fairy flame

Chapter 1203 Mysterious Yin Spirit Spring

Trying to think for the best in his heart, Luo Yu didn't intend to go shopping anymore, he glanced at the shops beside him for a few times, and then hurried back to the road without paying attention.

As for the large number of elixirs and pills that Luo Yu needs for long-term planning, there is no rush. At this moment, both elixirs and pills have to be used seriously by Luo Yu for a period of time. The decision is more certain, and it is still a little bit reluctant for him to fully adapt to the new environment.

However, Luo Yu believes that with his innate memory and ability to selectively absorb what he wants to know, this period of adaptation will not exceed half a month at most.

On the way back, when passing Zhanxuan Hall, Luo Yu glanced casually, and soon disappeared in the crowd of all kinds.

It's not that Luo Yu didn't think that the high-level monks in Zhanxuan Palace would track down his identity, but after the transaction, the other party can only judge one or two based on the list, but the things on the list are all prepared for the blood demon, so it is fundamental to check Nothing to check.

As for the secret of the stone box, even though Luo Yu is only a beginner in business, he also knows that the contents of the jade slips are of great value. It's just that Luo Yu doesn't have the time to get involved in the vortex of intrigue, so he is not interested. Big, but to say that Luo Yu didn't hide anything, of course not.

Among the countless secrets in the stone box, there is a piece of news about the 'Xuanyin Lingquan'. After Luo Yu saw it, he did not say it after some consideration. At that time, Luo Yu also hesitated for a long time, and the analysis was very thorough. Only then can I take the risk.

Although the risk is a bit high, it turns out that Luo Yu got another windfall.

In fact, there is not much news about the Xuanyin Lingquan in the stone box. It seems that not long after being discovered by the Yanyue Merchant Alliance, and before they had time to send people to guard it, the Yanyue Merchant Alliance was wiped out by other forces in the blue sea.

Therefore, before the incident, the monks of the Yanyue Business League simply sealed the Xuanyin Lingquan with a ban, and then suddenly withdrew and never went back.

For the blood fiend who is about to break through, the mysterious Yin spring is no less than a high-grade earth yin spirit vein, which is enough for the blood fiend to have enough mana to support him until the end, and at least increases the probability of surviving the tribulation by about [-]%. What's even more coincidental is that Luo Yu's "Xuanmei Array Code" mentioned a kind of Xuanyin Fengling Array, which was specially created for the Xuanyin Lingquan, which can add another three points to the efficacy of this Lingquan.

The most important thing is that this Xuanyin Lingquan is not in the Zhanlan Sea. According to the information Luo Yu saw, this Lingquan is actually located at the bottom of an island mountain range more than [-] miles away from Yuling Island, at a depth of hundreds of feet below the sea surface. , so even after so many years, it is difficult for other monks to find out.

At the beginning, in order to block the news, the members of the Yanyue Business League did not tell too many people about the Yinquan. They only sent a few formation masters to set up a teleportation array in the cave where the Xuanyin Lingquan was discovered. Even the island The immortal cultivators above were not alarmed either. These people had no idea that there was a mysterious Yin spring hidden under their cave.

And a few days before the Yanyue Merchant League suffered annihilation, these expatriate monks were urgently recalled to Zhanlan Sea Frontier. Judging from the information Luo Yu received, those expatriate monks left too hastily, only for Xuanyin Lingquan. A simple seal was carried out, and even the teleportation array was not destroyed.

Luo Yu asked himself that his understanding of the short-distance teleportation array had reached the point where he could not make mistakes with his eyes closed. As long as the people who left at the beginning did not completely destroy the teleportation array, no matter how little they moved, they would not be able to hide from his eyesight. .

After half a stick of incense, as soon as he returned to the inn, Luo Yu closed the door tightly and rearranged several shielding formations in the room to completely isolate the room from the outside world.

Immediately, Luo Yu patted the storage bag, and a cloud of blood-red light exuding a fragrant fragrance rolled out, stopped in mid-air and suspended stably, and the half-foot-sized blood light on the outside of the treasure faded away, revealing a three-eared blood tripod inside. container.

Luo Yu stared at this spiritual product alchemy furnace. Although he hadn't used this cauldron for a long time, he still had a different kind of kindness when he saw the blood-eyed cauldron at this moment.

While his thoughts were turning, Luo Yu picked up the storage bag he had just obtained at his waist, and raised his arm, the small bag turned into a gray light and flew out of his hand, and appeared on the mouth of the Blood Eye Cauldron again. Yu Dao couldn't tell the difference between the elixir or the material, and all kinds of shiny items poured out, making people dazzled.

Luo Yu lightly flicked the blood cauldron with one finger, and there was a clear buzzing sound. The lid of the tripod was lifted by a cloud of blood rushing out, and fell to the side, and those colorful materials were rolled back and forth by the blood cloud, They all folded and floated above the blood cauldron.

Seeing this situation, after confirming that there were a lot of materials, Luo Yu's eyes flashed with a golden glow, and as he cast spells with his hands, a piece of obscure golden light tricks hit the cauldron wall in front of him one after another, causing the blood to glow. Circles of strange golden patterns appeared on the lingering tripod body from time to time, and the blood tripod trembled lightly, and the temperature in the room suddenly rose.

Looking inside from the mouth of the tripod at this moment, one will be surprised to find that a cloud of golden and blood-colored thick fog has gathered in the tripod at some point, and is gradually solidifying into something like molten molten liquid, flowing endlessly.

But this process didn't last long, and the blood cauldron suddenly let out a long cry that was more pleasant than before, and three golden and slender filaments shot out from the cauldron at once, precisely entwining the three items wrapped by the blood glow above, 'Zi La' pull it down, and the three materials quickly fell into the mouth of the tripod.

At this time, Luo Yu's finger shook slightly, and a ball of egg-sized real fire of Samadhi wrapped around his finger. At the same time, Luo Yu watched the movement inside the tripod. After a while, when there was no more sound, Luo Yu took a mouthful of white mist, and a mysterious flame like a flower in the mist spewed out. This secret fire skillfully inhaled the real fire of Samadhi, and turned it into a three-color flame together, He flew into the tripod lightly by himself.

Luo Yu's control of the mysterious flame is naturally very familiar. With a flick of the sleeve robe from the ground, the cauldron cover was swept up by a gust of spiritual wind, and it sealed the cauldron's mouth tightly. He closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged, but his hands were still pouring spiritual power into the bloody little cauldron.

For most of the day after that, Luo Yu continued to add various materials to the cauldron, continuously refining clusters of colorful finished spirit materials and various fragrant juices, and some of these things nodded under Luo Yu's divine sense. They were put into small boxes one by one, and some were discarded in dissatisfaction.

The refining process lasted until evening, and the forbidden brilliance in the house was removed.

At this time, Luo Yu opened his eyes, his face was slightly exhausted, but his eyes were piercing, and he was playing with the three dark blue flags in his hand.

It's been a long time since I refined the formation flag. It is indeed not an easy task to refine the middle-level formation 'Xuanyin Sealing Spirit Formation' in just one day, but this formation is related to Luo Yu's soon-to-use The Xuanyin Lingquan, of course, cannot be delayed at all, no matter how much it costs, the refining must be completed as soon as possible.

Although several materials were wasted during this period, relying on Luo Yu's mastery of various formations in "Xuanmei Formation Code" in his early years, refining this formation is only a matter of mastery of the process.

The formation was completed, Luo Yu rested in the inn for a while, tried the power of the formation initially, and it looked almost as expected, and he was quite satisfied.

Afterwards, he carefully recalled the part about how to gather the power of Xuanyin in the formation, and after confirming that there was no problem, Luo Yu came out of the inn.

In the second half of the night, there were very few monks on Yuling Island, and Luo Yu would not be noticed when he went out at night. He arrived near the ring lake in a leisurely manner, and took a small boat to pass through the layers of restricted areas on the lake. After that, Luo Yu directly set up the Dunguang and flew towards the many affiliated islands outside Yuling Town.

Qinghong swept across the high city wall on the island, and flew for more than forty miles before stopping at a seemingly ordinary sea.

This place is a little far away from Yuling Town. In the unfolded spiritual sense, there are no other monks in a radius of ten miles, and there is no sign of being followed along the way. It seems that 'Zhanxuan Palace' has self-knowledge and really did not send anyone to follow. he.

Luo Yu gathered his energy and took a little look at his feet. There were some wind and waves on the sea, but it looked normal, but Luo Yu didn't hesitate, a dazzling golden glow emerged from his body, and he rushed into the sea quickly, wrapping himself.

Although Luo Yu just glanced at it in a hurry during the day, based on his precise memory of the map, he believes that there will not be much difference between the destination and the sinking place at this moment, and there are usually many monks passing by near here, and it has been very easy. Safe, don't worry about the threat of sea beasts under the sea.

The bottom of the sea is hundreds of feet deep, and it is dark and dull. Above the huge seabed where not a single inch of algae grows, Luo Yu appears there with a golden glow all over his body.

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