fairy flame

Chapter 1202 Yanyue Treasure

After the young and yellow middle-aged monk took the order, he quickly retreated without saying a word, and Luo Yu felt relieved when he saw the shopkeeper's careful appearance. The longer the other party watched, the more it meant that he didn't know much about the contents. It is even more difficult to be discovered after moving those hands and feet.

After an incense stick, the green and yellow middle-aged man came in with several bulging storage bags in his hands. Seeing that the shopkeeper had not withdrawn from the jade slip due to his divine sense, he stood beside him honestly and did not dare to disturb him at all.

And when shopkeeper Yin woke up with a long sigh of relief, half an hour had passed.

But after the white-robed Taoist nun opened her eyes, a pair of sharp gazes shot at Luo Yu's calm face immediately, and after turning around to find nothing unusual on Luo Yu's calm face, the shopkeeper suddenly smiled.

"Your Excellency really impresses me. The content in the jade slip is very detailed. It is indeed what our shop needs. I thank you here."

"Hey, thank you for taking what you need, because fellow daoists don't have to be so polite, here are spirit stones for buying other treasures, fellow daoists, check the amount." Luo Yu handed over a storage bag that had been prepared, Said flatteringly.

I took the storage bag full of spirit stones, because the shopkeeper just got up after a little induction. As a businessman, no matter how many spirit stones are in his hand, he will have a bottom line.

"If there is no problem with the spirit stone, Luo will not keep any more in your store. I am very satisfied with the harvest this time. If there are other businesses in the future, I will definitely choose this place." Luo Yu stood up, without any intention of staying for long, and clasped his fists said goodbye.

Today's luck is really good, I actually bought the hopeless 'Blood Qionghua', and the remaining 'Fengxia Soul Formation' Luo Yu naturally wanted to try his luck elsewhere.

"If fellow Taoists come again, I will definitely sweep the couch to welcome you." For the shopkeeper Yin, he also gained a lot this time, and he was naturally extremely enthusiastic.

When Luo Yu left the hall, she was personally delivered to the downstairs by this woman. Such a grand treatment immediately caused many monks to be suspicious of Luo Yu, but Luo Yu had a calm expression on his face, turning a blind eye to everyone's eyes, and swaggered Walked out of Zhanxuan Hall.

Not long after Luo Yu left the hall, the shopkeeper Yin returned to the elegant room on the third floor, and took out the jade slip copied by Luo Yu, but just looked at it and then meditated on the jade slip.

At this time, because the wall on the side of the shopkeeper suddenly emitted a light that was swaying like forbidden water waves, and after a faint blue and white glow flashed wildly, an old man in a green robe with eagle eyes walked out of the illusory light wall.

"Old Qing!" Seeing this old man appear, the shopkeeper knelt down in shock and shouted, his respectful attitude did not dare to show any slight of neglect.

"Well, I can't blame you for what happened just now. The boy surnamed Luo must have concealed his cultivation. Even the old man can't see through his strength. Naturally, you can't parry it. If you didn't find any problems after reading the jade slips, the old man I'm planning to meet this person personally, but it seems that this kid doesn't know the origin of the stone box. The old man showed up suddenly. Afterwards, this person may go around to inquire about the stone box, which will attract the attention of other forces It will only be self-defeating, well, get up first and show me the jade slip." The old man in the green robe said calmly.

Because the shopkeeper hastily handed over the jade slip, he stood aside respectfully.

After the old Taoist picked up the jade slip, he pressed it on his forehead calmly. After less than a stick of incense, his divine sense withdrew, and his face remained unchanged.

"What do you think of this jade slip?" The old man asked with a pensive look on his face after putting the jade slip into his sleeve.

"It should be credible. Although there is a lot of information in the Jade Slip, it clearly states the several routes of the Yanyue Merchant Alliance's secret transactions with the Jing people. There are even some details of the treasures traded in the past. Any one of them is enough to make the people here Other shops are vying for the scalp. Although the Yanyue Merchant Alliance did not exist 200 years ago, as long as we put more effort into it, it is not difficult to find Jing people who are willing to cooperate, which will have immediate benefits for our business, let alone jade The Jane mentioned the exact location of the 'Yanpeng Sea Beast' truthfully, but whether there are other concealments, unless we can decipher the stone box, the younger generation should not jump to conclusions." Taoist nun seemed to have made some analysis in her heart, and said in a pleasant manner .

"Actually, even if that person still has something to hide, it doesn't matter. After all, we heard that there are many secrets of the Yanyue Merchant Alliance and the location of the Yanpeng Sea Beast hidden in the stone box, so we tried our best to get this box. As far as the master is concerned, those contact lines with the Jing clan are only useful to the sect. What the master really wants is the treasure of the skills left by the 'Pilei Daoist'. Hehe, the battle 200 years ago, Mo Yahai The lord of the city went out in person to injure Master Pi Lei, but it was us Zhanlan Haijiang cultivator who really killed him, but this Master Pi Lei was extremely cunning, and he didn't carry any treasure on him before he died, so 'Ci Lei' Rumors of the Thunder Treasure Treasure' have been circulating in Moya Sea and Zhanlan Sea for hundreds of years, but no one has found it." The old Taoist in Qingpao sighed somewhat regretfully.

"Later, many Nascent Soul monks checked and found out that the master of the Yanyue Merchant Alliance in Zhanlan Haijiang, the one-armed Shi Ni, was actually a direct descendant of Daoist Pi Lei. The possession was handed over to the One-armed Stone Ni, which caused the Yanyue Merchant Alliance to be bloodbathed overnight. However, it was said that the Yanyue Merchant Alliance left behind three stone boxes. After the secrets of two of the stone boxes were revealed, someone did get it There are a lot of treasures, but there is no news about the treasure left by Daoist Lei. The owner only found out that the treasure was hidden in the body of the "Yan Peng Sea Beast" after searching the soul of the one-armed nun, but the one-armed nun is too stubborn. , the master found out here, and this person blew his own soul, and the sea area inhabited by Yanpeng sea beasts has become an unsolvable mystery!"

"Although we now know the general location of the Yanpeng sea beast, it is not an easy task to catch this beast. When this beast was under the command of the one-armed god nun, it has already survived the triple calamity, and its strength is comparable to that of a knot. Compared with monks in the later period of Dan, let alone dealing with this beast at sea, even if the master personally takes action, he may not be completely sure. What's more, Yanpeng sea beasts have the habit of sleeping under the sea, and they usually only surface once in a few years. You just need to deploy some people in the nearby waters to monitor the movement as soon as possible, and make a decision after the master leaves the customs." The eagle-eyed old man calmly ordered.

"Yes! The junior needs to send someone to follow up..." Because it was the first time for the shopkeeper to hear so many important secrets, he was excited to be picked up after his meritorious deeds, but at the same time he felt nervous. The old man was not afraid that she would know The big secret in the stone box, naturally I am not afraid that I will tell it, and I can understand the reminders and warnings secretly.

Because of this, the woman couldn't help thinking that if the secret was leaked out of Luo Yu's mouth, it would be wrong to blame herself, so she said it pointedly.

"There's no need to follow. This person is very likely to be a third-order Yuanling. The person you send will only scare the snake. Besides, there are countless contents in the jade slip. With the treasure hidden in the belly of this beast, we will not risk our lives to attack this beast. As for the contact lines of the elite clansmen, we only need to visit them as soon as possible. The family rules of the single transaction of the Jing people, these people will only return without success in the end, but just in case, you can give the old man a list of other things that this person just bought, and see if you can use the things in it to deduce this. people's history."


When the Qingpao old man was discussing secretly with the shopkeeper Yin, Luo Yu walked out from another shop in the adjacent street with some disappointment.

This is already the third shop after Zhanxuan Palace. In terms of prestige, the three shops are quite famous on this street, but when it comes to the 'Fengxia Soul Armor Formation', they all keep secret.

Not only that, no one is willing to sell any elixir secret technique that can help monks form alchemy.

It seems that the leading sect here, "Huayimen", has already monopolized the business in this area, and intends to control any newly added alchemy monks or soon-to-be alchemy foundation cultivators, so as to ensure their unshakable status.

For this, Luo Yu was really speechless. As far as he was concerned, he had high-grade spirit stones and golden elixirs, and Yi Xiangjue's strangely powerful divine sense after cultivation, in fact, it was already the limit of external assisted elixirs. Although there are some secret magic pills in the fairy world, they are just icing on the cake for Luo Yu, and the increased probability of receiving orders is very small.

But the blood evil is just the opposite. The ghost robbery of this kind of top-level demon corpse is no small matter. The Xuanyin Sealing Spirit Formation is an indispensable part. It's important, so Luo Yu is bound to win against Feng Xia's soul armor, there is really no other way but to go to the Huayi Gate.

I believe that with his favor of helping Huayi Sect disciples, there is still some hope that he can buy Feng Xia Soul Armor Formation.

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