fairy flame

Chapter 1201

During this period, Luo Yu looked as usual, even though the shopkeeper stared at Luo Yu without blinking, he couldn't tell whether Luo Yu knew the content of the Yuan Jing. After thinking hard, she was ashamed to withdraw from the transaction. Luo Yu's performance was obviously different from the previous ones, which made the woman a little surprised and uncertain.

After a while, Luo Yu spent about the same time inspecting the other two Yuanjing. When the three Yuanjings were all put back into the box, Luo Yu directly picked up a piece of jade that had been prepared on the table with no expression on his face. Jane, before the shopkeeper opened his mouth to ask any more questions, he slapped it on his forehead.

Seeing this, the Taoist nun in white robe just frowned, she didn't show much joy on her face, but she didn't mean to interrupt Luo Yu either.

After a full burn of incense, Luo Yu opened his eyes, took down the jade slip and placed it in front of shopkeeper Yin, and said with a slight smile: "It's great to be able to carve secret means of restraint on ordinary crystals." It seems to be the innate ability of the Jing people, it is difficult for the human race to learn, and very few people will spend their time on it, no wonder ordinary Yuan masters can't do it."

Although Luo Yu was talking about Yuan Jing verbally, he felt an urge to laugh but couldn't express it in his heart. When he took Yuan Jing away just now, he touched the stone box a few times without showing any signs. Faintly knew what kind of tricks this storekeeper was playing.

What the shopkeeper Yin never expected was that Luo Yu Yuanling's late stage cultivation was enough to grasp what the shopkeeper Yin really wanted to know in an instant. During the copying of the jade slip just now, Luo Yu deliberately delayed for a while, not only sorting out the superficial secrets and hidden secrets, a strategy that can not only get the blood viburnum flower, but also have unexpected gains surfaced in his mind.

Now Luo Yu is thinking about how to open his mouth so that he can appear more seamless.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist is really an expert. The seal on the Yuanjing is indeed an elite clan who understands the restriction, and it is an extremely rare metal restriction. In fact, the method to unlock the restriction can still be found in this shop. It’s too hard to find a body refiner with the original force.” Because the shopkeeper couldn’t hide his surprise when he heard the words, but he could still maintain a calm smile, he was very experienced and didn’t ask any more questions about the attributes of Luo Yu’s original force. Jane held it in her hand, and her divine sense quietly probed away.

Luo Yu's expression remained the same when he heard the words, and he leaned back and waited calmly.

When the breath of the person beside him suddenly tightened, Luo Yu turned his gaze again with a slight sense.

"What's going on here! The jade slips only describe half of the secrets in each piece of Yuanjing. Fellow Daoists do this on purpose, can't you trust our shop?" Because the shopkeeper only read it for a while, his face was very dissatisfied , fixed his eyes on Luo Yu and said angrily.

"Of course I don't believe it. Just like a fellow Taoist who knows the secret of Yuanjing but still intends to test Luo, because the shopkeeper has some confidence in his subordinates, even if the secret in Yuanjing is really what your store needs. Before seeing the shadow of Xue Qionghua, it is unreasonable to say that half should be kept." Luo Yu looked calm, and laughed softly.

At the same time, Luo Yu saw that the shopkeeper's face was not really angry after hearing what he said, but the light in his eyes gradually calmed down, obviously what he said was exactly right.

But after trying this way, it seemed too passive. Luo Yu didn't want to really arouse this woman's suspicion, so he decided to accept it when he saw it, and planned to take the initiative.

"It's better for us to stop playing tricks. The three yuan crystals are just a cover-up. What your store really can't figure out is the secret of the stone box." Luo Yu raised a finger and tapped it lightly on the table, with a calm expression. The voice is undeniable.

"What! You already know the secret hidden in the stone box!" The nun was stunned for a moment, then her face changed suddenly, and she looked at Luo Yu in disbelief.

This woman has been paying attention to Luo Yu's every move, but she has not noticed that Luo Yu has touched the stone box, if anything, it was the momentary touch when he took away the Yuanjing.

But if Luo Yu knew the secret of the stone box just by touching it, or didn't need to touch it at all, wouldn't it seem that she is too useless as the shopkeeper.

The most important thing is that once Luo Yu really knows the secret in the stone box, she will fall into a great passive position. Even if she can exchange the blood Qionghua, she still has to ensure that Luo Yu can keep her mouth shut.

"It can only be said that it is very unfortunate. I have encountered this method of using the crystal restraint on the sea beast's skeleton before, but if it is not a metal restraint, Luo will be helpless about it. In addition, fellow daoists can Don’t be so excited, since you have spent a lot of effort to obtain the secrets in the stone box, you must know more or less what the things recorded in it are about, but these secrets are useless to me, aren’t they?” Luo Yu thought to himself that there was indeed a joke, But he still said lightly on his face that he no longer concealed that he already knew the secrets in the stone box.

When Luo Yu finished the last sentence, he finally couldn't restrain the hidden changes in the shopkeeper's heart, his face was full of uncertainty, and he seemed a little caught off guard, and he wouldn't answer anything before he had a clue.

"I didn't expect this concubine to look away today. Fellow daoist is definitely not an ordinary body refiner. The matter has come to this point. Apart from fulfilling the agreement, what can I do with fellow daoist, but I hope fellow daoist understands that the person in the stone box Since the secret is an exchange between you and me, it must never be passed on to the third person's ears, otherwise..."

In the middle of the shopkeeper's speech, the originally polite demeanor disappeared, and there was no doubt that there was a hint of threat in his mouth.

Faced with such unexpected situations, the always shrewd nun really confused her mind. She couldn't use many of her usual tricks, and Luo Yu didn't dare to have other thoughts only by being tougher.

While the woman was speaking, she beckoned and took out a talisman from her bosom. With a light shake, a ball of real fire shot out from her fingertips, instantly enveloping the talisman and burning it to ashes.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid there are still many places to deal with your store in the future, so naturally I won't do such unwise things." Luo Yu's face was indifferent, as if he was not worried that Zhan Xuandian would really trouble him , in fact, at this moment, Luo Yu already found out what he wanted to know from the other party's words, so the threat of chaos caused by the shopkeeper seemed normal to him.

Afterwards, Luo Yu stopped talking, and waited quietly for the other party to fetch the Blood Qionghua. The talisman that was burned just now should be a secret method of communication, and Luo Yu had heard of it a long time ago.

On this street, some well-known shops have many extremely precious treasures. Naturally, they cannot be placed in the shop or kept by the shopkeeper himself. Neither is safe. In fact, every shop has its own treasure no the same.

After a while, footsteps came from outside the house, and a middle-aged monk with a pale complexion knocked on the door respectfully, and got a response and walked in.

This person's cultivation base in the foundation building period did not wear the uniform clothes of 'Zhanxuan Palace', he looked more like an ordinary customer, and would not regard him as an insider of the store, Luo Yu just glanced at the other party, and immediately He focused all his attention on a brocade box held by this person.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper gave the middle-aged monk a look, and the latter immediately lifted the lid of the box, and came to Luo Yu with the brocade box in his hand.

A flickering blood light caught Luo Yu's eyes. Inside was a strange flower with dozens of blood-colored petals. Each petal was shaped like a blood-colored willow leaf. Although it had been picked, it was amazing. What's more, each blood-colored willow leaf seemed to be breathing and swaying like fish gills, and at the same time, a strange fragrance mixed with evil spirit came to the nostrils.

Although Luo Yu had seen the general characteristics of Xue Qionghua when he was looking through various classics of the Jingzu in Heiyu Fengshen Town, but seeing these superficial visions at this time, he still did not dare to arbitrarily assert that the thing in front of him was the rumored one. Blood viburnum.

"The blood Qionghua has been brought to the fellow daoist, and the secret of the stone box must be handed over." Because the shopkeeper deliberately did not mention the method of identifying the Xueqiong flower, if Luo Yu didn't know much about the Xueqiong flower, then he would Falling into a situation where it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, she has encountered many such examples.

"There's no rush, we'll wait for Luo's appraisal before proceeding with the transaction." Luo Yu was not in a hurry, and after calming down a little, he said to the other party with a smile.

Immediately, he stretched out a finger, forced out a drop of blood essence from the fingertip, and rotated around the finger, it turned into a blood-colored light mark and landed on the Xueqionghua, and penetrated through the body in a flash.

The middle-aged monk on the side seemed to know Luo Yu's purpose, but his face did not change at all.

The effect of the blood mark was soon seen, and the color of the strange flower in the box gradually became bright red, and each blood-colored willow leaf-like petal swayed faster than before, and the low-pitched roar of the dragon came from the inside of the strange flower. issue.

"That's right! It's definitely the Blood Qionghua. I'll copy the secrets in the stone box to the jade slip." Luo Yu finally became happy when he saw this, and he didn't know where to take out a jade slip. , the divine sense quickly began to circulate in the jade slip.

Before it was time for a cup of tea, Luo Yu put the completed jade slips on the table without changing his expression, then calmly swept the opposite side, and said: "We still exchange one thing for another, I believe that in the territory of fellow Taoists Come on, don't worry about what tricks I dare to play."

Luo Yu put the jade slips on the table, showing his sincerity generously.

Because the shopkeeper looked at the jade slip on the table eagerly, thought for a moment, then nodded quickly, and couldn't help shaking his sleeves anymore, and the jade slip was captured in his hand out of thin air.

While the Taoist nun was looking at the content of the jade slips with a focused face, the green and yellow monk beside him respectfully handed the brocade box to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu also didn't dare to sloppy check the Xue Qionghua again, and put it into the storage bag after confirming that there was no problem.

But because the shopkeeper was immersed in the jade slip for less than a moment, he backed out with a bit of joy on his face, and turned to the green and yellow middle-aged man and said: "This is the list provided by Fellow Daoist Luo. Except for Fengxia Soul Armor Formation, there are no others. Make preparations as soon as possible, so as not to neglect the distinguished guests."

As soon as he finished speaking, the shopkeeper sank his spiritual thoughts into the jade slip again, as if he had just gone through it briefly, or the things inside were too important, so it would not be too much to be cautious.

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