when the clerk left reluctantly, the words left by Luo Yu echoed in his ears. If he could get news that satisfied Luo Yu from him in the future, he would reward him like this, and then the clerk The waiter couldn't help but wonder whether Luo Yu should collect more secrets about the shop when he came back from the outside during Luo Yu's stay at the inn, so that he would be able to get a lot of spirit stones at his fingertips.

Luo Yu, who returned to the house, naturally knew what the waiter was thinking, but he felt that it was a good deal for him to buy a lot of needed news with just a few spirit stones. Luo Yu asked about some taboos and doubts. According to the description of the waiter just now, Luo Yu has already determined in his mind which shop he should go to tomorrow.

After using a few simple restrictions to seal off the room, Luo Yu took out a futon and put it on the ground, and then sat cross-legged on it to recharge his energy. Although some sound-proof restrictions were placed in these places for cultivators to stay temporarily, Luo Yu's Yu is used to being more cautious before he can really feel at ease.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu felt the mental exhaustion of the past few months, and all of them surged up at once.


When Luo Yu woke up from the meditation, there were a few rays of morning light in the room. Luo Yu slightly trimmed his travel-stained attire, and put on a light yellow dress, and his whole person looked a little less vicissitudes immediately Melancholy, he walked towards the outside of the inn while the waiter kept waiting.

The inn seemed a bit busy early in the morning. In the living room on the first floor, there were many monks drinking their morning tea with full faces. When Luo Yu's spiritual thoughts calmly swept over the cultivation of these people, he suddenly understood.

Although immortal cultivators can reach the bigu state during the Qi training period and no longer eat human fireworks, but for some monks who have just advanced to the Qi training period, the craving for delicacies in the world cannot be cut off immediately.

And these people are indeed very ordinary monks at the beginning level of Qi training. When they saw Luo Yu appearing from the inner hall, many people subconsciously swept away their spiritual senses, and after discovering the unfathomable aura on Luo Yu's body, they just When I met a certain Foundation Establishment cultivator, I didn't dare to take another look.

Luo Yu didn't care to put on a prestige in front of these qi training juniors, so he came outside the courtyard with a blank face, and then turned directly into the alleys of the canyon, not at all interested in admiring the pleasant scenery here during the day.

After passing through the canyon, Luo Yu, who had restrained his breath, looked very ordinary among the bustling crowd. This was the first time since he broke through to the late third-order state, he appeared in a small town with all kinds of overseas immortal cultivators. There is a strange feeling of being above everyone else, because no matter whether these people are simply too lazy to look at Luo Yu's ordinary face, or they don't care because of their high cultivation, they will never think that what is passing by is a A Yuan teacher in the late third stage!

Isn't this a bit of the pleasure of being ignorant and only awake!

Maybe in Mengzhou before, I was just an insignificant existence in the eyes of a certain hermit who passed by, but now unless there is a great power in the Nascent Soul Stage beside me, looking at the vast crowd, there is no one there anymore. above my head.

Luo Yu realized that he was a little impetuous, after all, his cultivation base was too fast, so it was inevitable that his mood would fluctuate.

Facing the bustling long street full of traffic, Luo Yu took a deep breath, and after calming down like water, he went straight to a business with three big characters "Zhanxuan Temple" hanging on it.

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